View Full Version : Zoomie baffles

06-20-2005, 08:57 PM
A little run in with a boatcop here in Nevada. Anyone with a set of zoomie baffles or that can post a picture of one would be appreciated. Also looking for the largest Bassett Zoomies made which I think were 2 1/2".
I've been told to "make an effort" to reduce the noise. So my thoughts are the biggest zoomie I can find with a homemade or modified baffle. Thanks.

06-20-2005, 09:40 PM
I have some zoomies with baffles and water injection. I'd like to sell them. I payed about $600 for them here is a picture

07-06-2005, 09:56 AM
Still looking for some large Basset/rewarder Zoomies..2 3/8" or 2 1/2".
So me and the Fish and game can play a little game.

Sanger D
07-06-2005, 10:37 AM
not trying to start anything (really)!!!! but I was just wondering what BOATCOP ,s attitude was like !and if he told you to trailer it!!! just curious!!! :D

07-06-2005, 10:46 AM
Was a friendly converstaion. "You can go as fast as you want but you need to make an effort to reduce the noise. There have been some complaints. We don't want to get out decibel meters and such. We are asking the hot boaters to make an effort to reduce the exhaust noise."
That was about it. I want to do some large zoomies with some baffles. But I want to use big zoomies to start with.

Dave Sammons
07-06-2005, 11:01 AM
not trying to start anything (really)!!!! but I was just wondering what BOATCOP ,s attitude was like !and if he told you to trailer it!!! just curious!!! :D
A couple weeks back my brother, running O/T Glenwoods, and me, running wet thru hull exhausts, were both pulled over at cruising speed out at Parker.
Same kind of conversation, but, officer stated, "water is not a muffling device, it will only cut a half of decibel, the law states you must have a "device" in the system to muffle the sound". Not alot you can do, they are the law out there. Already bought the slip in diverters from REX.

07-06-2005, 11:36 AM
I have had the same thing happen to me. I have a set of the 2 1/2 in zoomies on my boat and run them with the baffles and have not had a problem latley. I just bought a new set from Rewarder I will sell my old ones for $100.00 they need rechroming or new coating. I did not want to mess with all of that so I bought some new ones. The old ones are Sanderson Racing. Will post pics if needed.

steve d
07-06-2005, 11:50 AM
Was a friendly converstaion. "You can go as fast as you want but you need to make an effort to reduce the noise. There have been some complaints. We don't want to get out decibel meters and such. We are asking the hot boaters to make an effort to reduce the exhaust noise."
That was about it. I want to do some large zoomies with some baffles. But I want to use big zoomies to start with.
Are you thinking of less back pressure or----???.....Steve

07-06-2005, 12:33 PM
Still looking for some large Basset/rewarder Zoomies..2 3/8" or 2 1/2".
So me and the Fish and game can play a little game.
Not trying to question you hear.. But why would you "f" with them? The law is already on the books now from what I understand, and if they get a DB meter out your officially screwed, becuase trying to get some of these beasts down to 86 DB's is next to impossible. Why not just switch over to something that's still loud, but not nearly as loud as zoomies? Sounds like they aren't really enforcing it up there, so I'm sure a set of OT's with water injection would be fine..
There's about a million boaters in Parker alone that'd kill just to be able to go back to that!

07-06-2005, 01:07 PM
Boatmike I sent you a pm.
This is a desert lake (Lahontan) where we have run these boats for many moons. All the guy is asking me to do is make an effort and I am doing just that. The reason for the large pipe is I am thinking it will be less back pressure.
The "game" I speak of is whatever they consider an effort. I asked if water was required in the exhaust and he said no. He wants to see some sort of baffling.
I was running these boats when this guy was in diapers and he knows that.
He's just trying to cover his rear I am sure for a few complaints that probably went on over Memorial day weekend. He didn't kick me off the lake...in fact watched as I made some runs later in the day. Justin ran his blown alcohol motor all day....but mildly..and the guy never said a word.
I think I was rather singled out in being stopped so the word would get around...which it has.
I am a little gunshy of trying to restrict the exhaust in a 12.5 compression blown alcohol motor. But if I could make it quieter without hurting it..I sure as Hell would.
I'm hoping that when it is all said and done that they will give us an area at the lake where we can run these loud boats.

Sanger D
07-06-2005, 01:32 PM
glad to hear it was civil,!!was just curiuos!!! carry on.

07-06-2005, 01:48 PM
Rewarder makes baffles for the 2 1/2 zoomies but it chokes them down to 1 3/8. They are to get you away from the marina only per Rewarder. They will tear to shreads if make a few WOT passes or rip out unless you bolt them all the way around.

07-06-2005, 03:10 PM
Rewarder makes baffles for the 2 1/2 zoomies but it chokes them down to 1 3/8. They are to get you away from the marina only per Rewarder. They will tear to shreads if make a few WOT passes or rip out unless you bolt them all the way around.
Ditto on the Bassett's,I think I paid like 200 bucks for them and made two pass's before spitting three of them into the Colorado river.

07-07-2005, 05:32 PM
Rewarder makes baffles for the 2 1/2 zoomies but it chokes them down to 1 3/8. They are to get you away from the marina only per Rewarder. They will tear to shreads if make a few WOT passes or rip out unless you bolt them all the way around.
blew mine out of my basset twisties this past weekend...just have outter casing.that was bolted thru.what the hell is up with that.wife did a number at havasu with the boat cops. had them all gunning for me..cops asked if we had enough muffler on there. she not knowing about what he was saying. sarcasticly said no i think we need a little more.i shit myself in the pass seat. then he said dont worry ill find you and we will run it. i said like hell you will. sure enough he was gunning for me on the way back into the luanch i ripped on the coil wire let it spudder so it sounded like i broke down. he sat there for 30min while i waited for my father to show a tow me in. i disabled hot wire under dash at same time. cant test a nonrunning boat. i asked my wife wtf she was thinking she thought he was talking about the chrome.... :hammerhea

07-07-2005, 05:35 PM
hey last time i was busted i fought the ticket with the year of the boat. which was allowed a higher decimal reading and won never found out how loud it was. naci wanted me to go thru a decimal course they set up and couldnt get it scheduled. judge inspected boat looked at baffles then esaid dismissed

07-07-2005, 05:35 PM
I have some zoomies with baffles and water injection. I'd like to sell them. I payed about $600 for them here is a picture
how much and is the misses included

07-07-2005, 06:15 PM
I'm thinkin this is about as close as you're going to get for a muffled zoomie that won't act like a cork up the butt. I bet they could be made a little shorter to look a little better, but all in all, I don't think they look that bad. I was thinking about the same problem when I was starting to build my blown alky motor. It just won't be right without zooms. Even these. I think if a guy found the right straight-thru muffler, he could do this himself fairly easily. These are stainless, and real expensive. :coffeycup

07-08-2005, 09:23 PM
I ran Rewarder 2 1/2 zoomies with mufflers on a blown 468 and it did'nt make a huge difference in performance and the sheriff's at Pine Flat were happy. Call jim at rewarder a call and he'll set you up.