View Full Version : Moses Lake, August

1978 Rogers
07-06-2005, 09:19 AM
How about another trip to Moses Lake in August sometime. Since we had a good time in June, why not repeat it.

07-06-2005, 10:08 AM
Im There This Time----------vern Better Get Your Boat Tuned. ;)

Captain no fun
07-06-2005, 11:06 AM
Have you guys heard of Mar Don Resort on potholes? I've never been. I do have 6 or 7 other boats that will commit to that. My wedding anniversery (Sp?) is Aug.15th. We should pick a date and haul. I'm down for either Moses or potholes. On the other string, I was on I just got my replacement head. I should run this weekend again!

07-06-2005, 12:07 PM
ill make the trip again.

07-06-2005, 06:49 PM
I may be able to do something in Aug. I can't go the weekend of the 13th though, got a family reunion I can't skip. :(

1978 Rogers
07-07-2005, 07:44 AM
I may be able to do something in Aug. I can't go the weekend of the 13th though, got a family reunion I can't skip. :(
Familys are very loving understanding people. They'll understand if you go boating instead. Unless its your wife's family, then. :cry:

07-07-2005, 08:43 PM
Ha-ha! Bingo! How'd you guess?

1978 Rogers
07-10-2005, 06:52 PM
The Aug. 23 or 30 works best for me. Emily doesn't have anymore vacation, so I might be coming over by myself.

07-10-2005, 08:36 PM
August or July? :D

07-10-2005, 09:21 PM
Sorry, but where is Moses Lake?

07-11-2005, 05:49 AM
Eastern Washington, I guess Yakima would be the closest big city.

07-11-2005, 06:16 AM
Eastern Washington, I guess Yakima would be the closest big city.
WOW :) LOOOONG haul for me!

07-11-2005, 06:28 AM
Have you guys heard of Mar Don Resort on potholes? I've never been. I do have 6 or 7 other boats that will commit to that. My wedding anniversery (Sp?) is Aug.15th. We should pick a date and haul. I'm down for either Moses or potholes. On the other string, I was on I just got my replacement head. I should run this weekend again!
We go to Mar Don every year,they have everything you need:camp sites,showers,cabins,play area for the kiddies,store with everything you could need,boat launch,mooring docks,fuel dock and a restaraunt that serves up a great breakfast buffet on sat. and sunday.

07-11-2005, 06:31 AM
Sounds like a cool place! Do they get booked up fast? I know most good places are booked up the previous year.

07-11-2005, 06:48 AM
On the holiday weekends spots go pretty fast, but other that that its not bad at all.

07-11-2005, 07:24 AM
Looks like a big place!
Mar Don resort map (http://www.mardonresort.com/mpbig_.aspx)

1978 Rogers
07-11-2005, 07:29 AM
Mardon is good size. The map is a little decieving. We drove threw last year when you all were at Moses Lake.

Captain no fun
07-12-2005, 11:13 AM
My wife had a brochure sent from there. It looks nice, we should plan a get together. I'm free almost all weekends. No kids, and a willing wife. The weekend of Aug. 5th is booked.( I get new kitchen cabinets.) Lot's of sandy beaches to fill our blocks with. Were' going to Vantage for the Dave Mathews concert, and are hanging @ the old KOA, taking the motorhome and boat. Are any of you guys going to that venue? The weather is coming, and the river always beckons for the quick fix.

1978 Rogers
07-12-2005, 12:30 PM
Just got off the phone with Cascade Campground. 509-766-9240
Weekend of Aug 20-21 they have tent spots 29, 30 & 31 open
Weekend of Aug 27-28 they have tent spots 1-4 open, plus others. I didn't ask about RV sites.
We should pick a weekend soon and make our reservations.

07-12-2005, 01:19 PM
any weekend will work for me. this is going to be a hot one at the end of aug. lots of sunscreen

07-12-2005, 06:32 PM
This is in addition to Laborday at Blue lake? I don't have a lot of vacation time left this summer, but would like to make one of these get togethers.

07-12-2005, 07:05 PM
Our big trip will be Blue Lake on Labor day. Beyond that we'll have to stay on this side of the mountains.
Besides, Malcolm owes me a river run now that I'm running.

07-12-2005, 07:07 PM
Yeah Gary, I was thinkin the same thing. If we wait till the 27th that's the week before Blue lake. :idea: I think we should space it out a little bit. :supp:
That's right John! I was gonna ask you, where you wanna run first? :cool:

07-12-2005, 07:22 PM
That's right John! I was gonna ask you, where you wanna run first? :cool:[/QUOTE]
It's got to be the river you're always yapping about :wink:
The good thing is that it's running, the bad thing is that I'm busy the next 3 weekends..........nuts!
Still have to rig the Bilge pump setup and fix the the Holley. Terrible stumble and the gas just dribbles instead of squirting out of the accelerator pump. Easy fix but it still takes some time.

1978 Rogers
07-13-2005, 06:37 AM
Yeah Gary, I was thinkin the same thing. If we wait till the 27th that's the week before Blue lake. :idea: I think we should space it out a little bit. :supp:
How about we all leave our boats at Vern's then and pick them up on the way to Blue Lake the next weekend. :D

07-13-2005, 07:06 AM
I might actually make it out. I jinxed myself already by blowing my motor up in June. Should be done buy end of July

07-13-2005, 07:26 AM
I am off today adn tomorrow, taking the Tahiti to Alder today, along with an electric fuel pump and a 4 hole carb spacer. I'm going to try to fix my secondaries problem.
I might be able to talk the wife and kids into a river trip tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday), as long as I have good directions to get to the ramp and don't have to tow in the rush hour traffic. Would like to check out your river, if the water is high enough for the half-whacker.
You and Emily up for an afternoon on the river, if we can throw this together on short notice???

07-13-2005, 08:04 AM
How do you get these weekdays off? I wish I could go, but I'll have to wait till the weekend. Depending on where the tide is at you'd be OK, but I should probably be there to tell you where the bad spots are. :wink:

07-13-2005, 10:37 AM
I work 12 hour shifts 3 days on, 2 off, 2 on, 3 off. Every other weekend is a 3 day weekend, with 2-2 day weekday "weekends" in between. I only work half the month. I won't try it without someone who know the river. Maybe we'll just head up early and go out on lake Washington and look around.

Captain no fun
07-13-2005, 11:08 AM
We're going to the river this weekend. Saturday is the better day for us, the days start early, and you can stay all day. We alternate between the sandy beach mid point to snohomish, and the snohomish beach. We go further depending on flow. No prop boats past snohomish. Don't go up without an escort for your first time, the river has a lot of dead heads, and they'll wipe out your prop. I will get the aluminum for your mounts, and have it Sat. I think Chris's boat is in Eastern Wa. I can get 5 or 6 boats to go. The launch @ Lowell has a large stump just under water straight out. Be careful, and row out until you are in the main stream. Lowell costs $3.00 to launch.

07-13-2005, 06:48 PM
So when you planning on hitting the river? Saturday? Last time I missed everyone. :eek:
An afternoon run makes more sense looking at the tide chart. The low-low tide is at 7:30 am and it goes up till 2:47 pm, then it should wash out some of the junk that floated in. Then it only drops two feet till 7:00 pm. Hope the good weather holds out.

Captain no fun
07-14-2005, 05:09 AM
We go for morning launches. Tides dictate somewhere around 9:30-10:00. We'll bring food & drink and make a day of it. Dogs/kids/wives /girlfriends are all welcome as usual. I've got a boatload already. It'll be lowkey, last weekend I heard there was a Sherriff @ the launch in a prop boat checking for safety gear, so make sure you have it all!

07-14-2005, 07:37 AM
Oh boy, I better get another whistle then. Hard to keep them in the boat.

07-14-2005, 09:15 AM
The test session went well, finally got the problem with the secondaries fixed. Apparently the Edelbrock RPM doesn't like the carb facing backwards (the Torquer didn't seem to care), BUT>>>>
I think the ring seal is gone, getting LOTS of blowby, even blew out the front intake manifold seal, and was blowing oil bubbles from the bad spot. The intake is an easy fix, but it looks like the motor is about done. Even with the secondaries working right (finally) it wouldn't turn over 4100. Last time out I had 4400 with just the primaries. I did have a full load of fuel (nose tank) and a second person in the boat. I do know I was running wetter than normal, probably less than half the hull running dry judging by the spray out the side. Time to get the backup motor uncovered and checked out, thinks I. :hammerhea :frown:
Also had a bad battery, and had to drive the truck into the lake to jump the boat (just to the bottom of the bumper). Thinking now, if the battery is toast, the tach may not have been accurate. The battery wouldn't even crank the motor over or lift the drive when I got back to the ramp. This is the second bad battery in a month. I blew up the battery in my Blazer the 17th of June, was standing right over it when it went, and got to spend the better part of the night in the ER getting my face and eyes taken care of.
Okay, I'll quit whining now, and go out and start fixing. Will be out of state this weekend. It's tough right as I have my 2 oldest kids for the summer, and spend most of my 3 day weekends camping or at my folks place in Oregon so they can see them also. The wife and I will make the trip up tot he river before Labor day, hopefully.

07-14-2005, 09:17 AM
Standard Safety equipment required is: Fire ext, horn or whistle, life jackets for everyone on board, a throwable, and a flare kit. Anything I'm forgetting??

Captain no fun
07-14-2005, 11:24 AM
I think the only thing you're forgeting, is go boating with another boat. Ohter than that I believe you'have it all!

07-14-2005, 06:11 PM
I went to Boaters World and bought a safety kit. It has all that and some stupid dye to throw in the water. Last year the local cop checked us out. We didn't have a horn/whistle, or flares, or the throwable PFD and he let us go. :D It was getting pretty bad, so I asked him if I should pack it up? He said "no, but if you didn't have the fire extinguisher I'd 've told you to leave". :rolleyes:

Captain no fun
07-15-2005, 05:37 AM
Who all is going to show up on Sat.? Hey Chris, when is yer blazer going to be ready? We're going to run over to pick up a jetster from the blue lake area soon. You'll have to drag your boat back over here and join up on the river a few weekends. Labor day is still a ways off. I'm up for a day trip to Moses/ Potholes, it's not that far, oh sure we'd be tired, but leave @ 4:00 A.M. boat most of the day, and cruise back home what's the prob? Takers?

07-15-2005, 06:06 AM
If it isn't raining.

07-15-2005, 06:35 AM
i am going to try and make it out the river, i have a family bbq on lake washington on sat. but i should be able to make it up there for a couple hrs. when is everyone launching?

07-15-2005, 07:27 AM
I imagine anytime after 10:00 there should be enough water to launch. What time works for you Austin?

07-15-2005, 10:54 AM
malcolm, i have to call and find out when they want me at the bbq then ill let you know.

07-15-2005, 11:01 AM
looks like i have to be at lake washington at 1:30 so if i get to the river at 10 that will give me 3 hrs how does that sound

Captain no fun
07-15-2005, 11:22 AM
I'm launching around 10:30. 4 people, two guys/two gals If you see a flamed 99 Tahoe in the lot, I'm on the river. Upstream, white Hondo yellow stripes, backwards scoop!

07-15-2005, 06:17 PM
OK, we'll aim for 10:00.

Captain no fun
07-16-2005, 04:48 AM
We pulle dup the weather, possible rain tonight, and through Sat. high around 70. We are going to Potholes instead, taking Big Fat, and Wade with their boats/girls, and an engineer and his wife from work. The summer is passing by with no sunshine on thei side. Chris, if you get your Blazer painted, you can grab your top. It's where we left it, and we're taking the dogs with us. Matt..

07-16-2005, 07:31 AM
Way to bail, Matt! :cry: Sunday's supposed to be good. If it rains in the morning we'll just play it by ear. The weather guessers have blown the forecasts more than usual lately, so I'm holding out for some sun (or at least no rain).

1978 Rogers
07-16-2005, 07:51 AM
Anyone going to GoodGuys show this weekend in Puyallup.
Its my thread so I can hijack to another subject. :wink:

Captain no fun
07-16-2005, 09:51 AM
I know, the forecasters are usually blowing it out their a@%es, but it's already clouding up. We'll be back Sun. morning, if it's sunny, we'll hit the river. We usually try not to boat on sunday, cuz invariably we end up having a party @ our place, and Monday comes too soon! It stresses the wife, she always wants to have a good time, at all costs.

07-16-2005, 11:16 AM
i was planning on going to the goodguys show on sunday but looks like i have another family thing, we'll see if i can get out of it.

Captain no fun
07-16-2005, 11:24 AM
The good guys is a fun deal, but I'm such a spontanious fool I'd buy something else I don't need. I'm safer on the water.You guys have fun.Can anyone come to Sammamish next weekend to help me abuse Mark for tuning purposes?

07-16-2005, 12:27 PM
hey captain no fun i may be able to make it out the sammamish next weekend. i believe im going to the carquest nationals at pacific raceways on saturday.

Captain no fun
07-16-2005, 12:30 PM
Cool Mark works at Jim Greens and is a dyed in the wool motorhead. He has years of experience, and we will benifit from his advise.He'll bring out his jet cards to tune all of those horrible holleys!

07-16-2005, 04:46 PM
cool looks like the front move inland early and we might a dry saturday. malcolm you still planning on going to the river sat. morning if its dry.

07-16-2005, 07:42 PM
Sure, if we can keep the water on the underside of the boat I'm still game.

07-17-2005, 06:53 AM
Well, it's still raining.... Not sure when it'll stop. Anyone know the sun dance?

07-17-2005, 08:27 AM
looks like no river for me today. oh well maybe next weekend.

07-17-2005, 08:38 AM
Looks like I'll have to wait till tomorrow. I think I'll go to work and get some stuff done.

07-17-2005, 07:43 PM
OK, it's on! Snohomish River!
late morning, who's game?

07-18-2005, 07:22 AM
cant make it today im out a car today. so it looks like it just the car show for me.

07-18-2005, 08:06 AM
Oh well, looks like I may have the river to myself again. I hear there's a car show in Snohomish today too.

1978 Rogers
07-18-2005, 08:39 AM
Its all about Puyallup. Went in yesterday. It kicked ass. Some pretty trick stuff in there. Plus a beer garden. :D

07-18-2005, 08:46 AM
For some reason cars don't do much for me anymore. :cool:

07-18-2005, 06:31 PM
Well, you guys all missed out again. What a fun time today on the river! Gonna be hard to go back to work in the morning. We had it all, eats, drinks, BS-ing, GPS runs, hot laps, even a little side by side racin'. Yeah, he won, but I got him wetter! :wink:

1978 Rogers
07-19-2005, 06:36 AM
Sounds like it was a great time and the weather couldn't have been better. Emily had me stick around. We did yard work yesterday. At least I still go some sun. :jawdrop: But, I would rather have been up with you on the river. :D

07-19-2005, 07:28 AM
It was a blast. Here's some pics.
He got wet right after this pic. :D
Then the race was on!
Then later at the sandbar.

1978 Rogers
07-20-2005, 06:27 AM
Great pics. We have to head up some weekend. :cool:

07-20-2005, 06:37 AM
I just started a river thread, I'll put some more pics up later in there.

1978 Rogers
07-20-2005, 06:39 AM
Back to the original subject. Is anyone really up for another trip to Moses Lake. For me the weeked of Aug 13 is out. We're open for any other weekend.

Captain no fun
07-20-2005, 11:19 AM
Hey, how about Potholes. I've been to moses, and it really only has the one bar, it's fun, but Potholes is a lot larger, and over @ Jetboat cove there's lots of beach. We stayed @ Mar-Don, they have motel style rooms, primitive camping, and RV sites. The RV sites are kind of packed in, but we're really there for the boating anyway. We're up for another run over there soon. I want to stay in the motel this time so I can tow with my Tahoe, the motor home is so slow. If I commit to anything without Kim's input I'm in Dutch, so we should let the chicks decide. I'm not opposed to Moses, but I don't know of any Motels right on the lake. If we have a few lifters at Potholes we can go straight to the Motel/restaurant without being on the road. Big plus. Matt.

1978 Rogers
07-20-2005, 01:30 PM
Mardon would be fine too, since no one else is commenting on Moses Lake. We went to Mardon last year. We dry camped around a little cove on the North East side of the lake. Staying at the resort is fine.

07-20-2005, 04:17 PM
Whatever sounds good to me--Im easy----Im in ......ps I wonder if my truck will tow the boat better now that it has a new matching paint job.... :D

07-20-2005, 10:55 PM
You guys make the decisions and I'll figure out if I can go later. Doesn't look promising right now, but you never know. :clover:

Vern S
07-21-2005, 05:35 AM
How about the weekend of the 20th? Either Moses or Potholes.

Captain no fun
07-21-2005, 05:57 AM
Nice to hear from you Vern, we haven't met yet. The weekend of the 20th can work for me. I'll double check with the war department. we were going to do some posting last night of our weekend @ potholes, but got tied up with a friend. Malcolm, you could day trip it, if push comes to shove. You'd be tired, but it's not that far. Are you going to hit the river this weekend?

07-21-2005, 06:20 AM
Yeah, I could probably do something. I'd hate to miss out on a local boat trip. :idea:

Captain no fun
07-21-2005, 11:17 AM
I just got off the phone with the war department, our anniversary is the 15th, we're going to the Dave Mathews concert @ the gorge on that weekend. (the 20th) We'll day trip it from vantage. I'm going to try to get that week off, but we have a test to conduct for a high profile customer, so I don't know. The weekend after is Labor day, and we're staying @ Mar-Don, and day tripping to Blue. That plan came together from a logistics deal trying to get more people packed in to Blue. We're running out of time! We could reserve @ Mar-don, and trip to the gorge for the concert, now there's an idea! I'll call the war dept. The 20th can work after all.

07-21-2005, 01:12 PM

Captain no fun
07-21-2005, 02:19 PM
We were going to , but to fit more people we moved. Don't worry, we are already committed to the trip for Blue. We want to stop using the motor home it's so F'ing slow. We found a motel room at Mar don. We're still in for Labor @ blue Matt

1978 Rogers
07-22-2005, 07:47 AM
So lets plan on the Aug. 20th. I'll be calling the today to make our reservations.

Captain no fun
07-22-2005, 11:16 AM
As my manager says my actual working thoughts are so obscured and crowded out by memories of spun bearings, dirty oil, blurred glimpses of fence posts, sleep, my wife, burning buildings, engine displacements dating back to the 60's, rock chips, door dings, feeding the dogs, tire smoke, bandages PSI,BTUs,RPM,MPH,the screams of innocent bystanders, airplane engines, sirens, Tritium extraction, overhead cranes, and the smell of grinding discs, that I should acrually be paying a desk fee, and net access fees to them. It's all true. Anyway, we have two sites @ Vantage for the weekend of the 20th, Dave Matthews is playing Sat. night, so Sat. day into early eve, we will be @ Potholes. Chris, where are you launching? If you are staying @ MarDon, I'll launch and retreive there. May get some more to go too. Sun. the 21st will be a drive day for coming back. Like I said earlier, we're towing with the Tahoe for Labor day and day tripping to Blue. We have 5 more boats commited to Labor, at this point.

07-22-2005, 12:10 PM

Captain no fun
07-22-2005, 02:23 PM
I am a miguided missle. I aim to please, I just seldom hit my mark! We'll have fun over there. (All of us)

07-22-2005, 08:51 PM
Well, I figured out my oil leak. When I bought the Tahiti back 5-6 years ago it had a dead hole (blown head gasket). I replaced the gaskets and have been running it since without blowing oil until this last trip. When I pulled the intake I found the right front head gasket folded back on itself in the upper corner where it is supposed to mate to the intake gasket. Had a 3/4" section without a gasket, so off came the heads. Since they were off I went from the .035 crush Felpro's to the .012 steel shim gaskets to bump the compression a little. I think it works out to about a .25 compression gain. Everything else looks like brand new, no ridge in the cylinders, good color on the valves and chamber, etc.
Also found out I have had the wrong plugs in it for the last 3 years :mad: . Broke a plug back then, so I grabbed a set from the spares box, and threw them in. Forgot that 360 Chrysler uses the same body and thread lenght, but runs a short elctrode :burningm: , so I put a fresh set of Autolite 26's in to replace the old 685's today :idea: .
When I was putting everything back together I made a set of O/T extensions for the Osco's out of 3" driveshaft tubing :jawdrop: , just to see how it will run with the exhaust opened up some. The ports thru the outdrive housing only has 2 2-1/4" ports plus the restrictions in the drive itself. Fired it off tonight, sounds strong, and running pretty clean. I need to pull the Osco's and valve covers tomorrow so I can retorque the heads, then I'm going to Spanaway lake to see how it runs. Hoping to get back up to 5200 rpm again, now that I figured out some of the issues. :D :D
Will let everyone know how it does.....
PS also put in a good battery, now the tach and gauges seem to work right again. Amazing how something simple can be such a pain in the arse. If I am off the weekend of 20 August I may make a day trip over to Moses with the family, and spend some time with ya'all.

1978 Rogers
07-23-2005, 06:53 AM
Did you to out to Spanaway yesterday? Thanks for calling me. :rolleyes: Just kidding. How did it run yesterday?

Captain no fun
07-23-2005, 10:54 AM
Good to hear you have it licked. It's nice when you run with a problem, and finally resign to fix something, thinking it's major, and it turns out easy! It's raining up here now, hopefully we'll see sun on SUN day! :sleeping:

Vern S
07-23-2005, 06:16 PM
Im There This Time----------vern Better Get Your Boat Tuned. ;)
Chris, I got my boat tuned up just for you!!! Even set the lash ;)

07-23-2005, 08:20 PM
OK-- WELL I GUESS ITS ON THEN..... :2purples:

Captain no fun
07-23-2005, 09:12 PM
Hey Chris, if you are up for it, I'll make a run to Blue with ya, towing my boat, to retrieve yours, you gotta get that thing back here b'fore Labor. We can stop by Moses and hit up Vern to verify his claim. :hammerhea :hammerhea :cool:

07-23-2005, 10:27 PM
Per usual, I didn't make it to the lake as planned today. Had a Physical Therapy appointment this morning that took most of the morning :messedup: , and by the time I got the heads retorqued, and the exhaust mostly sorted out the family was crying for dinner, so in the shower and off to dinner. By the time we got home it was 9:30 :burningm: . Maybe I can get it wet somewhere around the 1st to check everything out..... :(
Quick warning for everyone, if you go to Famous Dave's BBQ in Tacoma plan on around $20 per head for dinner, and allow at least 2 hours to cover waiting outside and the "relaxed" service. The food is good, but the portions aren't what I expected for the price. I won't be going again any time soon.

07-23-2005, 10:55 PM
Hey Chris, if you are up for it, I'll make a run to Blue with ya, towing my boat, to retrieve yours, you gotta get that thing back here b'fore Labor. We can stop by Moses and hit up Vern to verify his claim. :hammerhea :hammerhea :cool:
That, I'd like to see! :devil:

07-24-2005, 10:00 AM

Captain no fun
07-24-2005, 11:58 AM
I'm trying to remember if anything is on for next weekend. We can rip over after work on Friday, spend the night @ your cabin, swing through Moses on the way back for a quick splash, and power back. I'll see if that pisses anyone off. Matt :eat:

07-24-2005, 01:52 PM

Captain no fun
07-25-2005, 06:51 AM
I understand Chris.

Vern S
08-04-2005, 08:33 PM
So are we all still on for August 20th? This is going to be at the potholes, O'Sullivan right? Or is it Moses??

08-04-2005, 08:51 PM
I'll day trip it if I can. Money's tight at the moment or I'd already have my spot reserved. :frown:

Captain no fun
08-05-2005, 05:55 AM
Vern, I'm open as far as venue. We're stating at Vantage Motel for Fri, Sat, Sun. nights. I'm towing with the Tahoe, so we can tow fast. Depending on how many want to go, Moses is cool, the beach isn't big, but it's big enough for ten plus boats. Who all is going? Matt...

08-05-2005, 05:58 AM

1978 Rogers
08-05-2005, 07:05 AM
So which is it Moses or Pot Holes? I'm so confused. The wife might be staying home. She thinks it will be to hot for her. ;)

08-05-2005, 07:29 AM
You have a spot at Mardon, right?

1978 Rogers
08-05-2005, 07:31 AM
I haven't reserved a spot at either place. Procrastination I guess. :sleeping:

08-05-2005, 07:35 AM
Oh well, then I guess we can go wherever. :D

1978 Rogers
08-05-2005, 07:36 AM
Oh well, then I guess we can go wherever. :D
I can move from lake to lake a lot easier without the misses and junior. :)

08-05-2005, 07:41 AM
I think I'd be slower without my trailer backer upper. :rollside:

1978 Rogers
08-05-2005, 07:43 AM
I think I'd be slower without my trailer backer upper. :rollside:
I do both now. its a bitch when the ramp/dock is busy like a Jean Coulon park. They don't like you to tie up while you get your rig. :frown: So Emily plays Bumper Boats until I come back with the rig.

08-05-2005, 07:47 AM
Me and the kid stay out on the water while she goes to get the truck.

1978 Rogers
08-05-2005, 07:54 AM
whats worse; bumping another boat or backing the trailer down the dock/into another truck?

08-05-2005, 07:59 AM
Actually, the boat's more important. And we can run the river one more time while she's off gettin' the trailer. ;)

1978 Rogers
08-05-2005, 08:14 AM
I really need to teach Emily how to back up the trailer then. You going to the river Saturday?

08-05-2005, 08:24 AM
Maybe. The girls sure want to go. Maybe I better bring the thread back and see who's up for it. I have things I could be doing that would be more constructive, but this weather is just too much! :D

1978 Rogers
08-05-2005, 08:29 AM
I'm suppose to finish painting the trim on our house. Its been a 3 year project. :D
I'm gonna skip out of work early today and go to lake tapps. Too hot to be at work with No AC.

08-05-2005, 11:59 AM
hey chris next time you go out to lake tapps let me know ill try and make it out there.

08-05-2005, 05:08 PM
So, did you make it out there?

08-05-2005, 07:20 PM
What's Tapps like? I work for PSE which built the lake as a res for the White River hydro plant back at the turn of the century.
The company has a great private park there but I've always looked elsewhere as I figured it would be too busy (lake lice) and noise would be an issue.

08-05-2005, 07:52 PM
the times i have been there i has been choppy but i have never been there in the middle of the day on a weekday. witch i think i am going to try tomarrow

1978 Rogers
08-06-2005, 07:55 AM
Tapps wasn't bad. It wasn't glass, but it didn't have white caps either. I'd say it was average. The parks were packed.
Lots of water lice not looking where there going, as usual. So bring a towel to wipe off the smudge off your hull if one runs out in front of you. :lightsabe

08-06-2005, 08:51 AM
im headed out to lake tapps today if anyone wants to come out. im thinking i will be there around 2

Vern S
08-10-2005, 05:47 AM
Vern, I'm open as far as venue. We're stating at Vantage Motel for Fri, Sat, Sun. nights. I'm towing with the Tahoe, so we can tow fast. Depending on how many want to go, Moses is cool, the beach isn't big, but it's big enough for ten plus boats. Who all is going? Matt...
I'm up for either location, Moses works well for me since I live here. Not sure what part of the beach your referring to, but it's almost a half mile long, room for about 40-50 boats, maybe Malcolm can post a few pics.

08-10-2005, 08:00 AM
Let's make it Moses. That way I won't get lost. :D

1978 Rogers
08-10-2005, 10:02 AM
nice shot of your wife. :D

Captain no fun
08-10-2005, 11:08 AM
We're staying @ Vantage for the Dave Mathews concert, so day trip to Moses is a-okay with us. We stayed at a private place last time around. Where do we launch? It's probably as easy as following the signs. Sat & Sun or just Sat?

08-10-2005, 03:12 PM
nice shot of your wife. :D
HA! I never get past Trina, good eye!

Vern S
08-10-2005, 03:35 PM
HA! I never get past Trina, good eye!
YUP!! ;)

08-10-2005, 04:43 PM
Im there I promise unless I freaken keel over and die --------but really IM SERIOUS I checked myself into the emergency room with chest pain thuoght I was having a heart attack but they said no :2purples: -------I still fell like shit my chest still hurts ....I GUESS THATS WHAT I GET FOR KICKING MY OWN ASS FOR 20 YEARS OR SO....GUESS I WENT FROM 1 VICE TO ANOTHER THATS IT IM QUITING KICKING MY ASS NOTHING BUT GOOD FOOD -GOOD QUANTITIES AND NO MORE SMOKING(CIGS)THAT IS.OH---AND NO MORE BEER ---JUST HARD ALCHOHOL FROM NOW ON.. HOPE THAT WORKS CAUSE THATS ALL THEY WILL GET .... :hammerhea Ive got to loose about a 100lbs.. :eek:......................SHIT IF I LOOSE SOME WEIGHT THAT EQUALS.1.LESS WIND RESISTANCE.2.LESS WEIGHT.3.==========MORE SPEED....YEA :rollside:

08-10-2005, 05:46 PM
Better take it easy there Chris, at least until you beat Vern. :D

08-10-2005, 06:11 PM
Shoot I am not worried about him, I know he will smoke me :rollside: I am just there for the fun, my boat isnt really running that good and to be honest I think that I will probably be one of the slowest boats there...Or at least one of them :D :D

08-10-2005, 06:24 PM
No, I'm afraid I'll get the slowest boat award.

1978 Rogers
08-11-2005, 07:00 AM
No, I'm afraid I'll get the slowest boat award.
Look at it this way. Your boat will handle rough water the best. You could kick our ass at Lake Washington and Tapps any day. :D

08-11-2005, 07:19 AM
I don't know about that, Tapps was really rough.

1978 Rogers
08-11-2005, 07:49 AM
That sucks you drove down to Tapps and we had left. Blame in on Austin. :rolleyes:
I cleaned the rest of my sediment/corrosion out of the carb yesterday and put the carb back on. Now I need to get out on the water and see if its resolved. Were heading to the Oregon coast today for the weekend. I was telling emily we sould take the boat and launch it in the surf. :notam:

08-11-2005, 11:03 AM
I was still there when malcolm got there. malcolm took a run while i sat in my boat praying it would run better

08-11-2005, 11:06 AM
also im not going to make it over to moses this weekend i have a family reunion i forgot about. looks like another weekend of no boating, hope you guy have fun. have a couple chocolate squigys for me.

08-11-2005, 11:20 AM
I think Moses is next weekend (20th). I have a reunion this weekend too. It's at her Mom's place. I will probably bring the boat just in case I can talk someone (anyone) into a ride. :D

1978 Rogers
08-11-2005, 12:39 PM
Am I going to be camping at Moses by myself on the 20th.

Captain no fun
08-11-2005, 03:26 PM
Am I going to be camping at Moses by myself on the 20th.
Was that a question Chris? Well are you or aren't you? We're there. Hey, we also have a cabin @ Laurents for the Labor day fest, we're going to cancell it, if anyone wants it speak now, we'll call Rusty and let him know. I'm having my impeller cut to a "B". The boys @ Skagen say it'll pick up speed if I let that Chevy breath. I'll know more this weekend. Matt...

08-11-2005, 04:21 PM
Whens everyone leaving and where is everyone staying on the 20th....

08-11-2005, 04:31 PM
So did you get a spot somewhere? We may want to break in our tent too. I won't want to drive anywhere.
Hey Vern, you think Mike would mind a couple tents in the yard? :D
Be sure and tell him my boat's quiet again. ;)

Captain no fun
08-11-2005, 06:49 PM
I don't know where you guys are staying. Chris, from Everett, you could stay at yer cabin and day trip it. We're day trippin from Vantage. We're off this coming week, through the 22nd. Where the FU** do we launch that's safe for the tow vehics?

08-11-2005, 08:24 PM
They have a nice boat launch.
From east I-90 take exit 176 onto Broadway, left at 3rd traffic light (Stratford). Cross the lake, turn left on Valley Road. Keep on Valley through some traffic lights and a yellow flashing light and down a hill. You'll see the park at the bottom on the left.
Those are old directions, may be another light or two along the way.

Vern S
08-12-2005, 05:52 AM
They have a nice boat launch.
From east I-90 take exit 176 onto Broadway, left at 3rd traffic light (Stratford). Cross the lake, turn left on Valley Road. Keep on Valley through some traffic lights and a yellow flashing light and down a hill. You'll see the park at the bottom on the left.
Those are old directions, may be another light or two along the way.
Either that or they could launch at what they used to call the State Park right on I 90.

Captain no fun
08-12-2005, 11:12 AM
We'll be there. All day thing, or afternoon thing? It's all good to me. I get my impeller back today, I'll reassemble this Friday afternoon, and run Sat. to check it out! I can't wait!..I'm a scared little rat!

08-12-2005, 08:50 PM

08-12-2005, 08:54 PM
AND 1 MORE THING MY BOAT RUNS GREAT............. :yuk:

Vern S
08-15-2005, 09:17 PM
Probably best to launch at Cascade Park, It will be the closest coming from Blue Lake.
As your headed to Moses on highway 17 turn right on Airway drive at the gas station, "Airway deli mart". Follow Airway drive until your reach the flashing yellow light, about 2 miles. Turn right and go down the hill Cascade park is on the left at the bottom of the hill. Saturday 12:00 ish??

1978 Rogers
08-15-2005, 09:30 PM
Cascade still has some RV spots open. I was going to tent it between a couple RV's. :D

Vern S
08-16-2005, 05:27 AM
Cascade still has some RV spots open. I was going to tent it between a couple RV's. :D
Did you get my email? You can camp at my house, or Mike's. I think the cancellation policy is 48 hours.

1978 Rogers
08-16-2005, 06:56 AM
Did you get my email? You can camp at my house, or Mike's. I think the cancellation policy is 48 hours.
Got the email, thanks. Also, you've been posting quite a bit. Almost broke 100.

08-16-2005, 07:42 AM
Alright Vern! You'll be a postwhore in no time. :D

1978 Rogers
08-16-2005, 07:57 AM
Maybe we can get a Tent City going in Vern's yard. I have dibs on the dock for my tent spot. I always wanted water front property.

Captain no fun
08-16-2005, 08:13 AM
You think the State cops are rough at the beach, I heard that Vern is hiring a bunch of rent-a-cops for crowd control at his place. No Swearing, no drinking, no spitting, no camp fires, no boat launching, no public urination, no use of the facilities, etc...etc... ;)

1978 Rogers
08-16-2005, 08:57 AM
You think the State cops are rough at the beach, I heard that Vern is hiring a bunch of rent-a-cops for crowd control at his place. No Swearing, no drinking, no spitting, no camp fires, no boat launching, no public urination, no use of the facilities, etc...etc... ;)
NO Public Urination! Wait a minute, if its at his place, isn't that Private Urination. Should be any problem. :D

08-16-2005, 10:45 AM
So are we all meeting at Cascade park at about 12:00.Sat.... :messedup:

08-16-2005, 07:53 PM
i wont be making it there this weekend i am going to go down to albany, oregon to watch our naighbors brother race. he races awja jetboat river racing looks like a hell of a ride. have fun guys

08-16-2005, 08:02 PM
OK Austin, we'll miss you guys! Sounds like a lot of fun though.

08-16-2005, 08:08 PM
Hey 468Chris, just let us know when you'll be there and we'll come on over. We should be at Vern's late Fri. night (I hope). You got a cell phone? My number is 425-870-1970.

08-17-2005, 08:36 AM
I will be there friday night--------no cell phone..what do you mean you will come on over : are you staying at the cabin ? you can if you want all are welcome...

1978 Rogers
08-17-2005, 11:19 AM
I will be there friday night--------no cell phone..what do you mean you will come on over : are you staying at the cabin ? you can if you want all are welcome...
I'll be tenting it in Vern's yard. Malcolm will probably get the Vern's suite again. It's usually reserved by the older guys. :D

08-17-2005, 03:27 PM
I ment when you get to the boat launch on Saturday Chris. :hammer2:
Other Chris, I haven't heard back from Vern yet, but yeah I think we will be in the Vern garage suite. I can bring the tent and come down and rough it with you guys if you want. :D

Vern S
08-18-2005, 12:41 PM
I ment when you get to the boat launch on Saturday Chris. :hammer2:
Other Chris, I haven't heard back from Vern yet, but yeah I think we will be in the Vern garage suite. I can bring the tent and come down and rough it with you guys if you want. :D
What?? I'm the one that said you could stay here.

08-18-2005, 06:36 PM
I remember, I just hadn't heard back from you since you offered. Sorry for the confusing post. I know you aren't a postwhore like some of us. :D I was just trying to give it back to Chris a little. :rollside:
So, how's you supply of Captain's? I figure as good as the weather's been, you might be getting low. :smile: Looks like we'll have Sabrina with us this time.
Hey I just noticed!

08-19-2005, 07:52 AM
When are you guys planning on going over? We're thinking about Fri. night sometime.

Vern S
08-19-2005, 08:11 AM
I remember, I just hadn't heard back from you since you offered. Sorry for the confusing post. I know you aren't a postwhore like some of us. :D I was just trying to give it back to Chris a little. :rollside:
So, how's you supply of Captain's? I figure as good as the weather's been, you might be getting low. :smile: Looks like we'll have Sabrina with us this time.
Hey I just noticed!
Well..... the good Captain is always welcome here!!

1978 Rogers
08-19-2005, 08:15 AM
When are you guys planning on going over? We're thinking about Fri. night sometime.
Might be the same. I could leave Puyallup around 4ish. I figure if its just me, what packing needs to be done? tent, chair, swim trunks, cooler, ice, beer and ear plugs because you and Vern will be up until the crack of dawn. :D

1978 Rogers
08-19-2005, 08:16 AM
Well..... the good Captain is always welcome here!!
Look at that. 101

08-19-2005, 08:24 AM
Yup, he's on his way! :)
I'll get back to ya when we figure out exactly when we can leave. You going to have a phone on ya?

1978 Rogers
08-19-2005, 08:31 AM
Yes, I'll be bringing the wifes. Check your PM's for the number.

08-19-2005, 06:39 PM
OK, you got mine still right? (if you don't, it's up about 11 posts) :D

Vern S
08-19-2005, 09:04 PM
We'll be there. All day thing, or afternoon thing? It's all good to me. I get my impeller back today, I'll reassemble this Friday afternoon, and run Sat. to check it out! I can't wait!..I'm a scared little rat!
Hey Captain, is the boat back together and ready to go?
The best place for you to launch is probably at the old state park right off I90. I was thinking noon Saturday sounds like a good time. Call me when you get in and I will give you directions to my house. 509-750-3734.

08-19-2005, 09:27 PM
He was running on Sunday. :D

1978 Rogers
08-20-2005, 06:27 AM
We might be leaving Saturday moring now. Emily is thinking about coming over now. She doesn't get off work until 6:30 on Fridays. I don't know when we'll be there.
Why is it when the wife decides to go with you, you don't know whats going on anymore? :confused:

08-20-2005, 07:43 AM
Now that I can understand! ;)

1978 Rogers
08-20-2005, 08:32 AM
Emily, Ethan are going now and we might bring our oversized beagle also. :D
So, we'll be leaving early Saturday.

Captain no fun
08-20-2005, 08:35 AM
Yes, Vern I got mine back together. I think I'm indercarbed' though. Two 660 center squirts, #76 jets all around.
Chris, I can't say why when the women get involved, we never know whats going on anymore. But it is true, As I'm walking to the Tahoe, my wife says I need a haircut, and it will only take a "few" minutes. Translated, that equates to an hour. I'd be on the road now, who cares if I need a haircut?
Beer, thanks for the reminder, I'm out.
We're leaving now, or in an hour. We'll see you all there around noonish....

08-20-2005, 12:03 PM

08-20-2005, 03:44 PM
OK, we should be pulling out shortly. See yall there!

08-22-2005, 09:40 PM
Just got home and unloaded the truck. Wow what an amazing weekend! I'll work on getting some pics and movies up in the next few days.

08-23-2005, 10:41 AM
OH YEA----Saturday was awsome I was kind of burnt out on sunday though but it was still cool...talked to Tony Skagen at a rest stop on the pass he said he will be there for labor day... :D

08-23-2005, 10:44 AM
oh yea malcome lets get busy on that video...

08-23-2005, 10:50 AM

08-23-2005, 11:01 AM
malcolm where are those pics at i need to see what i miss out on!

08-23-2005, 06:23 PM
Workin' on it now! :220v:

08-23-2005, 06:45 PM
Workin' on it now! :220v:
Hurry up would ya??

08-23-2005, 07:17 PM
Vern, me, and the USS Lincoln.
77468 Chris
Captain no fun
This time we had a new kind of floater!
Or was that a flyer?

08-23-2005, 07:32 PM
nice pics malcolm, you guys got vern out of the seadoo. man i would have loved to go out in verns neighbors plane that look fun and hell. cant wait now for blue

08-23-2005, 07:39 PM
Isn't that wild? He took almost everyone for rides too. Gayleen and Sabrina both went.

1978 Rogers
08-24-2005, 08:36 AM
No picture of me! Do I have to post my own? Jees!

08-24-2005, 10:56 AM
Sweet pics malcolm now wheres the damn vid.... :shift:

08-24-2005, 02:53 PM
Chris (rogers), were you guys there? :D You took off before the rest of us, so I wasn't able to snap any pics of you this time. I already told the wife I'm going to have to wear the dam thing around my neck all weekend at Blue.
Chris (468), I didn't have enough time last night. I'll get to it tonight if I have the time.

08-24-2005, 06:28 PM
I already told the wife I'm going to have to wear the dam thing around my neck all weekend at Blue.
No worries Malcolm. We're bringing our camera too. Figured I won't be able to run with you fast guys (still running the little carb) so I just hang out and play official picture taker.

08-24-2005, 06:51 PM
Fast guys, there you go not talking about me again. :cool:
OK, I'll be uploading the video in a few minutes... Stay tuned!

08-24-2005, 07:31 PM
What a mess! The free video host I was using is down. I just signed up for another free place. Let's see if this works....
Moses Lake video (http://www.streamload.com/Deliver/Deliver.asp?cxInstID=65810749&nodeID=1455608486&returnPage=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Estreamload%2Ecom%2FN odes%2FNode%2Easp%3FcxInstID%3D65810749%26nodeID%3 D1453214039)
Just tried it... works good for me. :cool:

08-25-2005, 05:30 AM
!@#$%#@ Access Denied! Anybody else get through?

08-25-2005, 06:35 AM
cant get it to open!

1978 Rogers
08-25-2005, 06:55 AM
!@#$%#@ Access Denied! Anybody else get through?
I got the same.

08-25-2005, 07:36 AM
So where were you guys last night? :rolleyes: So much for the new video hosting place. The good news is the old one is back up today, so try this one.
Moses Lake take 2 (http://www.zippyvideos.com/20332087927575.html)

1978 Rogers
08-25-2005, 09:26 AM
Awesome video.
You did get video of my boat. Sorry for the hard time about the pictures. :D

08-25-2005, 10:40 AM
I thought you'd like that. :D

08-25-2005, 11:04 AM
Bitchen :d

Captain no fun
08-25-2005, 11:08 AM
Awesome video Malcolm. I wonder who has the faster boat, Chris, or Vern? :boxingguy

08-25-2005, 11:37 AM

08-25-2005, 01:04 PM
Malcolm post the vid as athread to see what people think. ;)