View Full Version : Gretna

Poster X
09-13-2005, 07:48 PM
This might be a touchy subject... but what isn't now days? The sheriff's department of Gretna blocked the bridge into their community and [purportedly] fired shot's over evacuee's heads to turn them back. Your take?

09-13-2005, 07:55 PM
This might be a touchy subject... but what isn't now days?
Well the what's for lunch threads usually remain fairly calm :)

09-13-2005, 08:24 PM
Based on the fact that the only reports about this are from places like England, France, San Francisco and several known ultra liberal rags, makes me think that this is one of the many tall tales going around. At times like this, minor things get blown way out of proportion. I noticed that most of the stories had headlines like 'Racist Cops fire at Evacuees' or 'Racists Prevent Evacuation'.

Poster X
09-13-2005, 08:38 PM
The mayor not only admitted it but said he authorized it. The only aspect that is unverified is whether they fired over evacuee's heads or not? Unless it was a liberal impersonator wearing a fantastic mask the only debate is the decision to block the bridge. His story is that the city was locked down and they did not have the resources to take on any evacuee's.

Forkin' Crazy
09-13-2005, 09:05 PM
They were protecting themselves from N.O.
Would you open up your cities to looting and chaos? I think not. If Nagin and Blank O couldn't do it, why do yo blame them??? :confused:
Oh yea, you are a thoughtless liberal! :notam: Sorry, I forgot.... :confused:

Forkin' Crazy
09-13-2005, 09:11 PM
Oh yea, you are a thoughtless liberal!
Wow! I didn't know I could be so redundant!! :rolleyes:

Poster X
09-13-2005, 09:30 PM
I'll pretend you didn't start name calling first.
It's all America. It's not your piece and my piece. You take the good with the bad. It's a travesty when American's turn their back on American's. What if Texas and the other 31 states turned down evacuee's? What if everyone in LA were judged by the Rodney King riots. It is truly sad to see one half of our population has become so elitist they only care about themselves.

09-13-2005, 09:54 PM
It seems to me there's a majority of this population, men, women children, black, white, brown, all pouring near billions of dollars and personal sacrafce all to help those in need. The power, and effectiveness is in the prople of this country, not the government. It's why the genius of the founding fathers has worked so well...up untill about 40 yrs ago. The privat sector has always outshined the government in situations like this, and always will. When the libs finally get it through their thick skulls that this country nis about the prople, and not the government, we'll all be better off, and able to play on a much more even playing field. Untill then, with all the partisanship and division, we're doomed. Bush has reached across the political and racial isle more than any president in history, and what does he get? Kennedy, Schumer, Lahey, and all the rest of the stinkin back stabbers.
Again, posterX, you need to keep off the sarcasm and exaggerations. Half the population?? You just continue ro "resemble" an intelleigent person. You make generalizations like the liberal media, trying to create a situation in order to promote an aganda, like comparing the actions of a few in a desperate time, into the general condition of an entire country, when we are assembling and extremely successfully acting out the largest, most expensive, (fed. gov't included) and most difficult humanitarian disaster relief effort in the history of this country.
Stick your negatism and pessimism up your ass! You and the rest of the whining, crybaby loosers.

09-13-2005, 11:18 PM
This might be a touchy subject... but what isn't now days? The sheriff's department of Gretna blocked the bridge into their community and [purportedly] fired shot's over evacuee's heads to turn them back. Your take?
This might be a touchy subject TOO...........Poster X. I just went to your profile and checked out all your posts. You have never posted anywhere other than the Sand Bar & Political Rhetoric. Do you just get your jollies stirring up shit, or what??? Do you even own a freekin boat????
It just seems that there have got to be other forums out there that would be more appropriate for your purposes.

Poster X
09-14-2005, 05:10 AM
I was called here by the bat signal.
Yes, I do have a boat. (And it's nicer than yours.) Welfare pays well. :D
What is wrong with where I post? I have no interest whatsoever in bragging threads, dig me threads, look at my wife's tit's threads or I am richer than you threads. I also don't give a shit how your weekend went.

09-14-2005, 05:42 AM
I'll pretend you didn't start name calling first.
It's all America. It's not your piece and my piece. You take the good with the bad. It's a travesty when American's turn their back on American's. What if Texas and the other 31 states turned down evacuee's? What if everyone in LA were judged by the Rodney King riots. It is truly sad to see one half of our population has become so elitist they only care about themselves.
Lets see, the entire population of NO has been left homeless ( about 1 million people?) It seems like they all have found a place to live, and are being fed.
Millions of dollers, in donations are pouring in each day, people are volenteering to assist, by the thousands, clothing and blankets are being donated by the train load.
A story pops (and at this point it's just that, a story) up about 1 busload of huricane victums getting turned away. And now you have judged half the population of our country, as elitist, and selfish.
I hate to say this but we agree on one thing. You are right, it's all America. The only question I have is this: Why do you put so much effort into trying to tear American in half ?
Liberals seem to have 1 goal, devide America. Why? Here's my guess, it's a military tactic, divide and conquer. How else are you going to shove your liberal agenda down the throats of American's, when 2/3 thirds of the population are against your ideals. Your plan may work if you can devide the 2/3rds. ;)

Poster X
09-14-2005, 05:57 AM
Making a donation does not give you free reign to insult the people. I say the nation is divided because the majority of the right is more concerned about what it will cost them than the victims. There has never been a clearer distinction in the parties than right now. Most neocons consider anyone who speaks out against George Bush a traiterous tree hugging fag. The left considers most neocons to be self absorbed, small mided sheeple. There is very little common ground anymore. We are as near a civil uprising and a war between the classses as any nation on Earth.

09-14-2005, 06:09 AM
I was called here by the bat signal.
Yes, I do have a boat. (And it's nicer than yours.) Welfare pays well. :D
What is wrong with where I post? I have no interest whatsoever in bragging threads, dig me threads, look at my wife's tit's threads or I am richer than you threads. I also don't give a shit how your weekend went.
Well you're just so fockin better than the rest of us you should just start your own website! You could call it the, "I'm an arrogant, self serving, dumbass liberal, and I like to hear myself blabber...come join me" web site.
I like that...he brags arrogantly about his boat, and then in the next paragraph says he's not interested in bragging. And then throws a childish dig at the most successful liberal ploy they have...welfare.
You're so typical.
You notice, he never answers any of the questions. Dodge and poke, dodge and poke, then run, chicken, run.

Poster X
09-14-2005, 06:18 AM
I answered all the questions. Part your unibrow and read it again. Does a liberal having a nice boat rub you wrong? His was about the tenth post alluding to my boat(s). I finally answered the question. The point (which alluded you completely) was that my boat doesn't matter. Albeit vague the double entendre was -- had I said I had a small boat, or an inexpensive boat, the vitriole would be the same.

09-14-2005, 06:22 AM
The people on the far right and the far left, are the ones making the most noise. These people are hopeing that the nation is divided, but there are a lot of sensible people in the middle. The sensible ones are hardworking and content with thier lives, they do thier shouting at the voteing booth.
A civil war is something that the people in the outer fringes dream about. Not gonna happen, if in the unfortunate event that a civil war should happen, it would mean the absolute destruction of the US. Our enemies would swoop in and wipe us out. Mabee you should spend more time on holding us together, and less of your time dividing.

Poster X
09-14-2005, 06:30 AM
Most of my posts are reactionary. I don't mind discussing any issue openly. Be it racism, the Presidency, Congress or minimum wage. Most conservatives (in this forum) find it irresistable to insult anyone that does not agree with them. Although we represent only a minute portion of the population, the utter hate and distaste the two sides have for each other (on this forum) is representative of a national crisis.

09-14-2005, 06:34 AM
Making a donation does not give you free reign to insult the people. I say the nation is divided because the majority of the right is more concerned about what it will cost them than the victims. There has never been a clearer distinction in the parties than right now. Most neocons consider anyone who speaks out against George Bush a traiterous tree hugging fag. The left considers most neocons to be self absorbed, small mided sheeple. There is very little common ground anymore. We are as near a civil uprising and a war between the classses as any nation on Earth.
Thanks to narrow minded bigoted socialist losers like you, you'd like to be right. But you're wrong...again. (Do you enjoy being stupid?)
"I say the nation is divided because the majority of the right is more concerned about what it will cost them than the victims."
I say, where do you get your information? "You say"?...who gives a flyin F what you say. You've proven here you have the intellect of a door knob. You've done nothing here but toss around liberal catch phrases you get from talking to your, probably far more intelligent buddies, but you haven't got a clue as to what any of it means. You throw out barbs, you insult, and try and come across as some kind of "superior", but clearly, you're just a parrot.
Quantify one thing you posted here. One thing.
WTF does, "Making a donation does not give you free reign to insult the people." mean?? That makes no sense at all. Who thinks they have a right to insult because they donated?? Seems like you're doing your fair share of insulting.
"We are as near a civil uprising and a war between the classes as any nation on Earth"
True, there is a distinction between parties, but no threat of civil unrest, although that would just make your day. You libs just sit there wringing your hands, drooling with anticipation that something like that might happen. Again, though, your comment show just how purely you haven't got a clue, and are simply parroting something you heard from someone you were probably blowing, because your comment has about the same intellectual basis. All the "neocons" have to do is sit back for a few more years and watch you stupid ass liberals run your own party into the dirt. You can politicize disasters, bash Bush, run your main stream media, but bottom line is, you lost the election. The people spoke. Oh, that's right. That election's not over, is it. You dumbasses act like you're still running against Bush. :cry: :cry: :cry:

09-14-2005, 06:41 AM
Most of my posts are reactionary. I don't mind discussing any issue openly. Be it racism, the Presidency, Congress or minimum wage. Most conservatives (in this forum) find it irresistable to insult anyone that does not agree with them. Although we represent only a minute portion of the population, the utter hate and distaste the two sides have for each other (on this forum) is representative of a national crisis.
Well, you're doing an excellent job of representing your side. :rolleyes:
Conservatism is what this country was built on. Liberalilsm, or another word for socialism, will try to tear it down. We fought socialists all over the world...we'll continue to fight them here. You don't like the rules of this country? Start your own, or win your own election.

Poster X
09-14-2005, 06:43 AM
You assume quite a bit. If you want to see callous disregard for the victims of Katrina read any of the Katrina threads. You assume anyone on the left of the fourth reich is a tree hugging liberal. I supported Dole so you can toss that theory out the window. As far as "my opinion" on the decline of America by virtue of party distinction, expand your horizons. Read other forums, blogs and international papers. There is life outside of FOX. Of course, I am assuming you have linear knowledge of the true division within the american class system. :D

09-14-2005, 06:51 AM
There are over 6,000 people who post on this board, and about 12-15 that seem to banter back and fourth and call each other names, doesn't seem like a big division to me.
PS you would add some credibility to your comments, by leaving out terms like 3rd Reich, sieg hiel and Nazi. Some of us conservitives have Fathers who shed blood to put an end to Hitler's plan. And are ofended by compairing us to Nazi's

Poster X
09-14-2005, 06:57 AM
You guys were offended long before I used the nazi references. I give what I receive. I was offended by a million people being judged by what a handful were doing in New Orleans. Statistics didn't bother you then? The people turned back back from the Gretna bridge were being judged by what a small percentile did. You don't mind insulting them.

09-14-2005, 08:37 AM
You guys were offended long before I used the nazi references. I give what I receive. I was offended by a million people being judged by what a handful were doing in New Orleans. Statistics didn't bother you then? The people turned back back from the Gretna bridge were being judged by what a small percentile did. You don't mind insulting them.
Once again you are wrong. (At least you are consistent) I am not ofeded by you. Don't try and kid me, I know you don't care about any of the victums of the huricane. You use them as a tool to promote your irational point of view.
You point at the stack of bodies and say look at what the government did. That's how you show compassion for the dead?
" Statistics didn't bother you then?" What are you talking about ? More irrational nonsense.
You don't really know what happened at Gretna. Were you there? Your're going to use a rumor, in your effort to divide people?
"You don't mind insulting them" Somehow I insulted the people on the bus, irational! See what I mean.
Keep dreaming about your revolition, you can't divide us, so it won't work.
One nation under GOD, indevisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Poster X
09-14-2005, 08:42 AM
The rumor is being perpetuated by the mayor himself, doofus. lol
I got a kick out of your "we the people" segue. I'm still laughing. Thanks.

09-14-2005, 08:46 AM
Shots were fired over thier heads, yea right, laughing even harder

Poster X
09-14-2005, 09:00 AM
pur·port·ed "purportedly" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-pôrtd, -pr-)
Assumed to be such; supposed: the purported author of the story.
adv : believed or reputed to be the case [syn: supposedly]The sheriff's department of Gretna blocked the bridge into their community and [purportedly] fired shot's over evacuee's heads to turn them back.

Steve 1
09-14-2005, 09:17 AM

09-14-2005, 09:27 AM
pur·port·ed "purportedly" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-pôrtd, -pr-)
Assumed to be such; supposed: the purported author of the story.
adv : believed or reputed to be the case [syn: supposedly]
Purportedly, oh I get it, it's kida like a rumor. I just learned a new word, thanks PoserX. I'm still laughing.

Steve 1
09-14-2005, 09:33 AM
What do you expect Rat rule there for the last 50 years things go wrong and they panic

09-14-2005, 10:51 AM
It is truly sad to see one half of our population has become so elitist they only care about themselves
I say the nation is divided because the majority of the right is more concerned about what it will cost them than the victims
So what you were really saying is that you believe that a majority of half the population only cares about themselves? That's half the us popluation x50% then x 60%(I'll offer ya 60% of the conservitive pop when I believe it to be the other way around) = about 30% of the population... I think the part of the population who has no compassion for the victims of any natural or unatural disaster is more like 9-12% of the total population... That's enough to cover the extremists on both sides of the fence :D
A smart man once said, " Statistics don't lie, statistitions and the people who take the time to give data, do." :D
I know several selfabsorbed liberal elitists who only care about themselves as well... it's on both sides of the fence :) It actually caught me off guard... :mix:

09-14-2005, 11:06 AM
I'll pretend you didn't start name calling first.
It's all America. It's not your piece and my piece. You take the good with the bad. It's a travesty when American's turn their back on American's. What if Texas and the other 31 states turned down evacuee's? What if everyone in LA were judged by the Rodney King riots. It is truly sad to see one half of our population has become so elitist they only care about themselves.
At the risk of getting tarred and feathered for agreeing with Poster X, IF this is true, than its a disgrace. I agree 100% with the above statement and the point behind it. Again, IF it is true, it reflects on our Country as being weak that we would turn away our own in a time of disaster.
BTW Poster X ;), this isn't the first time I happen to agree with your opinions.

09-14-2005, 11:15 AM
At the risk of getting tarred and feathered for agreeing with Poster X, IF this is true, than its a disgrace. I agree 100% with the above statement and the point behind it. Again, IF it is true, it reflects on our Country as being weak that we would turn away our own in a time of disaster.
BTW Poster X ;), this isn't the first time I happen to agree with your opinions.
He did say what if ....

09-14-2005, 07:38 PM
On the original subject, I have not seen anything that collaberates that shots were fired. And as an American, I resent it when some european rags calls any U.S. community racist on such flimsy information. What I have read from other sources is that the town was evacuated, as New Orleans should have been. The police were responsible for protecting the community from looters and criminals. Since it would be impossible to tell who was a criminal and because the community did not have shelters available, there is no reason to allow the town to be overrunned by evacuees.
If two boats go down in a storm, but only the smaller one had life rafts, should they allow the larger boat's passengers to sink the life rafts to show how humanitarian they are?

Poster X
09-15-2005, 05:46 AM
So, I'm a looter, or a killer, or both, and I want to leave the unguarded banks, art galleries and plethora of other cash cows in New Orleans and cross a bridge into a heavily armed police blockade with none of my loot... and go to Gretna?
Hmmm? :rolleyes:

09-15-2005, 06:16 AM
I guess it is no use trying to use logic on a moron. You would have the police abandon the town to anyone who walks in. A noble gesture, considering it is not your property and family future at risk. You make it sound like any buses that were known to be taking evacuees to safety were turned backed. The police turned back a mob, plain and simple.

Poster X
09-15-2005, 06:20 AM
The police turned back a mob, plain and simple.
Semantics. You say "mob" to support your logic. I say "group" to support mine. Either way they were fellow Americans. Since the police sat there 24/7, they had ample opportunity to explain conditions in Gretna to the group and let them make an informed decision. If they still wished to pass then a simple search as they filtered through would be acceptable.

Steve 1
09-15-2005, 06:32 AM
X Invite a few into your Hovel then!

Poster X
09-15-2005, 06:43 AM
I have. I've also given until it hurts to 3 charities and may volunteer to go on site as an adviser. What have you done?

Steve 1
09-15-2005, 07:25 AM
But did you invite NO evacuees into your home?? BTW I was thru Katrina myself so go pound sand..

09-15-2005, 07:32 AM
At the risk of getting tarred and feathered for agreeing with Poster X, IF this is true, than its a disgrace. I agree 100% with the above statement and the point behind it. Again, IF it is true, it reflects on our Country as being weak that we would turn away our own in a time of disaster.
BTW Poster X ;), this isn't the first time I happen to agree with your opinions.
I think the key word in the original post is "purportedly" ( Assumed to be such; supposed) the rumor mill at work.
Since you have aligned yourself with Poster X, does that mean you condone the swastika in his sig line.

Poster X
09-15-2005, 07:33 AM
But did you invite NO evacuees into your home?? BTW I was thru Katrina myself so go pound sand..
You were in a Category 1. Two people died because of falling trees. Not a good thing and unfortuneate but nothing compared to the Gulf Coast.. Cry me a river. One can tell by your writings you haven't done a thing and have no intention to. Go comb your unibrow and let the grown-ups talk.

Steve 1
09-15-2005, 07:48 AM
X I guess you wonder what life would be like if you'd had enough oxygen at birth? Look the couple of poorly made Peanut butter sandwiches you are offering are not going to do a thing!! Just so you know there is plenty of aid pouring into there for the people and the 1000 soon to be thrift stores that will be selling the overflow...
I have been thru a hurricane worse than Katrina but the difference being was smart enough to be above sea level...

Poster X
09-15-2005, 07:51 AM
That should help you sleep at night. I guess the people in the World Trade Center deserved to die because they were dumb enough to work in a building so tall that it couldn't be evacuated quickly?

Steve 1
09-15-2005, 07:55 AM
No the WTC they died because of Bent Clinton , Carter and People like YOU!
Look I tried to see things from your point of view but I could not get my head that far up my a$$

Poster X
09-15-2005, 08:01 AM
The people in San Francisco deserved to die because they were dumb enough to drive on a bridge in a known fault area.
The people in Washington deserved to die because they were dumb enough to live so close to a Volcano.
How about, people on the highway deserve to die because they are dumb enough to drive knowing there are drunk drivers out there?
Your logic sounds intelligent and compassionate. The neocons should be proud to have you on their team.

Steve 1
09-15-2005, 08:04 AM
X It won't work I can see you are a nobody !! BTW You make The inbreeding obvious in your family.

09-15-2005, 08:09 AM
I think the key word in the original post is "purportedly" ( Assumed to be such; supposed) the rumor mill at work.
Since you have aligned yourself with Poster X, does that mean you condone the swastika in his sig line.
I didnt realize I had "aligned" myself with Poster X because I happen to agree with some of his statements.
And NO I do not condone the the swastika, here or anywhere.

09-15-2005, 09:12 AM
I didnt realize I had "aligned" myself with Poster X because I happen to agree with some of his statements.
And NO I do not condone the the swastika, here or anywhere.
Sorry my fault. I'm not familliar with the technique, of agreeing with someone, yet distancing yourself, from his radical ideas.

Poster X
09-15-2005, 09:21 AM
Since when did federalism and the precepts of human decency become radical?

09-15-2005, 10:10 AM
Only when defined by you Posser.

09-15-2005, 10:10 AM
Sorry my fault. I'm not familliar with the technique, of agreeing with someone, yet distancing yourself, from his radical ideas.
No need to apologize for being close minded. We we can agree to disagree.
All I said was I agreed with some of his statements and I don't agree with others, just as I dont always agree with yours.
Radical or not, Im glad I have the freedom of choice.