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10-07-2005, 11:06 AM
Well from the mouths of Blair and Bush I get a bad feeling about Iran and where this is going. :confused:

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 11:07 AM
Good it's about time!!!!!!!!!

Blown 472
10-07-2005, 11:11 AM
Good it's about time!!!!!!!!!
About time for what? ho yeah they need some diversion to take the heat off the two sas guys that got caught with explosives and had to have their army bust them out of jail after they shot and killed an iraqi police man.

Blown 472
10-07-2005, 11:13 AM
Israel Delivers Arms To 'Axis Of Evil'
Ship Impounded In Hamburg
By Dmitry Litvinovich
Our times are getting more and more astounding. White is mixed with black; good is covered with evil; instead of a floor, there is a ceiling. What is this all about? It is all about the same thing: Mideast contradictions and its key gambler: Israel.
Israel has repeatedly accused such Arab countries as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and others of supporting terrorist groups. IsraelĂ*s allegations were fair, and it is easy to understand this indignation. But what would you say if you found out that the Jews have also sinned? The smuggling of arms to the countries of the ìaxis of evilĂ® has become very well-organized in Israel.
Customs officials of the Hamburg port confirmed the detention of an Israeli vessel that was carrying smuggled goods to Iran. News agencies reported that the freight belonged to a private firm in Israel. The Israel Defense Department said that the ship was carrying spare parts for army vehicles. The department also informed that there was permission given and that Thailand was registered in the documents of the firm as the point of destination.
The name of the ship, the owner of the freight, and the point of destination are not known exactly. Official information is contrary to that of media outlets. German authorities stated that the freight was meant for Iran. An Israeli TV company reported that the ship is called Zim Antwerp I; it was also added that the vessel had not arrived in Hamburg yet. The German division of the AP news agency reported that German authorities did not allow the ship to unload in Hamburg.
German electronic media reported that the Hamburg police have stated that they do not have any information on the subject. On the other hand, the shipping service of Hamburg confirmed that there was a ship called Zim Antwerp I anchored in the containing area of the port. It was added that the ship belonged to an Israeli shipping company, although it was traveling under PanamaĂ*s flag.
A fact is a stubborn thing to deal with, so, a little bit later, German officials confirmed the impounding of military equipment in Hamburg. This was reported by Hamburg customs official Gerhard Schulte.

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 11:36 AM
I do like the way the Iranians deal with Liberals !

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 11:38 AM
About time for what? ho yeah they need some diversion to take the heat off the two sas guys that got caught with explosives and had to have their army bust them out of jail after they shot and killed an iraqi police man.
No they are a terrorist state (thanks to Rat Carter)working on nuclear weapons !

Blown 472
10-07-2005, 11:46 AM
No they are a terrorist state (thanks to Rat Carter)working on nuclear weapons !
Once again your lack of history trips you up, never mind the fact the US sold them the equipment to build nuke power plants. And you have proof they are terrorist state?? ho thats right you read it on your commi/fag website.

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 11:48 AM
Primary Entity Type Related Entity Name Start Date End Date
Iran Linked to Khobar Towers Bombing
Saif al-Adel Resided in Iran
Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi Resided in Iran
Saad bin Laden Linked to Iran
Islamic Great Eastern Raider's Front Linked to Iran
Hani Al-Sayegh Linked to Iran
Ahmed Huber Linked to Iran
Habip Aktas Linked to Iran
Yusuf Polat Linked to Iran
Fevzi Yitiz Linked to Iran
Muhammad Khalid Traveled from Iran
ASA Diam Place a phone call to Iran 1/15/2001 1/15/2001

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 11:53 AM
You KNOW NOTHING BENT!! Try ahhh Russians on that nuclear material Jackass Anti American Terrorist..
Hey is this your stuff???

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 11:55 AM
Also 17 of the 19 9/11 Pig screwing Homos were given a free pass to cross Iran

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 12:00 PM
JERUSALEM — In the war with Palestinian terrorists, Israel is learning to follow the money.
What investigators have uncovered is the secret funneling of millions of dollars from Iran and Saudi Arabia to groups like Hamas in the West Bank.
The money played a major role in the five-year offensive, begun in September 2000, that accounted for more than 24,000 attacks by Palestinians on Israelis, including 142 homicide bombings.
Those bombings accounted for 510 Israeli deaths, or just over half the fatalities.
A report by the Israeli secret service showed how the money trail worked:
Iran "invested more than $10 million to encourage terrorist activity against Israel." ........
.....Iran isn't the only source, the Israelis found.
Yaakub Abu-Asav, a 33-year-old Palestinian with Israeli ID because he lived in east Jerusalem, was arrested after it was discovered he was "the liaison man between the Hamas headquarters in Saudi Arabia and Hamas in the West Bank."

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 12:08 PM
Iranian president praises suicide terror
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: 'Is there art more beautiful, more divine than... martyrdom?' ; vows: 'Islamic revolution will conquer world'
By Ynetnews
MEMRI , the Middle East translation service, has translated a video from Iranian state television in which the Iranian president-elect glorifies suicide terrorism, and expresses his desire to see Islam “conquer” the world.
“Is there art that is more beautiful, more divine, and more eternal than the art of martyrdom?” said the new Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on Iran's Channel 1 television station.
He continued: “A nation with martyrdom knows no captivity. Those who wish to undermine this principle undermine the foundations of our independence and national security. They undermine the foundation of our eternity.”
Ahmadinejad said that his ambition was to spread his governmentÂ’s Islamist ideology to the world.
“The message of the (Islamic) Revolution is global, and is not restricted to specific place or time. It is a human message, and it will move forward. Have no doubt... Allah willing, Islam will conquer what? It will conquer all the mountain tops of the world,” he said.
Iran has recently acknowleged that it is drafting its citizens to become suicide bombers, and is running camps to recruit and train potential future terrorists.

10-07-2005, 12:08 PM
Most experts believe that the completion of the Bushehr project by Russia is a highly complex task: As mentioned earlier, the Kraftwerk Union has not provided any technical documents to either Iran or Russia. Since Russia plans to install a reactor, her engineers must modify what Kraftwerk Union had left behind to accomodate the Russian reactor and its support system, which differ in many significant ways from the German reactor. For example, the structure of the steam generators in the Russian reactors is significantly different from the original German reactors. The reactor is supposed to start operating in early 2004.
This concludes the review of the history of Iran's nuclear program. The review reveals three important facts:
(1) Nuclear research, facilities, and reactors, and even the vision for Iran having nuclear weapons, were all conceived and initiated by the Shah and his government, with the direct assistance and encouragement by the US and her allies. This is very much similar to what happened in Israel, which developed her arsenal of nuclear weapons with the direct help of the US and France. They were not conceived or initiated after the Revolution. In fact, for the first few years after the Revolution, Iran rejected nuclear reactors!
(2) It is clear that the US and her allies have had many opportunities to complete the Bushehr project, or to participate in the construction of other nuclear reactors, and, hence, to have significant control on the reactors, but they have always refused to take part.
(3) In addition, the US and her allies could have participated in the Bushehr project by helping Iran improve the safety of the reactors there and, hence, have influence on their operations. As pointed out by Drs. Etemad and Meshkati (see their article cited earlier), there is good precedence for this: The Temelin nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic, the construction of which began during the Soviet Union, when the former communist government was in power in Czechoslovakia, but was halted in 1992. In 1994, with a $317 million loan guarantee from the United States Export-Import Bank, an American company, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, participated in completing the Temelin's reactors.
Hence, there is no way of avoiding the conclusion that the real goal of the United States is dismantling Iran's nuclear infrastructure, regardless of its orientation, and to despatch Iran to the era of nuclear, scientific and technological illiteracy, which is in violation of the letter and spirit of the NPT.

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 12:22 PM
Not so fast!!
You must have the Bent book of Bad Ole USA.
It goes like this: Washington and the Europeans had approved the building of 20 nuclear power plants in Iran and provide advanced nuclear technology when Tehran was under the pro-Western shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in the 1970s. But they reversed their positions following the 1979 Islamic revolution which toppled the Shah and brought the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to power.
If You read that note the Europeans are on board also and CAREFULL reading will show POWER PLANTS Not weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nowhere does it say to Terrorist Whack Jobs!! Key word Pro western and 1979
Did I miss something?

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 12:26 PM
Another tid bit!
Since last year Iran has publicly acknowledged that it once bought nuclear equipment from middlemen in south Asia, lending credence to reports that Abdul Qadeer Khan, father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb, was one of the suppliers.
Rafsanjani said Iran resorted to the black market because was political "injustice" by the U.S. and Europe.

10-07-2005, 12:26 PM
It is simple to explain.
Our terrorist = good.
Their terrorist = bad.
Now, the terrorist we are supporting now, may end up being bad terrorist down the road after we are done using them.
Now is Isreal really supporting Iran to fight the U.S., or was Isreal's arms destined for rebel groups that would help the fall of Iran?
Unfortunately, what most people don't realize, is terrorism is a war strategy. They are not pussies, they are not cowards. The U.S. was labled cowards when we fought the british because we would hide behind trees and shoot at their guys all lined up. We were cowards because we would not lineup (as much) in an open field. The so called terrorist are fighting a near picture perfect war when you look at the strategies available to them for succeeding against an enemy with nearly infinite power over theirs. The book "The Art of War" explains the strategies thoroughly...and this book was written about 2,300 years ago. These countries cannot beat a super power head on, so they resort to "terrorism" which was called gorilla war fare previously. War has taken on a new dimension that is not given much weight in "The Art of War" and that is instantaneous media coverage - and that most of this coverage is managed by pacifists. This weapon was realized during Vietnam, and will be used by all enemies to the U.S. And why not? It is the most effective weapon they have and it is free. The media is clueless that it has become a weapon of war and they are merely tools.
The "terrorist" title helps gain emotional support, when in fact, we need to employ nearly the same tactics. But, since we are operating under the claim of humanity, we cannot directly act as terrorists. So we covertly support the terrorist enemy of our enemy. This comes back to hurt the U.S. as the media finds out and reveals to the world that Isreal, Brittain, the U.S. and all the people claiming to be fighting terrorist are actaully supporting terrorists. There is a sound reasoning and strategy behind it, but the media weapon is too effective and destroys the effectiveness of these strategies as they have to be abandoned and denied. I do think the U.S. has to learn how to use the media weapon much more effectively as the media, not the actual war, is what is making support drop. Because we live in a microwave mentallity world of comunication, things that are progressing ahead of schedule, appear to be dragging on and on. Jerry Springer only lasted so long.
I personally support nearly all the global operations that exist as I believe that most of the groups we are fighting will not be happy until all the infidels are dead. They do not beleive our civilians, woman and children are innocent - they believe they are all infidels. Christianity had the same agenda, but they came out of the dark ages and grew up. I believe they are a threat that we cannot ignore. Why do we not destroy Isreal? We know they don't want to destroy us as part of their "grand scheme."
As Blown has pointed out...some of our strategies have flopped. Flopping is one thing, spinning it and or straight out denying it is just plain dumb. But unfortunately, there will not be any main stream media support (outside of Fox News and AM Talk radio) for the people who want to be proactive about our countries safety instead of reactive. Many people think that the reason they hate us is because we support the jews - I think that is ignorant. Many people think it is not fair that we force our way of life on people...and that is just silly. Liberty is everyone's personal wish.
Some people think we should just back out of all that crap, shut our borders, fix our own problems, and let the rest of the world sort it out or kill themselves off. I think that is unrealistic...but I can see the reasoning.
Blind support of political groups is also a weapon for our enemies, via the media. They show that we are just as crazy as them by defending fock ups or denying them or spinning them. This blind allegiance has the same appearance as terrorism and is why many republicans are referred to as Nazis (which is funny as Nazism/Communist is closer to democrats and on the other side of democrats....you have to go thru the democrat camp to the socialist camp to get to the communist camp).
The days of just blindly supporting are over due to the media. Our elected officials (especially republicans) have to realize it is the 21st century and learn how to strategize and implement the media weapon. Blind allegiance looks like everyone is drinking koolaid. Cover-ups are not effective damage control strategies.
It would also help if the republicans stopped selling their ass for $20 on the street corner like a 2 bit hooker to special interest. Or, atleast stop denying it.
The good news is that I am taking over the world. The bad news is, Blown will be in charge of the internet. Infact, it was not Al Gore who invented the internet (Al Gore would have been the Democrat's George Bush...they would be crapping their pants at the stupid things that come out of his mouth) Blown invented the Internet.:D

10-07-2005, 12:30 PM
BTW - nothing was cut and pasted. All original thought and reasoning. Fock...now I need a nap. :D

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 12:32 PM
HUH ??
2004, the counterterrorism center says, there were 3,192 terror attacks worldwide with 28,433 people wounded or killed.

10-07-2005, 12:44 PM

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 12:44 PM
I only care about Americans here is a list!
Nov. 4, Tehran, Iran: Iranian radical students seized the U.S. embassy, taking 66 hostages. 14 were later released. The remaining 52 were freed after 444 days on the day of President Reagan's inauguration.
Lebanon: Thirty US and other Western hostages kidnapped in Lebanon by Hezbollah. Some were killed, some died in captivity, and some were eventually released. Terry Anderson was held for 2,454 days.
April 18, Beirut, Lebanon: U.S. embassy destroyed in suicide car-bomb attack; 63 dead, including 17 Americans. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
Oct. 23, Beirut, Lebanon: Shiite suicide bombers exploded truck near U.S. military barracks at Beirut airport, killing 241 Marines. Minutes later a second bomb killed 58 French paratroopers in their barracks in West Beirut.
Dec. 12, Kuwait City, Kuwait Shiite truck bombers attacked the U.S. embassy and other targets, killing 5 and injuring 80.
Sept. 20, east Beirut, Lebanon: truck bomb exploded outside the U.S. embassy annex, killing 24, including 2 U.S. military.
Dec. 3, Beirut, Lebanon: Kuwait Airways Flight 221, from Kuwait to Pakistan, hijacked and diverted to Tehran. 2 Americans killed.
April 12, Madrid, Spain: Bombing at restaurant frequented by U.S. soldiers, killed 18 Spaniards and injured 82.
June 14, Beirut, Lebanon: TWA Flight 847 en route from Athens to Rome hijacked to Beirut by Hezbollah terrorists and held for 17 days. A U.S. Navy diver executed.
Oct. 7, Mediterranean Sea: gunmen attack Italian cruise ship, Achille Lauro. One U.S. tourist killed. Hijacking linked to Libya.
Dec. 18, Rome, Italy, and Vienna, Austria: airports in Rome and Vienna were bombed, killing 20 people, 5 of whom were Americans. Bombing linked to Libya.
April 2, Athens, Greece:A bomb exploded aboard TWA flight 840 en route from Rome to Athens, killing 4 Americans and injuring 9.
April 5, West Berlin, Germany: Libyans bombed a disco frequented by U.S. servicemen, killing 2 and injuring hundreds.
Dec. 21, Lockerbie, Scotland: N.Y.-bound Pan-Am Boeing 747 exploded in flight from a terrorist bomb and crashed into Scottish village, killing all 259 aboard and 11 on the ground. Passengers included 35 Syracuse University students and many U.S. military personnel. Libya formally admitted responsibility 15 years later (Aug. 2003) and offered $2.7 billion compensation to victims' families.
Feb. 26, New York City: bomb exploded in basement garage of World Trade Center, killing 6 and injuring at least 1,040 others. In 1995, militant Islamist Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and 9 others were convicted of conspiracy charges, and in 1998, Ramzi Yousef, believed to have been the mastermind, was convicted of the bombing. Al-Qaeda involvement is suspected.
April 19, Oklahoma City: car bomb exploded outside federal office building, collapsing wall and floors. 168 people were killed, including 19 children and 1 person who died in rescue effort. Over 220 buildings sustained damage. Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols later convicted in the antigovernment plot to avenge the Branch Davidian standoff in Waco, Tex., exactly 2 years earlier. (See Miscellaneous Disasters.)
Nov. 13, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: car bomb exploded at U.S. military headquarters, killing 5 U.S. military servicemen.
June 25, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia: truck bomb exploded outside Khobar Towers military complex, killing 19 American servicemen and injuring hundreds of others. 13 Saudis and a Lebanese, all alleged members of Islamic militant group Hezbollah, were indicted on charges relating to the attack in June 2001.
Aug. 7, Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: truck bombs exploded almost simultaneously near 2 U.S. embassies, killing 224 (213 in Kenya and 11 in Tanzania) and injuring about 4,500. 4 men connected with al-Qaeda 2 of whom had received training at al-Qaeda camps inside Afghanistan, were convicted of the killings in May 2001 and later sentenced to life in prison. A federal grand jury had indicted 22 men in connection with the attacks, including Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, who remained at large.
Oct. 12, Aden, Yemen: U.S. Navy destroyer USS Cole heavily damaged when a small boat loaded with explosives blew up alongside it. 17 sailors killed. Linked to Osama bin Laden, or members of al-Qaeda terrorist network.
Sept. 11, New York City, Arlington, Va., and Shanksville, Pa.: hijackers crashed 2 commercial jets into twin towers of World Trade Center; 2 more hijacked jets were crashed into the Pentagon and a field in rural Pa. Total dead and missing numbered 2,9921: 2,749 in New York City, 184 at the Pentagon, 40 in Pa., and 19 hijackers. Islamic al-Qaeda terrorist group blamed. (See September 11, 2001: Timeline of Terrorism.)
June 14, Karachi, Pakistan: bomb exploded outside American consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 12. Linked to al-Qaeda.
May 12, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: suicide bombers killed 34, including 8 Americans, at housing compounds for Westerners. Al-Qaeda suspected.
May 29–31, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: terrorists attack the offices of a Saudi oil company in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, take foreign oil workers hostage in a nearby residential compound, leaving 22 people dead including one American.
June 11–19, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: terrorists kidnap and execute Paul Johnson Jr., an American, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 2 other Americans and BBC cameraman killed by gun attacks.
Dec. 6, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: terrorists storm the U.S. consulate killing 5 consulate employees. 4 terrorists were killed by Saudi security.

Blown 472
10-07-2005, 01:07 PM
Stevo you left out the part about the US inspired coop and installation of the shah.

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 01:17 PM
When nutcase in 1921??

10-07-2005, 01:17 PM
I'll beat Blown to the punch...I mean question, Steve.
How many of those terrorists were trained by the U.S.?
How many of those terrorists used weapons supplied by the U.S. and Isreal?
How many of those terrorits were being actively supported by the U.S., Isreal, Brittain, and etc. at the time they killed Americans?
These are tough questions to ask as people immediately call you a commie or terrorist loving pink or what ever for asking them. Now, like I said, I basically support most of the U.S.'s global operations and believe we need to be proactive in protecting our interests and promoting democracy and liberty. But, the truth is coming out on the behind the scenes strategies of supporting terrorist enemies of our terrorist enemies that is biting the U.S. in the ass. I support and beleive in the strategy of making the enemy of our enemy our ally. BUT, the media and cover-up strategies seriously need to be re-vamped. The U.S. cannot run their media campain like it is part of the military.
The media is slowly killing its own credibility which was accelerated by the reporting on Katrina. I think now would be a great time to launch an assault on the media by giving the media info on false scandals and false screw-ups. I think the media is like a plague (which includes Fox News demonstrated in their coverage of Katrina). Implosion of the media is a total possiblity, and I would personally love to see that.

10-07-2005, 01:18 PM
oops...too slow. :D

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 01:32 PM
I'll beat Blown to the punch...I mean question, Steve.
How many of those terrorists were trained by the U.S.?
How many of those terrorists used weapons supplied by the U.S. and Isreal?
How many of those terrorits were being actively supported by the U.S., Isreal, Brittain, and etc. at the time they killed Americans?
These are tough questions to ask as people immediately call you a commie or terrorist loving pink or what ever for asking them. Now, like I said, I basically support most of the U.S.'s global operations and believe we need to be proactive in protecting our interests and promoting democracy and liberty. But, the truth is coming out on the behind the scenes strategies of supporting terrorist enemies of our terrorist enemies that is biting the U.S. in the ass. I support and beleive in the strategy of making the enemy of our enemy our ally. BUT, the media and cover-up strategies seriously need to be re-vamped. The U.S. cannot run their media campain like it is part of the military.
The media is slowly killing its own credibility which was accelerated by the reporting on Katrina. I think now would be a great time to launch an assault on the media by giving the media info on false scandals and false screw-ups. I think the media is like a plague (which includes Fox News demonstrated in their coverage of Katrina). Implosion of the media is a total possiblity, and I would personally love to see that.
NONE!! sorry I was on another forum!

10-07-2005, 02:43 PM
NONE!! sorry I was on another forum!
Rea...aa...aa...aa...llly. (said in my best Jim Carey voice).
Stevo.... Stevo... Stevo...
You really can't be that naive....can you?
I support our effort and the strategies we employ in our war on "terrorism", but I am not naive to the realities. Infact, I don't think we fight dirty enough. I know it is going on, but understand it and support it. The media doesn't get it and wants to exploit it.
I also think WMD exist and are either still hidden or moved to another country...perhaps even Iran.

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 02:52 PM
Rea...aa...aa...aa...llly. (said in my best Jim Carey voice).
Stevo.... Stevo... Stevo...
You really can't be that naive....can you?
I support our effort and the strategies we employ in our war on "terrorism", but I am not naive to the realities. Infact, I don't think we fight dirty enough. I know it is going on, but understand it and support it. The media doesn't get it and wants to exploit it.
I also think WMD exist and are either still hidden or moved to another country...perhaps even Iran.
Now wait a minute you are saying we Deliberately trained terrorists to kill Americans ?? To make your case plausable a Example Please?

10-07-2005, 04:03 PM
Now wait a minute you are saying we Deliberately trained terrorists to kill Americans ?? To make your case plausable a Example Please?
lets see...yes, I said word for word that we delifberately trained terrorist to kill americans.....NOT. Try NOT to put words in peoples mouths. Try to understand what they are saying. Where the fock did I say we deliberately trained them to kill Americans? Am I talking to my wife?
Many of the terrorists WERE trained by the U.S./Brittain/Isreal etc. NOT to kill Americans, but that was a "collateral damage". They were trained with the goal of killing the enemy...but they eventually become the enemy to us when we are done using them...and therefore we end up fighting terrorists we trained.
Some even used our own weapons against us or our "allys".
Some even turned on us while being actively supported by us.
If you think this is not going on, then you are naive - it is strategy. I get it, I support it. I think we need to do more of it.
This is the behind the scenes details and strategies that when attempted to cover up, become fuel for the media. Many of the sites blown links to about this exact issue are true. The people who post them don't get it, are pacifists, or hate Bush so badly, they don't care as long as it hurts Bush.
The miltary and government need a new strategy to deal with media weapon.

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 04:06 PM
Make your case an instance!

10-07-2005, 04:44 PM
Make your case an instance!
Oh Stevo. Step away from the koolaid. ;) You are either playing Jimmy Carter stupid or you have a severe problem with reality.
How about Rummy shaking Saddams hand? you seriously think the U.S. is not fighting our own stuff that was given to Iraq by the U.S.?
Remember Iran-Contra and 'ol Olie North?
I am sure Blown can throw in a few.
Stevo...a simple understanding of war stategies dictates that it is impossible to fight this type of war without using the same techniques. It has been easier to just deny it, than to have to esplain the rational behind it......especially when we camp our motto on "getting rid of terrorist." Kinda hard to say....well, the terrorists that are against us.

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 05:28 PM
Moly you need a dose of Reality.
Rummy shaking Saddams hand like 25 or so other Countries did BTW the Bad ole Americans share of the weapons there (Iraq) was LESS THAN 1% of the total and Blame Carter for that IE Iran Iraq war!!
Iran Contra ????????? They trained terrorists to Kill Americans????? BTW Just another by product of Carter giving Iran to the Terrorists. You are getting thin here.
1979, at the height of the civil war that brought the Marxist Sandinistas to power. Jimmy Carter did not start this conflict -- but his handling of it turned a bad situation into an unmitigated disaster.
Carter named Lawrence Pezzullo (at the time U.S. ambassador to Uruguay) as U.S. ambassador to Nicaragua in June 1979 with the sole mission of pressuring President Anastasio Somoza to step down.
The Carter administration was critical of Somoza’s human rights record, but it should have been under no illusions as to the Sandinistas’ true nature. In August 1978, Sandinistas disguised as Nicaraguan military stormed the National Palace, Nicaragua’s capitol, and held the entire legislature hostage. In a communiqué read over television and radio as one of their demands, the Sandinistas denounced the “financial bourgeoisie” as an “ally of somocismo” that “the people and other anti-somocista sectors should unmask and crush.”
The same tune again: America hating Carter leaves a trial of disaster in his wake.

10-07-2005, 06:00 PM
Moly you need a dose of Reality.
Rummy shaking Saddams hand like 25 or so other Countries did BTW the Bad ole Americans share of the weapons there (Iraq) was LESS THAN 1% of the total and Blame Carter for that IE Iran Iraq war!!
Iran Contra ????????? They trained terrorists to Kill Americans????? BTW Just another by product of Carter giving Iran to the Terrorists. You are getting thin here.
1979, at the height of the civil war that brought the Marxist Sandinistas to power. Jimmy Carter did not start this conflict -- but his handling of it turned a bad situation into an unmitigated disaster.
Carter named Lawrence Pezzullo (at the time U.S. ambassador to Uruguay) as U.S. ambassador to Nicaragua in June 1979 with the sole mission of pressuring President Anastasio Somoza to step down.
The Carter administration was critical of Somoza’s human rights record, but it should have been under no illusions as to the Sandinistas’ true nature. In August 1978, Sandinistas disguised as Nicaraguan military stormed the National Palace, Nicaragua’s capitol, and held the entire legislature hostage. In a communiqué read over television and radio as one of their demands, the Sandinistas denounced the “financial bourgeoisie” as an “ally of somocismo” that “the people and other anti-somocista sectors should unmask and crush.”
The same tune again: America hating Carter leaves a trial of disaster in his wake.
Dude. Again. I never said they were trained to kill Americans. WHERE THE F U C K did I say that? I said that was a "collateral damage". Do I need to define collateral damage for you?
Read what I write. Do not try to tell me what I am saying or what I mean. Read it. Reading is fundemental. I already told you before.
You have a major lack of comprehension of basic strategies. War strategies have not changed in thousands of years. Only the weapons have changed. Read up on military strategies to fight gorilla and terrorist types of war fare and you will understand. Pick up "The Art of War" or "Lanchester Theory" and you might understand. To think that the U.S. (or any of our Allys) don't fund or train or give weapons to terrorists that can help our cause is naive.
Steve, what have you read about war and war strategies? What is the rule about a land battle in Asia? Do you understand the concept of the enemy of your enemy is your ally? Do you know what basic fundemental of war that the enemy of your enemy comes from? What is the basic strategy of gorilla war fare and terrorist war fare? What are the two basic advantages is gained by waging gorilla war fare and terrorist war fare? Do you understand that terrorism is nothing more than a war strategy that has been implemented for thousands of years? Do you understand that terrorism is not a strategy of the cowardly? Do you understand anything other than bashing liberals?

Steve 1
10-07-2005, 06:26 PM
Dude. Again. I never said they were trained to kill Americans. WHERE THE F U C K did I say that? I said that was a "collateral damage". Do I need to define collateral damage for you?
Read what I write. Do not try to tell me what I am saying or what I mean. Read it. Reading is fundemental. I already told you before.
You have a major lack of comprehension of basic strategies. War strategies have not changed in thousands of years. Only the weapons have changed. Read up on military strategies to fight gorilla and terrorist types of war fare and you will understand. Pick up "The Art of War" or "Lanchester Theory" and you might understand. To think that the U.S. (or any of our Allys) don't fund or train or give weapons to terrorists that can help our cause is naive.
Steve, what have you read about war and war strategies? What is the rule about a land battle in Asia? Do you understand the concept of the enemy of your enemy is your ally? Do you know what basic fundemental of war that the enemy of your enemy comes from? What is the basic strategy of gorilla war fare and terrorist war fare? What are the two basic advantages is gained by waging gorilla war fare and terrorist war fare? Do you understand that terrorism is nothing more than a war strategy that has been implemented for thousands of years? Do you understand that terrorism is not a strategy of the cowardly? Do you understand anything other than bashing liberals?
The liberal thing is quite simple they are at fault for EVERYTHING wrong, with the lip service and hand wringing! Example Bin Laden Carter created him and Clinton encouraged him by being weak! Leaving the mess for Bush to deal with am I missing something?? Of course I could continue on the Liberal/leftist roll with them being pinkoAnti-Americans, organised crime, stealing, inhibiting achievement, unless you are a perverted political artist making a picture of Christ from Cow $hit Driving business off shore lawsuits and environmental nonsense, perverting the Immigration system (Kennedy) to allow third world refuse instead of qualified people of standards. Gees we could go on for days here. But every evil in the world has a democRat involved!

angry dad
10-07-2005, 07:07 PM
Hey Steve. keep up the good posts!! Don't let the limp wrist liberal gang own you!! we all know whom the liberal cowards are!!!

10-07-2005, 08:07 PM
Uh oh...did I just joint the limp wrist liberal gang? LOL
That is funny. I would be happy to see them turn that part of the world into a big glass crater if the liberals wouldn't cry foul. In fact, I would be happy to make sure most of the liberals where part of that glass crater.
But I know what is going on and how it works and I am fine with it. The republicans just got to bring their game to a different level. I think a media implosion would be pretty easy to make happen right now.
Both sides are loaded with lying cheating scoundral politicians. But the Liberals are my enemy. So the republican politicians are the enemy of my enemy, so they are my ally....for now. I will arm them and fund them, and will probably have to fight my own money down the road...but that is how it works. I consider myself to be a real republican...not the $20 ***** socialist republican's that are destroying our party.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Blown 472
10-07-2005, 10:54 PM
Oh Stevo. Step away from the koolaid. ;) You are either playing Jimmy Carter stupid or you have a severe problem with reality.
How about Rummy shaking Saddams hand? you seriously think the U.S. is not fighting our own stuff that was given to Iraq by the U.S.?
Remember Iran-Contra and 'ol Olie North?
I am sure Blown can throw in a few.
Stevo...a simple understanding of war stategies dictates that it is impossible to fight this type of war without using the same techniques. It has been easier to just deny it, than to have to esplain the rational behind it......especially when we camp our motto on "getting rid of terrorist." Kinda hard to say....well, the terrorists that are against us.
You see Holy Moly, stevo can't deal with the truth as he can only read the angry white web site that state if you don't agree with us you are a: lib, commi, fag, or pinko. Mean while stevo uses his free hand while whacking off to hold a pic of McCarthy or some other anti pinko freedom fighter, does you mom/lover get sick of picking up the wads of tissue that you throw on the floor spanko, opps I mean stevo??

1978 Rogers
10-08-2005, 06:18 AM
Stevo you left out the part about the US inspired coop and installation of the shah.
Didn't our Lib Dem pres Carter do this? I think this was before Reagon.

10-09-2005, 06:27 AM
It is simple to explain.
Our terrorist = good.
Their terrorist = bad.
Now, the terrorist we are supporting now, may end up being bad terrorist down the road after we are done using them.
Now is Isreal really supporting Iran to fight the U.S., or was Isreal's arms destined for rebel groups that would help the fall of Iran?
Unfortunately, what most people don't realize, is terrorism is a war strategy. They are not pussies, they are not cowards. The U.S. was labled cowards when we fought the british because we would hide behind trees and shoot at their guys all lined up. We were cowards because we would not lineup (as much) in an open field. The so called terrorist are fighting a near picture perfect war when you look at the strategies available to them for succeeding against an enemy with nearly infinite power over theirs. The book "The Art of War" explains the strategies thoroughly...and this book was written about 2,300 years ago. These countries cannot beat a super power head on, so they resort to "terrorism" which was called gorilla war fare previously. War has taken on a new dimension that is not given much weight in "The Art of War" and that is instantaneous media coverage - and that most of this coverage is managed by pacifists. This weapon was realized during Vietnam, and will be used by all enemies to the U.S. And why not? It is the most effective weapon they have and it is free. The media is clueless that it has become a weapon of war and they are merely tools.
The "terrorist" title helps gain emotional support, when in fact, we need to employ nearly the same tactics. But, since we are operating under the claim of humanity, we cannot directly act as terrorists. So we covertly support the terrorist enemy of our enemy. This comes back to hurt the U.S. as the media finds out and reveals to the world that Isreal, Brittain, the U.S. and all the people claiming to be fighting terrorist are actaully supporting terrorists. There is a sound reasoning and strategy behind it, but the media weapon is too effective and destroys the effectiveness of these strategies as they have to be abandoned and denied. I do think the U.S. has to learn how to use the media weapon much more effectively as the media, not the actual war, is what is making support drop. Because we live in a microwave mentallity world of comunication, things that are progressing ahead of schedule, appear to be dragging on and on. Jerry Springer only lasted so long.
I personally support nearly all the global operations that exist as I believe that most of the groups we are fighting will not be happy until all the infidels are dead. They do not beleive our civilians, woman and children are innocent - they believe they are all infidels. Christianity had the same agenda, but they came out of the dark ages and grew up. I believe they are a threat that we cannot ignore. Why do we not destroy Isreal? We know they don't want to destroy us as part of their "grand scheme."
As Blown has pointed out...some of our strategies have flopped. Flopping is one thing, spinning it and or straight out denying it is just plain dumb. But unfortunately, there will not be any main stream media support (outside of Fox News and AM Talk radio) for the people who want to be proactive about our countries safety instead of reactive. Many people think that the reason they hate us is because we support the jews - I think that is ignorant. Many people think it is not fair that we force our way of life on people...and that is just silly. Liberty is everyone's personal wish.
Some people think we should just back out of all that crap, shut our borders, fix our own problems, and let the rest of the world sort it out or kill themselves off. I think that is unrealistic...but I can see the reasoning.
Blind support of political groups is also a weapon for our enemies, via the media. They show that we are just as crazy as them by defending fock ups or denying them or spinning them. This blind allegiance has the same appearance as terrorism and is why many republicans are referred to as Nazis (which is funny as Nazism/Communist is closer to democrats and on the other side of democrats....you have to go thru the democrat camp to the socialist camp to get to the communist camp).
The days of just blindly supporting are over due to the media. Our elected officials (especially republicans) have to realize it is the 21st century and learn how to strategize and implement the media weapon. Blind allegiance looks like everyone is drinking koolaid. Cover-ups are not effective damage control strategies.
It would also help if the republicans stopped selling their ass for $20 on the street corner like a 2 bit hooker to special interest. Or, atleast stop denying it.
The good news is that I am taking over the world. The bad news is, Blown will be in charge of the internet. Infact, it was not Al Gore who invented the internet (Al Gore would have been the Democrat's George Bush...they would be crapping their pants at the stupid things that come out of his mouth) Blown invented the Internet.:D
Nice post HM. I will never understand why people donÂ’t get this. I am sure 15-20 years from now it will come out that we gave or aided someone now that will bite us in the ass in the future. You canÂ’t win without this tactic. The frustrating part is the blame and lack of understanding for the reason behind it, not to mention we are not the only country to do this.
Humanity has no place in war, sad but true. War is a nasty business and with the media watching and reporting we will loose if we donÂ’t learn how to control them. Personally I think we are playing way to nice and that will get many people killed from all sides. ItÂ’s like going into a fist fight with one hand tied behind your back.
I am a little hesitant about all the Iran and Syria talk. I would think we are even now having operations taking place in these two countries, but as far as all out frontal assault we need to take a breather first.
Just keep sending Sean Penn over there, that might drive a few of them insane. :wink:

Steve 1
10-09-2005, 08:25 AM
The real problem is the BLAME AMERICA FIRST RAT MENTALITY now as for arming Iraq back in the 80's I personally find that laughable; Russia, China and like 20 others..
Why and what was the Iraq-Iran war I guess you would have to Blame Carter For the single worst traitorous act of foreign policy EVER done by a sitting President except Clinton and China!
The war on terror is asymmetrical now Add the Blessed Killing of civilians/infidels is all and fine with the Moon worshipers the same mentality killing Bin Laden will not mean a thing Period. An overnight solution IE KerryÂ’s secret plan (double secret) Forget it!!!!! All of which leads to this: We are in for a long deployment unless you want to fight them here.
Every Evil Has A DemocRat behind it!