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View Full Version : my feelings on Imigration

04-26-2006, 04:47 PM
I work with Vietnamese,Koreans, Philipinos and 1 Iranian. I myself am of Austrian decent(my grandmother was on Ellis island) and we all have one thing in common. we are all americans. Every asain I work with has his or her citizenship and are asking why should these people be allowed to come here and suck off of us. An engineer (korean) tells a story of helping his 80ish year old Grandmother studying to get her citizenship and how proud she was to become an American. I honestly have no problem with people coming here and bettering themselves but I don't owe them anything and I am sick and tired of them sucking off of mine and yours. This is America and if you don't want to learn our language or respect our flag then get out. That's my 2 cents.
:mad: v-drive

04-26-2006, 04:51 PM
I am sick and tired of them talking about "immigrants' rights." THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS, they're not citizens!

04-26-2006, 04:54 PM
I was thinking, if alot of people started showing up at these rallies and started trouble to get bad press...... Viva la back to mexico.... Did I mention I'm boycotting lettuce... Spinach it is for now on...R.B.

04-26-2006, 04:59 PM
I have about 40 employees and out of that 40, 30 of them are of central american decent. I have no issues with my guys, as long as they show up to work with a good attitude. The ones that work for their money and are proud to feed and house their families.
So, Monday is the big "ditch day". I sat with all my guys and told them that if they don't show up on Monday, they better not show up on Tuesday.
We shall see what happens.

04-26-2006, 05:08 PM
I have about 40 employees and out of that 40, 30 of them are of central american decent. I have no issues with my guys, as long as they show up to work with a good attitude. The ones that work for their money and are proud to feed and house their families.
So, Monday is the big "ditch day". I sat with all my guys and told them that if they don't show up on Monday, they better not show up on Tuesday.
We shall see what happens.
Let us know if your warning worked............MP

CA Stu
04-26-2006, 05:16 PM
I work with Vietnamese,Koreans, Philipinos and 1 Iranian. I myself am of Austrian decent(my grandmother was on Ellis island) and we all have one thing in common. we are all americans. Every asain I work with has his or her citizenship and are asking why should these people be allowed to come here and suck off of us. An engineer (korean) tells a story of his 85 year old Grandmother studying to get her citizenship and although she died before she could take the test she was proud that she was going to become an American. I honestly have no problem with people coming here and bettering themselves but I don't owe them anything and I am sick and tired of them sucking off of mine and yours. This is America and if you don't want to learn our language or respect our flag then get out. That's my 2 cents.
:mad: v-drive
"Immigration" "Immigrant" "descent" "Filipinos" "Asian" "Island" "We" "Americans" "Korean"
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, man.
CA Stu

04-26-2006, 05:42 PM
Its nice to know someone is perfect. I'm not, but you got the drift didn't you.

Old Guy
04-26-2006, 06:04 PM
It's long, but if you really care at all, you should read it. We don't often hear the other side of the story.
Forwarded for your information is a message, in his own words, from
Tom O'Malley who was a Director with SW BELL in Mexico City.
"You remember I spent five years working in Mexico.
I worked under a tourist Visa for three months and could legally renew it
for three more months. After that you were working Illegally. I was
technically illegal for three weeks waiting on the FM3 approval
During that six months our Mexican and US Attorneys were working to
secure a permanent work visa called a FM3. It was in addition to my US
passport that I had to show each time I entered and left the country.
Barbara's was the same except hers did not permit her to work.
To apply for the FM3 I needed to submit the following notarized originals
(not copies) of my:
1. Birth certificate for Barbara and I.
2. Marriage certificate.
3. High school transcripts and proof of graduation.
4. College transcripts for every college I attended and proof of
5. Two letters of recommendation from supervisors I had worked for at
least one year.
6. A letter from The ST. Louis Chief of Police indication I had no arrest
record in the US and no outstanding warrants and was "a citizen in good
7. Finally; I had to write a letter about myself that clearly stated why
there was no Mexican Citizen with my skills and why my skills were
important to Mexico. We called it our "I am the greatest person on Earth"
letter. It was fun to write.
All of the above were in English that had to be translated into Spanish
and be certified as legal translations and our signatures notarized. It
produced a folder about 1.5 inches thick with English on the left side
and Spanish on the right.
Once they were completed Barbara and I spent about five hours accompanied
by a Mexican Attorney touring Mexican Government office locations and
being photographed and fingerprinted at least three times. At each location and
we remember at least four locations we were instructed on Mexican tax,
labor, housing, and criminal law and that we were required to obey their laws or
face the consequences. We could not protest any of the Governments
actions or we would be committing a felony. We paid out four thousand dollars in
fees and bribes to complete the process. When this was done we could
legally bring in our household goods that were held by US customs in
Loredo Texas. This meant we had rented furniture in Mexico while awaiting
our goods. There were extensive fees involved here that the company paid.
We could not buy a home and were required to rent at very high rates and
under contract and compliance with Mexican law.
We were required to get a Mexican drivers license. This was an amazing
process. The company arranged for the Licensing agency to come to our
Headquarters location with their photography and finger print equipment
and the laminating machine. We showed our US license, were photographed
and fingerprinted again and issued the license instantly after paying out
a six dollar fee. We did not take a written or driving test and never
received instructions on the rules of the road. Our only instruction was never
give a policeman your license if stopped and asked. We were instructed to hold
it against the inside window away from his grasp. If he got his hands on it
you would have to pay ransom to get it back.
We then had to pay and file Mexican income tax annually using the number
of our FM3 as our ID number. The companies Mexican accountants did this
for us and we just signed what they prepared. It was about twenty legal
size pages annually.
The FM 3 was good for three years and renewable for two more after paying
more fees.
Leaving the country meant turning in the FM# and certifying we were
leaving no debts behind and no outstanding legal affairs (warrants,
tickets or liens) before our household goods were released to customs.
It was a real adventure and If any of our Senators or Congressman went
through it once they would have a different attitude toward Mexico.
The Mexican Government uses its vast military and police forces to keep
its citizens intimidated and compliant. They never protest at their White
house or government offices but do protest daily in front of the United
States Embassy. The US embassy looks like a strongly reinforced fortress and
during most protests the Mexican Military surround the block with their
men standing shoulder to shoulder in full riot gear to protect the Embassy.
These protests are never shown on US or Mexican TV. There is a large
public park across the street where they do their protesting. Anything
can cause a protest such as proposed law changes in California or Texas.
Please feel free to share this with everyone who thinks we are being hard
on illegal immigrants."

04-26-2006, 06:10 PM
My parents immigrated to New York 50 years ago LEGALLY.
To come here LEGALLY they had to do things such as:
1. Have an American Citizen vouch for and sponsor
them with both a place to stay and moneterily and show proff that he could do both.
2.Show proof they had a job waiting for them.
3.Become residents as soon as they were working here.
Within one year of being here my dad had his real estate liscense and spoke english.
He was also an auxiliary Policeman in Ny city.
He would kick your ass if he heard you badmouthing the USA.
Within one year my mom was a floor lady in a swanky fashion designer factory and had also learned to speak english.
They both became CITIZENS not just residents..
my brother went to Vietnam and fought for and was shot down for this country.(he survived)
In 50 years NOONE in my family has ever asked for , or collected ONE DIME of goverment help of any kind.
Thats what I call LEGAL immigrants..
Anyone NOT prepared to do it that way does not deserve the right to live in this country.
End of story..

CA Stu
04-26-2006, 06:15 PM
My parents immigrated to New York 50 years ago LEGALLY.
To come here LEGALLY they had to do things such as:
1. Have an American Citizen vouch for and sponsor
them with both a place to stay and moneterily and show proff that he could do both.
2.Show proof they had a job waiting for them.
3.Become residents as soon as they were working here.
Within one year of being here my dad had his real estate liscense and spoke english.
He was also an auxiliary Policeman in Ny city.
He would kick your ass if he heard you badmouthing the USA.
Within one year my mom was a floor lady in a swanky fashion designer factory and had also learned to speak english.
They both became CITIZENS not just residents..
my brother went to Vietnam and fought for and was shot down for this country.(he survived)
In 50 years NOONE in my family has ever asked for , or collected ONE DIME of goverment help of any kind.
Thats what I call LEGAL immigrants..
Anyone NOT prepared to do it that way does not deserve the right to live in this country.
End of story..
So... Does anyone prepared to do it that way deserve the right to live in this country?
That's all I'm advocating.
I think that it's The American Way.
CA Stu <-- American by choice, not by birth.
PS "License" "monetarily" "proof" Sorry, can't help myself :boxed:

04-26-2006, 06:35 PM
they are not imigrants, they are illegal aliens that have committed a felony by entering our country illegally and should be dealt with accordingly.
I have no problem with the people that have gone through the process to become citizens.

CA Stu
04-26-2006, 06:42 PM
they are not imigrants, they are illegal aliens that have committed a felony by entering our country illegally and should be dealt with accordingly.
I have no problem with the people that have gone through the process to become citizens.
It isn't a felony yet. The legislation is being voted on soon that will make illegal immgration a felony, however.
There are multiple issues;
What about people already here?
What is a fair quota for immigration from other countries?
What about "anchor babies"?
Who decides the immigration test and defines the "process"?
It's a very multi-faceted problem, and a very personal one for me.
I have to say , I agree with President Bush.
Bush says massive deportation is not realistic
- By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer
Monday, April 24, 2006
(04-24) 10:23 PDT Irvine, Calif. (AP) --
President Bush, rebutting lawmakers advocating a law-and-order approach to immigration, said Monday that those who are calling for massive deportation of the estimated 11 million foreigners living illegally in the United States are not being realistic.
"Massive deportation of the people here is not going to work," Bush said as a Congress divided over immigration returned from a two-week recess. "It's just not going to work."
Bush spoke in support of a stalled Senate bill that includes provisions that would allow for eventual citizenship to some of the illegal immigrants already here. Some conservatives say that would amount to amnesty.
"This is one of the really important questions Congress is going to have to deal with," Bush said. The president said he thought the Senate "had an interesting approach by saying that if you'd been here for five years or less, you're treated one way, and five years or more, you're treated another."
Standing in the center of a theater-in-the-round setting with an audience full of business people, Bush spoke sympathetically about the plight of foreigners who risk their lives to sneak into the United States to earn a decent wage. He said the U.S. needs a temporary guest worker program to stop people from paying to be smuggled in the back of a truck.
"I know this is an emotional debate," Bush told the Orange County Business Council. "But one thing we can't lose site of is that we are talking about human beings, decent human beings."
I was ridiculed and called every name in the book, including "liberal" when I posted basically the same exact thing in the "Focking Illegal Immigrant Protesters" thread.
CA Stu <- voice of reason

04-26-2006, 06:52 PM
They are illegal, period. What message are we sending with a 5 year period?
I agree that = amnesty in my world and it shouldn't be given away, it should be earned.

04-26-2006, 06:55 PM

04-26-2006, 07:00 PM
I concurr...I we have to pay for all our shiat...there is no reason for us to pay for there's. If they can't control there hormone's and have way more kids then they can afford...it sucks...but thats not our problem. I hate seeing america changing to there needs....Im starting to call more and more companys and while being put on hold the operator is in spanish!!! Our schools are over filled, 25% of my focking paycheck being taken away is B.S!!! I drive through neighborhoods and See the Mexico Flag flying!!!! and so much shiat!!! Im cool if there here legally and working, but I dont want to be paying for there survival.
Im hoping on May 1st as they are protesting..they have buses ready to bust them and ship them back.
Rant over.

04-26-2006, 07:30 PM
There is no reason the USA can't give all "illegal aliens" 90 days to pack up and move home, where ever that may be. When I was drafted, that was about all the time they gave me to sell everything I had, close my business and work for them for ten cents on the dollar over what I was making. My wife worked for tips only in a restaruant in Alabama to get by. They did not feel too sorry for my inconvenience or losses. Of coarse, they did grant amnesty for a bunch of "fine patriotic people" that wanted all the bennies and let some others pay for them. Not that much different than what we are talking about here. Based on past history, the USA will cow down to the takers in the world, and let the working man pay the freight. Al

Old Guy
04-26-2006, 07:32 PM
There are multiple issues;
What about people already here?
What is a fair quota for immigration from other countries?
What about "anchor babies"?
Who decides the immigration test and defines the "process"?
It's a very multi-faceted problem, and a very personal one for me.
I have to say , I agree with President Bush.
CA Stu <- voice of reason
What about people already here?
They are criminals. What do you think should happen to criminals?
What is a fair quota for immigration from other countries?
No doubt, the only fair quota would be one that you personally would approve.
What about "anchor babies"?
I don't know what an "anchor baby" is. If you mean a child born to an illegal alien, they used to get something called "dual citizenship".
Who decides the immigration test and defines the "process"?
Who do you think should have this responsibility?
It's a very multi-faceted problem
Some of us don't see it that way.
I have to say , I agree with President Bush.
Most of us don't.
My observation....
You belong to a generation that has a vested interest in the concept that declares there is no such thing as "right" and "wrong". A generation that believes that all issues can be best resolved by compromise, that all situations must be fair and that a democracy is a valid form of government.
"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Probably sounds good to you.

04-26-2006, 07:32 PM
robertos,now on its tacobell

04-26-2006, 07:43 PM
There is no reason the USA can't give all "illegal aliens" 90 days to pack up and move home, where ever that may be. When I was drafted, that was about all the time they gave me to sell everything I had, close my business and work for them for ten cents on the dollar over what I was making. My wife worked for tips only in a restaruant in Alabama to get by. They did not feel too sorry for my inconvenience or losses. Of coarse, they did grant amnesty for a bunch of "fine patriotic people" that wanted all the bennies and let some others pay for them. Not that much different than what we are talking about here. Based on past history, the USA will cow down to the takers in the world, and let the working man pay the freight. Al
It would be nice if they would actually leave in those 90days, but they would go in hiding and run for it.

04-26-2006, 08:00 PM
I have about 40 employees and out of that 40, 30 of them are of central american decent. I have no issues with my guys, as long as they show up to work with a good attitude. The ones that work for their money and are proud to feed and house their families.
So, Monday is the big "ditch day". I sat with all my guys and told them that if they don't show up on Monday, they better not show up on Tuesday.
We shall see what happens.
So are the 30 of Central American decent legal?

04-26-2006, 08:14 PM
Okay, so being in the construction industry, I got some low-down today on the "May 1st" don't go to work day if your an illegal". I guess that all of the spanish radio stations and television programs have started to advertise this Hispanic Larry H. Parker guy to represent all those that will be fired in result of not showing for work that day. Now, they are being told that they have rights in this country to sue for such termination and they will be supported by the community to press charges. Now, I have a serious problem with this. How the heck does an "illegal" sue an American company for neglecting to show for work. To me this is what I consider "job abandonment". :mad:

04-26-2006, 08:19 PM
Okay, so being in the construction industry, I got some low-down today on the "May 1st" don't go to work day if your an illegal". I guess that all of the spanish radio stations and television programs have started to advertise this Hispanic Larry H. Parker guy to represent all those that will be fired in result of not showing for work that day. Now, they are being told that they have rights in this country to sue for such termination and they will be supported by the community to press charges. Now, I have a serious problem with this. How the heck does an "illegal" sue an American company for neglecting to show for work. To me this is what I consider "job abandonment". :mad:
Thats B.S....unless they put in time for vacation they cant to do shiat....If they purposly skip work for something like this that is grounds for termination. I dont see how they can sue for this....however these days you can sue for just about anything....

04-26-2006, 08:19 PM
I hope they all sue... just so that both contractor and the illegal aliens get whats coming too them.( I work construction.)
They just busted some big corperation for using th esame SS# over 4000 times for its employees....

04-26-2006, 08:28 PM
I hope they all sue... just so that both contractor and the illegal aliens get whats coming too them.( I work construction.)
They just busted some big corperation for using th esame SS# over 4000 times for its employees....
I totally agree, 'cause all of us owners are given the tools and resources as an employer to verify their "legal status". Most are just too damn lazy or cheap to pay for legal labor! I can just see a SS card now and tell if it is fake. I learned this from the Labor commisioner once, had no idea it was a fake SS card. Most of the time they will have double zeros in the middle, or you will just receive a letter in the mail stating that employee is 5 years of age or deceased.

04-26-2006, 08:30 PM
It isn't a felony yet. The legislation is being voted on soon that will make illegal immgration a felony, however.
There are multiple issues;
What about people already here?
What is a fair quota for immigration from other countries?
What about "anchor babies"?
Who decides the immigration test and defines the "process"?
It's a very multi-faceted problem, and a very personal one for me.
I have to say , I agree with President Bush.
There are multiple issues;
What is a fair quota for immigration from other countries?
Because there are so many illegals here that will obviously be allowed to stay then I would say none for many years.
What about "anchor babies"?
The loophole in the system for the so called anchor babies was never meant for somebody sneaking accross the border and droping a chalupa, it was meant to allow citizenship to Black Americans being denied rights after being freed from slavery. It was the leberals and in fact Ted Kennedy that was instrumental in passing the immigration act of 1965. In his remarks on the floor stated "our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually" so obviously this was not a forseen outcome nor was it meant to occur but just goes to show again the wrongheadedness of the democratic party.
Who decides the immigration test and defines the "process"? The process is fine as it stands if it would only close the loopholes as well as the open borders and apply them equally accross the board.
It's a very multi-faceted problem, and a very personal one for me. Personal or not they are still illegals and should be treated as such.
I have to say , I agree with President Bush.
I Voted for him but cant say I agree with him on this. I will say that he is correct that mass transport of illegals from this country would be devastating to the economy. And not because of the lost workers but cna you imagine packing 12 million mexicans out of the country (thats like 100,000 homes vacated) :crossx: the number of rentals vacated and the homes flooding the market would send housing prices plummeting. But I would be willing to take that chance just so my kids would have a better education and healthcare in CA.

04-26-2006, 11:17 PM
robertos,now on its tacobell
I've been boycotting them for a while.. Oscars and Chloe's have my biz :D

04-27-2006, 03:21 AM
a few weeks ago nbc said they received results from a pole and that only about 30 percent of americans thought we should do something about the illegals. They then said that the pole was taken by a hispanic radio station.
We can talk all we want here but we have to let our voices be heard. email your elected officials your feelings, inundate them with your thoughts. Did I spell inundate right ca student or should I just call you sponge..v-drive

Old Guy
04-27-2006, 03:48 AM
David M. Bresnahan
April 1, 2006
Dear President Bush:
I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.
I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here.
So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. All government forms need to be printed in English.
4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don’t enforce any labor laws or tax laws.
13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.
However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail hunting with your V.P.
Thank you so much for your kind help.
David M. Bresnahan
© 2006 David M. Bresnahan - All Rights Reserved
David M. Bresnahan has over 30 years of experience as an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, radio station owner, talk show host, and business owner. David has been a prominent writer for many Internet newspapers.
Web Site www.ThatPRGuy.com
E-Mail: nwv@Bresnahan.org

04-27-2006, 03:57 AM
I have that one. have you seen the one about the schools in whittier flying the mexican flag on top and the american flag below and upside down. or the article that was ran in the new york times about the cost WE are footing for the illegals...v-drive

04-27-2006, 04:07 AM
We are supporting another country.
The shit has got to stop.
We can't afford it anymore.
I think it will come to blows.
Tim Gaynor / Reuters | April 26 2006
This sun-baked central Mexican town has lost almost all its farm jobs, seven out of ten local houses lie empty and the majority of the residents have quit town, but life here has never been better.
Far from feeling like a ghost town, Churintzio is enjoying perhaps the biggest economic boom in its history as massive emigration to a new life in the United States has brought a new prosperity to those who remain.
Cars and pickup trucks with U.S. registration plates line the streets, cherished family homes are getting a lick of paint, and shops and small businesses are doing a steady trade on a stream of greenbacks sent home to the town's bank and currency exchange houses each month.
"Everything good that we have, we owe to them," said widow Teresa Perez, 52, who has five of her 10 children working in San Francisco.
"As soon as they get established over there they find work and send home money for their families to live on -- and it has transformed life here," mayor Mario Cendejas said this week in the colonial town in the central state of Michoacan, about five hours drive west of Mexico City.
The rural town with its shady square and baroque church has seen its population plummet to just 3,000 people from highs of around 7,000 more than a decade ago as residents left en masse for the United States.
Most work on U.S. farms and construction sites, in hotels and restaurants, and they typically send $300-$500 a month back to their families here, allowing them to supplement an otherwise precarious existence.
The U.S. Congress is locked in negotiations on immigration reform with rival proposals that range from embracing illegal workers or criminalizing them and building a wall along much of the Mexico border to keep others out.
Congress' final decision could determine the future of some 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States as well as hundreds of towns like Churintzio and the broader health of the Mexican economy.
Mexicans in the United States sent more than $20 billion home to their families last year, making remittances the country's second most important source of foreign currency after oil exports.
"We depend almost 100 percent on what our families send us," said Nubia Rodriguez as she tended shop at the California Dolares exchange house. "We are really hoping they reach a deal."
Michoacan is one of the states most affected by the tide of emigration. Many of its towns are almost empty and in some there are so few men left that women face serious problems in finding partners.
The upside is that the state received a cash injection of $2.6 billion from remittances last year, equivalent to $650 for every man, woman and child still living there.
Standing behind the counter of his general store selling everything from soft drinks to plumbing supplies, long time resident Luis Alfaro is certain the cash from migrant workers has thrown a vital lifeline to the otherwise declining town.
"Hardly anyone lives from farming anymore, and there are very few jobs," he said with a shrug. "If it wasn't for the remittances, this place would be a ghost town."
The remittance economy has changed the commercial life of the town, which once offered little more than work as a farm hand for about $5 a day.
Now it has two currency exchange houses and a branch of the Bancomer bank, as well as two travel agencies specializing in flights to the United States.
The USA Travel Express agency set up in March offers direct flights from the state capital Morelia and nearby Guadalajara to cities across California for those with visas, and a shuttle service to Tijuana for those without.
"About 70 to 80 percent of the population live in the United States," so there is definitely a demand," manager Ignacio Mendoza said simply.

Old Guy
04-27-2006, 04:57 AM
Doesn't it seem odd that instead of fixing Mexico, they run away. Maybe, they need help in figuring out how to revolutionize Mexico instead of the U.S.A.

river redy
04-27-2006, 05:32 AM
Whwn they come my jobsite looking for work I tell them let me see your drivers license and I wil call immagration to see if there legal then I will let them on-site, but when they do boycot Monday they better make sure they repay the Welfare, Disability,Social Security offices for there day off and stay out of the Hospitals, schools, supermarkets, and get the F#CK out of the USA! :crossx:

04-27-2006, 06:00 AM
they are not imigrants, they are illegal aliens that have committed a felony by entering our country illegally and should be dealt with accordingly.
I have no problem with the people that have gone through the process to become citizens.
yea , put them in jail and open a chain gang ?

04-27-2006, 06:10 AM
yea , put them in jail and open a chain gang ?
a chain gang might work, the roads in CA suck and could use a makeover. All that could be done as they're walking back to Mexico.

04-27-2006, 06:10 AM
Clipped for brevity...
It's long, but if you really care at all, you should read it. We don't often hear the other side of the story.
Forwarded for your information is a message, in his own words, from
Tom O'Malley who was a Director with SW BELL in Mexico City.
"You remember I spent five years working in Mexico.
I worked under a tourist Visa for three months and could legally renew it
for three more months. After that you were working Illegally. I was
technically illegal for three weeks waiting on the FM3 approval
During that six months our Mexican and US Attorneys were working to
secure a permanent work visa called a FM3. It was in addition to my US
passport that I had to show each time I entered and left the country.
Barbara's was the same except hers did not permit her to work.
To apply for the FM3 I needed to submit the following notarized originals
(not copies) of my:
I think you will find that the US equivalent of this is the H1B, and it is very much like the FM3 documentation described.
It is specifically for skilled labor, and is not really analagous to the discussion on immigrant laborers.
If the US economy tanked to the point that Americans had to cross the border into Mexico to find jobs, you can bet that the local populations would take matters into their own hands (with no repercussions, I can assure you) to protect THEIR jobs in THEIR country.
Not a scenario I see happening in my lifetime (God Forbid), so it is a theory that will likely never be tested, but I'm comfortable in my belief that this is how it would play out.
There is little respect for the laws in their own country, why would we believe there is any respect for the laws of this country.

04-27-2006, 06:11 AM
So does anyone actually think this May 1st. deal is going to make a difference/impact in there favor??? I just had a shop call in and order an engine...he said deliver it on tuesday.....you probably know why....I said yeah....were deporting all the illegals back to mexico....haha...he got a little mad, but im standing my grounds as an american citizen. :crossx:

04-27-2006, 06:17 AM
[B]L A Times info
1. 40% of all workers in L A county(L A county has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes.This is because they are predominently illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in LAC are for illegals
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in LAC are for illegals.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in LAC are to illegals on medi-cal. Tax payers pay for medi-cal.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in california detention centers are illegals.
6. Over 300,000 illegals in LAC are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in LAC are most likely illegals from south of the border.
8.Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in LAC are spanish speaking
10. 5.1 million people speak english and 3.9 million speak spanish.
Less than 2 % of illegals pick our crops but 29 % are on welfare
over 70% of united states annual population growth is results from immigration.
The cost of immigration to the American tax payer in 1997 was a net(after subtracting immigrants pay)70 Billion a year.[Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University]
The lifetime fiscal impact(taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult mexican immigrant is a NEGATIVE

04-27-2006, 06:39 AM
I've already cancelled my two mexico trips I had planned this year. That's about $10,000 of my money mexico isn't getting. No more mexican beer and I'm off the tequila too. F 'em!
Article in the paper today says that American companies in mexico employ over 25% of the "standard" employees in the country. They are so stupid they are trying to boycott those companies too.

04-27-2006, 07:10 AM
All 4 of my grandparents along with my dad came through Ellis Island. My dad's dad came over in 1909 by himself when my dad was just 2 years old. He "worked" his way from NY to SF earning money any way he could. Once in SF he started up his own business as a Cooper making wine barrels and wooden water tanks. Within a couple of years he had enough money to send back to Sicily so my grandmother and father would be able to join him in SF. In 1912, they were finally reunited after a lot of hardship to do so.
My dad said he was being schooled to learn English prior to them leaving Sicily as it was "required" according to the letters they rcv'd from his dad.
It was very important to learn the American language and the American ways of life.
Fast forward to present day, I live in an area where Hispanic workers play a very large roll in the economy, Sonoma County. There are hundreds of thousands of acres of vineyards owned by some of the largest wineries in the country. This area has always had a fairly prominent Hispanic population due to General Vallejo's presence back in the 1800's. We also have the last morthern most Mission here in Sonoma.
What we've been hearing is the legals are loosing their source of income due to the illegals migrating to this area and taking the jobs. The legals are getting a bad name because of the Hispanic gangs that are starting to form. The crime rate has more than doubled in the past couple of years. The schools are loosing tons of money and the health system is going to hell.
The schools have lost so much money that they are contemplating closing down from Dec 1 to Jan 15th or so every year just because so many Hispanics take time off to return to Mexico. Apparently they do so to celebrate the holidays with all their family?
In any case, during that time, the schools have lost enough money to where they have not been able to afford to staff the school libraries. The libraries this year have only been open 2 days a week due to volunteers. Many of the after school sports and music programs have been discontinued, the auto shop at the high school has been closed....the list goes on and on.
Bottom line, people need to enter this country legally just like the millions of people that have done so in the past. This country was founded and built by immigrants but the laws need to be upheld before the current state of affairs destroys it.
note- yes, it's arguable that this country was founded by immigrants as there were already native americans here. That alone can open up a whole new can of worms.

04-27-2006, 07:17 AM
So are the 30 of Central American decent legal?
Who really knows? I have social security cards and drivers licenses on record for all of them...Are they real? Not sure.....And I really don't have the time to worry about it either. As long as I get 2 forms of legal ID, I have no reason not to believe it.
Now....at the end of the year when the Social Security Administration sends me my statement and SS#'s don't match names, then I get serious. When that happens though, 99% of the time, the "illegals" are already gone anyway. The "illegals" tend to float around. The "legals" tend to stay at one place and make it a career.

04-27-2006, 07:20 AM
Okay, so being in the construction industry, I got some low-down today on the "May 1st" don't go to work day if your an illegal". I guess that all of the spanish radio stations and television programs have started to advertise this Hispanic Larry H. Parker guy to represent all those that will be fired in result of not showing for work that day. Now, they are being told that they have rights in this country to sue for such termination and they will be supported by the community to press charges. Now, I have a serious problem with this. How the heck does an "illegal" sue an American company for neglecting to show for work. To me this is what I consider "job abandonment". :mad:
There is a way around everything. As long as you have records of warnings for "similiar" acts, it is justified. The guys that are going to skip work on this day are the same guys that don't show up every other MOnday anyway because they were at the cantina for 1 too many drinks on Sunday night.....

Old Texan
04-27-2006, 07:34 AM
Shut down the borders is the No. 1 priority.
Ship back every illegal currently in county, state, and federal jails/prisons.
Disallow any use of our schools, hospitals, and services without proper LEGAL documentation and qualification for any US services.
Fine (heavily) any employer that uses illegal immigrant labor. No excuses like their ID's looked real. This alone should destroy the desire to come here since there would be no jobs.
Arrest and deprot any with no DL or insurance caught operating a motor vehicle.
These steps are already the law and NEED to be enforced. If our politicians won't get the task done, we need to elect some that will. That is our job, to get the government's attention starting with local city and county. I bet if we were to find a way to enact local ordinances rooting out the illegals from the system we could start the needed "revolution" at the state and federal level to institute change. Any Senator or Congressman backing a lawsuit or cutoff of federal funds to a city or county banning illegals would know their actions would cost their seats at the next election.
A grassroots attack can get this issue solved.

04-27-2006, 07:41 AM
Who really knows? I have social security cards and drivers licenses on record for all of them...Are they real? Not sure.....And I really don't have the time to worry about it either. As long as I get 2 forms of legal ID, I have no reason not to believe it.
Now....at the end of the year when the Social Security Administration sends me my statement and SS#'s don't match names, then I get serious. When that happens though, 99% of the time, the "illegals" are already gone anyway. The "illegals" tend to float around. The "legals" tend to stay at one place and make it a career.
So what you are saying is that you are part of the problem.
All it would take is a call to immigration with the SSN and they would tell you if the person is legal or illegal. (not time consuming)
If everybody or even a majority of people followed the law and checked the immigration status of these people there would be no jobs for them, if there were no jobs they would not have a reason to come here.
We would not then have 12 million people in our country sucking up our tax dollars.
It's kinda hipocritical to complain about something that you are contributing to.

04-27-2006, 07:45 AM
Disallow any use of our schools, hospitals, and services without proper LEGAL documentation and qualification for any US services.
This is the one that gets me. When we moved to Sonoma 6 years ago, I had to give a copy of my kids birth certificate to the school along with showing them the originals. I also had to give them a copy of their vaccination records which involved getting it all from our previous Dr. I'd like to know how so many illegals can get in without all the required info?
These steps are already the law and NEED to be enforced. If our politicians won't get the task done, we need to elect some that will. That is our job, to get the government's attention starting with local city and county. I bet if we were to find a way to enact local ordinances rooting out the illegals from the system we could start the needed "revolution" at the state and federal level to institute change. Any Senator or Congressman backing a lawsuit or cutoff of federal funds to a city or county banning illegals would know their actions would cost their seats at the next election.
A grassroots attack can get this issue solved.

04-27-2006, 08:06 AM
So what you are saying is that you are part of the problem.
All it would take is a call to immigration with the SSN and they would tell you if the person is legal or illegal. (not time consuming)
If everybody or even a majority of people followed the law and checked the immigration status of these people there would be no jobs for them, if there were no jobs they would not have a reason to come here.
We would not then have 12 million people in our country sucking up our tax dollars.
It's kinda hipocritical to complain about something that you are contributing to.
First of all.....who said I was complaining?
Not sure where you got that nonsense from.... :argue:
Second of all....there are a lot of central americans that come here and try to make a life better for themselves. Not all of them suck off the system. I tend to have some compassion for the good people. I'm all about giving them a chance to get legal and help the society. Because, believe it or not, there is a very important place for them here.
My family has paid lots of money to help the good people become legal.
My family has a history of helping these people. I come from a long line of framers in Southern Califonia. If you are from the L.A. area, there is a good chance that one of my family members framed your house, condo, or apartment.. If you know anything about the framing industry, then you know that it thrives on the central american community.
With that being said, I'm all about them being legal and there is probably more that I could do here here in the office to verify that they are in fact legal. One of the girl's here in the office that handles all the HR is supposed to manage that end of it, and I'm sure it could use some better structure.
So....in conclusion....you are right. If I'm not part of the solution, I'm part of the problem. :p
Must be nice to be a chiropractor and not have to worry about it, huh? :)

04-27-2006, 08:52 AM
First of all.....who said I was complaining?
Not sure where you got that nonsense from.... :argue:
Second of all....there are a lot of central americans that come here and try to make a life better for themselves. Not all of them suck off the system. I tend to have some compassion for the good people. I'm all about giving them a chance to get legal and help the society. Because, believe it or not, there is a very important place for them here.
My family has paid lots of money to help the good people become legal.
My family has a history of helping these people. I come from a long line of framers in Southern Califonia. If you are from the L.A. area, there is a good chance that one of my family members framed your house, condo, or apartment.. If you know anything about the framing industry, then you know that it thrives on the central american community.
With that being said, I'm all about them being legal and there is probably more that I could do here here in the office to verify that they are in fact legal. One of the girl's here in the office that handles all the HR is supposed to manage that end of it, and I'm sure it could use some better structure.
So....in conclusion....you are right. If I'm not part of the solution, I'm part of the problem. :p
Must be nice to be a chiropractor and not have to worry about it, huh? :)
It is true I reread your post and you werent complaining (you probably will be if they dont show up for work Mon, Tue :p ) sorry.
I applaud the help given to these people and also agree that they supply a needed product but it is one that could be supplied legally through legal immigration. But, it doesnt take away from the fact that Central American or Mexican, they feed off the system. Wage earners or not if they are illegal they take away from those that actually pay for it.
One thing I think the goverment needs to do when all is said and done is make the immigration process less time consuming. What is the incentive to do it legally over a period of years when you can walk accross the border in a much shorter period of time, even if you were caught a couple times, try try again.
If framers depend so heavily upon Central American/Illegal labor then dont be surprised when the government decides to crack down the hardest on the biggest violators.
It is nice to be a Chiropractor :rollside: but then again you may not be carrying around a 1400.00 per month student loan bill for the 20 years after graduation. :cry: That would buy a nice boat :)
My company is not as effected by illegal labor to the extent yours is. To stay competitive in the market it would be difficult for you to hire, higher paid workers and still make a decent buck. I could hire illegals also but it wouldnt effect my bottom line to the extent it does yours.
The only solution is for the government to crack down accross the board and even the playing field for all employers. In a perfect world they would all leave and any that had a job when they left could apply for some type of guest worker program with the employer as the sponsor and get citizenship that way.
The way it stand there is going to be a lot of bitterness toward these people for a long time.

04-27-2006, 09:13 AM
It is true I reread your post and you werent complaining (you probably will be if they dont show up for work Mon, Tue :p ) sorry.
HAHA! No sweat.
I applaud the help given to these people and also agree that they supply a needed product but it is one that could be supplied legally through legal immigration. Wage earners or not if they are illegal they take away from those that actually pay for it. .
I couldnt agree more.
If framers depend so heavily upon Central American/Illegal labor then dont be surprised when the government decides to crack down the hardest on the biggest violators.
Who said that framers rely on the "illegals"? I said that we rely on the "central american" community. Like I said previously, I'm all about them being "legal". I do NOT go to corners and pick up guys for day labor. I run an established company that guys WANT to work for. They are providing me the necessary documentation so I can put them on payroll. I definitely need to tighten up this area here in the office and make sure the documentation is CORRECT. I do NOT depend on "illegals". I would much rather have a "legal" on payroll. It does not benefit me to hire an "illegal". They are acting like they are "legal" anyway. So I am paying "legal" wages.
It is nice to be a Chiropractor :rollside: but then again you may not be carrying around a 1400.00 per month student loan bill for the 20 years after graduation. :cry: That would buy a nice boat :).
Well, I also own a window/door/hardwoods dealer that I have invested a ton of $$$ into. So I guess I have the best of both worlds. :)

04-27-2006, 10:35 AM
How about all Hot Boaters not showing up for work on Monday May 15th. Due to unfair restrictions on available boating days. We can parade in the Channel, declare an amnesty day for boaters, demand free gas and beverages, hold a ralley at the sandbar. Demand your rights!

04-27-2006, 10:50 AM
If you are interested in making your voice heard, check out this site. It has alot of imformation gathered from all over the country and some avenues to make your voice heard.

04-27-2006, 12:42 PM
I have gone round and round on this issue in other threads. I am so against these illegals being here it isn't even funny. I love America, and what we stand for, and these folks are breaking our laws just by being here. How can you respect, or demand anything here if you are here illegally. We need to crack down on the employers of these illegals. If this offends anyone, I'm sorry, but I am so sick and tired of this. I have gotten involved w/ grassfire, and other sites in writing and faxing my repersentatives. This needs to stop. I am a realist, and know that we will never deport all these people. We need to make them have to leave b/c they are starving. Crack down on how they are getting money. Fix our welfare system, and institute huge fines to all the employers that hire these illegals. Even the little guy that goes down to the corner and picks up the day laborer. This needs to stop. I think personally, if my schedule allows it, I'm going to be going out and protesting these protests. I'm an independant contractor, and if I have time on Monday, I'm out the door and standing up for America. Even if it's just on a lunch hour or something. I'm out there standing up for what I believe in. This has to stop. How can someone come here, break our laws, and demand rights that are reserved for citizens. Citizenship in America is a privilage, not a right. It's time to do something about this. Otherwise, I agree, it's time to get a new government. If my representatives are not going to stand up for what the majority of Americans believe in, it's time for them to get the Flock out! We have to make our voices heard. In the media, in the government, everywhere. Hard working Americans are being shut out b/c even though we are the majority, we are not making ourselves heard. I'd bet that 80% of Americans are against any amnesty for these illegals. We are hard working, and don't leech off the government and society, how can we be giving these services to these illegals. Why are there 2 seperate rules. 1 for myself as a hard working, tax paying citizen, and another for an illegal that has come here to exploit our great nation???

04-27-2006, 12:43 PM
Here is a link to the grassfire page...
grassfire (http://grassfire.org/)

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 12:48 PM
Doesn't it seem odd that instead of fixing Mexico, they run away. Maybe, they need help in figuring out how to revolutionize Mexico instead of the U.S.A.
Are you really that stupid, or is this post a joke?
CA Stu
PS "Poll"

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 12:54 PM
The Statue of Liberty is a liberal:
The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Reactionary fervor and macho chest thumping is impressive.
To 6th graders everywhere.
Viva Bush! :)
CA Stu

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 01:07 PM
CA Stu, why do we need to fix mexico, thats why they have a president, let him fix it, he has the big education and the money and power, let him fix his ultra corrupt govt, maybe his people would then stay in country and work.
Also those here that have companies that use day labor or illegels for help, shame on you for using these people, you add to the problem, like it or not.
I never advocated "fixing Mexico".
For those that are clueless to the world outside of Southern Cal, 98% of Mexico is owned by 2% of the people. The ruling class has the power, the money, and all the guns.
They are scared shitless that there will be a revolution, hence the military checkpoints all over Mexico. No guns = no threat of revolution.
I agree, the incentive to come here illegally is very strong, and the punishment is nonexistent. I support amnesty and incorporation into our society, it's the American thing to do.
Also, for those of you warbling on about "our way of life", who exactly appointed you as The Interpreter And Spokesperson Of How Things Should Be?
Why don't you go tell a Chinese family in San Francisco, or a Korean family in Koreatown, or an Irish Catholic family in New York, or a Pennsylvania Dutch Mennonite family, hell, even a gay couple in Vermont that they don't reflect "our way of life".
They are all Americans, whether you like it or not.
If you think different, you have a problem with perception.
CA Stu

04-27-2006, 01:09 PM
They are all Americans, whether you like it or not.
CA Stu
Not unless they pay their taxes and fill out the appropriate paperwork. They are not.

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 01:12 PM
Not unless they pay their taxes and fill out the appropriate paperwork. They are not.
If they do fill out their paperwork and pay taxes, can they all be Americans?

Keith E. Sayre
04-27-2006, 01:12 PM
One more time: build a big wall, man it with armed soldiers, send the illegals home forever, noone comes back without speaking decent English. Make them go through what every other person has to from another country.
Keith Sayre

04-27-2006, 01:13 PM
If they do fill out their paperwork and pay taxes, can they all be Americans?
It depends if it is done legally. If so, then you are welcome. If not, get the hell out. Simple.

04-27-2006, 01:17 PM
I support amnesty and incorporation into our society, it's the American thing to do.
It's not the "American" thing to do. The "American" thing to do is uphold our laws. What you are suggesting is to rewared illegal behavior. Now weather you agree with the law or not, it is the law. Everyone is turning this into a "Mexican" thing. It's not, it's an illegal alien thing effecting us all.
Lastley, what I think HUFFPOWER meant by "they don't reflect our way of life" is that they disrespect our county. How many Chinese family in San Francisco, or a Korean family in Koreatown and etc... go around flying their flags around, dogging on the US. And again, you are talking Legal immigrants vs Illegal immigrants. There is a big difference.
This country was built on LEGAL immigrants. And the laws we have were put in place to protect our way of life and our country.

04-27-2006, 01:21 PM
It depends if it is done legally. If so, then you are welcome. If not, get the hell out. Simple.
Amen brother... Preach it....
For all of those trying to get into this country legally, is it fair to them to allow even 25% of the illegals currenty here to become legal just because they came here illegally and have been here for 5 years working?

04-27-2006, 01:23 PM
STu, again, you're not making many friends. The Chinese family in San Francisco, or a Korean family in Koreatown, or an Irish Catholic family in New York, or a Pennsylvania Dutch Mennonite family, if they have become American citizens, then they too have assumilated to our way of life. Why is it such a hard thing? They are not flying their home flags abouve ours, and they have learned to be americans. They know the language, and know the laws, and for the most part follow them. These illegals know they are breaking the law, what's wrong w/ enforcing the law? I am all for immigration. It's what makes America so great, I'm not for illegals. I mean, if they had such respect for the American way of life, why haven't they learned english, and gotten off their asses and worked to become citizens in the time they have been here. This can just go round and round. Face it, the majority of Americans want to see these illegals put in their place, which I believe is the country they came from. It's not our problem that our country is so much better than where they have come from, and why should we foot the bill for them to make a living?

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 01:57 PM
STu, again, you're not making many friends. The Chinese family in San Francisco, or a Korean family in Koreatown, or an Irish Catholic family in New York, or a Pennsylvania Dutch Mennonite family, if they have become American citizens, then they too have assumilated to our way of life. Why is it such a hard thing? They are not flying their home flags abouve ours, and they have learned to be americans. They know the language, and know the laws, and for the most part follow them. These illegals know they are breaking the law, what's wrong w/ enforcing the law? I am all for immigration. It's what makes America so great, I'm not for illegals. I mean, if they had such respect for the American way of life, why haven't they learned english, and gotten off their asses and worked to become citizens in the time they have been here. This can just go round and round. Face it, the majority of Americans want to see these illegals put in their place, which I believe is the country they came from. It's not our problem that our country is so much better than where they have come from, and why should we foot the bill for them to make a living?
Friends shmends. If I need friends, I'll buy some. :rollside:
There is nothing wrong with enforcing any law, in my opinion.
Do you understand what it takes to become a legal immigrant?
I'm pretty sure that a minimal command of English is required, as is a minimal knowledge of US history.
As far as "not our problem", give me a break! It's a source of pride!
Maybe I haven't been clear. I am all for incorporating any and all productive, law abiding immigrants into our society, I sure don't want to "foot the bill" for any layabouts. They can go back to whence they came.
If a man wants to do better for himself and his family, why not give him the opportunity? Our economy is fueled by growth. More people = more jobs = growth.
There is a big difference in degrees of lawlessness.
It's not a black and white issue.
I mean, you don't obey the speed limit all the time do you?
Would you jail a hungry person for taking an orange off your tree?
Of course not.
CA Stu
PS I have been thinking about this whole May 1st gig, too. Anyone that ditches work or school that day doesn't understand the American Dream in my opinion, and they can go pee up a rope.
I'm hoping that there will be a lot of immigrants working, trying to make a living like the rest of us. To them, I say "bienvenidos, amigo".
PPS Punctuation and paragraphs are your friends.

04-27-2006, 02:26 PM
Friends shmends. If I need friends, I'll buy some. :rollside:
There is nothing wrong with enforcing any law, in my opinion.
Do you understand what it takes to become a legal immigrant?
I'm pretty sure that a minimal command of English is required, as is a minimal knowledge of US history.
As far as "not our problem", give me a break! It's a source of pride!
Maybe I haven't been clear. I am all for incorporating any and all productive, law abiding immigrants into our society, I sure don't want to "foot the bill" for any layabouts. They can go back to whence they came.
If a man wants to do better for himself and his family, why not give him the opportunity? Our economy is fueled by growth. More people = more jobs = growth.
There is a big difference in degrees of lawlessness.
It's not a black and white issue.
I mean, you don't obey the speed limit all the time do you?
Would you jail a hungry person for taking an orange off your tree?
Of course not.
CA Stu
PS I have been thinking about this whole May 1st gig, too. Anyone that ditches work or school that day doesn't understand the American Dream in my opinion, and they can go pee up a rope.
I'm hoping that there will be a lot of immigrants working, trying to make a living like the rest of us. To them, I say "bienvenidos, amigo".
PPS Punctuation and paragraphs are your friends.
Well there ya go, "Productive, law abiding immigrants." If you truly believe what you preach then you are against all illegal immigrants just like the majority of the American people.
Productive, law abiding immigrants are more than welcome in this country as they have always been. They just need to follow th rules to get here.
I don't think I have read one post where anybody was telling legal immigrants to go home. People are just sick of paying for the welfare, healthcare, education, and incarceration of the people here illegally.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This was never meant as blanket coverage for every illegal, criminal, or political exile that walks the earth unless they do it legally, and many of those for obvious reasons wouldn't even qualify for citizenship. Nor would I want them here.
But if they apply for citizenship, pass the background checks, do everything required to be here legally, then I say "Welcome Home", if they don't want to do it that way then I say "GO HOME" because they have NO RIGHT to take away from me and mine and what we have worked hard to achieve.
So get off your soapbox and try to understand what the people who belong here want, not what the people who would like to be here, or are here ILLEGALY want. They have no right to speak on this issue.

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 02:44 PM
You know, legal or not, they are human beings. Individuals. People.
The fact that the same broad brush is being used to paint every illegal immigrant as a felon and a leech is wrong.
Widespread Poverty and Hunger in Mexico
According to the World Bank, 53% of Mexico' population of 104 million residents live in poverty, which is defined as living on less than $2 a day. Close to 24% of Mexico's population live in extreme poverty, which means they live on less than $1 a day.
The bottom 40% of Mexican households share less than 11% of the country's wealth. Millions live in extreme poverty,and children are compelled to work on the streets in order to help provide food for their families.
Unemployment in Mexico is realistically estimated near 40%, and there are no government unemployment benefits. There are also virtually no welfare benefits to provide the basics for poverty-stricken, often-starving women, children and families. Source (http://usliberals.about.com/od/immigration/a/IllegalImmi.htm)
Ask yourself, if you had a hungry and homeless wife and child, and knew you could feed and house them by crossing the border, would you do it?
I wouldn't think twice.
Would I rob a bank? Steal a car? Hell no. Different degrees of law-breaking.
Right and wrong.
But you better believe I'd sneak across the border and bust my ass working.
Sorry, that's the way I feel about it.
CA Stu

04-27-2006, 02:45 PM
Like the man said, you're not making any friends stu.
It's simple and I see it happening all of the time. the order might be wrong but here goes. You get a sponser you come to this country legally with a card. you work,pay taxes and study ( like yourself ) and become a citizen.
Then you are an American and we embrace you. If bush prevails with this amnesty thing there will be big problems. like we have all said, we are done....v-drive

04-27-2006, 02:48 PM
You know, legal or not, they are human beings. Individuals. People.
The fact that the same broad brush is being used to paint every illegal immigrant as a felon and a leech is wrong.
Widespread Poverty and Hunger in Mexico
According to the World Bank, 53% of Mexico' population of 104 million residents live in poverty, which is defined as living on less than $2 a day. Close to 24% of Mexico's population live in extreme poverty, which means they live on less than $1 a day.
The bottom 40% of Mexican households share less than 11% of the country's wealth. Millions live in extreme poverty,and children are compelled to work on the streets in order to help provide food for their families.
Unemployment in Mexico is realistically estimated near 40%, and there are no government unemployment benefits. There are also virtually no welfare benefits to provide the basics for poverty-stricken, often-starving women, children and families. Source (http://usliberals.about.com/od/immigration/a/IllegalImmi.htm)
Ask yourself, if you had a hungry and homeless wife and child, and knew you could feed and house them by crossing the border, would you do it?
I wouldn't think twice.
Would I rob a bank? Steal a car? Hell no. Different degrees of law-breaking.
Right and wrong.
But you better believe I'd sneak across the border and bust my ass working.
Sorry, that's the way I feel about it.
CA Stu
So when are you adopting a famliy of six criminal aliens Mr Magnanimous?
I still want your address so my family can move into your house and have you pay all my bills, I'll still work for pocket money though so you won't have to pay for my boats. You are OK with me having a better life on someone else's dime aren't you?

04-27-2006, 02:49 PM
You know, legal or not, they are human beings. Individuals. People.
The fact that the same broad brush is being used to paint every illegal immigrant as a felon and a leech is wrong.
Widespread Poverty and Hunger in Mexico
According to the World Bank, 53% of Mexico' population of 104 million residents live in poverty, which is defined as living on less than $2 a day. Close to 24% of Mexico's population live in extreme poverty, which means they live on less than $1 a day.
The bottom 40% of Mexican households share less than 11% of the country's wealth. Millions live in extreme poverty,and children are compelled to work on the streets in order to help provide food for their families.
Unemployment in Mexico is realistically estimated near 40%, and there are no government unemployment benefits. There are also virtually no welfare benefits to provide the basics for poverty-stricken, often-starving women, children and families. Source (http://usliberals.about.com/od/immigration/a/IllegalImmi.htm)
Ask yourself, if you had a hungry and homeless wife and child, and knew you could feed and house them by crossing the border, would you do it?
I wouldn't think twice.
Would I rob a bank? Steal a car? Hell no. Different degrees of law-breaking.
Right and wrong.
But you better believe I'd sneak across the border and bust my ass working.
Sorry, that's the way I feel about it.
CA Stu
We are not turning people away and you're wrong. These people are criminals and they are sucking the life out of us,and that's how we feel

04-27-2006, 03:09 PM
You all need to remember where little stuey is coming from.
He's an illegal alien that was pardoned by Reagan, he's even stated that makes him a better American that any of us poor native Americans because he chose to be and well for us it was just dumb luck to be born here. :rolleyes:
He is your typical liberal hypocrite, he has sponsored no one to come here. He has hired no one, he has helped no. He just demands we accept his point of view to assuage his own guilt. :crossx:

04-27-2006, 03:18 PM
Here's what little Stuey pals have planned for Monday:
By Dan Whitcomb
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pro-immigration activists say a national boycott and marches planned for May 1 will flood U.S. streets with millions of Latinos to demand amnesty for illegal immigrants and shake the ground under Congress as it debates reform.
Such a massive turnout could make for the largest protests since the civil rights era of the 1960s, though not all Latinos -- nor their leaders -- were comfortable with such militancy, fearing a backlash in Middle America.
"There will be 2 to 3 million people hitting the streets in Los Angeles alone. We're going to close down Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Tucson, Phoenix, Fresno," said Jorge Rodriguez, a union official who helped organize earlier rallies credited with rattling Congress as it debates the issue.
Immigration has split Congress, the Republican Party and public opinion. Conservatives want the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants classified as felons and a fence built along the Mexican border.
Others, including President George W. Bush, want a guest-worker program and a path to citizenship. Most agree some reform is needed to stem the flow of poor to the world's biggest economy.
"We want full amnesty, full legalization for anybody who is here (illegally)," Rodriguez said. "That is the message that is going to be played out across the country on May 1."
Organizers have timed the action for May Day, a date when workers around the world traditionally have marched for improved conditions, and have strong support from big labor and the Roman Catholic church.
They vow that America's major cities will grind to a halt and its economy will stagger as Latinos walk off their jobs and skip school.
Teachers' unions in major cities have said children should not be punished for walking out of class. Los Angeles school officials said principals had been told that they should allow students to leave but walk with them to help keep order.
In Chicago, Catholic priests have helped organize protests, sending information to all 375 parishes in the archdiocese.
Chicago activists predict that the demonstrations will draw 300,000 people.
In New York, leaders of the May 1 Coalition said a growing number of businesses had pledged to close and allow their workers to attend a rally in Manhattan's Union Square.
Large U.S. meat processors, including Cargill Inc., Tyson Foods Inc and Seaboard Corp said they will close plants due to the planned rallies.
Critics accuse pro-immigrant leaders of bullying Congress and stirring up uninformed young Latinos by telling them that their parents were in imminent danger of being deported.
"It's intimidation when a million people march down main streets in our major cities under the Mexican flag," said Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman volunteer border patrol group. "This will backfire," he said.
Some Latinos have also expressed concerns that the boycott and marches could stir up anti-immigrant sentiment.
Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles archdiocese, an outspoken champion of immigrant rights, has lobbied against a walkout. "Go to work, go to school, and then join thousands of us at a major rally afterword," Mahony said.
And Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who has long fought for immigrant rights, has said he expects protesters to be "lawful and respectful" and children to stay in school.
In Washington on Thursday, immigrant-rights activists brushed off talk of a backlash.
"This is going to be really big. We're going to have millions of people," said Juan Jose Gutierrez, director of the Latino Movement USA. "We are not concerned at all. We believe it's possible for Congress to get the message that the time to act is now."
(Additional reporting by Aarthi Sivaraman in Los Angeles, Dan Trotta in New York and Michael Conlon in
stuey will say it's not the truth though, because it doesn't fit his twisted view of reality.

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 03:22 PM
So when are you adopting a famliy of six criminal aliens Mr Magnanimous?
I still want your address so my family can move into your house and have you pay all my bills, I'll still work for pocket money though so you won't have to pay for my boats. You are OK with me having a better life on someone else's dime aren't you?
If your family is broke, cold and starving, I'll feed the lot of you, for sure.
I don't care where you were born, you're still a human being to me.
Nothing but love, man.
If your family are criminals (and by "criminals" I mean thieves, dope dealers, into kiddy porn, or stuff like that) I have nothing for you. Sorry.
CA Stu

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 03:27 PM
Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles archdiocese, an outspoken champion of immigrant rights, has lobbied against a walkout. "Go to work, go to school, and then join thousands of us at a major rally afterword," Mahony said.
And Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who has long fought for immigrant rights, has said he expects protesters to be "lawful and respectful" and children to stay in school.
stuey will say it's not the truth though, because it doesn't fit his twisted view of reality.
Of course it's the truth, and as expressed by the two men I quoted above, a fine idea.
They are assembling to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah! (http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.billofrights.html)
God Bless America!
CA Stu

04-27-2006, 03:40 PM
If your family is broke, cold and starving, I'll feed the lot of you, for sure.
I don't care where you were born, you're still a human being to me.
Nothing but love, man.
If your family are criminals (and by "criminals" I mean thieves, dope dealers, into kiddy porn, or stuff like that) I have nothing for you. Sorry.
CA Stu
Sorry little stuey not broke or hungry, just looking for a better life on someone else's dime. Whats the problem you won't give me free room and board just because I'm white? You're demanding it of the rest of us for any criminal that enters the country.
liberal hypocrites, you gotta love their entertainment factor.
Caca, you go ahead and give up your house, they can't have mine. :crossx:

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 03:51 PM
Sorry little stuey not broke or hungry, just looking for a better life on someone else's dime. Whats the problem you won't give me free room and board just because I'm white? You're demanding it of the rest of us for any criminal that enters the country.
liberal hypocrites, you gotta love their entertainment factor.
Caca, you go ahead and give up your house, they can't have mine. :crossx:
I am sure that any person in this day and age that judges another based on the color of their skin is a fool.
No one has asked me to give up my house, nor you yours, so what is your point?
I don't think you have one.
So any person crossing the border is a criminal?
No matter the link I posted about conditions in Mexico for the poor?
You would turn away starving women and children rather than give them a chance to "make it" in the USA?
Schiada76, I think you are a frightened, confused, mean, angry little man, and I feel sorry for you.
CA Stu
PS Is President Bush a liberal, too? Was President Reagan? Is Hitler your political dream leader?

Old Texan
04-27-2006, 03:58 PM
CaStu is going more directions in this debate than the steel ball on a very loose pinball machine.
I have no compassion for lying, thieving, drug smuggling, littering, law breaking, smelly, murdering criminals. For every good illegal, you get 1 of the above.
What you don't seem to get out of what all are telling you is we as legal Americans are fed up with the lowlifes and if the "good" ones can't see that specific point, than they can get the f--k out too!
Come here legally, assimilate, contribute, and be a good US citizen. Anything less and you and yours are not welcome.
Comprenda? sic (Sorry for the lame attempt at biligual)

04-27-2006, 04:00 PM
Cry me a river stu, why should we have to put up with this shit. All we are asking is that they obey the laws of our country and they just try and turn it into the shit hole country they ran from. What's wrong with you .v-drive

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 04:03 PM
I have no compassion for lying, thieving, drug smuggling, littering, law breaking, smelly, murdering criminals. For every good illegal, you get 1 of the above.
You know this for a fact, do you?
Or is this just from the files of "make it up as you go"?
My direction is simple. I agree with President Bush on this issue.
He's a realist, and so am I.
There will be no mass deportation, and to make 12 million people de facto felons is so ridiculous that it boggles the mind.
CA Stu

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 04:08 PM
Cry me a river stu, why should we have to put up with this shit. All we are asking is that they obey the laws of our country and they just try and turn it into the shit hole country they ran from. What's wrong with you .v-drive
I'm compassionate?
I'm not threatened by people from another land?
I love America and have faith in the American Dream?
Hell, I don't know, what the hell is wrong with me?
CA Stu

04-27-2006, 04:30 PM
I'm compassionate?
I'm not threatened by people from another land?
I love America and have faith in the American Dream?
Hell, I don't know, what the hell is wrong with me?
CA Stu
We're not threatened either. We are sick and tired of being taken advantage of ,why can't you see that. These people want nothing from us but our money. They take it,send it home to mexico and cheat our country out of the taxes and then expect us to be happy. I live in a fairly affluent area and yet when I walk into our hospital it is covered with illegals getting free care.
If I was hispanic I could get better healthcare rates. I am so sick of these takers I could just scream. ....v-drive

04-27-2006, 04:36 PM
We're not threatened either. We are sick and tired of being taken advantage of ,why can't you see that. These people want nothing from us but our money. They take it,send it home to mexico and cheat our country out of the taxes and then expect us to be happy. I live in a fairly affluent area and yet when I walk into our hospital it is covered with illegals getting free care.
If I was hispanic I could get better healthcare rates. I am so sick of these takers I could just scream. ....v-drive
I have some hard working imigrant friends Grass Pay$ and Mach 26 and they buy boats like you. And the have medical Insurance.

04-27-2006, 04:40 PM
I am sure that any person in this day and age that judges another based on the color of their skin is a fool.
No one has asked me to give up my house, nor you yours, so what is your point?
I don't think you have one.
So any person crossing the border is a criminal?
No matter the link I posted about conditions in Mexico for the poor?
You would turn away starving women and children rather than give them a chance to "make it" in the USA?
Schiada76, I think you are a frightened, confused, mean, angry little man, and I feel sorry for you.
CA Stu
PS Is President Bush a liberal, too? Was President Reagan? Is Hitler your political dream leader?
I said my house not my home, a little to long on allegory, sorry little stuey but you are asking I give up my house.
Yes little stuey once again you confirm you cannot comprehend fact, when someone crosses the board ILLEGALLY they are criminals. Since you want to let every single human that is poor or hungry into this country and we don't why don't you man up and adopt a family in Mexico or China or Sudan? Give them half your assets and take care of them in THEIR OWN COUNTRY.
You won't because you are a liberal hypocrite. You want the rest of us to bear your cross of psuedo morality. Try doing your own mission work.
Stuey trust me on this, there is nothing little, frightened or confused about me what so ever. :crossx:
You are truley an imbecile, entertaining, but dumb as a stone.

04-27-2006, 04:44 PM
I said my house not my home, a little to long on allegory, sorry little stuey but you are asking I give up my house.
Yes little stuey once again you confirm you cannot comprehend fact, when someone crosses the board ILLEGALLY they are criminals. Since you want to let every single human that is poor or hungry into this country and we don't why don't you man up and adopt a family in Mexico or China or Sudan? Give them half your assets and take care of them in THEIR OWN COUNTRY.
You won't because you are a liberal hypocrite. You want the rest of us to bear your cross of psuedo morality. Try doing your own mission work.
Stuey trust me on this, there is nothing little, frightened or confused about me what so ever. :crossx:
You are truley an imbecile, entertaining, but dumb as a stone.
No you dont understand hes a illegal canadian

04-27-2006, 04:48 PM
No you dont understand hes a illegal canadian
Then he needs to do whatever it takes to get legal...v-drive

04-27-2006, 04:50 PM
I have some hard working imigrant friends Grass Pay$ and Mach 26 and they buy boats like you. And the have medical Insurance.
if they are not legal they need to get legal or get out...v-drive

04-27-2006, 04:50 PM
No you dont understand hes a illegal canadian
He's just a silly dumbass liberal. :D
TI, I know a lot of immigrants too, some of them came legally and some illegally good men with good familes, None of them would parade around with a mexican flag and insult me and the rest of the country though.
The ones I've asked about Monday's protest are embarressed and admit enough is enough.

04-27-2006, 04:50 PM
Cry me a river stu, why should we have to put up with this shit. All we are asking is that they obey the laws of our country and they just try and turn it into the shit hole country they ran from. What's wrong with you .v-drive
If americans work as hard as Immigrants we wouldnt have this problem. Americans want to sew to get rich and immigrants work THERE ASS OFF!
Half the city woldnt get built if it wasnt for them. Let me see you get your hands dirty.

04-27-2006, 04:53 PM
if they are not legal they need to get legal or get out...v-drive
are you indian WHERE DID YOU COME FROM

CA Stu
04-27-2006, 04:53 PM
I said my house not my home, a little to long on allegory, sorry little stuey but you are asking I give up my house.
Yes little stuey once again you confirm you cannot comprehend fact, when someone crosses the board ILLEGALLY they are criminals. Since you want to let every single human that is poor or hungry into this country and we don't why don't you man up and adopt a family in Mexico or China or Sudan? Give them half your assets and take care of them in THEIR OWN COUNTRY.
You won't because you are a liberal hypocrite. You want the rest of us to bear your cross of psuedo morality. Try doing your own mission work.
Stuey trust me on this, there is nothing little, frightened or confused about me what so ever. :crossx:
You are truley an imbecile, entertaining, but dumb as a stone.
That first sentence illustrates your superior intellect. I, being dumb, can't understand what the hell it means.
Who has taken "half your assets"?
I won't give up half my assets so I am a "liberal hypocrite"?
I am socially pretty liberal, but fiscally conservative. That is why I embrace the President's idea of a qualiified amnesty coupled with more secure borders.
Your exaggeration and hyperbole underline the fact that your arguments are weak.
I would debate with you further, but I have to do payroll for my company.
Please, feel free to carry on without me.
CA Stu
PS How does it feel to live in fear and confusion?

04-27-2006, 05:03 PM
If americans work as hard as Immigrants we wouldnt have this problem. Americans want to sew to get rich and immigrants work THERE ASS OFF!
Half the city woldnt get built if it wasnt for them. Let me see you get your hands dirty.
It is not about immigrants its about illegal immigrants and I was born right here in california. I have alot of immigrants working for me and they are all legal. Most have their citizenship and the rest are studying to get theirs.
I started as a machinist 35 years ago and have worked my way up the ladder. I am now a vp in a medical device company so I have earned my clean hands.

04-27-2006, 05:05 PM
It is not about immigrants its about illegal immigrants and I was born right here in california. I have alot of immigrants working for me and they are all legal. Most have their citizenship and the rest are studying to get theirs.
I started as a machinist 35 years ago and have worked my way up the ladder. I am now a vp in a medical device company so I have earned my clean hands.
Do you tell your workers how you feel. Try it see what happens

04-27-2006, 05:06 PM
I just cant believe how bright you are Stu. You consistently tell everyone you are much smarter. How is it that you pick apart everyone's posts yet your opinions are the be-all end-all.
Typical defensive liberal crap IMO.

04-27-2006, 05:11 PM
as a matter of fact we were all talking about it for the past couple of weeks.
their comments run something like, why is it fair for them not to have to go through the system and them to have to.Our comment to them was it isn't. If you are hiring illegals you are no better. I refuse to employ them.

04-27-2006, 05:14 PM
as a matter of fact we were all talking about it for the past couple of weeks.
their comments run something like, why is it fair for them not to have to go through the system and them to have to.Our comment to them was it isn't. If you are hiring illegals you are no better. I refuse to employ them.
Because people like you make it hard for them.

04-27-2006, 05:46 PM
No I don't I am just sick of just handing it to them. Get legal and earn it that is as simple as it gets

04-27-2006, 06:25 PM
Because people like you make it hard for them.
Threaded, I doubt you have read this entire thread cause if you had you wouldn't be spewing the crap you are. It's that or you are no different than Castu, an apologist for a group of people that there is no apology for. They are illegal no matter how well they work or how much gets done with them they are still illegal. That is the gist of this whole conversation. Everybody on here acknowledges the fact that there is a place in American society for legal immigrants no matter country of origin. But right now there are so many that they are more of a burden on American society than they are a benifit. Legal immigration applied correctly takes into account the number of jobs available and the number of people let in to the country. If that is exceeded then you get the drain on society that they have become. The argument that half the stuff wouldn’t be built is asinine. Do you really think that Americans wouldn’t build the stuff anyway? It may cost more to get it built or more for the strawberries or the heads of lettuce but in comparison of the cost to the taxpayer in education for illegal children alone the difference is amazing.
It costs the CA taxpayer $7000.00 per illegal child to attend public school. That’s a lot of strawberries and lettuce. And this to a group of people that seem to reproduce excessively. So being conservative, for a family of 6 it costs us 28K per year for education alone.
I feel for the people of other countries that aren’t doing as well as we in the United States but we have worked for it and they can apply for residency just like anyone else in the world. Left the way it is this country will become no better off than Mexico and we all know very few people want to live there.
CASTU, Mexicans have every right to try to get into the United States you can't take away free will but vise versa you cant take away our right to stop them and if caught to send them home or our right to hate what they are doing to our society. Again they have no right to protest what we do to protect our legal citizens; they have no legal rights at all.

04-27-2006, 06:27 PM
Because people like you make it hard for them.
Make it hard for them? We should be making it impossible that would solve the majority of our problems right there.

04-27-2006, 06:29 PM
This is "ONE" of the problems.
America needs the immigrants. Bottom line. They are essential for the society to thrive. They do the things that some of us do not want to do.
In order to get legal, you would have to be illegal for a period of time.
According to some of you, this is WRONG. Where is the fine line?
The other problem "TWO" here is......
Most of us when we say "immigrant" in our posts mean LEGAL immigrants. It is not wrong to be supportive of anyone who is legal. It is wrong for them to be here illegally. I think this would be the generalization here, right? But now we are back to problem ONE.
It seems like a vicious circle. Where do we start?
It's easy for some of you to say "ship em out". It's not that easy.

04-27-2006, 06:53 PM
This is "ONE" of the problems.
America needs the immigrants. Bottom line. They are essential for the society to thrive. They do the things that some of us do not want to do.
In order to get legal, you would have to be illegal for a period of time.
According to some of you, this is WRONG. Where is the fine line?
The other problem "TWO" here is......
Most of us when we say "immigrant" in our posts mean LEGAL immigrants. It is not wrong to be supportive of anyone who is legal. It is wrong for them to be here illegally. I think this would be the generalization here, right? But now we are back to problem ONE.
It seems like a vicious circle. Where do we start?
It's easy for some of you to say "ship em out". It's not that easy.
yes it is that esay

04-27-2006, 07:13 PM
yes it is that esay
Hey, Mr. Braniac......comment on something that matters. It's not physically possible to do it and it won't happen. Get a clue.
P.S. All our tax dollars are going to aid the "illegals" rather than concentrate on English class in school, huh?

04-27-2006, 07:17 PM
I am sick and tired of them talking about "immigrants' rights." THEY HAVE NO RIGHTS, they're not citizens!
TRUE!!!!!!!! So so so damn TRUE!!!!!
My feelings are in my signature!

04-27-2006, 07:19 PM
No you dont understand hes a illegal canadian
Im must say that your picure is very nice and BIG!

Old Guy
04-27-2006, 07:19 PM
If americans work as hard as Immigrants we wouldnt have this problem. Americans want to sew to get rich and immigrants work THERE ASS OFF!
Half the city woldnt get built if it wasnt for them. Let me see you get your hands dirty.
You got some solid proof to back that up? Or are you just running your mouth?

04-27-2006, 07:19 PM
Hey, Mr. Braniac......comment on something that matters. It's not physically possible to do it and it won't happen. Get a clue.
P.S. All our tax dollars are going to aid the "illegals" rather than concentrate on English class in school, huh?
I dont get the question in your PS. :notam: Where is it directed and what is the question?

04-27-2006, 07:20 PM
So, Monday is the big "ditch day". I sat with all my guys and told them that if they don't show up on Monday, they better not show up on Tuesday.
We shall see what happens.
Did they ditch???? What was the outcome???

04-27-2006, 07:22 PM
Hey, Mr. Braniac......comment on something that matters. It's not physically possible to do it and it won't happen. Get a clue.
P.S. All our tax dollars are going to aid the "illegals" rather than concentrate on English class in school, huh?
like you have the best answer go to hell

04-27-2006, 07:24 PM
I dont get the question in your PS. :notam: Where is it directed and what is the question?
HAHA! It's a hidden message not really meant to mean much of anything worth debating.
It's ironic that "legal" citizens sit and talk about learning the English language and having to pass a test to become a citizen.....yet half the people can't use correct grammar or punctuation....let alone spell the word. Kinda sad actually. :cry:

04-27-2006, 07:25 PM
my opinion is that people need to be LEGAL...PERIOD!!!!!! I dont care what they do or how they do it. If they are illegal, then it doesnt matter how hard they work. I dont care where you are from, make sure your ass is here is legally! If I pay taxes then everyone else should!!!!!
If its ok to have illegals then its ok to sell drugs,rape,steal,rob etc. Illegal is illegal! It means that its not allowed or permitted!
Illegal \Il*le"gal\, a. [Pref. il- not + legal: cf. F. ill['e]gal.]
Not according to, or authorized by, law; specif., contrary to, or in violation of, human law; unlawful; illicit; hence, immoral; as, an illegal act; illegal trade; illegal love. --Bp. Burnet.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

04-27-2006, 07:26 PM
like you have the best answer go to hell
I see that you have that same bad attitude that you had about my stereo violation ticket :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

04-27-2006, 07:27 PM
Did they ditch???? What was the outcome???
It's only Thursday 396 :p.......I'll tell you next Tuesday. :)
Remember us back in the day...all outnumbered and shit? Backed into a corner. Those were the good ole days.

04-27-2006, 07:30 PM
like you have the best answer go to hell
Excuse me teacher....(with my hand raised).....but.....weren't you the one who said it was easy? I never said I had the answer. I think you did by saying it was easy.....If you go back and read my post, I said it was difficult and there might not be an answer.....PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!!
Now I'll go to hell. See you there. :yuk:

04-27-2006, 07:32 PM
It's only Thursday 396 :p.......I'll tell you next Tuesday. :)
Remember us back in the day...all outnumbered and shit? Backed into a corner. Those were the good ole days.
Damn, I didnt look at the date of the thread, my bad;) Please let me know because I wanna laugh my ass off if you fire thier asses:D
Oh yeah! back in the day when they jumped on us like we were a piece of meat. Good ol days it was;)

04-27-2006, 07:33 PM
Now I'll go to hell. See you there. :yuk:
He will be there writting stereo violations for all the party people :crossx: :crossx: :crossx:

04-27-2006, 07:40 PM
Excuse me teacher....(with my hand raised).....but.....weren't you the one who said it was easy? I never said I had the answer. I think you did by saying it was easy.....If you go back and read my post, I said it was difficult and there might not be an answer.....PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!!
Now I'll go to hell. See you there. :yuk:
I think you need to go back and re read your post

04-27-2006, 07:44 PM
I think you need to go back and re read your post
Time to change your tampons, they are soaked :crossx: :crossx:

04-27-2006, 07:47 PM
Time to change your tampons, they are soaked :crossx: :crossx:
I'm just sick of people that feel sorry for illegals and want to help them
if they wont do it legally send them back and keep them out

04-27-2006, 08:24 PM
You got some solid proof to back that up? Or are you just running your mouth?
When you need a hole dug who do you call
when you need your front yard cut who do you call
when your wife is alone who does she call
A Mexican

04-27-2006, 08:38 PM
The best idea I've heard on this issue deals with the employers that hire illegals, and would solve the problem rather quickly.
Any employer found to have illegals working for them would be fined, say $100,000 per illegal worker. Nail one or two of THOSE bastards and many others would fire the illegals. Nowhere to work may send them home. Maybe put many of the bastard employers out of business too. They're a HUGE percentage of the problem. Sour the milk and the illegals go away. Obviously other things would have to be in place as well, such as no unemployment benefits for non-citizens. Maybe offer them free bus fare back to Mexico.

04-27-2006, 09:04 PM
I think you need to go back and re read your post
I just re-read my post you moron. Here let me re-post it for you.
This is "ONE" of the problems.
America needs the immigrants. Bottom line. They are essential for the society to thrive. They do the things that some of us do not want to do.
In order to get legal, you would have to be illegal for a period of time.
According to some of you, this is WRONG. Where is the fine line?
The other problem "TWO" here is......
Most of us when we say "immigrant" in our posts mean LEGAL immigrants. It is not wrong to be supportive of anyone who is legal. It is wrong for them to be here illegally. I think this would be the generalization here, right? But now we are back to problem ONE.
It seems like a vicious circle. Where do we start?
It's easy for some of you to say "ship em out". It's not that easy.
I never implied that I have any answer, let alone the "best" answer. Again, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!
I'm just sick of people that feel sorry for illegals and want to help them if they wont do it legally send them back and keep them out
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!! I dont think anyone on this thread (except maybe Stu) disagrees that it is right for illegals to be here and suck our system dry. I have 40 employees and have already admitted that I could do more as an employer by trying to keep the illegals off my payroll.
Since this morning, I have already sent an e-mail to all my administrative staff to find a way to check SS#'s and make sure we are hiring guys with real SS cards. I have received feedback that we are waiting on a pin number from the SS Administration so we can check numbers online.

04-27-2006, 09:17 PM
let's speed up the legalization process by putting them in our military. 8 weeks of basic training and off to Iraq for 12 months.....check that, send some to Louisiana to help rebuild New Orleans and the surrounding areas. Since the estimate is 12 million or so that are illegally in the US, what do you think the breakdown of men, women and children are? I'm going to guess it's 65% men? that's what? around 7.5 million?
They'd get basic military pay along with citizenship when their tour of duty is up.

04-27-2006, 11:55 PM
if they are not legal they need to get legal or get out...v-drive
F--- that I like my free trips to TJ

04-28-2006, 01:09 AM
When you need a hole dug who do you call
you want cheap labor a mexican
you want it done once an American
when you need your front yard cut who do you call
you want them to show up when the please a mexican with no guarantee what will be done becuase they don't understand your instructions.
Guaranteed satisfaction an American
when your wife is alone who does she call
A mexican when she is heavy into drugs and alcohol
I see more fine and educated latin women with Blacks and whites than mexicans and they all claim they are tired of the machiso bs
And truth be told I bang more married mexican chicks than anything else.

04-28-2006, 01:14 AM
I say we start our own day for every legal americans...
This day will be on May 5th, it's the "every american pick up one illegal and drags their ass back to mexico day"

04-28-2006, 01:19 AM
I posted a mandatory meeting on the first for my banquet department.
Plus everyone is scheduled for a 450 pp party that night.
don't show up for the meeting write up #1
don't show up for the dinner party write up #2
It will be very easy to write them up a third time because they will contest or start retaliating by complaining to others instead of working.
I understand freadom of speach but I implimented that if they purpusly try to cause financial harm to the company they will be dealt with.
Larry H Parker won't stand a chance against some big corp lawyer That represents a large scale hotel

04-28-2006, 04:22 AM
HAHA! It's a hidden message not really meant to mean much of anything worth debating.
It's ironic that "legal" citizens sit and talk about learning the English language and having to pass a test to become a citizen.....yet half the people can't use correct grammar or punctuation....let alone spell the word. Kinda sad actually. :cry:
Well,that's good. we are not writers and do not claim to remember what we learned so many years ago. That doesn't mean we don't have a clue and it doesn't mean that you are right either.
We are being cheated out of alot by these people and all we are asking is that they do it by our laws and not those of their shit hole country. Why should we teach spanish in our schools? This is America not mexico and I don't care how you slice it they are in the wrong and they need to get the hell out or start living by the standards that we live by.

04-28-2006, 04:24 AM
I posted a mandatory meeting on the first for my banquet department.
Plus everyone is scheduled for a 450 pp party that night.
don't show up for the meeting write up #1
don't show up for the dinner party write up #2
It will be very easy to write them up a third time because they will contest or start retaliating by complaining to others instead of working.
I understand freadom of speach but I implimented that if they purpusly try to cause financial harm to the company they will be dealt with.
Larry H Parker won't stand a chance against some big corp lawyer That represents a large scale hotel
Good job Scapegoat.....v-drive

04-28-2006, 04:30 AM
When you need a hole dug who do you call
when you need your front yard cut who do you call
when your wife is alone who does she call
A Mexican
When I need an unskilled laborer the only qualified workers around are Mexicans. When you need a heart transplant you can go ahead and call a Mexican since they are such hard workers and are graduating from the top medical schools in the world. Mexicans do not work harder then Americans actually they are lazy freeloaders when compared to Americans.

04-28-2006, 04:38 AM
When you need a hole dug who do you call
when you need your front yard cut who do you call
when your wife is alone who does she call
A Mexican
My landscaper is american,mexican american and proud of it. You see he and his workers are raising their families here and are conforming to our laws
The comment about the wife shows you have no class.

Old Texan
04-28-2006, 05:23 AM
You know this for a fact, do you?
Or is this just from the files of "make it up as you go"?
My direction is simple. I agree with President Bush on this issue.
He's a realist, and so am I.
There will be no mass deportation, and to make 12 million people de facto felons is so ridiculous that it boggles the mind.
CA Stu
Yes I do.
It's pretty much public information. Start with the number of illegals in our county jails, state, and federal prisons. Look at the number of drug arrests for possession of large quantities of product and mysterious bags of cash. Call your auto insurance provider and ask how many claims are filed from people involved in wrecks with no insurance, no driver's licensed illegals. Talk to folks living between the border and major metro destinations and ask about vandalism and breaking and entering. Call the DA in a major city and ask how many outstanding warrants and indictments there are fro illegals that have run back across the border to escape conviction for serious crimes.
I am not advocating mass deportation. Mainly because our tax dollars would have to pay for it and all the liberal whining about how mean and cruel we are. All I want to deport are the known criminal element incarcerated at our expense. If we support and follow the laws against employing illegals,
the remaining illegals will eventually go back on their own.
CA Student? You sound more like CA Stupid. If anyone in this debate is operating on "make it up as you go" it's YOU.

04-28-2006, 05:24 AM
I see that you have that same bad attitude that you had about my stereo violation ticket :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:
me have a bad atitude you broke the law and started to cry about geting a ticket
it sucks to get a ticket for something stupid but you did it and it was illegal
so stop crying

04-28-2006, 05:30 AM
I just re-read my post you moron. Here let me re-post it for you.
This is "ONE" of the problems.
America needs the immigrants. Bottom line. They are essential for the society to thrive. They do the things that some of us do not want to do.
In order to get legal, you would have to be illegal for a period of time.
According to some of you, this is WRONG. Where is the fine line?
The other problem "TWO" here is......
Most of us when we say "immigrant" in our posts mean LEGAL immigrants. It is not wrong to be supportive of anyone who is legal. It is wrong for them to be here illegally. I think this would be the generalization here, right? But now we are back to problem ONE.
It seems like a vicious circle. Where do we start?
It's easy for some of you to say "ship em out". It's not that easy.
I never implied that I have any answer, let alone the "best" answer. Again, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!! I dont think anyone on this thread (except maybe Stu) disagrees that it is right for illegals to be here and suck our system dry. I have 40 employees and have already admitted that I could do more as an employer by trying to keep the illegals off my payroll.
Since this morning, I have already sent an e-mail to all my administrative staff to find a way to check SS#'s and make sure we are hiring guys with real SS cards. I have received feedback that we are waiting on a pin number from the SS Administration so we can check numbers online.
just because you don't like my opinion on this topic you call me names and insult me
cary on with your life and keep heiring illegals
just remember just because they have a valid SSI doesn't make them legal

04-28-2006, 05:54 AM
You know, people spew all that crap about its the immigrants that came to this country all those years ago that helped build this country. Well, thats fine. The friggin difference is that when those people landed on American soil looking for a better life, they were happy to be here & got there ass to work on building a life. THAT version of the immigrant is a distant memory. The version of immigrant that America has been dealing with for the last several years is totally different & disrespects what those people did & what makes America what it is. Now "immigrant" is usually defined as a somebody who comes into OUR country, looking for anyway possible to f*ck the system, then bitch, cry, piss & moan about "individualism" & culture" with their f*ckin hand out the whole goddamn time.
Granted, there are still people that come here sharing the same vision & intentions of the immigrants from years past, but they seem to be few & far between. Not to mention that the other stupid f*cks that are too busy protesting & waving the wrong f*ckin flag are really screwing it up for them in the process....
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programming. :rolleyes: :rollside:

04-28-2006, 06:43 AM
1)When you need a hole dug who do you call
2)when you need your front yard cut who do you call
3)when your wife is alone who does she call
4)A Mexican
4)me aka king swing :D

04-28-2006, 06:49 AM
I see more fine and educated latin women with Blacks and whites than mexicans and they all claim they are tired of the machiso bs
That is soooo damn true! They get tired of riding in a truck and having to nearly sit on thier "ol man's " lap.

04-28-2006, 06:53 AM
Your state senate at work......
SACRAMENTO California's state senators on Thursday endorsed Monday's boycott of schools, jobs and stores by illegal immigrants and their allies as supporters equated the protest with great social movements in American history.
By a 24-13 vote that split along party lines, the California Senate approved a resolution that calls the one-day protest the Great American Boycott 2006 and describes it as an attempt to educate Americans "about the tremendous contribution immigrants make on a daily basis to our society and economy."

04-28-2006, 06:53 AM
When you need a hole dug who do you call
when you need your front yard cut who do you call
when your wife is alone who does she call
A Mexican
That is a load of crap and you know it.

04-28-2006, 06:54 AM
It's pretty much public information. Start with the number of illegals in our county jails, state, and federal prisons. Look at the number of drug arrests for possession of large quantities of product and mysterious bags of cash. Call your auto insurance provider and ask how many claims are filed from people involved in wrecks with no insurance, no driver's licensed illegals. Talk to folks living between the border and major metro destinations and ask about vandalism and breaking and entering. Call the DA in a major city and ask how many outstanding warrants and indictments there are fro illegals that have run back across the border to escape conviction for serious crimes.
Here is something to back that shit up!!!!!!! Look at the pics at one of our jails. Majority of them are latin/hispanic or whatever they want to be called :rolleyes: I pulled up the pics of people that were arrested this week for drugs alone!
I cant stand sherrif joe and hate the way he treats people but here is proof that majority of the people in jail is hispanic.........

04-28-2006, 06:56 AM
me have a bad atitude you broke the law and started to cry about geting a ticket
it sucks to get a ticket for something stupid but you did it and it was illegal
so stop crying
Yup, I am illegal! I broke the law! I can guarentee that you NEVER speed in you vehicle too :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Blow me.........

04-28-2006, 09:42 AM
Two things,
First I don't Have anger against all immigrants. My wife immigrated from A central American country. But she did so legally and now a proud US citizen and Teacher. But all these idiots flying their flags and demanding rights for ilegalls, try this in your home country, ohh wait why did you leave anyways?
Second My buddy works for US border patrol and it seems that the num nuts crossing are not as big as a threat as the drugs smuggling. He told me about this Huge wall that might go up a couple of years ago simply to slow down the crossing because there is no way to put enough manpower.

04-28-2006, 09:45 AM
Im Illegal Stop talking shit

04-28-2006, 09:45 AM
I am going to laugh my ass off on Tues when it's noticed that MOnday was better b/c we didn't have these illegals crowding our system, society. Why don't they head back to Central America and protest there. They have absolutely no right to be protesting here. They are illegal immigrants. Plain and simple. What part of illegal is not getting across. Are their certain degrees of breaking the law. No, not really. If you break the law, you expect to pay the consequences. They need to know that.
I think the best way to solve this problem is to go after the employers that are hiring these illegals. Once they are not making any money, what are they going to do? We have to also cut out all free services. No healthcare, education, or welfare. If they are not making any money, I believe some of them will resort to breaking more laws, and then our police force will be after them as well. We can not fix this by granting amnesty. It's a slap in the face to everyone who came here legally, or who is patiently waiting for their citizenship. It's not the American way to get anything for free. We were built by hard working folks. There is nothing wrong w/ workiong smarter. I've done both, gotten my hands dirty, and also been a white collar guy. OUr society is all about making youself a better person.
It's unfortunate that they have no rights in their own countries. Unfortunately, it's not my proble. I'm an American, and proud of it. It is our duty as Americans to stand up and fight this w/ everything we have. No longer can we allow the liberal media and government types dictate to us what we should be doing. We know what the right thing to do is, and it's time to step up and make a change.
I personally will be protesting the protests if I can get out of the office on Mon. See, working and providing a future for my family is still more important to me, but if I can get away, I will be heading out and fighting against amnesty or any such mass immigration allowance.
Think of what this is going to mean to our future if we allow this. As before when mass amnesty was granted, all it did was open up the flood gates and make the problem even bigger. The whole reason behind any of this is b/c it was allowed before, now these folks want it for themselves. It is a vicious circle, and it's time for America to stop being the pussies we are being, and stand up and defend our country from these intruders who only want to hurt us. They are not here to make a better life for themselves, they are here breaking our laws. How can you respect a country when you breaks it's laws w/ such disreguard.
Sorry for the ramble, have a great day and weekend all!!!

04-28-2006, 09:45 AM
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As debate rages over securing the U.S. border with Mexico, authorities announced Wednesday that they had dismantled a human-smuggling ring that was running illegal immigrants into the United States through Canada.
The ring was responsible for importing dozens of Indian and Pakistani immigrants, according to U.S. and Canadian authorities.
At least 50 illegal immigrants have been arrested.
Fourteen U.S. and Canadian residents have been indicted by a U.S. grand jury on charges related to human smuggling, officials said. Two suspects are still at large.
Kavel Multani, 46, a dual Canadian-Indian citizen who allegedly oversaw the Vancouver, British Columbia-based ring, was charged with nine counts of smuggling and transporting illegal aliens.
Authorities say the immigrants, some of them children, were first flown on commercial flights to Toronto, Ontario, using forged documents.
"The aliens were charged as much as $35,000 apiece to be smuggled from their home countries through Canada to the U.S.," said Leigh Winchell, special agent in charge of Seattle investigations for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Once in the United States, the immigrants were put up in hotels in Washington state until arrangements were made to move them to other U.S. cities, Winchell said.
Still pictures from infrared video released by authorities show people being led through a wooded area near the Canadian border with Washington. The people in the photos are seen crouching by the side of a road before being picked up by a vehicle.
Authorities have found no connection to terrorism, but they said the arrests raise concerns about the vulnerability of the U.S.-Canadian border.
Wednesday's arrests were the result of a yearlong, largely undercover investigation by U.S. Homeland Security authorities and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The smuggling ring first drew authorities' attention in January 2005 after border-patrol agents got a tip that three men in Oroville, a border town in north-central Washington, had purchased maps of the border and asked about law enforcement activities there.
Though immigration and border security have sparked intense debate and several congressional proposals for reform, most of the focus has been on Mexican immigrants and the roughly 2,000-mile border the U.S. shares with its neighbor to the south.

04-28-2006, 11:10 AM
This is the SHIT THAT PISSES ME OFF................
May 1 protest should impact Yuma region
Apr 27, 2006, 9:20 pm
Employees of Los Cuates, a San Luis, Ariz., butchery and grocery store, stand inside the doorway. The family-owned business will close its doors Monday to protest ineffective immigration policy in the U.S. and to recognize foreign workers. PHOTOS BY BLAKE SCHMIDT/THE SUN
Demonstrators plan to march on downtown Yuma Monday.
Some businesses say they will close their doors, and some workers in Yuma County and in Mexico will take the day off and not buy any U.S. goods.
Proponents of the controversial nationwide work stoppage and economic boycott to protest the U.S. immigration system and to recognize foreign workers' economic contributions Monday hope their efforts will have an effect locally.
Emma Torres, executive director of Campesinos Sin Fronteras, said she and other local leaders will work together to organize a march Monday morning, from the Yuma Civic Center to downtown Yuma, which will begin tentatively at 7 a.m., though plans are not yet final.
"Bottom line, as an immigrant to this country, it really offends me to be thought of as a criminal," Torres said, referring to proposed legislation that would criminalize illegal immigrants living in the U.S.
Torres is encouraging students to stay in school that day.
Some employers like Torres, will allow their workers to take time off Monday, though she said they would have to work more hours later in the week.
But the effort is being criticized by area business leaders and elected officials who question the aim of protests they say will hurt the pocketbooks of merchants instead of getting the attention of policymakers.
Yuma County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ken Rosevear said a boycott is not the answer to those seeking immigration reform.
"I don't think my membership (members of the chamber of commerce) would support somebody not coming to work or boycotting a business because what they feel Congress is doing or not doing. It shouldn't have any bearing on the businesses," Rosevear said, adding that as a former employer, he wouldn't excuse employees to participate in a boycott or work stoppage.
Guadalupe Gallegos, who co-owns Los Cuates butchery and grocery store in San Luis, Ariz., with her husband, said the couple will close their shop Monday to join the protest.
"It's my way of showing my support ... for (illegal immigrants) who have been living here for years," she said, adding that she won't buy anything Monday as part of the boycott.
Monday coincides with International Workers Day, or May Day, which is celebrated as a holiday in Mexico and other countries. The plans for boycotts and work stoppages in the U.S. have been advertised as "a day without Mexicans" and "a day without immigrants."
Supporters like Gallegos say the day is an opportunity to pressure Congress to reform the nation's immigration policies and demonstrate economic contributions of foreign workers — particularly illegal immigrants — through work stoppages.
Gallegos crossed the border illegally with a human smuggler 25 years ago. She lived in the U.S. for seven years without documentation.
Earlier this week, she and her staff talked about their plans to close down shop Monday.
"The U.S. is nothing without Mexicans," said Maria Guadalupe, a San Luis, Ariz., resident who had stopped in at the store.
The cashier, Aracely Moreno, said she will boycott and march for her family members living as illegal immigrants in the U.S.
"I'll be the voice of my family members who can't speak up," she said.
Though citizens like Gallegos plan on joining the boycott, organizers of a protest in Yuma say they are not advocating any boycott or port of entry blockage, which is being talked about in San Luis Rio Colorado, Son.
Somerton business owner and ex-Mayor Agustin Tumbaga said he will not participate in the protests because he thinks they have little effect politically.
He pointed out how days after recent national protests, the Arizona Legislature passed a bill that would have made illegal immigrants subject to the state's criminal trespassing law, which Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoed.
However, Tumbaga, who owns a construction company in Somerton, will give his workers the day off with pay if they choose, he said.

04-28-2006, 11:17 AM
What a freakin joke. "Let's close our businesses to protest and help people break the law." How stupid can you get. I guess they don't like making a profit from their business. As Americans, we should boycott anyone who closes their doors on Mon as a protest for our legal American citizens...

04-28-2006, 11:27 AM
What gripes me is about the 'humanitarians' that feel we should allow the illegals to tromp on our land and rights due to the hardships in their own country. I do not see 180,000 mexican slaughtered and millions homeless like in Sinai. I do not see the slaughter like has occurred in Rwanda. I do not see the level of human trafficking like in Thailand.
Feeling for others is one thing. Allowing them to dictate public policy is another, and a major wrong. I have often thought that the voting in our country should be dictated by those who prove their commitment to this country. We make legal immigrants go through a process and test to become voters. Shouldn't voting be determined by a working knowledge of our language, history and laws? While everyone conjures memories of the old poll tax/tests used to deny blacks the right to vote, a federal law that states that you must complete basic requirements to vote can be a part of any high school degree.

04-28-2006, 11:41 AM
how do you spot a illegal at the river

04-28-2006, 12:34 PM
just because you don't like my opinion on this topic you call me names and insult me
What's funny is I really dont think you understand what you read. That's why you are a moron. I call it how I see it. We both have a similiar opinion on this, except you seem to have a hard time comprehending what people write.
cary on with your life and keep heiring illegals
just remember just because they have a valid SSI doesn't make them legal
Proof is the the pudding here buddy.........I wrote this a few posts back, but you still seem to be hung up on this.
I have 40 employees and have already admitted that I could do more as an employer by trying to keep the illegals off my payroll.
Since this morning, I have already sent an e-mail to all my administrative staff to find a way to check SS#'s and make sure we are hiring guys with real SS cards. I have received feedback that we are waiting on a pin number from the SS Administration so we can check numbers online.
Please pay attention dude. It's getting really old walking you through this 2 and 3 times.
P.S. What's an SSI?

04-28-2006, 01:12 PM
Just read this, maybe Mexico will take our druggies in exchange for their illegals. I'd be all for that deal.
Mexico set to decriminalize pot and cocaine By Noel Randewich
1 hour, 7 minutes ago
Possessing marijuana, cocaine and even heroin will no longer be a crime in Mexico if the drugs are carried in small amounts for personal use, under legislation passed by the Mexican Congress.
The measure given final passage by senators late on Thursday allows police to focus on their battle against major drug dealers, the government says, and President Vicente Fox is expected to sign it into law.
"This law provides more judicial tools for authorities to fight crime," presidential spokesman Ruben Aguilar said on Friday. The measure was approved earlier by the lower house.
Under the legislation, police will not penalize people for possessing up to 5 grams of marijuana, 5 grams of opium, 25 milligrams of heroin or 500 milligrams of cocaine.
People caught with larger quantities of drugs will be treated as narcotics dealers and face increased jail terms under the plan.
The legal changes will also decriminalize the possession of limited quantities of other drugs, including LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms, amphetamines and peyote -- a psychotropic cactus found in Mexico's northern deserts.
Hundreds of people, including several police officers, have been killed in the past year as drug cartels battle authorities and compete with each other for control of lucrative cocaine, marijuana and heroin smuggling routes from Mexico into the United States.
The violence has raged mostly in northern Mexico but in recent months has spread south to cities like vacation resort Acapulco.
Under current law, it is up to local judges and police to decide on a case-by-case basis whether people should be prosecuted for possessing small quantities of drugs, a source at the Senate's health commission told Reuters.
"The object of this law is to not put consumers in jail, but rather those who sell and poison," said Sen. Jorge Zermeno of the ruling National Action Party.
Fifty-three senators voted for the bill with 26 votes against it.
Hector Michel Camarena, an opposition senator from the Institutional Revolutionary Party, warned that although well intentioned, the law may go too far.
"There are serious questions we have to carefully analyze so that through our spirit of fighting drug dealing, we don't end up legalizing," he said. "We have to get rid of the concept of the (drug) consumer."
(Additional reporting by Anahi Rama)

04-28-2006, 01:49 PM
What the hell are any of you saying?????

CA Stu
04-28-2006, 03:40 PM
CA Student? You sound more like CA Stupid. If anyone in this debate is operating on "make it up as you go" it's YOU.
My name is Stuart. I live in Riverside, CA.
It's a nickname I have had for several years, and all my friends call me "Stu". I mean, both of them do.
There was another guy in a club I was in from Florida named Stuart, so I was nicknamed "California Stu", he was "Florida Stu".
It always speaks to the strengths of your argument when you start calling the other guy names. Nice going, man! :rolleyes:
CA Stu

04-28-2006, 05:20 PM
What's funny is I really dont think you understand what you read. That's why you are a moron. I call it how I see it. We both have a similiar opinion on this, except you seem to have a hard time comprehending what people write.
Proof is the the pudding here buddy.........I wrote this a few posts back, but you still seem to be hung up on this.
Please pay attention dude. It's getting really old walking you through this 2 and 3 times.
P.S. What's an SSI?
sorry that should be SSN
and all I did was make a comment on your post then you get all pissy and start calling me names if you don't agree with my comment say so but you don't have to resort to grade school name calling

04-28-2006, 05:31 PM
Yup, I am illegal! I broke the law! I can guarentee that you NEVER speed in you vehicle too :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Blow me.........
I have had my share of tickes but I wont be online crying obout it and talking shit about cops I pay my fine and its over
you on the other hand come on a public forum make threatening statement toward the officer that gave you the ticket and cry like a little school girl
because you got punished for doing something wrong
sorry if I don't feel bad for you maybe you should call your mom for some sympathy

04-28-2006, 07:50 PM
I have had my share of tickes but I wont be online crying obout it and talking shit about cops I pay my fine and its over
you on the other hand come on a public forum make threatening statement toward the officer that gave you the ticket and cry like a little school girl
because you got punished for doing something wrong
sorry if I don't feel bad for you maybe you should call your mom for some sympathy
Since when did I make threats to him???????? Like stated before, you need to READ before you type :idea: Ill call my mom after your ol lady leaves my house :p

04-28-2006, 07:53 PM
how do you spot a illegal at the river
This is classic!!!!!!!!!!LMFAO!!!!!!!! :crossx: :crossx: :crossx:

04-28-2006, 09:22 PM
maybe you should go back and read your thread
http://***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95664 (http://)
Since when did I make threats to him???????? Like stated before, you need to READ before you type :idea: Ill call my mom after your ol lady leaves my house :p

04-29-2006, 12:54 AM
I wonder if all these illegal immigrants are going to boycott going to the hospital on my dime on Monday, not take their welfare checks, move out of their HUD housing for the day. Don't have their kids go to school for free. It would be great if all the teens who can't get hired at a fast food restaruant could get some work while the folks "doing the jobs Americans won't do" are boycotting. Maybe their will be some openings at those jobs that were traditionally done by teenagers in this country (I worked in fast food, a warehouse, and as a night janitor in high school). Imagine going to order at a fast food place on Monday, and someone actually speaks English.
I wonder if all these folks are really for "open borders". I bet there are millions of folks from S.E. Asia, Indonesia, Africa, and other poor places that would be more than happy to come here and "do the jobs Americans won't do", or do they just want an open border with Mexico? Some competition might be good.
I am all for an organized guest worker program for those who want to come here and work and still maintain their citizenship, loyalty, and language from the nation they came from. Great, they can truely act like guests, send money home to momma and the kids and improve life in their home country while providing a service here. I am all for folks who come here and TRUELY want to be "un-hyphenated" Americans. That requires jumping through smoe hoops and my hats off to those who are willing and I welcome any person who truely wants to be an American. You want to come here and wave another nations flag, speak another language, not play by the rules, and then demand rights and privilages that you don't even have in the country you are so damn proud of that you are waving their flag on this country's soil.....then screw you, we don't need or want you, and you can take the bus home. I think this thing on Monday is going to result in a lot of pink slips and is going to backfire on the sentiments of many folks.

04-29-2006, 01:38 AM
My feeling about imigration is that it's spelled immigration.

04-29-2006, 03:10 AM
I saw that and tried to edit it but it wouldn't change. Oh well I'll just have to take off Monday and protest for something. :) v-drive

04-29-2006, 03:55 AM
I am all for an organized guest worker program for those who want to come here and work and still maintain their citizenship, loyalty, and language from the nation they came from. Great, they can truely act like guests, send money home to momma and the kids and improve life in their home country while providing a service here. .
Any guest worker program should be chock full of restrictions. The type of work should have to be approved and have a time limit. I don't mind anyone coming here, being loyal to this country, paying taxes and raising their family here. This chit of working for below standard wages, not paying taxes and sending money back "home" has got to stop!

04-29-2006, 04:40 AM
Who's idea was this anyways for these worthless wetbacks to take the 1st of May off? Anyone, ANYONE, who does not show up on Monday that is unexcused WILL BE FIRED. I would think that is crystal clear enough. Well see,...........

04-29-2006, 05:29 AM
This is the sign I will have on my cars window monday.

Old Texan
04-29-2006, 08:10 AM
My name is Stuart. I live in Riverside, CA.
It's a nickname I have had for several years, and all my friends call me "Stu". I mean, both of them do.
There was another guy in a club I was in from Florida named Stuart, so I was nicknamed "California Stu", he was "Florida Stu".
It always speaks to the strengths of your argument when you start calling the other guy names. Nice going, man! :rolleyes:
CA Stu
Wasn't a name, it was aimed more at your way of thinking Stu :cool:
As much mess as you throw out, you need to learn to expect some back. :cry:

05-01-2006, 05:17 AM
This puts to rest the argument that illegals only do the jobs Americans won't. A story in today's paper is about bricklayers that are being put out of business by outfits that hire illegals. They cannot pay a working wage to OUR citizens and compete with the firms that hire illegals. And the BS about illegals paying taxes is just that, BS. Most of them are paid under the table or paid as independant contractors, which means the IRS must find them to collect.
People bitch about outsourcing jobs, and yet have no problems with the outsourcing of jobs within our own borders. Our skilled jobs are being done out of country because we do not have enough skilled laborers, and our menial and construction jobs here are being done by out of country illegals because they say we won't do the jobs. We need to get a clue before no one is working because some other country is doing it.

05-01-2006, 05:38 AM
Here's an article that says immigrant workers are a plus to the economy:
So I guess it depends on how you look at it. As for the tax issue, that is a problem, but that problem is bigger than just the immigrants. I would bet the majority of workers who get paid under the table under-report their income for tax purposes, whether they are US citizens or not.

05-01-2006, 05:40 AM
I would bet the majority of workers who get paid under the table under-report their income for tax purposes, whether they are US citizens or not.
Brown makes me pay him...cash under the table ...every week......to ensure my..."personal safety"... :argue:

05-01-2006, 05:46 AM
Here's an article that says immigrant workers are a plus to the economy:
So I guess it depends on how you look at it. As for the tax issue, that is a problem, but that problem is bigger than just the immigrants. I would bet the majority of workers who get paid under the table under-report their income for tax purposes, whether they are US citizens or not.
The tax "problem" could be solved by imposing the sales tax instead of the income tax. I would be all for it.

05-01-2006, 05:46 AM
Brown makes me pay him...cash under the table ...every week......to ensure my..."personal safety"... :argue:
You need to hire a bunch of illegals to get the cobra finshed, I'd bet you could bang it out in a week. And your lawn was looking a little scruffy in the latest pictures, you could use some help there too.

05-01-2006, 05:48 AM
And who is going to wet-sand your boat??

05-01-2006, 05:48 AM

05-01-2006, 05:51 AM
You need to hire a bunch of illegals to get the cobra finshed, I'd bet you could bang it out in a week. And your lawn was looking a little scruffy in the latest pictures, you could use some help there too.
Not only are they gonna finish the Cobra...but they are gonna paint some velvet Elvis murals on the doors and trunk!!! :p

05-01-2006, 05:52 AM
Not only are they gonna finish the Cobra...but they are gonna paint some velvet Elvis murals on the doors and trunk!!! :p
Sweet! I was thinking some rebel flags would look good, but Elvis is always a good choice.

05-01-2006, 06:09 AM
Sweet! I was thinking some rebel flags would look good, but Elvis is always a good choice.
Rebel flags....just dont look right over velvet... :220v:

05-06-2006, 09:55 AM
Here is a letter I found interesting and from a credible source, a 27 year boarder patrol agent. I also checked snopes to make sure of it's authenticity. I will be interested what kind of response the letter gets from CAstu.
Dear Senator Frist:
There is a huge amount of propaganda and myths circulating about illegal aliens, particularly illegal Mexican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan and Honduran aliens.
1. Illegal aliens generally do NOT want U.S. citizenship. Americans are very vain thinking that everybody in the world wants to be a U.S. citizen. Mexicans, and other nationalities want to remain citizens of their home countries while obtaining the benefits offered by the United States such as employment, medical care, in-state tuition, government subsidized housing and free education for their offspring. Their main attraction is employment and their loyalty usually remains at home. They want benefits earned and subsidized by middle class Americans. What illegal aliens want are benefits of American residence without paying the price.
2. There are no jobs that Americans won't do. Illegal aliens are doing jobs that Americans can't take and still support their families. Illegal aliens take low wage jobs, live dozens in a single residence home, share expenses and send money to their home country. There are no jobs that Americans won't do for a decent wage.
3. Every person who illegally entered this nation left a home. They are NOT homeless and they are NOT Americans. Some left jobs in their home countries. They come to send money to their real home as evidenced by the more than 20 billion dollars sent out of the country each year by illegal aliens. These illegal aliens knowingly and willfully entered this nation in violation of the law and therefore assumed the risk of detection and deportation. Those who brought their alien children assumed the responsibility and risk on behalf of their children.
4. Illegal aliens are NOT critical to the economy. Illegal aliens constitute less than 5% of the workforce. However, they reduce wages and benefits for lawful U.S. residents.
5. This is NOT an immigrant nation. There are 280 million native born Americans. While it is true that this nation was settled and founded by immigrants (legal immigrants), it is also true that there is not a nation on this planet that was not settled by immigrants at one time or another.
6. The United States is welcoming to legal immigrants. Illegal aliens are not immigrants by definition. The U.S. accepts more lawful immigrants every year than the rest of the world combined.
7. There is no such thing as the "Hispanic vote". Hispanics are white, brown, black and every shade in between. Hispanics are Repu blicans, Democrats, Anarchists, Communists, Marxists and Independents. The so-called "Hispanic vote" is a myth. Pandering to illegal aliens to get the Hispanic vote is a dead end.
8. Mexico is NOT a friend of the United States. Since 1848 Mexicans have resented the United States. During World War I Mexico allowed German Spies to operate freely in Mexico to spy on the U.S. During World War II Mexico allowed the Axis powers to spy on the U.S. from Mexico. During the Cold War Mexico allowed spies hostile to the U.S. to operate freely. The attack on the Twin Towers in 2001 was cheered and applauded all across Mexico. Today Mexican school children are taught that the U.S. stole California, Arizona, new Mexico and Texas. If you don't believe it, check out some Mexican textbooks written for their schoolchildren.
9. Although some illegal aliens enter this country for a better life, there are 6 billion people on this planet. At least 1 billion of those live on less than one dollar a day. If wanting a better life is a valid excuse to break the law and sneak into America, then let's allow those one billion to come to America and we'll turn the USA into a Third World nation overnight. Besides, there are 280 million native born Americans who want a better life. I'll bet Bill Gates and Donald Trump want a better life. When will the USA lifeboat be full? Since when is wanting a better life a good reason to trash another nation?
10. There is a labor shortage in this country. This is a lie. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American housewives, senior citizens, students, unemployed and underemployed who would gladly take jobs at a decent wage.
11. It is racist to want secure borders. What is racist about wanting secure borders and a secure America? What is racist about not wanting people to sneak into America and steal benefits we have set aside for legal aliens, senior citizens, children and other legal residents? What is it about race that entitles people to violate our laws, steal identities, and take the American Dream without paying the price?
For about four decades American politicians have refused to secure our borders and look after the welfare of middle class Americans. These politicians have been of both parties. A huge debt to American society has resulted. This debt will be satisfied and the interest will be high. There has already been riots in the streets by illegal aliens and their supporters. There will be more. You, as a politician, have a choice to offend the illegal aliens who have stolen into this country and demanded the rights afforded to U.S. citizens or to offend those of us who are stakeholders in this country. The interest will be steep either way. There will be civil unrest. There will be a reckoning. Do you have the courage to do what is right for America? Or, will you bow to the wants and needs of those who don't even have the right to remain here?
There will be a reckoning. It will come in November of this year, again in 2008 and yet again in 2010.
We will not allow America to be stolen by third world agitators and thieves.
David J. Stoddard
U.S. Border Patrol (RET)
Hereford, Arizona

05-09-2006, 09:15 AM
Very good read, thanks for sharing...

05-10-2006, 11:46 AM
Here is a little something I got this afternoon. I can't believe the audacity of our government. What are they thinking? This is from Grassfire.com...
Minuteman civilian patrols seeking to stem the tide
of illegals are being routed out by U.S. Border agents!
According to NewsMax.com, our Border Patrol Agents
are notifying the Mexican government about the
location of Minuteman when they apprehend illegals.
"Now we know why it seemed like Mexican officials knew
where we were all the time," said Chris Simcox, founder
of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. "It is unbelievable
that our own government is sending intelligence to
another country."
Brandon, when our lawmakers side with law-breakers,
and against law-abiding citizens, it is time to take
aggressive action.
This is why Grassfire launched our "Stop The Invasion"
billboard campaign--a campaign that is now expanding
nationwide, and resonating all the way to Washington,
D.C. Click here to listen to our special audio message
from our Dallas billboard site:
As Steve Elliott said in a just released news release,
"A ground-swell of opposition to amnesty is building.
Senators who ignore the will of American citizens and
instead listen to the shouts of illegal rights protestors
do so at their own electoral risk."
If you haven't yet taken action with us, or would like
to help spread the campaign to your state, simply click here:
We simply cannot allow our lawmakers to be influenced
by outside governments, or illegal aliens. In short,
We Must Stop The Invasion!
Please pass this message on to your friends and family,
and urge them to take action with you by adding their
name to our "Secure Our Borders" update, by clicking here:
Thank you again for making a tremendous impact on this issue!
Grassfire.org Alliance
P.S: Don't miss Grassfire team members, Colby and Jenny Bauer
being interviewed by CBS News at our Dallas billboard.
Click here to see the report:
Sign our "Secure Our Borders" petition:
Sponsor a square foot of our "Stop The Invasion" billboard: