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07-19-2005, 01:06 PM
Isn't this great?
"Do you know where your Social Security taxes are? Some of them went to pay for the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame and Museum in Fort Worth, Texas. The same monies helped the State Historical Society of Iowa in Des Moines pay for the development of exhibits for the World Food Prize. And we should all be happy that some of our Social Security surplus funded a study of mariachi music for the Clark County (Nevada) School District. As we know by now, Social Security is facing many problems that will require long-term, comprehensive reform. But before a doctor operates on a patient, the first step is to stop the bleeding. And the first step toward Social Security reform should be to stop Congress from spending Social Security money on anything except workers' retirement." --Michael Tanner

07-19-2005, 01:07 PM
Hell no they do not!

07-19-2005, 01:14 PM
How about the ump teen million we're paying to africants to stop spreading aids? If fatal pussy does'nt stop them from F'in how is our money gonna help? Should'nt that cash go to fix SS? I think so.

07-19-2005, 01:15 PM
How about the ump teen million we're paying to africants to stop spreading aids? If fatal pussy does'nt stop them from F'in how is our money gonna help? Should'nt that cash go to fix SS? I think so.
Ummm yeah

Water Romper
07-19-2005, 01:59 PM
…and to further add insult to injury…
Illegal immigrants are being paid Social Security benefits even though they DO NOT pay in to the system, DO NOT pay income taxes DO NOT even have the legal right to be in the United States. :sqeyes:
And if you are in your “forties” All the money you have paid into “Your” Social Security pension fund will be gone (or greatly reduced) by the time you are 60 and you cannot hold any government official responsible. The money will be gone! Yet, you do NOT have a choice….your wages will still be butchered and you will be forced to pay into the Social Security system.

07-19-2005, 02:01 PM
…and to further add insult to injury…
Illegal immigrants are being paid Social Security benefits even though they DO NOT pay in to the system, DO NOT pay income taxes DO NOT even have the legal right to be in the United States. :sqeyes:
And if you are in your “forties” All the money you have paid into “Your” Social Security pension fund will be gone (or greatly reduced) by the time you are 60 and you cannot hold any government official responsible. The money will be gone! Yet, you do NOT have a choice….your wages will still be butchered and you will be forced to pay into the Social Security system.
And you make me sad.
I am only in my 20's.

Water Romper
07-19-2005, 02:09 PM
OMG Candy….your retirement is TOAST! :D
Maybe when Vicente’ Fox becomes president of the “New America” he will take care of all the Hot Boaters from this era….NOT !!!!! :lightsabe

07-19-2005, 02:10 PM
OMG Candy….your retirement is TOAST! :D
Maybe when Vicente’ Fox becomes president of the “New America” he will take care of all the Hot Boaters from this era….NOT !!!!! :lightsabe
Thanks alot

Water Romper
07-19-2005, 02:13 PM
According to Carlton Sheet, “You too can buy homes for a living” See, who need Social Security…
I am banking on the Lottery.. LOL

07-19-2005, 02:15 PM
I own a home so I guess that is good

07-19-2005, 02:18 PM
It makes me want to Puke. I am retired and 45 and am starting to have serious doubts I'll ever see the $$ I put in. I saved $$ like a paranoid maniac during my working years to be safe, but to see my SS money go to the wayside burns me to the core...
Here is another real one for ya....My newphew is in the reserves in Iraq. He is on the main patrol seeking out roadside bombs (ran over 2 that did not explode and takes daily sniper fire while on patrol) Anyway he still rides in an unarmored Hum-V.
HOWEVER, during this past 4th of July the US Gov spent $200K on Fireworks in the town he is in so the local Iraq citizens could experience a 4th of July. I think $200K could have bought a few slabs of 1/2" plate for our guy's Hummers.

07-19-2005, 02:20 PM
It makes you think, doesn't it.

07-19-2005, 02:24 PM
...If fatal pussy does'nt stop them from F'in how is our money gonna help?
LMAO - Classic!!

Water Romper
07-19-2005, 02:26 PM
Our priorities are so “skewed” in the US….My grandfather and his father are probably rolling over in their graves right now because of what OUR government is doing to ( or not doing) to it’s own CITIZENS!
Let’s see….money for fireworks for people who could give a crap –OR- safe vehicles for our troops…hmmm, gee, that’s a tuff one. :mad: