View Full Version : WHY?

02-17-2003, 07:59 PM
We`ll forget that night ever happenned. See how I just changed time. Only the late great John Wayne could do that.
Oh yeah,,,and me.
No, Pookee` is just my side kick. Shit. Pookee` been talkin shit again? :mad:
[ February 18, 2003, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: HOSS ]

Kim Hanson
02-17-2003, 08:22 PM
Hoss, lighten up guy! Have a beer and look the other way,people have their opinion and will tell it to anybody! I will just leave it like that!.....( . )( . ).... :D
[ February 17, 2003, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Kim Hanson ]

02-17-2003, 08:43 PM
Hoss......You seem to have alot of Inneraggresion..This is not good...You need to learn to express yourself without the fear of being Stereotyped .......Jest my Opinion & it's Free....... wink wink wink

02-17-2003, 08:44 PM
No, I personally would not care to duplicate Mr/Mrs Jackson's exploits.If you can look the other way then you obviously do not have or care about children!!! This guy should not be allowed to have ANY contact with children ANYWHERE at ANYTIME!!He is a sick F***k and I don't care if he wrote the 5th symphony! If Beethoven had behaved in such a manner the folk of the time would have hanged him!! Times have changed but is it for the better?? I will respect your opinion jawdrop but will tell you in no uncertain terms that I think you are WRONG!!!..Tim

02-17-2003, 09:13 PM
Latter day John Wayne my a**!John Wayne had morals,standards,and protected children!! If there is a GOD in HEAVEN then I hope YOU/hoss(SMALL LETTERS ON PURPOSE) when you die, get to spend 5 minutes with MR.WAYNE, because I think he would probably like to give you a serious EDUCATION!!.. SORRY everyone else, but this is bu**s**t, and my kids read over my shoulder :mad:

02-17-2003, 09:59 PM
DAMN! I lost my temper there for about thirty minutes there, sorry all,you too Hoss. Maybe I am a little to quik to express MY opinion burningm Tim

02-17-2003, 10:03 PM
i feel ya hoss..but when i get that way i go work on the boat.........so just be lucky he aint got nothing to do with you...

02-18-2003, 01:18 AM
I will leave MORALS out of this, but Music is not such a great social contribution that it exempts you from the LAW ,only $$$$ and fame can do that ... just ask one of those priests who are going to jail for the same thing. I suppose THEY didn't contribute anything to society? ...... This is a matter for the COURT ["facts"] not the FORUM [opinions] .....

02-18-2003, 01:59 AM
Somehow the image of John Wayne moonwalking to "Beat it" ...spurs a rattlin' an all seems, well, just plain un-American. :confused:

02-18-2003, 02:44 AM
And just WHERE did this "image" you have come from ? I can't even figure out how John Wayne got in it.... but I usually stay out of "Bench Racing" for this very reason .... I'll go away now ...

02-18-2003, 06:17 AM
Beer, beer, lets all cheer. John Wayne moonwalking? HELL YEAH, can`t I even get a hell yeah? He damn near invinted it. His potna did that is. Wild Willie Bill. A genuine mountain man. Started doing it to divert from beaver droppings. Works like a charm.
Manic Mechanic, I forgive you and Mike forgives you. Don`t let your children near him? Dude, don`t be cattle, be a man and don`t believe the hype. I could tape anyone anytime and cut it up to air it and make it look like you are a BONE UP FAG!
I`m not sayin` he is a straight up 40 somehting guy. But he hasn`t lived a normal life either. All I`m sayin` is leave the dude alone. Why would so many care? I just wanna blow the **** outa Saddam. Can`t we do one thing right? Is everything a ****in` argument? **** those muslim ****s. An act of GOD 9/11? Well they say the US is evil. Lets do an act from the devil and nuke their ass.
Again, don`t believe the hype from me or anyone else. Do believe that gravity is a mother. All that beer didn`t stay in my stomach then come outa my sparsly hairy shaft! It went to the top of my head overnight! Hence hangover.
Hoss if I had the time of day to prove that I am the modern day John Wayne, I would. But for now you gonna have to take my word for it. But here is some proof:"Ever took a dump ina nasty gas station and ACTUALLY sat on the seat?". I have!
More examples as we go. Got a feeling this is gonna be a long day. Where`s that furry beaver? :p

02-18-2003, 06:20 AM
My only comment...Mike said "I am Peter Pan" well to me that ='s Gay! eek! ...lol

02-18-2003, 06:29 AM
That`s right! He did. That is gay! But I`m the modern day John Wayne.
I`m Peter Pan,,,,,no shit,,,,sorry guys and gals I forgot that. He is gay!

02-18-2003, 06:39 AM
Sorry, but with a user name like HOSS...no you can't be a Peter Pan also! There can only be one Peter Pan, and its Mike...How about Tinker Bell?
Now the thought of John Wayne Moon walking (as he was in True Grit)...I'm in pain from laughing! :D
[ February 18, 2003, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: HammerDown ]

02-18-2003, 06:50 AM
But Mike has a ranch.How can a cowboy be gay? I`ll tell you how we would know fo sho. What`s the name of his horse? Can always tell a man by the name of his horse.

02-18-2003, 08:25 AM
His horse is named "Bubbles." Oh, wait, that's his chimp. Does he have a horse? Llamas perhaps, but I don't remember a horse. :confused: :D

02-18-2003, 09:31 AM
Hey Hoss, been drinkin' again, huh? May I suggest AA? A few meetings might help you with your problem.

02-18-2003, 10:01 AM
But real men drink too!
Peter Pan. RLMAO! I am peter Pan. Jesus, he really is fried. Toast. Burnt bread. But that doesn`t make him gay. A total freak yes. My friend called and asked if I read this today,,,,,,,damn. I was toast. Told him of peter pan. he agrees now also. But that interview was chopped up. Come on can`t you tell that. Maybe I feel so sorry for him because he is so damn incapable of defending himself. But him claiming to be peter pan is like some asshole comparing his likeness to that of the great John Wayne. We are in a world of freaks.
AA, quit, problem, why? I am starting to like the dimensia associated with it. Got the whole getup except for a brown faded leather vest. Anyone got one for sale? Even got a sidekick. had to substitute an ex-heroine addict for an Indian. There just aren`t any Indians down here in the swamp. I`m now callin` him Pookee`. Got all his teeth so I guess that`s good. I have him on the straight and narrow for doin` good deeds where needed. Oh yeah and savin` the day and all. We are on the Michael Jackson (aka Wacko Jacko) case now. You`ll know its us cause I shoot platinum bullets and Pookee`, well he`s shootin methadone. We don`t ride any livestock because of the variation in stool disposal laws from state to state and county to county. So I ride an Espirit motor scooter and Pookee` has this English racer with a great big basket on the front. Like the one you used on the paper route. You know,,so as to blend in so we can do our thing. eek!

Kim Hanson
02-18-2003, 09:44 PM
You kill me HOSS!..........( . )( . ).... :D :D wink

02-20-2003, 06:26 PM
Guess everyone is watching Mike again. I know, Pookee` is too.

Kim Hanson
02-20-2003, 06:47 PM
I agree with you "HOSS", he is one ****ed up guy! I just watched abit of this show he was on and I think where is the jacket!.......( . )( . )....... :D

02-20-2003, 08:20 PM
Jordan, I saw bubbles on tv. A potty trained chimp? Way cool dude. Where can I get one?
My horse`s name is Bo. Yeah, you guessed it Pookee` named his bicycle Luke. You know like Bo and Luke Duke. I thought it was corny too. Thats why I suggested Starsky and Hutch. But Pookee` has bad nerves from habitual drug use and gets all tweaked when the axis is a little off kilter if ya know what I meen. I don`t know about this Maury Povich cat. Why him. Is he a spokesman for Mike, the interviewer Rashad ( if thats it), the network, record label, or just some doo gooder that always seems to worm his way into things?