View Full Version : Damn That Bush!!!!

10-15-2005, 10:23 AM
Bet you didn't know!
Of course I didn't know. How could I?
Did you know that 47 countries have reestablished their embassies in
Did you know that the Iraqi government currently employs 1.2 million
Iraqi people?
Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are
under rehabilitation, 263 schools are now under construction and 38 new
schools have been built in Iraq?
Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20
Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all
currently operating?
Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the United States in
January 2005 for the re-established Fulbright program?
Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational?! They have 5- 100-foot
patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval infantry regiment.
Did you know that Iraq's Air Force consists of three operational
squadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport aircraft
(under Iraqi operational control) which operate day and night, and will soon
add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 Bell Jet Rangers?
Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando
Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained
and equipped police officers?
Did you know that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over
3500 new officers each 8 weeks?
Did you know there are more than 1100 building projects going on in
Iraq? They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad
stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical
Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received
the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?
Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary
school by mid October?
Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq and
phone use has gone up 158%?
Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75
radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?
Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?
Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had a
televised debate recently?
Instead of reflecting our love for our country, we get photos of flag
burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs at the
presidential motorcades.
The lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves two purposes. It
is intended to undermine the world's perception of the United States thus
minimizing consequent support, and it is intended to discourage American
---- Above facts are verifiable on the Department of Defense web
site. .......Pass it on!
Impeach him now! Look what that idiot is doing to the Middle East!!!!! :messedup: :D

Forkin' Crazy
10-15-2005, 11:18 AM
The really bad thing is after you present this and other evidence to the Democrats, they still won’t believe it and still believe that the war in Iraq is a failure.
Poor mislead sheepeople!!!

1978 Rogers
10-15-2005, 11:23 AM
I saw this yesterday. The "nay sayers" will also say the new buildings had to be rebuilt because we destoyed them in the "SHOCK AND AW" bombing portion of the war.
You know I really miss seeing the term "SHOCK AND AW" everynight, repeated over and over by every news idiot on TV.

10-15-2005, 01:08 PM
Why would you say impeach? You just stated a ton of facts that state nothing but good. It seems to me(judging off this new info) that we should look at getting out of Iraq, not impeaching bush. I don't think that we should blow all their shit up than pay to rebuild it. Thats a joke. You just stated about all those schools being built and rebuilt. That alone is a great accomplishment.

10-15-2005, 01:19 PM
Why would you say impeach? You just stated a ton of facts that state nothing but good. It seems to me(judging off this new info) that we should look at getting out of Iraq, not impeaching bush. I don't think that we should blow all their shit up than pay to rebuild it. Thats a joke. You just stated about all those schools being built and rebuilt. That alone is a great accomplishment.
I was being sarcastic.............just a little! :hammerhea :D :D

10-15-2005, 01:38 PM
I've stated one simple fact for a while now. If this same exact operation (and results) would have taken place 8 years ago the libs would be hailing it as a "humanitarian triumph" and asking that Clinton be nominated for the Nobel. The only reason people say Iraq is a failure is that they hate Bush. Period.

10-15-2005, 01:42 PM
what he's doin for iraq is nice ,but on the other hand i can't afford gas,food,utilities anymore. i live in okla. and watch politics in tx..this man laid claim to alot of texas state government programs that weren't his.ann richards gave texas the economy that they enjoy now,not him. i'm a true blue, flag lovin american,but my state economy is shit now thanks to this sob's policies.my father in law lost his 120k job to his policies.you guys in bigger economy states don't see what's happens to the blue collar peeps in the central u.s.. it's just a plain fact with us that when a democrat is president ,we in the mid states do better financially! i may be rantin here but it's how i fell about him.and i'm glad the iraqi people have so many schools and such while i buy printer paper for my kids classroom because there teacher said the school system can't afford grade checks due to cut backs in funding.fuc him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :argue:

10-15-2005, 02:39 PM
what he's doin for iraq is nice ,but on the other hand i can't afford gas,food,utilities anymore. i live in okla. and watch politics in tx..this man laid claim to alot of texas state government programs that weren't his.ann richards gave texas the economy that they enjoy now,not him. i'm a true blue, flag lovin american,but my state economy is shit now thanks to this sob's policies.my father in law lost his 120k job to his policies.you guys in bigger economy states don't see what's happens to the blue collar peeps in the central u.s.. it's just a plain fact with us that when a democrat is president ,we in the mid states do better financially! i may be rantin here but it's how i fell about him.and i'm glad the iraqi people have so many schools and such while i buy printer paper for my kids classroom because there teacher said the school system can't afford grade checks due to cut backs in funding.fuc him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :argue:
UMMMMMM the federal government isn't resonsible for public education.
Which of Bushes policies screwed up your state economy?
If your talking about manufacturing jobs it sure as hell isn't Bush that sends those jobs overseas.

Red Horse
10-15-2005, 03:08 PM
It aint the President. There are MANY MANY factors at work that has to do with the economy. Bush does not set prices, adjust inflation, tell the market to go up and down. Just like he has nothing to do with the price of gas.
I happen to like our President. I am from Texas. He is a leader making HARD decision. Not popular ones, but ones that need to be made. THink about it. He is in his second term. He does not have to kiss any ass.

10-15-2005, 03:33 PM
I was starting to think people in Oklahoma weren't ignorant anymore. My bad. So GW Bush came to town and fired your Father-in-Law? Are you sure it wasn't actually the company he worked for that made a business decision? The average job lasts 3.5 years these days, so maybe it was just a market shift.
And last time I checked, the reason public schools are always short on money is because the bloated teachers' unions, which are DEMOCRAT organizations. We have a booming economy, the lowest unemployment in 20 years, and your state is in a recession? Probably because Bush passed a law preventing Oklahoma from succeeding, right? Get a life. What you're facing is the result of backwards thinking within your state. The rest of us are doing great. Maybe you should move out and start voting Republican.

Old Texan
10-15-2005, 07:40 PM
what he's doin for iraq is nice ,but on the other hand i can't afford gas,food,utilities anymore. i live in okla. and watch politics in tx..this man laid claim to alot of texas state government programs that weren't his.ann richards gave texas the economy that they enjoy now,not him. i'm a true blue, flag lovin american,but my state economy is shit now thanks to this sob's policies.my father in law lost his 120k job to his policies.you guys in bigger economy states don't see what's happens to the blue collar peeps in the central u.s.. it's just a plain fact with us that when a democrat is president ,we in the mid states do better financially! i may be rantin here but it's how i fell about him.and i'm glad the iraqi people have so many schools and such while i buy printer paper for my kids classroom because there teacher said the school system can't afford grade checks due to cut backs in funding.fuc him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :argue:
I lived in Texas for thirty years and call Bullshiat on your post. Ann Richards was a complete joke. Arrogant old loud mouthed booze hound. She was a terrible governor who claimed to add jobs. She did, state jobs adding to bureacracy and waste of tax dollars.
Blue collar peeps problems stem from not looking to the future and rasing their abillity and skill levels in order to change with the job market demands. Let your union reps strangle business to get you a yearly raise no matter what the world market dictates. Just sit back and use up the hand that feeds you, then cry about the government screwing you over.
Wake up!!!!

10-16-2005, 03:18 AM
Got a question for IMPATIENT1...
Are you related to the lady that was in my store yesterday?
I commented on the fact that we have not had any rain lately (a common occurrence since I own a feed store in Texas and lots of my customers have acreage, including this old bag!).
She began to rant and rave about how evil George Bush is and how he, in cooperation with the Russians are melting the Polar Ice Cap by seeding the clouds and oceans so that it makes the weather more tolerable in Alaska in the winter so that we can drill for more oil!....... :idea:
She went further to tell me that the current weather patterns are directly related to the war in Iraq, which was caused by the Bush Administrations also.
I have three questions for you:
1) Are you gonna blame George Bush for UT kicking the Sooners Asses last weekend also?
2) Have you ever been to Roswell, New Mexico?
3) If Oklahoma is such a bad place to live, why don't you move?

Red Horse
10-16-2005, 06:03 AM
So it IS :boxed: ALL the presidents fault. I had no idea that he could change the weather. IT must be a presidential perk, cause getting a change thru congress would take forever. :rolleyes:

10-16-2005, 10:55 AM
He "recess appointed" some good weather into effect. :D

10-16-2005, 11:01 AM
See! I told you we need to impeach him! He made it rain A LOT here in California last year and now today it's HOT! DAMN HIM! :boxingguy :confused: :idea: :D

Forkin' Crazy
10-16-2005, 11:17 AM
I was starting to think people in Oklahoma weren't ignorant anymore.
Don't be so generalized. I know some OK people in OK...LOL!! :D
That would be akin to saying all politicians in Louisiana are corrupt.... well maybe not!!! :hammer2:

10-16-2005, 11:22 AM
Yep, no other US president in HISTORY has done as much as this one. He has invaded countries, freed people from oppression, singlehandedly created hurricanes (probably steered them too), drilled holes in Alaska, melted the tens of miles thick polar icecaps (both of 'em, for "balance"), reduced taxes, broken the school budgets of almost every state in the union, prevented your kids from learning to "reed & rite", let alone 'rithmatik", forced companies to hire people in foreign countries and build plants there, imposed 2 governments on foreign countries that seem to LIKE the idea, caused the 3rd largest economy in the world (California) to not only go broke from social giveaways but then brought them back from the brink of disaster (Arnold S MUST be just a figurehead), drowned thousands, no hundreds, no, well DOZENS, OK, of people in the south from New Orleans East (but especially blacks in New Orleans, really personal there), and SOOOOOOO MUCH MORE.
Hey Impatient, ever see the federal rules your in-law's company had to exist under? Then there are expenses not "forced" by the govt but by situation. From OSHA, EPA, Clean Air/Water Standards, Noise polution, Worker's Comp, Unemployment, Medical insurance, Fair Wage & Labor Practices Standards, Federal Wage Taxes (paid MATCHING the taxes your in-law paid), Medicare Taxes, Social Security Taxes, Retirement fund (401k/403b) matching payments, Local Property Taxes, Utilities Services, Property Upkeep, etc, etc, etc.
Your father in law, made 120K a year, took home what, about 80K a year? His $80,000 a year job cost his employer arround $350,000 each and every year. That's a third of a MILLION every year to pay less than 1/10th. Ask some of the business owners here about the costs you are costing your employer that you do not even know about.
Wanna know about union job protection? Ask a Pan-Am employee (hmmmmm, that would be ex-employee because the aircraft maintenance worker's union bankrupted them). Same thing is happening to 2 more airlines right now. Guess Bush himself is firing them too.
Only president I ever saw "fire" a govt employee was Regan, when he canned every last striking air traffic controller because they were BREAKING THE LAW. Good for him, bad for PATCO.

10-16-2005, 01:04 PM
You forgot that in August we were bombarded with the reports that George Bush personally killed Cindy Sheehan's son....!

10-16-2005, 04:53 PM
You forgot that in August we were bombarded with the reports that George Bush personally killed Cindy Sheehan's son....!
DARN!!! How did I MISS that one?!?!?!?????! Must be from all the 10-hr days at work, which, since I work in aviation manufacturing, are BUSH'S FAULT! :crossx: :crossx: :crossx: :wink:

Blown 472
10-16-2005, 11:21 PM
God bless gdubya, as I am sure all you whack masters get tired of jacking off to sports stars so he is a good fill in.