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View Full Version : National business owners boycott day

Dave C
04-27-2006, 03:12 PM
Business owners. Tired of paying endless sums of cash in taxes that are used to pay for benefits & welfare for ungrateful degenerate illegals? Sick of listening to illegals that complain about rights, even though they don't belong here in the first place, after all the support you provide against your will. :notam:
Then consider supporting the National Business Owners boycott day. A day set aside for business owners to take the day off by not paying their payroll, income, property & sales taxes that go to support illegals.
At the very least consider all fun we will have by getting in trouble while trying to excercise our first amendment rights. Hell we might even be thrown in the sale jail cell as an illegal when we are found guilty of income tax evasion. :rollside:

Chestah Cheetah
04-27-2006, 03:53 PM
Throw in workers comp just for good measure and count me in... :cool: