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View Full Version : Possitive thread for Magic

08-04-2005, 02:31 PM
Alright.... Ron called me today, again, and received my current list of parts I need and was kind enough to ship the to me. As well, we talked about my last thread where my frustration factor was off the scale and i think now, finally, the sled is running good and we are on our way to joining the Magic Family. I need to mention that he paid my bills for all the repairs and parts including the towing bill. So Ron is definitely standing behind his company. Ron and I talked for quite a bit....it was a very positive conversation. To the empoyees that i hurt your feelings on the last thread....get over it...but you can tell Ron thanks for his help for me;) :D

08-04-2005, 02:34 PM
its great to hear some good news on this situation :)

08-04-2005, 02:39 PM
I am all good with telling BOTH sides.....fair is fair ya know;)

08-04-2005, 02:45 PM
GOOD!!!!!!!glad to hear this,always nice to hear a happy customer and a Biz owner that stands behind his product.
NB Props to you for telling both sides, your a GOOD MAN!!!!!!!!!

08-04-2005, 03:02 PM
so you would by another one right?
LOL!!!! :rollside:

08-04-2005, 03:02 PM
so you would by another one right?

08-04-2005, 03:08 PM
good deal :D

08-04-2005, 03:20 PM
I thought you were going to set your mother in law adrift on it, and cut all your losses. Good to hear things are going good.

08-04-2005, 03:24 PM
To the empoyees that i hurt your feelings on the last thread....get over it...but you can tell Ron thanks for his help for me;) :D[/QUOTE]

08-04-2005, 03:26 PM
The Otter did it

08-04-2005, 03:51 PM
I still aint get'n one :messedup:

08-04-2005, 03:52 PM
Glad it is getting worked out for you. Good luck and have fun!!

08-04-2005, 04:32 PM
I demo'd the 30' deck last weekend. Nice ride. Like a giant 70mph dance floor.
Brett will go out of your way to help you with anything too. Great guy!!
That would be my next boat.

JB in so cal
08-04-2005, 04:43 PM
I'm glad things are turning positive for you, NB.

08-04-2005, 04:52 PM
Dam..make up your mind! :D

08-04-2005, 04:55 PM
Alright.... Ron called me today, again, and received my current list of parts I need and was kind enough to ship the to me. As well, we talked about my last thread where my frustration factor was off the scale and i think now, finally, the sled is running good and we are on our way to joining the Magic Family. I need to mention that he paid my bills for all the repairs and parts including the towing bill. So Ron is definitely standing behind his company. Ron and I talked for quite a bit....it was a very positive conversation. To the empoyees that i hurt your feelings on the last thread....get over it...but you can tell Ron thanks for his help for me;) :D
A list of parts???? :confused:
Was something broke???? Isn't this a new boat???
I thought the water was coming in the wrong place...or coming out the wrong place??? Sea strainer, right? You needed a tow?? I guess I missed the breakdown part from before. There must have been another thread. Good luck with it anyway.

08-04-2005, 05:57 PM
The Otter did it

08-04-2005, 06:01 PM
Alright.... Ron called me today, again, and received my current list of parts I need and was kind enough to ship the to me. As well, we talked about my last thread where my frustration factor was off the scale and i think now, finally, the sled is running good and we are on our way to joining the Magic Family. I need to mention that he paid my bills for all the repairs and parts including the towing bill. So Ron is definitely standing behind his company. Ron and I talked for quite a bit....it was a very positive conversation. To the empoyees that i hurt your feelings on the last thread....get over it...but you can tell Ron thanks for his help for me;) :D
That is good news on a bad situation :yuk: Ron sounds like a standup guy (did your thread help him?) either way they did the right thing and I agree, the employees need to get over it :rolleyes: the boat could have been 100% when you recieved it :cool:

08-04-2005, 06:08 PM
NB, Do you think it had anything to do with your thread about you benching 440 lbs that made Ron call you?? :D
I'm really glad to hear it is all working out. I know that they can make a great boat. I love mine. I hope your experience keeps getting better and your boat has no more issues. Glad the hear Ron is backing up his product. I know Magic went above and beyond for me more than once on my boat.
I never did read about employee's getting upset about your threads, what happened here?

08-04-2005, 06:35 PM
I never did read about employee's getting upset about your threads, what happened here?
That is what I was thinking?????

08-04-2005, 07:00 PM
I think they were reporting to Ron. Ron made it clear he doesnt have the time or the need to ever read the forums.
OC'd...LOL...I am sure if you ask Casey he will let you know.....I was almost "there" that day. Thats histroy tho..... Nothing like a new thread thats 'good' news.
RO....how do you always get drug into this??? Too funny.
The rest of you...good drama...cant keep up with the pm's and e-mails.... I just say it like I see it. :eek:

08-04-2005, 07:22 PM
Alright.... Ron called me today, again, and received my current list of parts I need and was kind enough to ship the to me. As well, we talked about my last thread where my frustration factor was off the scale and i think now, finally, the sled is running good and we are on our way to joining the Magic Family. I need to mention that he paid my bills for all the repairs and parts including the towing bill. So Ron is definitely standing behind his company. Ron and I talked for quite a bit....it was a very positive conversation. To the empoyees that i hurt your feelings on the last thread....get over it...but you can tell Ron thanks for his help for me;) :D
Comment from Mrs. Wmc:::
Maybe you should keep your reactions/comments to yourself and you wouldn't have to recall your previous actions (thread). Just a thought "Insert foot in mouth" We have a Magic and have loved it since the day we purchased it. The people at Magic are awesome. They are stand up people.....

08-04-2005, 07:29 PM
Simmer down, hot sauce. :p :D
I know but I hate when people talk sh!I and then have to take it back. Makes you look bad!!! :devil:

08-04-2005, 07:33 PM
At least he took it back. Most people talk shit and even when they're wrong, they don't take it back. :D
OK I'll give him that. How's the new boat??? It looks very nice.

08-04-2005, 07:37 PM
Working good so far. How 'bout yours? You guys are really easy to spot now, just look for the orange bimini. :D
Awesome. I can even drive it!!! William prefers that way he can party!!! I love the orange... I just need a bikini to match.

08-04-2005, 07:44 PM
I'll buy you one.
:devil: :devil:
Ok. Med bottom XL top!!! I'll expect it when I see you in Parker. Will be up in 2 weeks. That's my boat warming gift.

08-04-2005, 07:51 PM
We won't be up again until the 19th. We're leaving for OR tomorrow and will miss the next two weekends. :frown:
Small bottom, med top. Got it! :D
have fun. we'll see you again. med bottom, xl top!!! LOL Used to be med. top!!!

08-04-2005, 09:40 PM
Where in OR are you gonna be? You kinda made it sound like an ordeal with the capital OR. Maybe you are right, I have lived long enough that it is getting to be an ordeal.....

08-04-2005, 09:44 PM
I think they were reporting to Ron. Ron made it clear he doesnt have the time or the need to ever read the forums.
I say BS... The HB Forums, and the power that lay within helped you out in the end. The squeeky wheel gets LUBED! Somke serious SQUEEKIN can happen around here!

08-04-2005, 10:26 PM
Comment from Mrs. Wmc:::
Maybe you should keep your reactions/comments to yourself and you wouldn't have to recall your previous actions (thread). Just a thought "Insert foot in mouth" We have a Magic and have loved it since the day we purchased it. The people at Magic are awesome. They are stand up people.....
I didn't hear him take anything back..I don't think he has anything to take back. It is nice that you have had no problems with your boat, but the truth is he has had an outrageouse amount of problem with his. His posts always seemed to be truthful and honest, he simply stated what happened, I don't remeber him putting his foot in his mouth. I don't think he has anything to take back, nor should he. If he had kept his "reactions/comments" to himself I wonder if they would have finally taken care of the situation? I'm not bad mouthing anybody, I haven't had experience with Magic, but he has, and it was terrible, even if they finally came through, months later.

08-04-2005, 10:34 PM
Would you have ever gotten the same service without the negative posting on ***boat? If you were just some regular guy and not an influential guy?

08-04-2005, 10:36 PM
At least he took it back. Most people talk shit and even when they're wrong, they don't take it back. :D
He WAS NOT wrong for talking shit. He got burned big time and they made it right only because he is on the boards.

08-05-2005, 03:35 AM
My last thread was based on a paniced call to Magic for an answer and I could not get ahold of anyone. So the calls went wider and wider looking for parts for something that was not broken but I was never told it was plumbed this way. I think I now know just about all there is to know about this boat. If they would have explained the wiring(where and how)...just the basic heads up is all I would have needed) I would not have had to be towed in..... The water hose situation...same thing. I think I now know my boat pretty good...its unfortunate it took all these situations to bring them to light. All I am looking to do is enjoy the beautiful boat.... And ya, saying some of the choice words might have gone to far....but at least I got the call and we are working together to fix things and become (cough) a family. As far as I am concerned Ron is handling it properly and I think we can get through this disaster.
Mrs. Wmc: No disrespect...but I have to throw the BS flag at you.... plenty of problems lead to the last thread.
Bob: Rant??? I would expect better from you........
Ilmor sent another priority package to me with the latest 625 Manual and info..... i cant say enough good about those people.

08-05-2005, 04:03 AM
RO....how do you always get drug into this??? Too funny.
Must be my dashing good looks :D

08-05-2005, 05:36 AM
I know but I hate when people talk sh!I and then have to take it back. Makes you look bad!!! :devil:
I think NB's rant is what got Ron off his a$$. Prior to the rant all he received was a bucket o' poo from Magic. Now he has there ear and he is on the road to being a useful member of the magic family. So, forgive me, for calling BS on your post. Now get back in the kitchen.j/k :p :wink:

08-05-2005, 06:14 AM
You're ranting again. :D
I am NOT FREEKING RANTING again damnit!!! :220v:
And RO: ....must be;)

08-05-2005, 06:18 AM
Uh oh, everybody look out, NashvilleBound's getting his rant on. :p :D
Sorry, you've never seen Mrs. WMC. No way I'm taking your side over hers.
LOL...its all good. I've heard stories.....;)

08-05-2005, 06:19 AM
Isn't the bigger question "What would Magic have done or not done" had NB not started the post and info as such leaked back to Magic ?
We all know these boards are pretty powerful, but it seems like it took quite a bit to get resolved properly, not like a first call resolution process :confused:

08-05-2005, 06:49 AM
So, as usual I'm really confused. Was there a water leak from a cut hose? What caused it? What happened with this?

08-05-2005, 06:52 AM
Alright.... Ron called me today, again, and received my current list of parts I need and was kind enough to ship the to me. As well, we talked about my last thread where my frustration factor was off the scale and i think now, finally, the sled is running good and we are on our way to joining the Magic Family. I need to mention that he paid my bills for all the repairs and parts including the towing bill. So Ron is definitely standing behind his company. Ron and I talked for quite a bit....it was a very positive conversation. To the empoyees that i hurt your feelings on the last thread....get over it...but you can tell Ron thanks for his help for me;) :D
That's great you are getting results... now!
It still does not excuse having to tighten all the loose nuts that they did half-ass as you originally explained. Funny thing is, I am in the market for a new deck and was seriously considering a Magic until I read all your bad reports and I am now going with Conquest for sure.

08-05-2005, 06:55 AM
As I recall, the hose was "terminated" at that point, not cut inadvertantly. NashvilleBound pulled the motor, had it replaced under warranty and made everybody at Magic cry. :D
Now where was this thread?

08-05-2005, 07:04 AM
I have a friend who wouldn't have such great things to say at this time, since he was told they could have a Raylar kit put on his boat in time for our powell trip, and guess what, they tell him this week that they don't have time . This is after his boat sat there in havasu for 2 weeks with nothing done to it. That's BS. I post this knowing first hand what happened. This is not the first service run around he has recieved from Magic.
I guess a big thank you would go out to Absolute Marine who said they would get it done for him by sunday.

08-05-2005, 07:08 AM
I think he deleted it.
Figures, I miss all the good stuff.

08-05-2005, 07:15 AM
My last thread was based on a paniced call to Magic for an answer and I could not get ahold of anyone. So the calls went wider and wider looking for parts for something that was not broken but I was never told it was plumbed this way. I think I now know just about all there is to know about this boat. If they would have explained the wiring(where and how)...just the basic heads up is all I would have needed) I would not have had to be towed in..... The water hose situation...same thing. I think I now know my boat pretty good...its unfortunate it took all these situations to bring them to light. All I am looking to do is enjoy the beautiful boat.... And ya, saying some of the choice words might have gone to far....but at least I got the call and we are working together to fix things and become (cough) a family. As far as I am concerned Ron is handling it properly and I think we can get through this disaster.
Mrs. Wmc: No disrespect...but I have to throw the BS flag at you.... plenty of problems lead to the last thread.
Bob: Rant??? I would expect better from you........
Ilmor sent another priority package to me with the latest 625 Manual and info..... i cant say enough good about those people.
Ok I'll take the flag, and I'm sorry I said anything to affend you. I hope everything works out with the boat and your problems are solved. Take care.

08-05-2005, 09:28 AM
Figures, I miss all the good stuff.
Outconfused: Gotta keep up Jr. Things move fast around here;)

08-05-2005, 09:30 AM
Outconfused: Gotta keep up Jr. Things move fast around here;)
I was in Mexico for a week. It's not my fault. :D

All IN
08-05-2005, 09:45 AM
Magic is a great company that stand behind there product. If you buy a boat or a car things break, even when it's brand new. I saw alot of Magic bashers on this board (Shockwave Dave etc). Its how a company takes cae of these problems, thats sperates it self from the competion.
Ron is busy man and has better thing to do then response to every negative thing that is posted on this or any other forum.
There is a reasom Magic is selling more boats every year then the previous.
:shift: They make great boats and the best best deckboat on the market.