View Full Version : Video of my panther kickin some vdrive butt.

07-28-2005, 08:33 AM
Like I said before my friend was on crack or heroin when he shot this video. He will not be winning any prizes for this one. Be patient its at the end of video.

07-28-2005, 08:33 AM

07-28-2005, 08:40 AM
yep - looks like ya beat him out of the hole -- who was driving the v drive ? was it the camera mans brother ????

Sanger D
07-28-2005, 08:44 AM
lucky for you that (looks like a hydro) had a mechanical malfunction or maybe the guy was scurrred but I think that hydro in the right hands would smoke ya!!! obviousely he had a problem!!! but I know you,ll take what you can get C,MON!!!

07-28-2005, 08:46 AM
Don't all cameras come with editing software??? What a retard! :D

07-28-2005, 08:49 AM
No editing software. Who's the retard retard. Grow up .

07-28-2005, 08:51 AM
That video sucked.

07-28-2005, 08:55 AM
Man.. Its just a video. Nothing more. You V-drive guys are so sensitive. Its just a video clip that was taken. Believe me he beats me on the top end every time. But I take him everytime from the start. Though he will blow by me after.

07-28-2005, 09:03 AM
Its nothing v-drive vs. jet. The video just sucks. :) The first 3/4 of the video was dirt and trees then you see some boats in the distance but cannot tell what they are. It just sucks.

07-28-2005, 09:03 AM
The guy who posts a POS video like that! :yuk: I'm not a V-drive guy either.
You really think you beat that guy fair and square don't you! :rollside:

07-28-2005, 09:06 AM
Man.. Its just a video. Nothing more. You V-drive guys are so sensitive. Its just a video clip that was taken. Believe me he beats me on the top end every time. But I take him everytime from the start. Though he will blow by me after.
You beat him though... :wink: remember drag racing starts with the hole shot and then only a 1/4mi run. :)
Not all of v-drivers are sensitive type guys :crossx: :crossx: you just can't win them all. :cry:

07-28-2005, 09:33 AM
Its nothing v-drive vs. jet. The video just sucks. :) The first 3/4 of the video was dirt and trees then you see some boats in the distance but cannot tell what they are. It just sucks.
Damn dmontzsta! Cant you ever look on the bright side? It was beautiful trees and dirt tho.................. :rollside: :rolleyes:

07-28-2005, 09:34 AM
Not all of v-drivers are INsensitive type guys :cry:
Thats a myth.

07-28-2005, 09:44 AM
Damn guys ease off him. im stoked someone put something interesting up to look at this morning. fast forward if you dont like the national geographic portion of the video. You keep capping on him and he might not post up another better video next time.
thanks for the entertainment Jim!

07-28-2005, 09:50 AM
Sorry, but to suggest that the v-drive was doing an all out holeshot is ludicrous. That boat either has a serious problem, or he got out of it (for whatever reason) before he was even on plane. At least that's my take on it.
A jon boat with a 9hp evinrude would've won that holeshot contest.

07-28-2005, 10:05 AM
I liked it but I didn't see any racing.

07-28-2005, 10:09 AM
Damn dmontzsta! Cant you ever look on the bright side? It was beautiful trees and dirt tho.................. :rollside: :rolleyes:
:shift: :D

07-28-2005, 10:10 AM
i agree dan looked as if only one was racing once the retard found the lensfinder. thats a nice jet though......

07-28-2005, 10:27 AM
i agree dan looked as if only one was racing once the retard found the lensfinder. thats a nice jet though......
jsut keep your ass planted in your seat

07-28-2005, 12:09 PM
thanks lucky..........always something nice to say lmao.and meaningfull

Squirtin Thunder
07-28-2005, 12:25 PM
Like I said before my friend was on crack or heroin when he shot this video. He will not be winning any prizes for this one. Be patient its at the end of video.
Thanks Jim !!!
That was cool of you to post !!!
Video sucked but you at least posted it.

07-28-2005, 02:15 PM
I sure can tell someones personality by the way they act. Jim has been workin his ass off on that boat trying to make that pather run, which half of you would say throw it away it worthless. But here shortly jims going to out run my GT with a nice berk, loader, placediverter, set back. So I give him prop's and his Video, His buddy just haggin out there in the hydro. Two if he's in the boat the guy holding his camera got a 10 second refresher how to run the thing. Thrid he's just showin some boating video for us. Did it have a place to rate the video or did he ask! No, Thanks for all your input. Let us know when you do something not so perfect, so we can kick you and say your shit sucks or even better wouldn't it suck to be beat by that pather. Any&All

07-28-2005, 02:36 PM
Did it have a place to rate the video or did he ask!
Honestly.............he sorta did ask for it with the following statement.
"Video of my panther kickin some vdrive butt"
No, Thanks for all your input. Let us know when you do something not so perfect, so we can kick you and say your shit sucks.
You shouldn't have too long to wait. I constantly screw shit up.
No need to be so sensitive. :rolleyes:

07-28-2005, 02:43 PM
Next time tell the guy in the V-drive your race'n!

07-28-2005, 03:54 PM
Like I said its only a video I know that v-drive can and does kick my ass all day everyday. The video is just what it is. I keep my negitive remarks to myself... I don't say your orange boat is gay along with your website. I just keep thinks to myself.

07-28-2005, 04:31 PM
Like I said its only a video I know that v-drive can and does kick my ass all day everyday. The video is just what it is. I keep my negitive remarks to myself... I don't say your orange boat is gay along with your website. I just keep thinks to myself.
Oh boy.. I thought squirtchas site was acually pretty informative. Oh, If ya got Win xp, try movie maker. it works wonders so you cut 95% of that video out. But that last 5% was cool.. Hey boats running no mater what it is, a v drive, Jet or IO. If there racing is ok in my book.

07-28-2005, 05:00 PM
Like I said its only a video I know that v-drive can and does kick my ass all day everyday. The video is just what it is. I keep my negitive remarks to myself... I don't say your orange boat is gay along with your website. I just keep thinks to myself.
Geez we are sensitive aren't we? Was that really for me? All those posts questioning the validity of your video and you singled me out. I feel special. I didn't really think my comments were all that derogatory. Oh well...............whatever.
Do you have a link to your website and all the stuff you did to your boat? If so could you put it up.
I went looking for it in under your profile and found NOTHING!
Incidently, there are equal amounts of orange and yellow on my boat
Have a gay day!
Oh yeah..........that's some fine english you're using there.
I just keep thinks to myself.
Still looking for that link for your website Jim. Could you please post it so I can see what a good website looks like?
Maybe I can style mine after yours?
Thanks buddy. :D
I'm being serious here. I'd really like to see it.

07-28-2005, 05:14 PM
My only problem was with the lack of (boat) footage, what, 10 seconds out of a minute? I will say that what little I did see was impressive. Not the race (he wasn't even trying), but the way that Panther launched. Hell, you're doing good, the video I posted a while back didn't get 1/4 of the posts this one has. :p

07-28-2005, 05:14 PM
I've seen a lot of races lost because of poor reaction time, parts breaking, engine misfires, you name it. It does not matter how the race was won, so long as you win it....without anything dirty, that is.
Thanks for posting the vid up Jim and I can't wait to take your boat for a ride!
Hopefully at Tower Park. BTW, we (wife and I) will be there Wed night Aug 17.

07-28-2005, 05:34 PM
NOW NOW BOYS. slow down have a beer or two and watch the video again.this guy is having fun and wanted to share it with you.so give him a break. :cool:

Boy Named Sue
07-28-2005, 05:54 PM
I thought the beginning, staring at the dirt and branches, with the sound of boats pairing up somewhere off in the distance, added just a touch of suspense to make the race interesting. Bravo!

07-28-2005, 06:21 PM
Awww come on guys. Give the man a break! Did you guys actually see that the panther was haulin' the mail pretty damn good. I noticed that real quick. In fact I think he could out run a good ammount of people on here that are running berks. Give the man his props. His panther was moving very well.

You Te
07-28-2005, 06:41 PM

07-28-2005, 06:45 PM
That was cute! go ahead and say whats on your mind too. everyone else has......

07-28-2005, 06:54 PM
NOW NOW BOYS. slow down have a beer or two and watch the video again.this guy is having fun and wanted to share it with you.so give him a break. :cool:
Rivertard, Gotta cut down your Avatar some.

Kindsvater Flat
07-28-2005, 07:21 PM
Another jet race...... (http://www2.***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87084)

07-28-2005, 08:17 PM
NOW NOW BOYS. slow down have a beer or two and give him a break. :cool:
How's about a compromise Mike. I'll have the couple beerz.

07-28-2005, 10:12 PM
Another jet race...... (http://www2.***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87084)
Thats just wrong :cry: :cry: :cry: Why did you do it to us??? :cry: :cry:
That flattie was straight gettin' it;)

07-28-2005, 10:13 PM
How's about a compromise Mike. I'll have the couple beerz.
Dan, your a good guy brotha;)

07-28-2005, 11:19 PM
Another jet race...... (http://www2.***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87084)
Why you gotta be throwin' rocks brother?
Besides, I had a refrigerator, another person, 4 anchors, two coolers, a bimini top, and a roll away Snap On tool box in the boat. If we raced 100 feet, and I didn't have all that crap in the boat, we might have tied... :notam:
I'm proud of that video, it's proof that my boat is slow and I'm loosing my hair! :rolleyes:

Jet Hydro
07-29-2005, 08:35 AM
Another jet race...... (http://www2.***boat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87084)
:idea: And yet another :D

07-29-2005, 10:10 AM
:idea: And yet another :D
If I recall...wasnt that "yet another fib?" :D

Sanger D
07-29-2005, 10:22 AM
LIES ALL LIES!!!!!! :idea: :D not ANOTHER false story!!!don,t you know (thou shall not bear false witness)!!!!! :jawdrop: theres always a story :notam: and I think my buddys hydro will be the fastest boat at CBBB.(QUICK SHOT)

Jet Hydro
07-29-2005, 10:37 AM
If I recall...wasnt that "yet another fib?" :D
No, Not that I know of. Do I need to post the time slip for ya? That was the same weekend I put the Pro Mod on the trailer in the 3rd round :D

Squirtin Thunder
07-29-2005, 10:47 AM
No, Not that I know of. Do I need to post the time slip for ya? That was the same weekend I put the Pro Mod on the trailer in the 3rd round :D
I saw that you were carrying the nose again.
Lets see the time slips !!!

07-29-2005, 11:08 AM
my boats faster than your - nenenerr neener neener

Jet Hydro
07-29-2005, 11:17 AM
I saw that you were carrying the nose again.
Lets see the time slips !!!
Better yet, why don't you ask "ekimzark" he`s the one that took the pictures that weekend in Waco.

07-29-2005, 11:51 AM
No, Not that I know of. Do I need to post the time slip for ya? That was the same weekend I put the Pro Mod on the trailer in the 3rd round :D
dang, I dont even know why people race v-drives when jets are as fast as yours, you just shut every v-drive down.
:idea: :sleeping: :D

07-29-2005, 11:57 AM
jethydro.....u win one race and we got to hear about it for the next 3 years? put it on the trailer dude.......give it a rest.....

07-29-2005, 12:19 PM
jethydro.....u win one race and we got to hear about it for the next 3 years? put it on the trailer dude.......give it a rest.....
hey -- sit your ass down - and strap in buddy -- we're turning :D
ps jet hydro did some ass modifications on his piss boat - now if you want to take him , your going to have do some boat modifications on your ass :D

07-29-2005, 12:21 PM
LIES ALL LIES!!!!!! :idea: :D not ANOTHER false story!!!don,t you know (thou shall not bear false witness)!!!!! :jawdrop: theres always a story :notam: and I think my buddys hydro will be the fastest boat at CBBB.(QUICK SHOT)
That could be. I think your buddy bought (or traded my buddy's boat (Matt Brown?). If so.....it ran 137 mph and a low 8 something seconds this year at Firebird.

Jet Hydro
07-29-2005, 01:40 PM
jethydro.....u win one race and we got to hear about it for the next 3 years? put it on the trailer dude.......give it a rest.....
3 years???? Hummmmmm how long you been here ???? Oh thats right your the NOOB with a Join Date of Mar 2005
One Race???? Hummmmmmm, you better get out more!

Sanger D
07-29-2005, 01:55 PM
That could be. I think your buddy bought (or traded my buddy's boat (Matt Brown?). If so.....it ran 137 mph and a low 8 something seconds this year at Firebird........................................yo u are correct!it was traded for a beautiful blown cole. the hydro has been across the water at 160+ and is tuned for a 140+ pass right now!! :jawdrop: frickin fast!!!!that squirt boat in your avetar looks like its haulin the mail!!!! :wink: don,t see too many jets sittin like that in the water!!!!!!!looks like FUN!!!

07-29-2005, 02:19 PM
I boat with Matt quite a bit. He went last Friday and debuted the new flattie, but I missed going. I haven't seen the Cole yet, but we're probably going tomorrow night. Anxious to see it.
The boat in the avatar is mine, but the picture is misleading. It was at the end of a WOT run and I caught a roller and launched her a lil bit. Trust me it doesn't ride anywhere near that loose.

Squirtin Thunder
07-29-2005, 02:41 PM
that squirt boat in your avetar looks like its haulin the mail!!!! :wink: don,t see too many jets sittin like that in the water!!!!!!!looks like FUN!!!
Thats cause you don't get out much D !!! :D

07-29-2005, 03:09 PM
Jet Hydro, you really should think about a capsule for your boat.

07-29-2005, 03:33 PM
I got to go for a ride in Matts Cole last weekend. Loved it. Nice looking boat too. But it was nothing compared to his Canyon he used to have.

Sanger D
07-29-2005, 06:50 PM
Thats cause you don't get out much D !!! :D................................................ .................................................. .............................JIM you live 1 min and 42 seconds from my house,(depending on traffic and I am ALWAYS waiting for your call,but like the ugly girl,i never hear the phone ring,and I,m on the riverat least 2 to 3 times a WEEK,in MY own boat ,I have yet to see you out there!!!!!! :) when do I get to see the banana run,does it run? we would like to know!!! :coffeycup :D

Sanger D
07-29-2005, 06:54 PM
I got to go for a ride in Matts Cole last weekend. Loved it. Nice looking boat too. But it was nothing compared to his Canyon he used to have..............................you know, scott was just starting to get that thing dialed before they traded. It has HUGE potentual,just needs to be played with a little,I never got to see matts canyon, was it nice?

07-30-2005, 09:42 PM
Sanger D, where are you from? and what boat(s) do you have?

07-31-2005, 06:55 AM
Kindsvater Flat, "Another jet race..."
396 responds, "Thats just wrong why did you do it to us???
That flattie was straight gettin' it"
Very accommodating 396. Oops I meant kissass. The jet had two pax (a big hit in both holeshot and top speed for small high perf hulls no matter drive type.) Then again v-driver's typically whine about 1/4 mile.
Before I go on let me say, Either way, a win's a win when you line-up on the river or lake...whoever ends up out front. The fact you lined up means you agree to the terms. So try not to spin my comments one way or the other.
On the river or lake you'll usually know if it's a true win or loss whether some admit it or not. Video always favors the near lane parallax and all, so video's cool but not proof of anything. You think the v-driver in Kindsvators video counted that run a true win? If so maybe he needs a reality check.
Hey Jerry, that's me and my boat, and I could have emptied my tools out of the boat, pulled the interior, threw my buddy and the cooler out, and he still would have had me. The magazine says that's a 96 mph boat, and on a pretty good day, I'm a 82 mph boat. I don't think the passenger is the reason I lost.
I don't even care that I lost, I was just out screwing around, and I'm happy that Jerry got it on film. What you don't see is, we pulled two more times cause my passenger was digging it. I think the kid that was driving the v drive was having just as good a time as I was. There was no chest thumping and mf'ing, just a couple of guys at the river having a good time. You and I have discussed this before, I'm not interested in being the fastest guy on the river. That's an expensive undertaking and even if you are the fast guy at the river, then what? Billy B pulls the Beis out, and I'm not the fast guy anymore. Different strokes for different folks.
I've been showing it to anyone who'll watch at work proving what a dork I am. :redface:
Brian :cool:

07-31-2005, 08:56 AM
Kindsvater Flat, "Another jet race..."
396 responds, "Thats just wrong why did you do it to us???
That flattie was straight gettin' it"
Very accommodating 396. Oops I meant kissass. The jet had two pax (a big hit in both holeshot and top speed for small high perf hulls no matter drive type.) Then again v-driver's typically whine about 1/4 mile.
Before I go on let me say, Either way, a win's a win when you line-up on the river or lake...whoever ends up out front. The fact you lined up means you agree to the terms. So try not to spin my comments one way or the other.
On the river or lake you'll usually know if it's a true win or loss whether some admit it or not. Video always favors the near lane parallax and all, so video's cool but not proof of anything. You think the v-driver in Kindsvators video counted that run a true win? If so maybe he needs a reality check.
Its obvious who needs a reality check...
V-drivers whine about a 1/4 mile? Who is this guy? Did you not see this one....Click here lvjetboy (http://www.v-drivevideo.com/movie/guruconstantino.wmv)
Look chief, I don't know who you think you are but your way out in la la land from my perspective. Disco and James were just out playin on the river havin a good time. If you want to disect every little scenario that comes along in a condescending tone thats your right but don't expect everyone to buy in to it.
BTW, I could post clips all day long of races (river or track) that you would have no comeback for, regardless of the shot angle. Out of respect for everyone I don't.
Now when someone posts a video braggin how they kicked a v-drives ass I may post a response in good fun.
I've been going to the river since before I could walk and taping boat regattas and races (circle and drag) for over 20 years. Post some of your tapes, I'll be first in line for a reality check from la la land.... :)

07-31-2005, 08:59 AM
Its obvious who needs a reality check...
V-drivers whine about a 1/4 mile? Who is this guy? Did you not see this one....Click here lvjetboy (http://www.v-drivevideo.com/movie/guruconstantino.wmv)
Look chief, I don't know who you think you are but your way out in la la land from my perspective. Disco and James were just out playin on the river havin a good time. If you want to disect every little scenario that comes along in a condescending tone thats your right but don't expect everyone to buy in to it.
BTW, I could post clips all day long of races (river or track) that you would have no comeback for, regardless of the shot angle. Out of respect for everyone I don't.
Now when someone posts a video braggin how they kicked a v-drives ass I may post a response in good fun.
I've been going to the river since before I could walk and taping boat regattas and races (circle and drag) for over 20 years. Post some of your tapes, I'll be first in line for a reality check from la la land.... :)
Good post. Also, it looked like the V-Drive in that video was a cruiser with no blower? and the jet was much smaller with a blower.

07-31-2005, 09:01 AM
gee hydro........that one really hurt me.......oh ya......i ran into your life the other day........it asked about ya!!!!!!

Jet Hydro
07-31-2005, 09:35 AM
gee hydro........that one really hurt me.......oh ya......i ran into your life the other day........it asked about ya!!!!!!olbiezer
You know I took my sig down cause it was causing you some discomfort but you the new guy still seem to have some kind of problem. I don't know your history in boats nor do very many people know mine but I`d think you should be able to tell that I`v been around the docks for a while. I work on just about anything that floats and some stuff that don't. I was even seen working on a V-Drive Hydro at the Brick Town race. Believe it or not The guy that owns that Hydro set a new personal record after I got done working on it. I couldn't give 2 shits if you have a V-Drive or a paddle boat, a boat is a boat in my world. I ride on the shirt tails of NO ONE! You need to set back and drink a cool one and chill out, it`s just not worth it.
I`d stay and type more but I`v got to go to the lake and kill a few V-Drives with my Lake JET Boat :D Peace Out!!!
http://www.chevyavalanchefanclub.com/attachments/bowdown2.gif < ---V-Drive guy`s http://www.hotboatpics.com/pics/data/500/139flag.jpg

07-31-2005, 11:21 AM
Good post. Also, it looked like the V-Drive in that video was a cruiser with no blower? and the jet was much smaller with a blower.
Easy there Don, I'm sensative about my poor little blower. James has got about a foot more boat, and the blower is a 4-71. If I was looking to make HP, that blower would be the first thing off the boat. It's more of a show/nostalgia piece.

07-31-2005, 12:49 PM
Easy there Don, I'm sensative about my poor little blower. James has got about a foot more boat, and the blower is a 4-71. If I was looking to make HP, that blower would be the first thing off the boat. It's more of a show/nostalgia piece.
No worries Disco, your boat is still bad ass. As the old saying goes, there is ALWAYS someone faster, I am sure you will smack the shit out of most boats out there, even with a 4-71. :D

08-01-2005, 08:51 AM
hay hydro.........i sure know where your goat is parked........just kidding ya guy..........i really do like your boat.......nice new paint now too.........though a hydro jet is a little weard but hey.....to each his own.......how many u put on the trailer lately? lol :eat:

08-01-2005, 11:04 AM
Kindsvater Flat, "Another jet race..."
396 responds, "Thats just wrong why did you do it to us???
That flattie was straight gettin' it"
Very accommodating 396. Oops I meant kissass. The jet had two pax (a big hit in both holeshot and top speed for small high perf hulls no matter drive type.) Then again v-driver's typically whine about 1/4 mile.
Before I go on let me say, Either way, a win's a win when you line-up on the river or lake...whoever ends up out front. The fact you lined up means you agree to the terms. So try not to spin my comments one way or the other.
On the river or lake you'll usually know if it's a true win or loss whether some admit it or not. Video always favors the near lane parallax and all, so video's cool but not proof of anything. You think the v-driver in Kindsvators video counted that run a true win? If so maybe he needs a reality check.
Your post sucked :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

Jet Hydro
08-01-2005, 01:36 PM
hay hydro.........i sure know where your goat is parked........just kidding ya guy..........i really do like your boat.......nice new paint now too.........though a hydro jet is a little weard but hey.....to each his own.......how many u put on the trailer lately? lol :eat:
Well yesterday wasn't a good day on the lake for the Lake Boat as I only killed one jet boat and broke my motor doing it :( I`m thinking I should have taken the Hydro out and left the lake boat in the shop . Well off to the lake I go again to see if I can find where I left my Goat :D

08-01-2005, 02:45 PM
:smile: :D :D :smile: if u find that goat let me know.......that way i can start in on ya again lol

08-01-2005, 04:18 PM
Next time tell the guy in the V-drive your race'n!
It's called ,the first one to get there wins, no excuses, if it don't run don't race it. :notam:

08-01-2005, 06:14 PM
You honestly seen a race in that video? Maybe i need to watch it again. :confused:

08-12-2005, 08:58 AM
396 posted, "Your post sucked"
Why, because I said you kissed v-drive a** in your post?
Yup, I got love for the flattie cause I grew up on one;) It wasnt a serious post in case you took it seriously;) just for your information, I dont kiss anybody ass!!! ;) Hanve a good day jer;)

08-12-2005, 09:59 AM
I've no doubt Disco and James were having fun. So what chief? I posted my perspective on your video of their run. Disco later says his boat runs 82 mph but a "magazine?" says the other boat runs 96 mph. A magazine? James doesn't respond or verify any top speed so who knows? All I said in my alledgedly sucking post was video distorts win or loss especially near vs far lane as I'm sure you know from your vast video experiences. My other point was pax load makes a big difference as I'm sure you also know. Enough load and a true comparison of drive, boat and engine performance is not possible. Someone matching up with the balls to admit it would say so.
For that I get your la la land response.
Allow me to respond to this, since I am the most qualified. From where I was sitting, James was fast. I don't have any reason to doubt the 96 mph claim. It looked fast as he pulled away.
The video is a very accurate representation of the race. It looks like what I remember. We stayed close for about 3 or 4 seconds, my boat stops pulling, and his just kept pulling.
I'm not sure why you take this all so personally Jer, but whatever. I do wish you'd stop using me as an example. This is probably shameful to you, but I like the video. That's probably as close as I'll get to my 15 minutes of fame. I have no doubt that you know your physics. I'm sure you know boating. I don't think you understand anything about "HOW I ROLL." :p

08-12-2005, 07:00 PM
The guy who posts a POS video like that! :yuk: I'm not a V-drive guy either.
You really think you beat that guy fair and square don't you! :rollside:
Well Put!!!! :D

08-12-2005, 07:26 PM
In response to LVJetBoy. (Since it is difficult to reply to that).
I fully understand you can build a n/a set-up to make more power than a blower setup. But usually, if someone has a blower, they have a solid built motor and you expect to see MAX numbers. With disco, that is not the case though and it is understandable. But to the on lookers they see blower and think WOW.

08-13-2005, 09:09 AM
Sorry, but to suggest that the v-drive was doing an all out holeshot is ludicrous. That boat either has a serious problem, or he got out of it (for whatever reason) before he was even on plane. At least that's my take on it.
A jon boat with a 9hp evinrude would've won that holeshot contest.
The Right way for a Jet is to Hole Shot the propper- Lift the Nozzle and Spray the Motor Down -Done Deal- Propers cannot run with Jets anyway So the nice thing to do is hose them off, so the boat is clean for the Guy to take home. Heck- all Jetters know Proppers are Beach sitting PURRDY Boats anyway.
Always buy a Flattie's Motor - "Never Used" Water won't settle down untill after sunset so it Gets 1 Idle run to the Beach-Sets untill Dark and Maybe Gets one Blast Home if the wind is under 2MPH.

08-13-2005, 09:20 AM
thats funny sh** dude

08-14-2005, 02:12 AM
"But to the on lookers they see blower and think WOW."
No doubt they do and even some posting here claim blower IS WOW. I'm thinking most true enthusiats understand the limits of n/a, the benefit of force induction, and the trade-offs between the two. Meanwhile on-lookers judging an off-track race or a video of that race not always a reliable source of who ran better. They may claim near lane wins because it looks that way. Most videos of off track racing seem to portray the near lane winnning no matter. I mentioned parallax error...most understand reading gages. But the same error is exagerated in a video of a race.
"I'm not sure why you take this all so personally Jer, but whatever. I do wish you'd stop using me as an example. This is probably shameful to you, but I like the video."
Whatever. Just because I post contrary to a popular opinion no matter what thread doesn't mean I take this or any other thread personal. If you've read my posts to RJB and later HB or any other forum over the last 8 years...you'd understand. My posts are decidely not kiss-a** to the point of uncomfortable controversy at best, borderline anti-social at worst. Some choose to focus on the anti-social aspect instead of my contrary point of view.
That said I don't doubt your 82 mph top speed quote or how you roll. But me shameful of a "magazine" alleged 96 mph v-drive when my gps verified jet does 100 mph? Com'on. That's a stretch. I've no doubt he passed you as you said.