View Full Version : More on the woodecker

Rattle Can Lou
05-08-2006, 02:15 PM
We cleared the deck this afternoon. Tomorrow we will sand with 600 and paint the white basecoat on the hull and clear the whole boat again. It is coming out beautiful...RCL
I'll have to admit that this would cost allot of money. I would have to get 800.00 for a job like this for anybody else but myself...RCL

Dave Sammons
05-08-2006, 02:17 PM
That's BEAUTIFUL! Nice work Lou! :cool: :cool:

05-08-2006, 02:50 PM

05-08-2006, 03:17 PM
Lou, what did you do to strip the deck? What grit sandpaper was used? How did you know how far down to cut? And what did you use to seal it? Pictures of my wood deck are under Sanger Dragster thread, and I want to do this at the end of Summer. Thanks for any help you can provide!

05-08-2006, 03:36 PM
Very nice. :cool: :cool: :cool:

Rattle Can Lou
05-08-2006, 05:29 PM
OK, First let me tell you that the top part of my deck was really nice. It did have some problem areas and I will address that in a minute. The top portions of all these decks were glassed. If you look real close you will see the pattern of the deck cloth. Now the gunnels, dash anyplace that you dont see deck cloth you can strip with "clean strip" bought at Home Depot. The gunnels are two laminated pieces of solid lumber. I stripped to the top of the gunnel and sanded a straight line to where the two pieces were laminated.. Stripped the dash also. Ya know what. This will take to long. I will try to figure out another way to give this lesson. Bare with me...RCL

05-08-2006, 06:35 PM
lou what color is it going to be? it looks great!

05-08-2006, 06:48 PM
thats AWESOME. its going to be a very nice ride when done

05-08-2006, 06:49 PM
Lou, that is sweeetttt!... :cool: :cool: :cool:

05-08-2006, 07:08 PM
RCL - AWESOME!!!!!!!! Totally AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rollside: :rollside: :boxed: :boxed:

Sanger D
05-08-2006, 08:56 PM
WOW,that boat looks incredible,I'd be happy with it in my living room,it lokks like a precious peice of furniture, and you better use a danm coaster.!!!!!!
Sangerless D

Sanger D
05-08-2006, 08:56 PM
WOW,that boat looks incredible,I'd be happy with it in my living room,it looks like a precious peice of furniture, and you better use a danm coaster.!!!!!!
Sangerless D

Rattle Can Lou
05-09-2006, 05:59 AM
The color is going to be white. I wanted to paint it a yellow. I could not for the life of me pick a yellow that I liked. It was frustrating me and Dave Sammons and the Blingmeister. When I was a kid growing up and my Dad was ordering boats I always loved the white boats with woodecks. So that is what it will be. They say that "white is right". Thanks for all the compliments. It really makes it fun when all you guys give it the seal of approval. I want to say that the biggest help I have had is a furniture resto guy. The knowledge these guys have is incredible. So if your lucky like I have been and you find one of these old treasures, remember to talk to your local furniture refinisher. RCL

05-09-2006, 06:11 AM
The boat is awsome. I stopped by last night and started my bidding process for the old gal.....
I love wood deck boats and as Mike said always loved the white on wood ones our dad sold years ago.
Billy Bling........ Is there color is sight for my Nordy? My bro's are killing me here with the cool boats...

05-09-2006, 07:29 AM
Looks great Lou! What Old School Motor do you Have lined up?
He Said WOOD!

Rattle Can Lou
05-09-2006, 09:36 AM
Smalley, funny you should ask. I built a 468 BBC for the Riviera. I bought the Wickens without the motor but it had a L-88 BBC. It also had Hilborn injection with hand built 180 degree headers. So I bought the injection and headers and Aviad pan along with all the other wrap around motor stuff. I was hoping for around 650 HP. Not quite what the ZZ boat had but still fun. Well I found out Friday that the motor builder put 13.4 to 1 compression in the motor. Not good for pump gas. So now were thinking closer to 750 hp. So I'm going to fly you up to Boise and let you drive it along with my new GPS and you can lay a number down for me to get a picture of and post it here. Then I can retire the motor to something a litlle mellower. I was going to call Tony but he told me he was scared...

05-09-2006, 10:45 AM
Everytime I open this thread I drool on my keyboard :)

05-09-2006, 07:35 PM
O.K. Lou, let's make an appointment, i'll bring my Sanger and 800.00 to Boise and we could re-finish my deck :) . Appreciate it buddy!

05-09-2006, 08:32 PM
Smalley, funny you should ask. I built a 468 BBC for the Riviera. I bought the Wickens without the motor but it had a L-88 BBC. It also had Hilborn injection with hand built 180 degree headers. So I bought the injection and headers and Aviad pan along with all the other wrap around motor stuff. I was hoping for around 650 HP. Not quite what the ZZ boat had but still fun. Well I found out Friday that the motor builder put 13.4 to 1 compression in the motor. Not good for pump gas. So now were thinking closer to 750 hp. So I'm going to fly you up to Boise and let you drive it along with my new GPS and you can lay a number down for me to get a picture of and post it here. Then I can retire the motor to something a litlle mellower. I was going to call Tony but he told me he was scared...
LOL, Looks great Lou. Gotta love those old Holley Fuel Tanks.
Let me know When...
Do ya worry about crackin it up with the HP?

05-10-2006, 06:15 AM
Looks good Lou. Rumor has it from a certain fellow that drives an orange "K-BOAT" that if this boat is left unattended it will be used for a picnic table. Of course I stuck up for you and said he couldn't do that unless we were all invited. Of course Sammons took it one step farther and wanted to hold tap dancing lessons on it after the picnic to which I again said no way. He might fall and hurt himself and you'd be in for a lawsuit especially after Sammons had a few cold ones. So see I do look out for you, even when your so called friends are taking stabs at you without your knowledge. Billy protecting his buddies, signing off!!!!. :rollside:

Rattle Can Lou
05-10-2006, 06:36 AM
Billy, I don't know what I would do without all the help you give me. You are the most amazing friend I have ever had. Who is this orange "K Boat Guy". Must be some kind of pervert to have such bad thoughts. Sammons and his tap dance lessons. He does look like the kind that would like tap dancing. Kinda gay isn't it?
Smalley, HP is something I am worried about. Will have to keep my foot out of the injection unless I got perfect water. I never learned how to launch a boat hard anyway. I will sneak up on the throttle and maybe the boat won't know I'm there...Ya think?
800.00 and a trip to Boise??? Sounds good to me. I give these prices so that I can help my buddy Billy out. He's buried all the time and for large dollars. So I fugure if I can give Bargain Billy pricing I'll get busy and he will slow down...just trying to help a brutha out...RCL

05-10-2006, 11:46 AM
Lou, white will look great and it's time less. I can't wait to see the engine all together. Your 180 deg. headers would look cool aluminum sprayed like they did in the old days, that kind of a perl white color. It holds up good to heat too. Keep the pictures flowing :)

Rattle Can Lou
05-10-2006, 01:24 PM
I had the headers HPC coated. That aluminizing that they used to do was the cool shiat. I didnt even try to get that done. I'm doing it as original as I can but there are some things that I will update. I really fear the plumbing. This thing was a plumbing nightmare and was way overkill. Two water pickups in the plate...things like that. Twin big fuel filters...on and on. So I am going to clean that all up and I don't want to use annoed aluminum fittings. I'm really hoping that superdave can hool me up...RCL
The boat is final sanded and ready for color and final clear. It should be done by tomorrow afternoon. The cabinet guy is going to be here any minute to do one final touchup with the pastel chalk. I can't wait to see him do this. I will get picutres if he lets me....

Dave Sammons
05-11-2006, 05:57 AM
Sammons and his tap dance lessons. He does look like the kind that would like tap dancing.
Lou, Lou, Lou...You'll soon find out why they call me the "Dancin' Bear". After a few Pints of Guinness, I going to do a some of that Irish "RiverDance" on the deck and then maybe a couple Vodkas later, LindaLou is going to get a "SwingDance" like I'm sure she's never had! :D :D
Yeah, and Billy I know you're always there for Lou, like the sag in the paint on the door of the Ford Taurus he painted yesterday...That's our boy Billy...Always there! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Oh, Billy, why didn't you give RCL the heads up on HUD using the deck as a cutting board for the shrooms at Burley? :confused: :confused:
PS...RCL or Vdriver...Have brother Ron give me a call

05-11-2006, 06:10 AM
After Dave is through dancing on the deck, and hud is through cooking on it... I am going to have a big photo of my nordskog painted on it. :) Won't that look coooooollllll. That way no matter how fast he is he will still be looking at the back of my Nordy...
Dancing Bear DS... I left a message for bro Ron to call you.

05-11-2006, 06:16 AM
The color is going to be white. You know I love you Lou....So I hope this doesn't throw you into a stuper BUT...Will the color be a bright white or a off white????.

05-11-2006, 06:30 AM
Oh, Billy, why didn't you give RCL the heads up on HUD using the deck as a cutting board for the shrooms at Burley? :confused: :confused:
I was keeping that a secret. But the part of Hud dressing up like one of the oriental chefs at Benihanas will be one of the funniest things the people of Burley will ever see. Especially with his famous apron. We'll just have to hide the apron from RCL. That apron in RCL's hands, literally, could be dangerous. :rollside: :rollside:

Rattle Can Lou
05-11-2006, 06:41 AM
The color is an off white. I don't want it to be to bright. I want it just like Dave and Billy Blow. Sort of dim (witted). Hey Tony, er I mean Billy. Thanks for the call.

05-11-2006, 09:08 AM
Are you sure ya don't want a 348 W motor for this one?I can bring it on the 21st.

Rattle Can Lou
05-11-2006, 02:26 PM
Casey, I will keep that in mind...Here are some pics of the spray booth action going on as we read. He is spraying the white base and then we will peel the mask and clear the whole boat. This is the part where I start doing those famous Vodka Curls and my brothers start flowing through here and getting all weird...I love it...RCL

Rattle Can Lou
05-12-2006, 05:14 AM
Here is the finished product in the booth. We will pull it out today and give it a rub and a buff and it will be done on the outside. I hope you like oldschool cus this is plain and pretty.

05-12-2006, 05:58 AM
I can only see one thing wrong with that boat.

05-12-2006, 06:01 AM
Looks Great Lou! :cool:
But if your thinking more "Ole Skool" or period correct wouldn't a 348/409 Chevy or a 354/392 Hemi or a Buick Nailhead give it a little better look? :p
Not bash'n just ask'n. :D :D :D

Rattle Can Lou
05-12-2006, 06:30 AM
The boat was built originally with a L-88 427 Chevy. In 1971 he put the Hilborn injection on it and built the 180 degree headers. The boat sold new in 1966 but the owner took about 3 years to complete the boat. Hence the 1969 engine. I would love something period correct for the boat but I also had to use what I had and all the mounts and injection and the wrap around stuff all fit. I'm thinking aobut starting to build another motor for it right now. Run this 454 for this summer, but have something esle to put in next summer.

05-12-2006, 06:36 AM
That is beutiful!.. :cool: :cool:

05-12-2006, 06:59 AM
That is beutiful!.. :cool: :cool:
I wish a certain - person would show us his work of "art" hint , hint

05-12-2006, 07:21 AM
I wish a certain - person would show us his work of "art" hint , hint
I will when I have something worth while showing!.. :D

05-12-2006, 07:52 AM
That looks absolutely beautiful. It would look bitchen w/injector stacks and the wrap around headers, IMO.

05-12-2006, 07:52 AM
The boat was built originally with a L-88 427 Chevy. In 1971 he put the Hilborn injection on it and built the 180 degree headers. The boat sold new in 1966 but the owner took about 3 years to complete the boat. Hence the 1969 engine. I would love something period correct for the boat but I also had to use what I had and all the mounts and injection and the wrap around stuff all fit. I'm thinking aobut starting to build another motor for it right now. Run this 454 for this summer, but have something esle to put in next summer.
Ok, guess I'm off a little on my time frame......I usually think of wood deck boats that style as around late 50's to about mid 60's. :redface:
It really looks good though and please keep us posted. :) :) :cool:

05-12-2006, 08:02 AM
Rattle Can Lou,
The 'clear' applied, what type of product is it? Did you use a fine fiberglass deck cloth on the flat wood areas?
I am restoring a 1963 Sanger Dragster (17'-10") with a mahogay wood finish.
What type of paint are you using for the hull?
The boat still had the steel rails for a 392 HEMI, so I found this 1958 Chrysler engine model 58C for it.
I do hope that my restoration looks as good as yours.

Rattle Can Lou
05-12-2006, 09:24 AM
NB, I was lucky and I didnt have to do any glass work. It was all in good shape. I would recommend talking to West Coast Systems about using their epoxy products and not using any glass. This product seems pretty easy to work with and gives great results. You still have to topcoat it with a clear as it has no UV protection. On my boat we used PPG products. The white is basecoat urethane and the clear is PPG 4000 with 95 catalyst. The process was time consuming. We stripped the areas that idint have glass on them and restained to match. The clear got soaked up for three applications. The clear is a pretty expensive proposition. If you want any other help I would be glad to help. Probably would be better to talk on the phone though... Here's a couple of pictures outside.

05-12-2006, 10:29 AM
RCL, that looks absolutely beautiful!

Rattle Can Lou
05-12-2006, 11:03 AM
The only problem with all this self imposed notoriety is that there is no element of surprise. There's a part of me that wants to pull into a v-drive gathering and surprise everybody. That won't happen because I have a big mouth and I have to have instant gratification. Oh Well! I really apprciate all the comments. I didnt sleep last night and I was here at 6:30 am just to look at it again...RCL feeling like a proud Papa.

05-12-2006, 12:16 PM
Trust me RCL has a big mouth :)
On my race team there are no secrets. I can walk down to my competitors pits and hear them talking about what we discussed fifteen minutes earlier in a team meeting!
The boat does look awsome though. I am not able to comment much on it when I am around it, because I can't pick my chin up high enough to close my mouth to make words.
Signing off... RCL's brother who used to have a coolest boat in the family...

05-12-2006, 01:01 PM
I drooled so bad my keyboard shorted out!
That is fawgin beutiful!

Roaddogg 4040
05-12-2006, 02:00 PM
Lou, That boat is fanatastic!!! Really brings back memories from the seventies... Can't wait to see it in person...

Dave Sammons
05-12-2006, 07:15 PM
Looking GOOD Lou! :cool: :cool: And to think the boy did it all with products from HOME DEPOT! :D :D It better be "on the Green" at Burley!!!

05-12-2006, 09:07 PM
I can't wait to see this boat in person.
Nice Job. :)

05-13-2006, 11:21 AM
Lou the pictures look great but are no substitute for seeing it in person. I'm sure will will be surprise when we get the chance to. The white make the deck look so good. Is there going to be any pin striping and what are you doing with the interior / seats ? Keep us posted :)

05-16-2006, 11:13 AM
Wow looks great

05-16-2006, 11:28 AM
That wood deck is really bitchen, you cannot help but love it. It is going to be a head turner, that is for sure.

05-16-2006, 01:23 PM
now a really good friend would have cleared in a picture of billy beef cake - right above the bilge drain -- did i mention it would be of asses and elbows ?

05-16-2006, 07:09 PM
Cool looking ride BUDDY. "Way Cool"!!!!. Danny (owner of Competitive Trailers) showed up at Bass Lake with a 69 Sanger wood decker that has been completely restored inside and out. And I have to tell you it was Badd A$$. Boat was white with a mahogany deck, and the whole inside was done with a dark wood of which the name escapes me. Was on a lowered trailer with a big block chevy in it. Maybe Wayne has a shot of it and can post it. I personaly thought it was one of the nicer boats there and it wasn't even finished yet. Now RCL you could try and go one step further on the trailer then Danny did and get those diamond plate fenders from Pat and put them on your ride :argue: :) :) . If he still has them...... :rollside:

05-17-2006, 06:07 PM
Cool looking ride BUDDY. "Way Cool"!!!!. Danny (owner of Competitive Trailers) showed up at Bass Lake with a 69 Sanger wood decker that has been completely restored inside and out. And I have to tell you it was Badd A$$. Boat was white with a mahogany deck, and the whole inside was done with a dark wood of which the name escapes me. Was on a lowered trailer with a big block chevy in it. Maybe Wayne has a shot of it and can post it. I personaly thought it was one of the nicer boats there and it wasn't even finished yet. Now RCL you could try and go one step further on the trailer then Danny did and get those diamond plate fenders from Pat and put them on your ride :argue: :) :) . If he still has them...... :rollside: I took some pics of that boat and others from Bass Lake. I will try and get them-up soon.

05-17-2006, 06:46 PM
heres that sangerhttp://www.***boat.com/image_center/data/516/167bass_lake_v-drive_show_027.jpg

05-17-2006, 09:16 PM
RCL's, and this Sanger at Bass Lake are killing me. I really need to refinish my deck now!

Rattle Can Lou
06-06-2006, 09:50 AM
The motor is on the dyno this morning. We will fire it late this afternoon or first thing in the morning. Not allot of Bling but it should get the job done. I have hired Smalls to run the SS-80 in Burley. He said he would run me for 200.00 to the winner...sounds good to me.
RCL getting a little anxious!

06-06-2006, 11:27 AM
Lou, the sanitary, clean, beauty of this engine does not need bling.

06-07-2006, 07:07 PM
We will fire it late this afternoon or first thing in the morning.
SO! How did it run? Any #####'s

06-07-2006, 07:10 PM
He called me bragging his a$$ off about a 691 HP number.. he said there was room for more. :)

Rattle Can Lou
06-08-2006, 01:17 PM
The dyno shows 691 HP at 6400 and 668 ft. lbs. torque at 5400. We played for a day and half and we felt like we needed to put it in the boat and play with the barrel valve and a few other things while we were at the lake. It is hard to assimilate the fuel system of the boat in the dyno room. I almost pulled the injection to try a single four combo that I already own but the dyno whiz kid said no. So we will play with the injection for the summer and see if the looks out weigh the fooling with it. I know Art will get on here and chew my ass for even thinking about pulling it off....