View Full Version : Tunnel Ram Color

02-02-2002, 12:51 PM
The guy i got my Tunnel ram from Painted it Black and i am wondering if any one has had problems with it being black??
My experiance in racing is it should be as lite in color as possible even just Polished for heat i think it should be as Cool as possible for the fuel to be cool Give any info yall have thanx
Ignore Them Hatters

02-03-2002, 09:31 AM
My tunnel ram is powder coated black and it works well for me
[This message has been edited by Johnwithjm (edited February 03, 2002).]

02-03-2002, 02:41 PM
How do you know it is working well or at its best I have been racing for a long time and have built blowers for top fuel cars for long time etc etc. and the things i have learned is that the cooler the fuel the better it seems to perform and i have asked some of my car racing Buddies and they all have said it does make a difference. the reason i am asking this is i noticed the Manifold Sweating with lots of condensation when i am running accross the water and it leaves a water mark on the surface till it gets wiped up. I think it will condensate weather it is polished or black but not as bad if it can disapate the heat instead of attract it Hence keeping the fuel Cooler in the manifold as it flows thru the manifold. I am wondewring if it makes a difference in the performance of the engine as well as it does fuel Burn i would think it would Thanx for your reply and i am looking forward to finding out these things.

02-03-2002, 07:40 PM
I had a polished tunnel ram on the motor and had no problems. Put the powdercoated tunnel ram on and it worked alot better for me. It is a hell of alot better to keep clean. I see your point and I have not had the sweating problem. Where are you running your boat?

fat rat
02-04-2002, 05:12 AM
I've heard black can work both ways....look at your air cooled motorcycle engines, most are black. Black can disipate heat also....I don't know if this works in this application.
Remeber: "Chrome won't get you home"
"Black will get you back"

02-05-2002, 02:59 PM
fat rat, you are right about air cooled motors and black. It is a certain black paint . I`ll remember the name one day.
But a tunnel has no cooling fins and I would think that polished would remove the heat quicker as paint would act as an insulator and a non polished surface although not even (with raised areas in the trillions) would still not dissapate heat as fast. This non polished surface would fill with dirt and grime and insulate? Remember to block off your heat risers! Free HP.
My .02.
[This message has been edited by jroos (edited February 05, 2002).]

02-08-2002, 09:31 PM
Hey Guys The Thing is I dont want to attract heat I want it to stay the hell away and i deffinatly do not want to keep it in and hey Fat Rat It aint no Harley . well it used to be since i sold one of my harleys and bought the Boat with the money. and the reason they use black on cycle engines is to make them look good with the Frame and if they didnt do something to it it would look like Crap Being Molded cast alluminum so instead of polishing them the paint them black it cost less and it helps warm the air cooled engine when it is cols out cuz they aint got no Choke to help warm them up and also you are mostly talking about Two stroke motors for the most part. most 4-strokes are silver becouse they also dont show oil like a two stroke does any way enough about the reason for air cooled engines being black. Hey my engine is lake water cooled and the Fuel is Cold from the tank and when it flows thru the manifold it makes the HOT BLACK surface Sweat like a set of Implants at Mardi Gras from being exposed to the sun. so i was thinking if the fuel was cooler and didnt have the heat from the manifold evaporating it as it flowed thru the manifold and or cousing it to be warmed and not as cold when it is Combusted in the cylender well this means that it is allready warm when it is combusted and maybe if it was cooler it would be more combustable or volitle when the spark plug ignites. I think that having it Coated silver or a lighter color it would be more efficient and also it makes it more Ported like smoother thus making it more responsive without injecting it or blowing it and yeh i would rather be blown than injected but as you said chrome dont get ya home BUT COATING MY KEEP YA BOATING hey i just made that up i am impressed with my self so hey guys i am going to try it i think and see but i dont have two to check if one is better then the other so i will have to live with it looking better than DULL black and be allot better looking and not to mention Cleaner looking so if i have made an erorr in my definition of what i was looking for or any thing else in this Reply fill free to correct me and make me fill like a LITTLE DADDy without a Black Tunnel Ram well it will just have to be this way.
Hey Guys i hope ya havent fallen asleep yet cuz i have one more thing to say and i will let ya go.
Who wants a Pic of the Chick at motel six parking lot in Denison Texas in my Boat TopLess ( o ) ( o ) and looking Hot. LMAO LOLOL See yall later.

02-09-2002, 07:21 AM
With your last reply you have taken ingnorance to an all new high.I will not EVER reply to you again BigDaddy! You my friend are truely stupid! In your first post you stated you have racing expierience. Now I will not reply to you but just what the F did you race?
A diffinitive BRF!
[This message has been edited by jroos (edited February 09, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by jroos (edited February 09, 2002).]

02-09-2002, 10:28 AM
BigDaddy, your last post was the hardest thing I have ever read on this board. It was like a 1000 word essay with only 4 sentences. Good thing you checked your spelling and used commas. You ROCK!! LDFTRBT

02-12-2002, 12:50 AM
WOOOw JRooS Sorry if i Offended you in any way and or form I dont know were that came from but i in no way ment any Harm from it i was just stating what i was trying to do and if i was Making a Mistake or not if i do change the color. I Do apoligize to you Sir and Bow to your Intelec for Racing I do not claim to be the best or the Fastest But i have Raced Several Different Forms and been in several different feilds of the racing Industry from FAN to Track Management to Vender To Racer to Wrench to Tire man etc. and i have seen several different kinds of Racers in My Day and the one that seems to be the Most Difficult to understand and or do is BOAT Racing this is why i choose not to race them Rather Watch and Enjoy the Event and all it has to offer. So i dont know what different applications work or can Make a Difference so I ask and Discuss it here with different people from all over the country Just like you can do so Please dont take any offence in anything i have said I Really Really did not mean any Harm or Disrespect to you or any one else that has replied to any of my Post i have done So please accept my Apology for any disrespect i have done to you Sir.
and just so you know the kind of racing i have done well started in Dirt bike racing a sl70 honda to a RM250 suzuki to a 500 montesa from there started Sand Drag racing at Wanoka Okla little sahara Park in a 65 step side international 4x4 with Paddle tires and Hill climbs. to Drag cra racing from street racing to NHRA Top Fuel Funny Cars with Flash Gorden Mineo Racing Rebuilding Impelers for the blowers and doing the Head Removal Between Rounds. to Mud Truck Racing in MUDD Bogs to Car Crunching. and RC Remote control truck racing 4x4 Nitro powered. to Drag Bike and top fuel Harley Racing. So no i have not done all racing Like Boat Racing But i have been around some of it and i am learning all the time about power in the water and the concept but i Prefer to just enjoy it and Relax when i am at the lake and have fun with my Jet Boat which is Not fast but it isnt really a slouch either But Thanks for the reply and i do hope you are not Offended in any way.
Have a Nice day and Remember its the SKINNY ONE ON THE RIGHT.
Respectfully BigDaDDy

02-12-2002, 06:30 AM
I am breaking my promise here.
You can`t be serious and if you are, Zoloft is the drug for you. It`ll keep you level headed, not too high, not too low.
Damn slick, you`ve done damn near everything and you are asking about tunnel ram colors. Jesus! Re-building Huffers! Tunnel ram colors?
Potna, I just gotta ask," Are you that sadistic fan that I see on ESPN Race Weekly with the Redmann chewing tobacco, Tom Petty racing cap, overalls (with no t-shirt) and pointy ass cowboy boots?" If so, say no more `cause I understand.
And you are going to tell fat rat some bullshit about black paint and air cooled motors? There is a black paint that was heavily used in the 70`s and 80`s for air cooled motor cycle engines that helped cooling characteristics. I am now going to research this and reply with the answer. Not today `cause its Mardi Gras and I`m gonna get Bud Light Right with my boots. I prefer the ones with the chopped toe. I call `em snub nose boots.
My friends father owned a Triumph shop so when I can get in touch with him I`ll let cha know.
Top Fuel! Tire man! WWWWHHHHEEEEEEWWWW! Now that shit IS good.
One last thing BigDaddy. Are you stalking "Big Daddy" Don Garlits? I bet your Top Fuel expierience was on Swamp Rat. I bet you were the tire man when it flipped in the late 80`s.
Now, I`m all for asking questions because I don`t know a damn thing, but you are asking some pretty basic off the wall stuff and stating that you had racing expierience! I meen you are asking about heat and fuel yet were involved in Top Fuel and re-build blowers? I`m not tryin` to be a blow hole, but dude can you see why I am skeptic about your racing or ANY shade tree academics?
Do you know how to bench race?
[This message has been edited by jroos (edited February 12, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by jroos (edited February 12, 2002).]

02-12-2002, 07:23 AM
100% BRF

02-12-2002, 11:04 AM
Well Jroos I am sorry you dont believe me and yes i have done that stuff I have numbers and friend you may ask But the problem here is i think you are Jelous of my Boots or something I dont know but it seems you just cant Accept my apology for any offense i have dont to you so then i guess you can just Kiss My Boots and keep out of my Topics couse any one that has raced and or wanted to know they asked the people that do it and The motors i have done and delt with were at a HOLe Lot higher TEMP Then 170 and i Thought i would ask if any one has had the problem with Condensation as well and or if it has affected performance and as for NASCAR Racing I have not done that so I have to say the remark about it is way off track. Just like a Young Punk who doesnt know what he is talking about and i never said they didnt make this Paint you are talking about becouse heat was a problem with the reed Valves in two stroke engines back then and they were trying to find a coooler paint or one that disapated heat from the Head and this is When they Finally Came out with Liquid cooled engines for them. I must Address the BigDaDDY Remark No I am not trying to be or even resemble him at all we just both have the same Nick name and yes I have met him and he has hung out in my trailer with us and we stop and say hi to him and fam in Ocala FL when we go thru FL But here again i do not claim to be the best or Know every thing I come from and still do my own thing From the Bottom up and have found that in the trenches is were the Testing and learning is done not to say you or any one else here is less a Boater or racer so Just Chill and Have a COKE or a Dr Pepper or hell a BEER if thats what ya want to do and HaPPy Mardi Gras http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/mad/mad07.gif and if you have anything else to say please fill free to as long as it is about my Question becouse i dont find you or your opinion of me interesting at all or even what you think if i am wrong about something please tell me and i will listen and learn But please dont try to Bad Mouth some one couse they are Southern or Couse they are asking a Question and i do thank you for your Reply and Input But not for your Degrading of me or the way I may be or what My BooTs Look like or your Judgement of what i have done or seen or Raced I can Provide Proof and i know the truth so go Play with the other Kids and cut them down and Judge them and we wont have a Problem Young man ]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/cartoons/misc/misc29.gif[/IMG] and i am sorry You feel the way you do about Independents who race out of there own pocket or dont have any help and have to do it under a shade tree. http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/mad/mad60.gif and have a Nice Day and Be a WINNER not a WHINER. [URL=http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/cartoons/southpark/southpark12.gif[/IMG]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/cartoons/southpark/southpark12.gif[/IMG] (http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/cartoons/misc/misc29.gif[/IMG)
[This message has been edited by BigDaddy (edited February 12, 2002).]

02-12-2002, 11:23 AM
BigDaddy, you been to Little Sahara lately? We were there a couple of weekends ago. There is some fast shit there. I ride an '89 LT500, Paul Turner Pipe, Coolhead, a few chrome parts, and some 10 paddle haulers. I don't have too many problems with getting out ran until one of those turbo'd Banshee's come around, LOL! Anyways, see ya around.

02-12-2002, 11:35 AM
Well i guess i have said something that Has gotten under some skin some were But I dont give a Crap if yall want to be Buddies or what you want to do and gang up on some one who doesnt know what the F&$&$k he did well this is Really Stupid and childish to Curse and critasize some one who doesnt even have a clue what he did to ruffle your tender feathers. so if ya want to gang up on me and do this kind of Crap well you wont have to worry about Reply to my Post or anything Cuz in them I will ask you not to or what ever I am really Not happy with your CRAP JROOS!!! and as for NITRO well be a BUDDY to him and stay out of My Business he has started some thing i dont think you want in or does he I have had it with yalls stupid retarded crap so just Keep out and Mind your own Business unless ya have something nice to say or reply about i am a Friendly man with no reason to Lie or Give false impressions so Keep your Opinions to yourself and your stupid Abreviations if ya cant tell me then it does show how much of a Follower you all really are..
As for any one else well thanx for the reply and i am sorry you have to see me like this and look forward to your input and or reply and never mind the wanna BEES and keep it Real. http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/mad/mad13.gif <~~for the Haters and disRespecters

02-12-2002, 11:42 AM
Hey Squirt Wassup I have not been lately but thinking of going to Snake hunt for the Rallie and the Dunes and Etc babes any way yeh we sold a Alcohol Banshee to a Guy in woodard and he is probably there with it it was my Bros with the 700 Rotax on it and it was one of the fastest there it is purple from CurTech Racing. any way nice to hear from ya and will look for ya there if ya go or even other times Hey take care http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/cartoons/southpark/southpark15.gif Take care i hope this smile comes accross to ya
Sincerely BigDaDDy

02-12-2002, 12:58 PM
Top Fuel NASCAR?
Dude, BRF (Bench Racing Fag)!
What magazines do you subscribe to? I promise I won`t turn this around.
Met him in the pits? Who hasn`t. Of course, you have a pit pass when you go to the 1/4 mile NASCAR Top Fuel Nationals. Car crushin` hey!
You had a legitimate question hoss. Just that question should never ever come from a seasoned pro like you. Now don`t tell me you are not a seasoned pro because someone involved with Top Fuel and is as involved as you are in racing should not be asking such an amature question. And hoss, that question is deffinately amature.
See I haven`t been in Big Daddy Garlits` trailer or house and don`t care too but will still not ask does the paint help and why is there condensation on the intake `cause unlike you I don`t re-build blowers nor have any involve met with top fuel NASCAR!
Come on bro, your gonna have to do better than that. How big is your bench?

02-12-2002, 10:53 PM
Well Jrooos You Seem to have a problem Reading Becouse i Did not ask WHY!! or How Come !!! or What To do !!! you are a
and dont Have a Clue about what you are talking about and I am not Gay and yeh i am a Bench Racer any one who watches and or Races and or has anything to do with Racing is a Bench Racer and once again as i have said I was wondering if any one has checked this out on the Water application if this makes a Difference or not Becouse i dont like the Condensation Marks it makes on the Cheap paint the Guy used who Painted it and I am Wondering becouse they run Cooler does it Hurt the Performance enough to consider Removing the paint and My experiance on mine is that it is direct sunlight and does atract Heat and heat the fuel prior to Combustion which can affect the performance of the Fuel and if I stop this heat it may start Loading up on me and need to be rejeted for les fuel so Now you understand well maybe not http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/love/love27.gif So get off my back and go back to your Buddys and Tell them you are a PAB
(PUNK ASS BITCH) who needs to Learn Respect and Manners and how to Read.
[This message has been edited by BigDaddy (edited February 12, 2002).]

02-12-2002, 11:06 PM
Hey John Sorry i am Running it in Texas around Dallas and yeh i am going to have it coated so it is easier to clean and Keep clean and also helps with porting as long as it isnt to smooth needs some roughness for Fuel Stability and Streaming. any way what color did you coat yours and who did it??
Thanx for the reply and Input it will be Used and Spread around.

02-13-2002, 05:08 PM
Besides HB
OR HH, BIG DADDY post some long Q&A's. Questions are questions with or with out merit. If you post to much info with a question, bullshit or not, you may have some judge you. To call out some, as a BRF over the net without knowing them, has a short penis syndrom. No reason to belittle to such an extreme. I for one like under dogs. PS>>>>> AUNT JEANI SEZ...SCREW jroos

02-13-2002, 06:43 PM
Thanx HAVNAFIT and i agree with you 100% and i dont understand why or what i did but it ruffles his feathers. Thanx again
Sincerely BigDaDDy
http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/love/love10.gif To Aunt

Havasu Hangin'
02-13-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by HAVNAFIT:
Besides...HH,...post some long Q&A's.
http://www.lamer.net/bsflag.gif http://www.ex-x.net/images/icons/lol.gif
Originally posted by HAVNAFIT:

02-14-2002, 06:16 AM
I have met Big D in person and in the short time that we talked it was obvious he has alot of experience in the racing field.
Give the guy a break.
And also his jetboat may not be the fastest on the water but it is no slouch either.

Racing Ray
02-14-2002, 06:37 AM
You are right in thinking that painting the intake black will indeed cause the fuel to heat and loose a small amount of HP. You will see quite a few intakes coated with black satin Tech-line ceramic coating.
This is availble through Summit Racing. You spray it on and bake it in an oven to set it. Unlike black paint the ceramic coating will actually reflect the heat and is especially usefull in blocking heat from the valley rising up transfering to the intake. Just coating the bottom alone has been known to pick up 3 tenths at the track.
It is also very good for header coating though not as eye pleasing as the Aluma-kote.
If you really want to increase the efficancy of a turbo set-up use the black satin on the exhaust headers and you will be impressed not only with performance increase but with how much it will lower under the cover tempetures!
In todays race engines you would be suprised at how many parts are coated with ceramics! Some of the ceramics are designed to reflect heat, some are designed to attract heat while others are for lubrication purposes.
The tops of pistons are coated with an aluma-kote to keep heat in the combustion chamber. The skirts are coated with a gray lube ceramic (better than teflon). Valve spring life is extended through reflecting heat. Even the valves themselves are coated. Combustion chambers as well. You can spend a small fortune just in ceramic coating internal engine parts.

02-14-2002, 10:33 AM
Still screwing Aunt Jeanie? BigDaddy, you are a freak in sheeps clothing.

02-14-2002, 11:38 AM
Hey Ray You are absolutly correct Sir and I understand all that very well. I was and still am one of the first ones to have coating done at HPC in okla city by Chuck Simpson he has since went some were else and as well he was racing a Pro Stock Cycle at the tract and they allways parked by my trailer at the track when i was doing track service for Hoosier Racing Tires when they came out with the drag tire. i explained that becouse some people seem to have a problem understanding different applications work in different feilds of racing and performance and yes i am wondering about the heat Loss but not so much as for performance well yeh performance but not for racing i didnt know if i changed it would it affect the performance in a bad way in the Jet Boat application being as they run so much cooler and it was causing allot of condensation on the Cheap black Paint the guy used to paint it and i want to have it coated with Silver or Red Ceramic Coating inside and outside to help keep the heat off the outside and or disapate the heat faster and help keep the fuel cooler going thru the Tunnel Ram and the coating will not stain very easy even with fuel on it. i do know that polished will cause the Mirror affect and cause Heat to built up when sitting in direct sun Etc etc. ANd i Hate the LOOKS OF THE CHEAP BLACK PAINT seeing how my Boat is RED & YELLOW http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/cartoons/misc/misc19.gif So Thanks RAY that is what i needed to hear will it affect my application in a bad way on the water. and hey i dont know your age but i Remember when we used COOL CANS with Ice in them and a COIL of Fuel Line to keep it cool This would make the problem with condensation worse thou cooling it before with a open transom would make the Tunnel ram act like a Swamp Cooler HAHAHA maybe put a fan back there and have A/C. ok ok to much hey thanx Ray Talk to ya later have a Good one.
Sincerely BigDaDDy
[This message has been edited by BigDaddy (edited February 14, 2002).]