View Full Version : cost to have pump powder coated....

08-05-2005, 11:59 PM
I am completly redoing a 16'4" jet boat UFO make and model never seen 1 like it anywhere sorry no pics.
I am wondering how much it "should" cost to have my pump powdercoated white? I have called a few places in town and I am getting anything from about 500-700 ( which seems very high to me).
the pump is a berkeley 12JC

08-06-2005, 01:23 AM
Mine cost around $500 to get sandblasted and polished. That includes the bowl and transom plate, so I would think Powdercoating would be cheaper, but I have never priced it out:)

Squirtin Thunder
08-06-2005, 01:51 AM
These are painted with Dupli-color Engine Enamel ceramic 500*. It is tough and lasts in the weather and water. 5 cans will do a pump real nice with a droop. 3 cans for base, wait 5 days to dry, wet sand and clean, spay the remaining 2 cans, then polish in 5 days.

Jake W2
08-06-2005, 04:20 AM
I paid like 125 to have the suction housing and droop done tell them not to sand blast the inside unless they are gona rehard coat it.

hack job
08-06-2005, 05:36 AM
i personally would not have them sand blast any of it. it causes you to see the inperfections in the casting and they dont cover up to well with the powder i would strip with some aircraft stripper and then take it to be coated. the aircraft stripper will leave the hard anaodizing on there and remove the old paint and crap. just my .02 ;)

08-06-2005, 06:32 AM
A local shop here in IL quoted me $300 for everything that sticks out of the boat (short bowl with no droop, diverter& bucket, etc). They use a high temp oven to bake the old finish off so you have to remove anything that might be affected by 800+ degree temps. Suddenly I'm thinking Dupli-color sounds pretty good. How long has that finish been on there Squrtin Thunder?