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05-21-2005, 08:22 PM
The Navigation wrikles I am about to Devulge to you are that of cobat vessels piloting, seamanship of Coastwise Navigation and Celestial Navigation.
Rules of the "Road"
When both side lights you see ahead, Port your helm and Show red.
Green to Green, or Red to Red, Perfect safety, go ahead.
When upon your port is seen a passer's starboard light of green,
There's not so much for you to do for green to port keeps clear of you.
If to starboard red appear, Its your duty to keep clear,
To act as judgement says is proper,
Port or starboard, back or stop her.
Both in safety and doubt,
Always keep a good look out;
In Danger with no room to turn,
Ease her stop her go astern!
A Simple Trick in Piloting
This could be left out but what the hell
Every fighter has a punch or two the are his favorites; every wrestler has a hold or two that are his favorites.
one of the most perfect peices of piloting on record was the feat of Harold Gatty, piloting Wiley Post in the "Winne May" around the world in Eight days. Like every good navigator, Harold Gatty ised many tricks of the trade. He used contact piloting, dead reconing and celestial navigation. However, ther was one particular simple trick of piloting which was one of his favorites.
The fact that Harold Gatty could call his shots and always hit his objective on the nose amazed Wiley Post. It was not until Nearly the end of the journey that Wiley Post discovered Harold Gatty's little favorite trick of piloting, and when he did he exclaimed, "if it is that simple, I will make this trip around the world alone." Wiley post did just that tow years later, but it must be remembered that he who has been ober the route once has a big advantage over he who has never been over the route before.
What was the favorite trick of harold Gatty, and how can you use it in small boat operation? Assume, for example, that you are in charge of a boat to transport Commrados on the raid from a destroyer some thirty miles offshore the the beach. Your objective where you aer going to land your party of commandos is a chrch steeple. You are given the magnetic course directly to your objective, but on arriving at ther beach you find no church steeple.
What should you do? Should you run along the beach to the right or left until you pick up your object? Which way is the church steeple?
If you are right-handed, you will probly turn to the right and run along the beach looking for a church steeple. However, let us assume also that when you first hit the beachthe church with its steeple is hidden behind a sand domefrom your veiw just a little to the left, and now that you have turned right and are running along the beach to look for the church, you ar running away from your objective with every revolution of the engine.
After you have gone a considerable distance, you realize that the church could not have been to your right, so you turn around and retrace your steps. You lost considerable time retracing your steps,coming bact to the original point where you hit the beach, provided you did not in the meantime fall int the hands of the enemy.
In this little trick of piloting you merely lay down a course definatley one side or the other of your objective. For example, you might lay down a course wich is defanatly a half mile or mile to the left of the objective.
Ok I am going to have to overt this to another newer book that is mer suited for this. stay tunned for more :D

05-21-2005, 09:09 PM
OK her we go
Rules of the Road, Right of Way
All of us on land have had the experience upon walking down the street of meeting another pedestrian, turnning the the right and having him turn to his left, then turning to the left and having him turn to his right and finally bumping into him. To the pedestrian on the sidewalk, such action and such a colision is comical but between two boats in the water, it is serious, yet boats often behave like human beings and do that very thing.
Besides in the case of pedestrians on the siedwalk and even in the case of automobiles in the street, it is a fairly simple matter to keep clear of such approaching danger as both pedestrians and motor cars follow fairley well defined paths or channels and by keeping to their own right, the danger of collision is eleminated. However, on the water it is a far different matter. Except in a very limited number of cases, there are no narrow paths or channels to follow. Boats as a rule have a wide expance of water on which to navigate, with their paths or courses constantly crossing those courses of many other craft which may be in the immediate vicinity. Therefore, the caution which must be obseved on the water, even if traffic may be much more limited than it is on land, is far more seriose and important than on the sidewalks and streets.
To prevent such t hings and collisions, very carefully considered rules have been laid down so that of the skipper in charge of any boat under any meeting, overtaking or crossing situation is pretty definitley prescribed. The rules which prescribed such duties and actions are of three general classes: First, there are the international Rules of the Road adopted at conventions among maritime nations. The second, type is the Inland Rules of the Road. These rules are enacted by the Congress of the United States are law. The Inland Rules authorized the Commandant, U.S. Coast Gaurd, to issue regulations based upon the Inald Rules and these regulations are issued in what is commonly known as the Pilot Rules. The Pilot Rules are not necesarily laws but are more in the form of interpritations by the proper officials and regulations issued to make the Inland Rules of the Road effective. Such Regulations can be upset in proper court proceedings and the courts have not hesitated to upset certain pilot rules as being unwaranted by the Inalnd Rules passed by the Congress of the United States.

05-21-2005, 09:57 PM
Piloting in the usual sense of the word might be defined as the are of conducting a boat or vessel through the channels and harbors and along the coast, where landmarks and aids to navigation may be properly identified nad are available for fixing one's psotion and where the depth of the waters and the dangers to navigation are such as to require an constant watch to be kept upon the boat's course and frequent changes to be made therein.
Piloting is a most important part ofo navigation and perhaps the part requiring the most experience and best judgment. an error in position on the High seas may be subsequently corrected without serious results in desaster. Therfore, the boatman should make every effort to be a good pilot.
Requisits for a Good Pilot
It will be seen that a study of piloting embraces a knowledge of a wide range of subjects which are allied to the proper handling of one's boat. This includes a knowledge of the Rules of the Road, rights of way, whistle(horn) signals, lights for variouse types of craft, fog signals, both under the Inland and International Rules and a study of where these are aplicable, wether on the high seas, Great Lakes or inland waterways.
Other important subjects which should be included in the study of piloting are knowledge of the bouyage and lighthouse system of the United States, the necisary equiptment to have aboard, including both that equiptment required by law and for one's own safety, the compas and the chart and the use of each, piloting instraments, and a knowledge of tides and currents, as well as many other lesser allied subjects. Good seamanship and particularaly a knowledge of the regulations of safety at sea are most important. Weather sense and the fundamentals of ground tackle and anchoring are important requisites.
Only One Way to Learn Boat Handling
Ther is only one way for one the learn how to handle his boat correctly. That way is practice alone. No amount of printed matter or rules can accomplish this. However, it is a fact that a knowledge of the basic principles which compose succesful boat handling goes along way, especially in conjuction with and equil amount of experience.
Perfection cannot be obtained unless the skipper becomes familiar with his duties upon the water. He must practise them. He should practise them upon every occasion wether his fellow boatman does or not.
Duties of Man at Wheel
It should be remembered as the first principle to learn, that the man at the wheel while he is on watch has but one duty in life- the safe guidance of his vessel. Everything else should be absolutely out of his mind until his boat is brought to her destination or the command is turned over to another person.
A captain or person on charge is absolut athority over the guidance of his or her vessel as well as being responsible not only for her safety but for the safety of all onboard. Under ordinary conditions the judgement, instructions and commands of the Captian must be complied with and may not be questioned.
Safety First
The Golden Rule for small boat handling is Safety First and keep to the right. Indecision of action or those actions having an obscure motive may mislead the other vessel and confusion may result. Time should never consider wasted if safety is at stake. When ther are alternate methods of avoiding danger, the safer of the two should be selected.

05-21-2005, 10:43 PM
Rules of Road Aplicable to All Types of Vessels
The Rules of the Road are aplicable to all types of Vessels when under way. Therefore, they apply with equil forcewhether a boat has headway or sternway. They apply to craft which are adrift or not under control. They apply to boats driven by steam, motor or sail power, ferry boats, pilot boats, tugs and tows, sailing vessels and to some extent, to a vessel propelled by hand power and the current.
When is a Vessel Underway?
a boat is considered underway she is not at anchor, aground or made fast to the shore. Under all other conditions except these three, a boat is considered underway and the Rules of the Road are applicable.
Were Inland and International Rules Prevail
The Inland Rules are those applicable to the navigation of all vessels in all harbors, rivers and inland waters of the United States tributary to the sea, including coastal waters inshore of the lines established bu Congress as deviding the inland waters from the high seas. Upon the high seas, that is, waters outside if these established boundry lines laid down, the International Rules apply. The Inalnd Rules also apply (generally speaking) at all bouyed entrances from seaward to bays, sounds, rivers etc. for which specific lines are not prescribed by the Pilot Rules, inshore of a line drawn approxamatley parallel with the general trend of the shore, drawn through the outermost bouy or other aid to navigation of system of any aids. The Pilot Rules list in detail the lines of demarcation which have been established between the inalnd waters and high seas.
Generally speaking, waters wholly within any one state are not federal waters but are under the juresdiction of the state. For example, Lake Champlain located on the boundry between the states of New York and Vermont is Federal Water and the Inalnd Rules of the Road prevail. However Lake George, wholly whithin the state of New York, and Lake Hoptacong, wholly within the state of New Jersey, are not federal waterways. The former is controlled by the navigation laws of the state of New York while Lake Hopatcong is is inder the jurisdiction of the state of New Jersey.
In some respects the state navigation laws are similar to those of the Federal Government yet in other respects the laws of the states differ considerably among themselves and with the Inland Rules.
The International Rules prevail on whaters outside the territorial waters of the United States. In many instances the Inland and International Rules are identicle. In others they differ.
More to come soon

05-22-2005, 06:34 PM
A Vessels Rights Not Altered by Whistle (Horn) Signals
An unanswered signal creates a situation of doubt and demands great caution. The vessel must not conclude that any signal has been assented to by any omission on the part of the other vessel to answer. Signals should be repeated as often as is necessary to secure an answer. On the other hand, failure to respond to signals by a priveliged vessel is not an abandonment of her right of way. Neither is the answering if a signal, whether it is as prescribed by the rules or not, by a privilaged vessel an abandonment of her privilages. Signals which are required under the rules do not take away any rights from the privilaged vessel, neither do they confer any benefits upon the burdened vessel. The vessel which first signals gains no advantage or diadvantage. Should the burdened vessel first whistle it does not relieve her of any burden even if she should attemt to secure a privilage from the privilaged vessel.
The method of passing whether to starboard or to port as provided by the rules cannot be violated exept by mutual consent by appropriate horn signals given and answered. Notwithstanding any such agreement, the vessel which changes the method of passing prescribed by the rules, assumes all liability.
Fundamental Objects of Rules
The fundamental objects of the Rules of the Road whether they be the International, Inalnd or Pilot Rules are to prevent collisions at sea or on the water. Therefore, it may be assumed that the Rules of the Road are applicable only when danger of collision exists. Danger of collision may be deemed to exist also when there is uncertainty or doubt from any cause.
Boats Coming Out of Slip
In the case of boats coming out of a slip or moving from docks or piers the Rules of the Road do not apply nor do their rights become applicable until such vessels are entirely clear of the slip or pier. No rights of way prevail nor may passing whistle (horn) be given until such boats are entirely free and clear of the slip or pier. On the other hand, passing craft may not block the entrance to or exit from any pier or slip.
as the boat leaves her pier or slip, she should sound one long blast of her horn but this signal should not be considered as a passing signal. As soon as a boat is clear of such obstruction, the regular Rules of Road and rights of way apply.
A boat is considered to be overtaking another boat when she is approching the course of the leading boat from more than 2 abaft the beam of the leading boat. In such a case, the rights and privalages all rest with the leading boat, the overtaking vessel no rights whatsoever.
Even though a sailing vessel, which under all other conditions has the right of way over motor vessels, may be overtaking a motor vessel, such sailing vessel has no rights. In all instances, an overtaking vessel must keep clear of an overtaken vessel.
In Case of Accident
In the case of collision or other serious accident between vessels, it is the duty of the person in charge of each vessel to stand by the other vessel until he has ascertained that she is in no need of furthure assistance. We must render to the other vessel, her master, her crew and passengers such assistance as may be practicle adn necessary so far as he can do without danger to his own vessel. He must also give appropriat information (insurance, contact) when reqested.
When boats are involved in a Maritime casualty or accident either to hull or machinery, equiptment, crew or any persons or when persons are injured or any lives are lost, immediate notice therof must be forwarded to the nearest Local or Districk Ifficer of ther United States Coast Guard or to Coast Gaurd Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

05-22-2005, 06:53 PM
I must add that the terminology has been changed since these passages were written.
The "Privileged" vessel, which has right of way, is now termed the "Stand-On" vessel, meaning it must maintain it's course and speed.
The "Burdened" vessel is now referred to as the "Give-Way" vessel, and must alter her course, slow her speed, or reverse her direction to avoid collision.
In applying these rules to our form of boating, this is by far the most important:
It should be remembered as the first principle to learn, that the man at the wheel while he is on watch has but one duty in life- the safe guidance of his vessel. Everything else should be absolutely out of his mind until his boat is brought to her destination or the command is turned over to another person.
The second most important one to know is:
A boat is considered to be overtaking another boat when she is approching the course of the leading boat from more than 2 (degrees) abaft the beam of the leading boat. In such a case, the rights and privalages all rest with the leading boat, the overtaking vessel no rights whatsoever.

05-22-2005, 07:28 PM
Boats on Parallel Courses
(In Same Direction)
Neither the Inland Rules nor the Pilot Rules have anything to say about two bats on Parallel courses, heading in the same direction, since no danger of collision is involved and no horn signals are necessary.
For example if two vessels were to leave adjacent docks at the same time, If their courses are parallel or if the courses are diverging, even slightly, there is no necessity to exchange signals.
However, if their courses may have been laid so that they gradually converge, resulting in a crossing situation. On crossing courses, the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side must keep out of the way of the other vessel. Thes the vessel on the starboard side may exersise her right of way, signal with one blast and expect to recieve a one blast reply indicating that the boat to port will slow down and pass astern. An exchange of two blasts would indicate that the boat to starboard (the privaleged vessel) intends to slow down and go astern of the other.
Boats on Opposite Parallel Course
When two boats are on parallel courses heading in opposite directions but each cours so far to the starboard of the other that no change of course is necessary in order to allow the boats to clear, two blasts of th horn should then be given by one boat, which should then be acknowledged by two blasts from the other boat. Each boat will hold its course and speed and should pass clear of the other, Starboard side to Starboard side. This is the only meeting or crossing situation where it is allowable to use a two blast signal in passing.
Rights of Way of Fishong Vessels
Boats of all types ehile under way must keep out of the way of boats fishing, including fishong boats at anchor or with nets, lines and trawls. No vessel is permitted to engage in fishing in a channel or faiway nor to obstruct navigation in any way. The boats under way should give all boats fishing a wide berth in order not to disterb them by their washes (wake).
Duties of Privilage and Burdenen Vessels
In the eyes of the Rules of the Road, that is, the Laws to prevent collision between vessels, one of the two vessels must must necissarily be considered to have the right of way. THis vessel is called the privilaged vessel. The other, which is the vessel must give way, is known as the burdened vessel. In all of the rules, no matter to what phase of boating they refer, the privilaged vessel must hold her coarse and speed. The burdened Vessel must adopt every means known to keep out of the way of the privalaged vessel. :hammer2:

05-22-2005, 07:35 PM
Thank You Boatcop.
Yeah I guess I need to update my scource I am going from 1966 text :D I to started off with My textbook from the Higgins boat works pertaining to combat vessels used during the second world war but that was just not suitable for the cause. ;)
This is alot of typing and it makes me feel like i am not wating my time if only just one person is to learn from this!

05-22-2005, 10:20 PM
or you can just use the all too common Havasu Nav rule:
hey dickbreath I'm going there get outta my way asswhole. :)

Tom Brown
05-22-2005, 10:51 PM
hey dickbreath I'm going there get outta my way asswhole. :)
You've worked up quite a Frenchie impression there, Mike. :D
... I really am sorry Leon. I'd ride with you any time but come on... that was a meat ball and I had to swing at it. :D

05-22-2005, 11:28 PM
my apology to the thread starter for taking this thread in a less than serious direction, it just seemed a little too on topic for the sandbar. Back to your regularly scheduled (and informative I might add) programming now. :smile:

05-24-2005, 08:01 PM
Ok Sorry I was very busey yesterday! Back on track! I wish there was a web page I could just copy and past this stuff here!
When a Departure From Rules is Allowable
As the Rules of the Road are written to prevent collision rather than to cause it, it follows that situations might develop of such a nature that, if the rules were complied with, a collision would be inevitable. This has led Congress to adopt the following rules to prevent collisions, which become effective when special circumstances warrant:
"In obeying and construing these rules, due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any speacial circumstances which may render a departure from the rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger." Also the following rules: "When, in consequence of thick weather or other causes, the vessel which has the right of way finds herself so close that a collision cannot be avoided by the action of the givving way vessel alone, she also shall take such action as will best aid to avert collision."
Both Vessels May Be Responsible
By the above two rules, to a greater or lesser degree, the responsibility for an accident is up to the masters of both boats. If for any reason an accident cannot be prevented by one of the two boats, namely the which is supposed to give way, then the other boat must do all in her power to prevent a collision. In the case of motor boats which are, or at least should be, able to stop within almost their own length as well as to maneuver redily ther is little to relieve them of some of the responsibility for an accident, especially when a comercial or vessel of large size is the other party to the situation.
The Danger Zone
The area around one's boat located clockwise from dead ahead to two points abaft the starboard beam might well be called the Danger Zone. It is this area which should give the skipper the greatest concern. Other boats located in this Danger Zone which are approaching the course of your boat have the right of way over your boat. Consequently your boat must keep clear of boats in the Danger Zone.
Boats located outside of your Danger Zonewhich are approaching your course must give way to you. You have th right of way over all such boats.
The fact that the Danger Zone is located in the area from dead ahead to two points abaft the starboard beam is an excellent reason to locate the steering wheel on the starboard side of one's boat instead of on the port side if the wheel has to be located on one side or the other. With the steering being done where the best and an unobstructed veiw of the Danger Zone can be obtained, it works out for the greatese safety. Should the steering wheel be located to port, whrer would be danger that deck obstructions, persons on deck, etc., would hide, to a greater or lesser extent, this important Danger Zone.
At night boats in your Danger Zone shou you their red side light-the danger sign for you to give way. Boats outside the Danger Zone show their Green side light-the clera signal to you that they must give way.
Meeting Oblequely or Crossing
If the courses of two motor vessels are such that the two are approaching each other at right angles or obliquely, so as to involve risk of collision (other than overtaking) the motor Vessel which has the other on her own port side shall be the privilaged/Stand on vessel and shall hold her course and speed. The motor vessel which has the other on her own starboard side is the burdened/give way vessel and shall keep out of the way of the other vessel, using whatever means are necessary to do so. They exchange one short blast of the horn. Though the priveliged/stand on vessel should blow first, either may.
Visual Signal
An amendment to the pilot rules for boats operating on Wester rivers requires that, after January 1, 1945, horn sigals must be further indacated by a visual signal such as an amber colored light light visable one mile all around the horizon. The light must operate simultaneously and in conjunction with the Horn, and be visable duriong the same period as the horn blast.
This rule does not apply to Class A and Class 1 motor boats. Class 2 and Class 3 motor boats are also exemt from this regulation if not engaged in trade or commerce.
Had you faulkers going for a second didn't I :D

05-24-2005, 08:25 PM
An amendment to the pilot rules for boats operating on Western rivers requires that, after January 1, 1945, horn sigals must be further indacated by a visual signal such as an amber colored light light visable one mile all around the horizon. The light must operate simultaneously and in conjunction with the Horn, and be visable duriong the same period as the horn blast.
Don't cornfuse these miscreants too much.
"Western Rivers" doesn't mean rivers in the western part of the US. They are defined under Title 33 of the US Code as:
''Western Rivers'' means the Mississippi River, its
tributaries, South Pass, and Southwest Pass, to the navigational
demarcation lines dividing the high seas from harbors, rivers, and
other inland waters of the United States, and the Port Allen-Morgan
City Alternate Route, and that part of the Atchafalaya River above
its junction with the Port Allen-Morgan City Alternate Route
including the Old River and the Red River;

05-24-2005, 08:37 PM
Thank you Boat Cop
the book I am going from left that part out. good to have your guidence although I am supprised at the low veiwing coun on this subject. Oh well only 300 more pages to go :D