View Full Version : Rudder Stuffing Box Tolerance?

06-04-2005, 09:02 PM
For the second time, does anybody have any idea how much rudder play is acceptable before you should replace the stuffing box and/or rudder? Thanks.

06-04-2005, 09:23 PM
OK I'll bite
Personally I hate any play in my rudder.
In my old Hondo I bit the bullit & had a new rudder & stuffing box installed. The first time out all the chrome peeled off the rudder, including the shaft section. Which of course reduced the O.D.. It then shook, & it seemed everytime I took it out it got worse, drove me nuts. Boat did mid 80 mph.
The new boat has potential to be quicker. During the build I did not hesitate or worry about the cost. I got a really trick stuffing box from Bergeron. The box has delhrin inserts which can be replaced. I then got a new rudder, no chrome. I have only but a total of 40 gals of fuel throught the new boat, but so far this is a great set up.
Don't know how much play is acceptable. But that's my deal.

06-04-2005, 11:15 PM
Hey.....Morg, you're a brave man. Thank you for the advise! I going to buy a new stuffing box and check the rudder fit. I acquired an canyon race boat that needs a little T.L.C. Probably have more questions.
Thank you.

BA Kurtis
06-05-2005, 05:06 AM
For the second time, does anybody have any idea how much rudder play is acceptable before you should replace the stuffing box and/or rudder? Thanks.
I am with Morg on the 0 play on rudder, I also had a chrome plated rudder and it is NFG I just replaced it, Canyon marine has the best deal, good luck :cool:

06-05-2005, 06:59 PM
Chrome is a big NO NO on any underwater hardware, also off the shelf stuffing boxes are never a perfect fit, I always put a sleeve in them. If yours is worn just sleeve it!..

06-05-2005, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the response guys!