View Full Version : Rod Needed

10-14-2003, 06:11 PM
I need one Manley Sportmaster Steel Rod stock length. This is the rod with 7/16 Arp bolts. I dropped a valve and bent a rod, no prob I call Manley, order one up. When it comes it doesn't look like what I have. This one has 3/8 press ins and the shape is not the same. I call Manley and they tell me the style I have is not made anymore and this one replaces it. Off to The Balance Shop where the machinists weighs it and finds out it is way heavy. He calls Manley and they tell him to take it off the bottom, and the bolts just drill them out....WWWHHHHAAAAT. I paid $750 for this set. I have looked high and low and no one has any on the shelf, closest was a long rod from back east. Any help would be greatly appreciated.If anyone knows of one or can ask around that would be great. It would be a shame..$$$$$...to waste agood set of rods. Thanks in advance as always.

10-17-2003, 06:12 PM
Come On...Anybody?

10-17-2003, 08:07 PM
Do a search on Manley and call everyone that handles Manley that comes up. You might get lucky.

10-17-2003, 08:48 PM
Man that sucks I feel for ya!. Just a little thought here, if you can't find a new one that matches beware of a used one, even though it may have been magged and have new bolts, unless you know the history of it you don't know the fatigue factor. In other words, how much running time at what rpm, has it seen rpm to the moon,etc..Remember, whatever time is on that part is that much less time you are going to have on it!!...Just the way I feel about used parts!.. :rolleyes:

10-18-2003, 12:43 PM
Try here: http://www.racingjunk.com/classifieds.jsp
After that it is Ebay.
If you are around Long Beach California, then the Long Beach Swap meet.
If nothing, then give up and sell them on Ebay to the guy who has the one you need, but thinks 1 rod is not worth listing and he will buy your 7 good ones. :p
You are not alone. I have seen Carillo rods change so many times in design and weight that I gave them all away. $$$$