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06-10-2005, 05:51 PM
here's my problem:
my work has scheduled me for next week. i have had a vacation request in for 1 year. i have $3000 invested in a trip to indy for the f1 race. They dont want to give me the time off because the other manager at this place(who has senority) is going to a last minute bacholer party. the funny part about that is they denied me time off next month to go to my brothers bacholer party because the other manager wants to go on vacation. :eat:
so would you tell them to f#*k off and quit -or- not show and hope you dont get fired and if you do collect unemployment :D
either way it would be the first time i have had weekends off in 5 years.
p.s. i work 70-80 hours a week for these guys. bust my balls and work anything and everything they ask of me. with no overtime and few raises.
p.s.s can i use the fact that in order to get enough hours to survive, i had to sign a form saying i would get no o.t. unless it was over 8 hrs in one dept?

06-10-2005, 06:03 PM
Sounds like a bum deal. I'd be pissed.
There's too many variables that I know nothing about to give you my opinion. What do you do for a living? Can you quit and go somewhere else and make the same $$? Will unemployment even come close to your salary?
Sorry to hear you're going through this crap.
Good luck

06-10-2005, 06:11 PM
Sounds like what I'm going through right now. Everytime I want to relax on the weekend I get called in. The only good thing is I get O.T. no matter what. Damn it's a tough call. I got laid off from my last job for the same thing though. I was there for 6 years busting my a$$ for them, 60-80 hour work weeks, and doing the last minute business trips. I got burned out, I couldn't take it anymore. I took the time I request off anyways and two weeks later they laid me off. I collected for 2 months while I looked for another job and relaxed a bit. Now I have a better paying job in a better enviorment but I'm still working last minute overtime on the weekends..... I hate being dependable. :notam:

Tom Brown
06-10-2005, 06:16 PM
Do you work for Boyd Coddington?

06-10-2005, 06:21 PM
Sounds like a bum deal. I'd be pissed.
There's too many variables that I know nothing about to give you my opinion. What do you do for a living? Can you quit and go somewhere else and make the same $$? Will unemployment even come close to your salary?
Sorry to hear you're going through this crap.
Good luck
I work at a golf course as a banquet manager/bartender/building maintence/sales/everthing. i can quit and get a job w/ my brother as a courier making more or less the same. i am only 23 and i guess i could move back in w/ my mom. it would save me $1500 a month in rent.
i should move in with her and collect unemployment and just chill at the lake for a month :rollside:

06-10-2005, 06:24 PM
Quit..... go work with your brother........ maybe find another job during that time........ :idea:

06-10-2005, 06:26 PM
Shoot, if you can kick back at the lake for a month and collect then do it. Take the time off. Don't burn yourself out at a job where your not being treated fairly. :mad:

06-10-2005, 06:40 PM
I work at a golf course as a banquet manager/bartender/building maintence/sales/everthing. i can quit and get a job w/ my brother as a courier making more or less the same. i am only 23 and i guess i could move back in w/ my mom. it would save me $1500 a month in rent.
i should move in with her and collect unemployment and just chill at the lake for a month :rollside:
That changes everything then.
Seriously, I'd have a heart to heart with your boss before you do anything. Let him know what's going through your head and how you're feeling about this whole deal.
If you quit, no unemployment. If you get fired you can collect unemployment, but, the firing will look bad on your resume. If you choose to get fired and just not put this job on any other applications or resume,there will be a blank period in your work history. Tough call. Only you can make the decision that's best for you.
Banqeut managers and bartenders can usually get hired easily if you have a good history.

06-10-2005, 06:53 PM
You have the law on yourside. Call the labor board...if they lay you off, you will get a lot more than unemployment. :coffeycup
I actually got a company shut down for vacation time. Labor board showed up and pad locked the door. They fired me later on an "unrelated" charge and I cleaned up.

06-10-2005, 06:54 PM
Screw Them :D works sucks:yuk:
The strippers better be good at the party :rolleyes:

06-10-2005, 06:58 PM
Dear Boss, BYE BYE, watch for me at Indy.
you may just get an ass reaming cuz it sounds like No one wants your job. go to work with your bro and forget this job on any later resumes unless you want to be the handyman at a golf course( not knocking it just stating facts)
and look for as cheeper place to live 1500....damn
my been drinking .02 :D

06-10-2005, 06:59 PM
If the vacation request was submitted in writing and approved by your superior, your good to go....have 'em call the Temp Agency... :D

06-10-2005, 07:00 PM
There's only one question that will solve this whole dilemma. You said you've had your request in for a year. Have they ever said yes? If so, take it and if they fire you you've got grounds for wrongful term. If they never answered, you're f**ked.

06-10-2005, 07:45 PM
Go on vacation , call your boss on your cell phone just as the cars are flying by so he knows where your at . After the race head to the lake for some R&R

little rowe boat
06-10-2005, 07:56 PM
Go to your boss and explain the situation and what you have invested,explain that the vacation request has been in for a year.If he or she is a reasonable person and values you as an employee, then they will find a way to let you take your vacation. as for quitting your job,I guess that all depends on how much you need the job.Good luck.

Mrs Scuba
06-10-2005, 08:30 PM
I would get a job with your brother, ask him to pay you cash. Have them fire you and collect unemployment from them as well as make money on the side with your bro. It's a win win situation. Screw the company, if you've put in that much time for them, and just because of seniority they tell you NO, then screw them and let them figure out what they are going to do last minute. Wait it out and call in sick the days you will be out. Everyone gets sick and it's only right you take time off. You know pneumonia is going around right now. Just start feeling sick about 2-3 days before you leave, maybe even set up an appointment with the Dr, one day before you leave. My hubby wasn't feeling well and the Dr couldn't tell him what was wrong, so they gave him antibiotics and put him off work for 3 days. It just might work. :D
Good luck with whatever you decide.

Eliminator 4 Life
06-10-2005, 08:31 PM
Call in sick all week and tell them everyday to get fawked :cool: