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View Full Version : Why don't people understand what Cindy Sheehan is doing?

09-27-2005, 08:21 PM
Think about this: Cindy Sheehan, the "grieving" mother of a courageous serviceman (who re-upped for a second tour of duty in Iraq) is emboldening our enemies in Iraq and helping them make more mothers of American servicemen be like her.
She's too blind to see the truth - she's allowing herself to be used by our enemies and her actions are putting more American troops in harm's way.
The best thing she could do is shut up and go home. :burningm:

09-27-2005, 09:05 PM
Think about this: Cindy Sheehan, the "grieving" mother of a courageous serviceman (who re-upped for a second tour of duty in Iraq) is emboldening our enemies in Iraq and helping them make more mothers of American servicemen be like her.
She's too blind to see the truth - she's allowing herself to be used by our enemies and her actions are putting more American troops in harm's way.
The best thing she could do is shut up and go home. :burningm:
Why the scare quotes around grieving?
Do you doubt the capacity of a mother to grieve for her slain son? Or do you just like to "arbitrarily" "quote" "words"?

09-27-2005, 09:06 PM
I just learned today she already how a meeting with Bush before she started
her crap. So this was all because one meeting was not enough.

09-27-2005, 09:08 PM
Hanoi Jane all over again, 2005 style, no one ever gets the answers she is asking for...........MP

SHAKEN Not Stirred
09-27-2005, 09:08 PM
Why the scare quotes around grieving?
Do you doubt the capacity of a mother to grieve for her slain son? Or do you just like to "arbitrarily" "quote" "words"?
She is an idiot!....Period !!!!!
Oh yea.....and President Bushed KILLED her son !!!!!!
Someone should knock that biatch out!!!

09-27-2005, 09:15 PM
Why the scare quotes around grieving?
Do you doubt the capacity of a mother to grieve for her slain son? Or do you just like to "arbitrarily" "quote" "words"?
Mr editor: Writing 101. quotes not used to actually quote a person or a title is considered sarcasm. Hey, I actually learned something in college...o.k. It wasn't Writing 101, it was Business Writing 401 (Senior Level) at Cal State Fullerton, which I think is equivelent to 8th grade english.
Cindy is not grieving for her son. She is enjoying the spot light. Why was she smiling ear to ear as she got arrested if she is "grieving?" <------read sarcasm

09-27-2005, 09:23 PM
Mr editor: Writing 101. quotes not used to actually quote a person or a title is considered sarcasm. Hey, I actually learned something in college...o.k. It wasn't Writing 101, it was Business Writing 401 (Senior Level) at Cal State Fullerton, which I think is equivelent to 8th grade english.
Cindy is not grieving for her son. She is enjoying the spot light. Why was she smiling ear to ear as she got arrested if she is "grieving?" <------read sarcasm
Grieving does not, in and of itself, mean you are incapable of experiencing other emotions.
I would assert that this woman's grief is so overwhelming that it has provided the motivation for her anti-war campaign. She drew a lot of attention to those efforts when she got arrested; thus the smile.
Political agendas notwithstanding, anybody who doesn't think this woman is grieving is very likely delusional.

09-27-2005, 09:26 PM
<---------very delusional. And should not be a suprise.
If she is really grieving, then shame on the media for making her such a tool.

SHAKEN Not Stirred
09-27-2005, 09:26 PM
I say.....
She's just a plain old dumb ass !!!!!

09-27-2005, 09:29 PM
Grieving does not, in and of itself, mean you are incapable of experiencing other emotions.
I would assert that this woman's grief is so overwhelming that it has provided the motivation for her anti-war campaign. She drew a lot of attention to those efforts when she got arrested; thus the smile.
Political agendas notwithstanding, anybody who doesn't think this woman is grieving is very likely delusional.
You only have 253 post what do you know????????? :eek:

09-28-2005, 02:14 AM
Grieving does not, in and of itself, mean you are incapable of experiencing other emotions.
I would assert that this woman's grief is so overwhelming that it has provided the motivation for her anti-war campaign. She drew a lot of attention to those efforts when she got arrested; thus the smile.
Political agendas notwithstanding, anybody who doesn't think this woman is grieving is very likely delusional.
And I would submit to you that IF her grief is still so overwhelming then she clearly needs help (psychotherapy) not a left wing support group that is using her as a puppet for the we-hate-America, let's support America's enemies factions funded by the George Soros' of the world.
Truth be told, this woman is delusional. And my point of my original post is that she's beyond grieving. She's gone far overboard and is supporting the enemies of America's causes. She's called our President a war criminal and worse and believes that the Palestinians are simply looking for peace.
PS: thanks Holy Moly - you hit the nails right on the head :cool:

Red Horse
09-28-2005, 02:43 AM
Doing what she is doing is furthing the terrorist cause against us. Freedom aint free people. Doesnt she know that the way of life her son died for is the very way of life she is embracing by protesting. Some people are so short sighted. Her son died....for a belief that he had. A belief prolly instilled by who? HIS *UCKING MOTHER. In all actuallity, she is responsible for his death. But just like most of America, it cant be our own fault. It is always somebody elses. :crossx:

99 232 baja
09-28-2005, 05:33 AM
In my opinion she is underminding he son's military brothers and sisters, they are still over there doing a very difficult mission. I have never lost a son or daughter,but she should stand back and appreciate what her son did for HIS country, I am very thankful for every US service personnel and pray that every one comes HOME.

09-28-2005, 06:09 AM
I agree with MMD & SNS.... I would kick her in the gut.. she is a disgrace to all that her son and all the rest of whom have served.
F... HER!!!!

09-28-2005, 06:37 AM
I think she is a focking loser and needs to get a life. If my mother did that for me I would haunt her from my grave! :burningm:

Dave C
09-28-2005, 07:21 AM
also the delusional part! thats true too ;)
<---------very delusional. And should not be a suprise.
If she is really grieving, then shame on the media for making her such a tool.

09-28-2005, 07:40 AM
Didn't her husband file for divorce? That should tell you something about her. NUTS I SAY!!!! Just shut up already. :hammer2: :hammer2: :hammer2:

Mrs. 4-B
09-28-2005, 07:49 AM
Cindy Sheehan is a disgrace to her son and family. Her son was a hero who fought for freedom of not only our country but others too. :eat:

09-28-2005, 08:21 AM
And I would submit to you that IF her grief is still so overwhelming then she clearly needs help (psychotherapy) not a left wing support group that is using her as a puppet for the we-hate-America, let's support America's enemies factions funded by the George Soros' of the world.
Truth be told, this woman is delusional. And my point of my original post is that she's beyond grieving. She's gone far overboard and is supporting the enemies of America's causes. She's called our President a war criminal and worse and believes that the Palestinians are simply looking for peace.
The woman's son was killed. Clearly some people can't see beyond their malodorous political agendas far enough to respect that. My only point is that she is grieving, as any person who buries their child will do, and it is the height of willful ignorance and insensitivity to suggest otherwise. I am not defending her political point of view. I don't agree with everything Sheehan says. I am just saying she is grieving, not "grieving."
Whether you agree with Sheehan or not, I'm glad we live in a country where she can speak out against the war. All Americans should be proud that people can voice both sides of an issue. That goes for Bill O'Reilly as well as Cindy Sheehan. But don't pray for this woman to shut up. That's the definition of Anti-Americanism.

09-28-2005, 08:47 AM
Grieving does not, in and of itself, mean you are incapable of experiencing other emotions.
I would assert that this woman's grief is so overwhelming that it has provided the motivation for her anti-war campaign. She drew a lot of attention to those efforts when she got arrested; thus the smile.
Political agendas notwithstanding, anybody who doesn't think this woman is grieving is very likely delusional.
I have no doubt, as any mother would, that she is in tremendous grief. While I sympathize with her loss I find it hard to understand how she has used that grief as a vehicle for HER political agenda. Her son chose to fight when called to duty and lost his life in that fight. Regardless of what you and I believe it was his choice and its sad that she is clouding his memory with HER beliefs.

SHAKEN Not Stirred
09-28-2005, 09:01 AM
But don't pray for this woman to shut up.
I use to pray that she would just shut the hell up, but that didn't work..... :idea:
Now I'm on to praying that she get's hit right on the top of her big dumb head by a golf ball sized metorite, today at 05:00 PM central time...... ;)
GOD like's you to be as specific as possible these day's....... ;)
OK.....back to praying again !!!!! :rolleyes:

09-28-2005, 09:27 AM
She has gone past grieving to a combination of madness and envisioning herself as a "Joan of Arc". She has allowed herself to be used by the political left. Her actions have disgraced the sacrifice of her son. Her ex-husband and son and daughters all have spoken out that they feel she is wrong. She has destroyed her family for the spotlight. Her daughters have fled to Europe to avoid her actions. She has gone off the deep end and her "handlers" are keeping the life guards away.

09-28-2005, 10:00 AM
GOD like's you to be as specific as possible these day's.......
We worship a different God. Mine likes me to use apostrophes more conservatively. :D :D

09-28-2005, 10:12 AM
We worship a different God. Mine likes me to use apostraphies more conservativaly. :D :D
LOL, your God needs to go back to spelling 101.

09-28-2005, 10:14 AM
I use to pray that she would just shut the hell up, but that didn't work..... :idea:
Now I'm on to praying that she get's hit right on the top of her big dumb head by a golf ball sized metorite, today at 05:00 PM central time...... ;)
GOD like's you to be as specific as possible these day's....... ;)
OK.....back to praying again !!!!! :rolleyes:
Now that is some funny F'in sh1t right there...
:) ..

09-28-2005, 10:22 AM
I agree with MMD & SNS.... I would kick her in the gut.. she is a disgrace to all that her son and all the rest of whom have served.
F... HER!!!!
oh, nice......

09-28-2005, 10:25 AM
LOL, your God needs to go back to spelling 101 and I don't believe in God and Cindy Sheehan is the most wonderful person in the universe and my boat sucks.
It's not nice to misquote people.

09-28-2005, 10:27 AM
We worship a different God. Mine likes me to use apostrophes more conservatively. :D :D
:D :D :D

09-28-2005, 10:34 AM
It's not nice to misquote people.
...........But it sure makes it entertaining at times. :rollside:

Blown 472
09-28-2005, 10:43 AM
And I would submit to you that IF her grief is still so overwhelming then she clearly needs help (psychotherapy) not a left wing support group that is using her as a puppet for the we-hate-America, let's support America's enemies factions funded by the George Soros' of the world.
Truth be told, this woman is delusional. And my point of my original post is that she's beyond grieving. She's gone far overboard and is supporting the enemies of America's causes. She's called our President a war criminal and worse and believes that the Palestinians are simply looking for peace.
PS: thanks Holy Moly - you hit the nails right on the head :cool:
You should really get out more instead of whacking off to your pc all the time, better yet why dont you go inlist there tough guy and let some guy that has been over there for a few years come home to his family??

09-28-2005, 11:19 AM
Handling protests the 'right way' gets Tillmans nowhere
Sept. 27, 2005 12:00 AM
The critics of Cindy Sheehan say that she's not going about her protest the "right way." They say she is hurting troop morale. They say that she is unpatriotic. A traitor, even. They say that she should just shut up.
The mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, Sheehan got a lot of media attention in August when she camped out at the entrance to President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Since then she has led demonstrations against the war and the president's policies. On Monday she was arrested at a White House sit-in after she refused police orders to leave. Sheehan is being used, we've been told. She's nuts. She's dishonoring her son. Then again, to those who say that Sheehan might get the government to address her concerns if she only did things the "right way," I would offer two words: Mary Tillman. advertisement
Mary is also the mother of a soldier killed in the war on terror. Her son, Pat, the former Arizona Cardinals star, was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan in April 2004. Since that time, neither Mary nor her former husband, Patrick Sr., nor Pat's wife has come out publicly against the war. Not even after they found out that they had been deceived about his death. It took five weeks before the Army told the Tillmans that Pat was killed by his own comrades during a confused and frighteningly mishandled mission.
That information, which investigators knew almost immediately, was withheld until after a very public funeral service for Tillman was broadcast across the nation.
Several investigations have followed, none of which has satisfied the family or thoroughly answered their questions. They have worked with members of Congress, including Arizona Sen. John McCain, to get the truth about the incidents that led to Tillman's death. They have done so quietly, for the most part. Respectfully. In a manner that any reasonable person would describe as "the right way."
It has gotten them nowhere.
On Sunday, the San Francisco Chronicle published a lengthy article based on its review of nearly 2,000 pages of investigative documents that Mary Tillman has received from the military. Most of which only lead to more questions.
Questions about who knew what and when. Questions about altered testimony. Questions about delays and accountability. Now there is another investigation going on and the family isn't any more confident that the truth will surface.
The Chronicle quoted Pat Sr. as saying, "The administration clearly was using this case for its own political reasons. This cover-up started within minutes of Pat's death, and it started at high levels."
When I last spoke to Mary in late May she told me, "They could have told us up front that they were suspicious that it was a fratricide but they didn't. They wanted to use him for their purposes. It was good for the administration. It was before the elections. It was during the prison scandal. They needed something that looked good, and it was appalling that they would use him like that."
Although they have been approached by media representatives from every print and TV outlet in the country, the Tillmans have kept a relatively low profile. Working through channels. Not participating in public protests.
Their behavior should teach us a thing or two about the way we treat families who question their government's actions. For example, when we start demanding that people conduct themselves the "right way," it's not the mothers of dead soldiers we should be speaking to.

09-28-2005, 11:30 AM
She's old enough to have learned how to protest in the late 60's early 70's....just now without the PEACE signs, giant "peace" necklaces and a dubee in her fingers singing flower songs.
I understand her grieving, I have a son too.

Just Tool'n
09-28-2005, 02:15 PM
My condolencaes goes out to her for the loss of her son,
It was his decision to be in the army, he enlisted, and went willingly! Plain & simple, Oh and by the way was that Whoppi Goldberg standning next to her when she got arrested yesterday?
If soo tell her to shut the F88k up & she needs to go home too!
People put your time & effort into something that you can make a diffrence on!
Go put that effort into helping rebuild the gulf states. Go make a diffrence to the RED, White & Blue.