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Phat Matt
08-20-2005, 04:11 PM
PHOENIX - An Arizona ranch once owned by a member of an armed group accused of terrorizing illegal immigrants has been turned over to two of the very people the owner had tried keep out of the country.
The land transfer is being done to satisfy a judgment against Casey Nethercott, a member of a self-styled border-watch group who is serving a five-year prison term for firearms possession.
Morris Dees Jr., chief trial counsel of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which represented the immigrants, said he hoped the ruling would be a cautionary tale to anyone considering hostile measures against border crossers.
"When we got into this case, ranchers all along the border were allowing these types to come on their property," said Dees. "Now, they're very leery of it, especially when they see someone loosing their ranch because of it."
The ruling comes as the governors of Arizona and New Mexico declare states of emergency in their border counties, moves designed to free up money for enforcement while drawing more national attention to the problems of illegal immigration.
Nethercott was a member of the group Ranch Rescue, which works to protect private property along the southern U.S. border. In March 2003 he was accused of pistol-whipping Edwin Alfredo Mancia Gonzales, 26, at a Hebbronville, Texas, ranch near the Mexico border.
A jury deadlocked on the assault charge but convicted him of being a felon in possession of a firearm.
Mancia and another immigrant traveling with him from El Salvador, Fatima del Socorro Leiva Medina, filed a civil lawsuit last year saying they were harmed while being held by Ranch Rescue members.
Named in the suit were Nethercott; Jack Foote, the founder of Ranch Rescue; and the owners of the Hebbronville ranch, Joe and Betty Sutton. The Suttons settled for $100,000. Nethercott and Foote did not defend themselves, and a Texas judge issued default judgments in April of $850,000 against Nethercott and $500,000 against Foote.
Nethercott transferred ownership of his 70-acre Douglas ranch to his sister. But the sister gave up ownership to settle the judgment when challenged by the immigrants' lawyers.
The transfer of the ranch outraged border-watch groups.
"If the federal government was doing its job, ranchers would not be living in fear," said Chris Simcox, President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corp., a group that watches for illegal immigrant crossings and reports them to the U.S. Border Patrol.
Simcox noted that the Minutemen have a policy against touching the migrants and use video to document their patrols.
A message left for Nethercott's family and his attorney were not returned Friday.
Dees said his clients plan to eventually sell the property, which Nethercott bought for $120,000, but may allow humanitarian border groups offering aid to immigrants to use it for now.
Mancia and Leiva declined through Dees to speak to the media.

08-20-2005, 04:13 PM
Wow, that sounds very Cali. Maybe it's time to leave Arizona. :( :(

08-20-2005, 04:33 PM
I was just going to post this too. This is so out of control. We are living in a Socialist country now. This just proves it :(

08-20-2005, 04:35 PM
... never mind....

08-20-2005, 04:36 PM
I was just going to post this too. This is so out of control. We are living in a Socialist country now. This just proves it :(
No, we live in a country where the lawyers are out of control.

08-20-2005, 04:38 PM
So it happened in TX... but he had to sell an AZ ranch????
Apparently he had a judgment against him and that was the only way it could be satisfied. I still always liked Rexone's sig about how the word "illegal" has a different meaning when put in front of alien. I mean, they shouldn't be pistol whipped, but at the same time, to allow them to file a civil suit when they weren't supposed to be here in the first place??? C'mon now... :yuk: :devil:

08-20-2005, 04:40 PM
Apparently he had a judgment against him and that was the only way it could be satisfied.
I went back and re-read the story and found that...
**** it, still wouldn't stop me from patrolling my land. :devil:

460 jus getn it
08-20-2005, 04:40 PM
now thats some crazy shit right there.................

08-20-2005, 04:42 PM
now thats some crazy shit right there.................
No kidding. Nothing worse than illegal beaners. Give that guy a lawnmower and put him to work ripping off Califoristanians. :D :D :D
Jordy <----totally joking based on a thread the other day. ;)

460 jus getn it
08-20-2005, 04:47 PM
No kidding. Nothing worse than illegal beaners. Give that guy a lawnmower and put him to work ripping off Califoristanians. :D :D :D
Jordy <----totally joking based on a thread the other day. ;)
:D :D :D but really jordy..........this illegal iimmagrant shit is getting out of control. i mean you go down to mesa and you see the ****ers all over the place. the funny thing ids the law puts up signs saying so picking up of illegal immagrants but they dont enforce it worth a shit. so in this case a guy gets ****ed for his ranch cause someone feels soory for them. **** that they aint no better then the next guy working his ass for his family..........and ha ha ha about the lawnmower thing.......

08-20-2005, 04:54 PM
i think they should be run off at gun point or killed. what the **** do we pay the INS for?why do we have one? how come they can't patrol the border?isn't that they're job!?WTF??!! :2purples: :mad: i don't give a rats ass about "political correctness" we need to escort these ****s out and any polititian that doesn't like it can go too! what happend to prop187? i pay33% of what i earn to this state/fed along with many others..why is the state broke? :argue: so sick of hearing this shit excuse my rant....or not.

Mohave Vice
08-20-2005, 04:59 PM
i think they should be run off at gun point or killed. what the **** do we pay the INS for?why do we have one? how come they can't patrol the border?isn't that they're job!?WTF??!! :2purples: :mad: i don't give a rats ass about "political correctness" we need to escort these ****s out and any polititian that doesn't like it can go too! what happend to prop187? i pay33% of what i earn to this state/fed along with many others..why is the state broke? :argue: so sick of hearing this shit excuse my rant....or not.

08-21-2005, 09:38 PM
i think they should be run off at gun point or killed. what the **** do we pay the INS for?why do we have one? how come they can't patrol the border?isn't that they're job!?WTF??!! :2purples: :mad: i don't give a rats ass about "political correctness" we need to escort these ****s out and any polititian that doesn't like it can go too! what happend to prop187? i pay33% of what i earn to this state/fed along with many others..why is the state broke? :argue: so sick of hearing this shit excuse my rant....or not.
INS has they're hands tied. They catch peeps, and take them back to the border... please dont do that again :rolleyes:
Need to be allowed to cut off a finger or something, maybe they'd get the hint then. Other option is a Big Freaking wall, but then the mexicans will be upset w/ us :cry:
Something needs to be done, but it might already be too late.
BJ(i'm white, the new minority)H

Dusty Times
08-22-2005, 02:35 PM
Simple solution!
Before I risk losing my land for someone trespassing on it
Dead People Can't Talk = Can't Sue! :hammerhea

08-23-2005, 07:48 AM
I mean, they shouldn't be pistol whipped, but at the same time, to allow them to file a civil suit when they weren't supposed to be here in the first place??? C'mon now... :yuk: :devil:
And was anything done to them for being here illegally? Were they sent back? I doubt it.