View Full Version : Local help with my boat.

06-16-2003, 02:00 PM
Guys/Gals: My motor needs a rebuild bad. it is a 392 hemi in an 18ft hondo v-drive flattie. Last winter I pulled the motor apart to the shortblock which is still left in the boat. I do not have the experience or knowledge to rebuild the entire motor and thus I am stuck. Is there anyone out there who can help me out? I really do not want to bolt the heads back on and run the boat without freshening up the motor correctly. I have all the free time/ desire to work on the boat myself, but am limited when it comes to engine building tools/experience since I have never assembled a complete motor myself.
If anyone can help me out locally or send me to a local engine builder that is CHEAP.. :) Let me know. I work one day a week and go to school full time so $$ is hard to spend right now. I'd love to take the boat out this summer again.
Thanks for the time:)

06-16-2003, 02:08 PM
what City do you live in? :confused:
So Cal is pretty big you know! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
HDD :cool:

06-16-2003, 03:42 PM
that's a nice looking boat. what on earth possed you to take the motor apart? idea i wish i knew more about motors. Good luck bro. i'd fish around down in the "gear head" section. lotta guy's down there that know a thing or two about wrenching them back togather.

06-16-2003, 05:26 PM
I don't like to piss anyone off intentionally, nor would I want to lead anyone astray.
If you put 392 Hemi and cheap together in the same sentence... you might as well sell that engine and buy a Chevy bud, cause it ain't going to happen.
That motor hasn't been built in 50 years, while there are soft parts laying around, it isn't going to be the run-of-the-mill-motor. You are going to need more than your "local"
machine shop to take care of your needs.
I doubt 80% of "local" machine shops have even seen a '92. Let alone know what it needs.
So tell me how much you REALLY want to spend and where you are, and I'll try and help the best I can.
[ June 16, 2003, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: wsuwrhr ]

06-16-2003, 08:33 PM
Sorry about the ambiguity, I live in canoga park.
I researched the motor before I bought the boat and found that P.A.W. carries an entire line of parts for the early hemi motors. At that time I had intended to bolt on some performance goodies such as a high rise intake/big carb/possible blower down the road. Also when scanning prices for a possible rebuild they didn't seem extraordinarily high compared to most ford/chevy big block rebuild parts prices. I know that a chevy big block transplant would be the way to go for ease of modification and expense,& if I could accomplish this cheaply I would be game to do so. I could then sell the Hemi to recoup some of the $$.
The motor is bone stock, I rebuilt the carb and redid the ignition system but after the last time out It developed a slight knock that sounded like a bearing was going out. That is what prompted me to pull it all apart. :(
Let me know what you think I should do, thanks again:)

06-17-2003, 06:41 AM
I'm in Simi and will be glad to help.
May be interested in buying motor too if you decide to sell.
PM me.

06-18-2003, 03:58 PM
Al- I Pm'd you let me know. I'd like to get started as soon as possible.
Thanks to all that replied:)

06-18-2003, 05:09 PM
Cheap and Hemis don't go together or do cheap and boats. Remember: you get what you pay for. Parts are available for the early Hemi thru a co. called Hotheads. Keep in mind the engine hasn't been built since 1958 so your local Pep Boys isn't going to have most of the parts you'll need. Also the nostalaga guys are buying up the iron block 354s and 392s and they are getting scarce.

06-18-2003, 11:47 PM
I have looked up HotHeads. They have some nice stuff for the early Hemi and it sure it pricey.
After talking to Al, I have decided to pull the Hemi out of the boat and try to score a decent big block chevy to put into the boat. I will try to offset the cost of the BBC by selling the Hemi motor complete. I don't mind spending money on my projects...it's just that this is my first boat, and it is small. Although I love it and have a blast in it, I would rather spend the money on a bigger boat at a later date. This boat is pretty nice as it sits..I just need a nice motor to round it out:)
Thanks for the advice guys.

06-19-2003, 05:30 AM
After talking to Al, I have decided to pull the Hemi out of the boat and try to score a decent big block chevy to put into the boat. I will try to offset the cost of the BBC by selling the Hemi motor complete. IMHO, that is a mistake and something you will regret later down the line. Nothing looks better in an older boat than a nicely redone vintage hemi. I think you should weigh the nostalgia factor into your decision. Good Luck in what ever you decide to do.

06-19-2003, 07:49 AM
Got to agree with HD a 100% on that!. Another thing to consider besides the cost of the motor, is all the mounting hardware!, nothing fits and that stuff ain't cheap not to mention a lot of work, it's not as easy as it seems especially if you want it to be done right. It just may end up costing more than a rebuild on the Hemi!.. Something to think about!... :rolleyes:
[ June 19, 2003, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: GofastRacer ]

06-19-2003, 01:41 PM
Arrghh!! LOL..now you guys have me really confused. I'll get all the stats on paper and then compare the two cost estimates.
Can anyone give me a list of stuff that I will need to convert to a BBC from the Hemi? I will need this list to compile the $$.
I will also get a price estimate on rebuilding the Hemi at a shop..Vs rebuilding it myself with a basic rebuild kit and some help from you motr guys.
Just in case it matters..the Hemi is set up with no pulleys. The alternator is driven directly off the chaft going to the v-drive unit. It has a remote mounted oil filter and the stock Points distributor, the exhaust has logs that pass through the transom. The fuel system is an electric fuel pump going to a single feed holley 750 vac secondary carb.
Thanks again. I'll be pulling the shortblock in the meantime:)

al cole'holic
06-19-2003, 02:10 PM
Dave, give Sean a call at Team Extreme (818) 883-8184 and tell him Chris sent you. Wouldn't hurt to talk to him and he is right on Canoga behind Flooky's hot dog joint. At least he can give you some options or some directions...super good guy too! :D

06-19-2003, 02:20 PM
Got to agree with HD a 100% on that!. Another thing to consider besides the cost of the motor, is all the mounting hardware!, nothing fits and that stuff ain't cheap not to mention a lot of work, it's not as easy as it seems especially if you want it to be done right. It just may end up costing more than a rebuild on the Hemi!.. Something to think about!... :rolleyes: I agree with both of these guys. And your boat is small and some day you will want to step up to a larger boat for larger water. Your boat's resale will be MUCH higher with that engine in there.
With a BBC in there it's just an old flatbottom. With that hemi it's a really cool nostaliga deal.
If you haven't noticed the nostaliga is in big right now.