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View Full Version : Should schools have dress codes?

06-29-2005, 03:59 PM
Hmmmmmm................... (http://media.skoopy.com/vids/vid_00636.wmv) :idea:

06-29-2005, 04:02 PM
As long as all the hot chicks have to wear the little Catholic School Girl uniform... YES!!!!! :D

06-29-2005, 04:33 PM
Those must be some hillbillies, where have they been...
That is some old shit....

06-29-2005, 08:30 PM
I think so I work at a school were kids cant make it at any other school so they are sent to my school. We just started with the dress code due to all the gang attire and I think it is working out good. We only have 20 kids so it is easier to enforce. If the minors dont want to comply the consequences are a lil harsher then normal schools so that hasnt been a problem. Im for it so that kids arent trying to impress other kids with what they have they tend to pay more attention to there school work. Our dress code is either black or grey sweat pants (no sagging) and either grey or black t shirts or sweaters.

06-29-2005, 09:21 PM
If the parents were doing there job at home. Maybe this wouldn't even be a topic for discussion. who would of thought you could fit all that in baggy pants.

Phat Matt
06-29-2005, 09:28 PM

06-29-2005, 09:38 PM
That's pretty cool. What?....that's like.....6th grade. :D

06-29-2005, 10:55 PM
I can think of one situation where mandatory school uniforms worked real well.......Nazi Germany :rolleyes:
-George Carlin routine on HBO yesterday