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11-04-2005, 07:45 PM
... coined the phrase (twenty five plus years ago), heard by every hostess in every restaurant in So Cal, "no smoking, no children". Well, the no smoking thing worked out, we're still working on the no children thing; I got a lot of flack from you mothers who said your children are perfect, so we'll let that go. Now, I've got a new pet peeve to run past you. I've kind of had it with cell phone etiquette. Some of you, and you know who you are, use your cell phones anywhere and everywhere. Enough! Here's where I promise I will not use a cell phone:
I will not take my phone on your boat.
I will not take my phone into any restaurant.
I will not take my phone into the hospital when I visit you.
I will not take my phone into your home.
I will not take my phone into your business.
Well, thats only a start. Anyone got any thoughts on the subject?
Lets establish some rules here. Rudeness is getting out of hand! Put down your phones and be civil once again...

CA Stu
11-04-2005, 07:46 PM
I think that's a great.... hang on, I gotta take this call...
CA Stu

11-04-2005, 07:55 PM
dammit, just sat thru a green light while talking on my cell...what was the ? :rollside:

11-04-2005, 07:59 PM
... coined the phrase (twenty five plus years ago), heard by every hostess in every restaurant in So Cal, "no smoking, no children". Well, the no smoking thing worked out, we're still working on the no children thing; I got a lot of flack from you mothers who said your children are perfect, so we'll let that go. Now, I've got a new pet peeve to run past you. I've kind of had it with cell phone etiquette. Some of you, and you know who you are, use your cell phones anywhere and everywhere. Enough! Here's where I promise I will not use a cell phone:
I will not take my phone on your boat.
I will not take my phone into any restaurant.
I will not take my phone into the hospital when I visit you.
I will not take my phone into your home.
I will not take my phone into your business.
Well, thats only a start. Anyone got any thoughts on the subject?
Lets establish some rules here. Rudeness is getting out of hand! Put down your phones and be civil once again...
If I lived by that I would have missed every one of your phone calls. lol
And that would have been a damn shame. :cool:
Please don't call me now though. I'm relaxing at home getting ready to watch Survivor. ;)

11-04-2005, 08:03 PM
I won't allow my cell phone to make me a traffic hazzard!!! Hang up and drive!! And since driving while using your (not directed at anyone ) cell phone is so hard, maybe you shouldn't chew gum while driving either......MP

11-04-2005, 08:11 PM
I'm a contractor and I have my phone with me at all times. If it is a saturday and I'm at my kids ballgame or I'm at lunch during the week and one of my foreman's call or my office for an important question I apoligize !

11-04-2005, 08:15 PM
I just keep mine in the truck. If someone called, it takes messages and I'll call them back.
Of course, I hate phones, and won't answer the one at home. I screen everything through the answering machine.

11-04-2005, 08:42 PM
... coined the phrase (twenty five plus years ago), heard by every hostess in every restaurant in So Cal, "no smoking, no children". Well, the no smoking thing worked out, we're still working on the no children thing; I got a lot of flack from you mothers who said your children are perfect, so we'll let that go. Now, I've got a new pet peeve to run past you. I've kind of had it with cell phone etiquette. Some of you, and you know who you are, use your cell phones anywhere and everywhere. Enough! Here's where I promise I will not use a cell phone:
I will not take my phone on your boat.
I will not take my phone into any restaurant.
I will not take my phone into the hospital when I visit you.
I will not take my phone into your home.
I will not take my phone into your business.
Well, thats only a start. Anyone got any thoughts on the subject?
Lets establish some rules here. Rudeness is getting out of hand! Put down your phones and be civil once again...
I will not use my phone while eating Green Eggs and Ham, not on a boat and not on land

11-04-2005, 09:24 PM
here this should help.
I worked for Qualcomm.. I designed the test boards for the CDMA chipset.
I learned very quickly that a cell phone puts you on everyone elses schedule. and I refuse to own one. my off time is mine NOT YOURS!!!!
If you want to live your life at a INSANE!!! pace buy a cell phone, people will have you spinning 24/7
MY GOD!!!!! how did we ever live without these intrusive, distracting things :hammer2:
NOW SHUT THE "F" UP and DRIVE............. :hammerhea

11-04-2005, 09:27 PM
Good point....
Some women it seems.....sorry to be so sexist...think they can't drive a car without yacking on the cell phone.....and half the time they got a Starbucks coffee in the other hand.....very dangerous and annoying. :2purples:
I NEVER take my cell phone into a restraunt or bar on a date...a few of my dates have, i can see it if they have kids at home and the worry about an emergency....but.... :wink:
I took one really hot girl out to Ruth's Chris in Newport Beach, I'm dying for a great steak and more.....we are having drinks in the bar, she gets a call from someone, not an emergency, and talks for 15 minutes....i'm pissed.
We sit at our table, we order dinner and her phone rings, and she starts talking again (not an emergency...just gabbing away), I get up, pay for the drinks, tell the waiter to cancel my order and serve her if she still wants her food, and split.
She called me later and i don't answer....she calls me the next day and I tell her, "you are too rude for me and don't call me anymore".
I can't stand that shit....talking on the cell phone when you're sitting face to face on a date with someone, it's like saying "screw you, the person on the phone is more important to me then you".
Cell phones are a real invasion of privacy....the "important" stuff can usually wait, the sociallizing can always wait!! :hammerhea
:2purples: :220v: :2purples: :220v:

11-04-2005, 09:31 PM
baja, your are right on!!!

11-04-2005, 10:11 PM
People today are too dependent on their cell phones....what so damm important that you have to talk on them non-stop...??
Social In-security...

11-04-2005, 10:21 PM
I somewhat agree, I take it with me many places. I won't answer it in most places. I put it on silent when going somewhere important and shut it off completely if common sense dictates. I won't cut someone's sentence short to answer, and if it's very important, I will excuse myself. If I'm in a restaurant I will go outside if I must take the call. I can't stand when people will answer the cell while in the middle of a conversation with you, without so much as an "excuse me, I have to take this". My wife has had patients not willing to hang up while in the Dr.'s exam room with their children being seen. Unfortunately, it's a common sense thing and as we all know, common sense is not all that common.

11-04-2005, 11:14 PM
I will not use my phone while eating Green Eggs and Ham, not on a boat and not on land
Funniest thing I have read in a while...

11-04-2005, 11:33 PM
I think the real point to be made here is not to ban phones, kids, smoking, etc. but to have some respect. The real problem is that people have less and less respect for others. There is so much "fock you" attitude out there that it really is discouraging.

11-04-2005, 11:34 PM
Funniest thing I have read in a while...
That was damn funny :D

11-05-2005, 12:58 AM
Just back from the pool hall and somewhat drunk..
I'll use my phone whenever the fock I feel like it. ;)
Call between the hours of 8 and Noon'ish though and you'll be getting the voicemail. Becuase I don't use my phone while sleeping in.

11-05-2005, 02:02 AM
Burt this is what I think about cell phone ettt...
ah please hold.

11-05-2005, 07:12 AM
Good point....
Some women it seems.....sorry to be so sexist...think they can't drive a car without yacking on the cell phone.....and half the time they got a Starbucks coffee in the other hand.....very dangerous and annoying. :2purples:
I NEVER take my cell phone into a restraunt or bar on a date...a few of my dates have, i can see it if they have kids at home and the worry about an emergency....but.... :wink:
I took one really hot girl out to Ruth's Chris in Newport Beach, I'm dying for a great steak and more.....we are having drinks in the bar, she gets a call from someone, not an emergency, and talks for 15 minutes....i'm pissed.
We sit at our table, we order dinner and her phone rings, and she starts talking again (not an emergency...just gabbing away), I get up, pay for the drinks, tell the waiter to cancel my order and serve her if she still wants her food, and split.
She called me later and i don't answer....she calls me the next day and I tell her, "you are too rude for me and don't call me anymore".
I can't stand that shit....talking on the cell phone when you're sitting face to face on a date with someone, it's like saying "screw you, the person on the phone is more important to me then you".
Cell phones are a real invasion of privacy....the "important" stuff can usually wait, the sociallizing can always wait!! :hammerhea
:2purples: :220v: :2purples: :220v:
I agree. I personally hate it when people talk about nothing on a cell when they have perfectly good conversation sitting across the table from them.
I do carry my phone everywhere. 99% of the time, it's on vibrate and in my pocket so no one knows I have it or when I get a call. There are only a few people that I will pick up for if I'm having a conversation.
The rule I have with my live-in gf is if I'm busy, she'll just get my voicemail. If it's an emergency she calls back immediately and I'll answer. Any calls from my folks during the work day is usually bad news so I'll pick those calls up also.
Other than that, that's why they have voicemail!!!
Here's a few more for ya - phone in business meeting are insane. I hate it when some jacka$$'s phone has some silly a$$ ring tone and they let it ring as the look who's calling. The higher up the org chart, the worse it gets.
Another is all these stupid a$$ ring tones in the office. I really don't want to listen to that BS!
Oh well, I start my new job Monday and I'll be in a position to introduce a "phones off" policy in meetings!

11-05-2005, 07:50 AM
... coined the phrase (twenty five plus years ago), heard by every hostess in every restaurant in So Cal, "no smoking, no children". Well, the no smoking thing worked out, we're still working on the no children thing; I got a lot of flack from you mothers who said your children are perfect, so we'll let that go. Now, I've got a new pet peeve to run past you. I've kind of had it with cell phone etiquette. Some of you, and you know who you are, use your cell phones anywhere and everywhere. Enough! Here's where I promise I will not use a cell phone:
I will not take my phone on your boat.
I will not take my phone into any restaurant.
I will not take my phone into the hospital when I visit you.
I will not take my phone into your home.
I will not take my phone into your business.
Well, thats only a start. Anyone got any thoughts on the subject?
Lets establish some rules here. Rudeness is getting out of hand! Put down your phones and be civil once again...
I usually just put mine on vibrate when I'm in a place that I don't want to disturb anyone. You never know when the kids are going to call or my parents for that matter. My parents are old, my mother has M.S., she will have a crisis anytime she can't get a hold of me. So I'm pretty much stuck carrying the phone around at all times. I'm sure alot of other people have legitimate reasons for carrying theirs too. There are ways of being discrete and not making a scene with some annoying song/ringtone garbage and making a spectacle of yourself.

Havasu Hangin'
11-05-2005, 07:54 AM
Nobody ever calls me anyway. :notam:

dirty old man
11-05-2005, 08:06 AM
You didn't do us any good here. In Vegas they smoke anywhere and everywhere: restaurants/bars, casinos, your boat, your car, etc. But the theory is smoking and gambling go together like salt and pepper.
The cell phone thing is really getting out of control. People now have something clamped to their ears so they can talk 24/7. Walk up to one of them and they seem to be talking to themselves. Cell phones are the greatest thing since the invention of fire, but there seems to be no etiquite. Some people use phones at the most inappropriate times. I may be a DOM but I'm a gentleman DOM

11-05-2005, 08:09 AM
... coined the phrase (twenty five plus years ago), heard by every hostess in every restaurant in So Cal, "no smoking, no children". Well, the no smoking thing worked out, we're still working on the no children thing; I got a lot of flack from you mothers who said your children are perfect, so we'll let that go. Now, I've got a new pet peeve to run past you. I've kind of had it with cell phone etiquette. Some of you, and you know who you are, use your cell phones anywhere and everywhere. Enough! Here's where I promise I will not use a cell phone:
I will not take my phone on your boat.
I will not take my phone into any restaurant.
I will not take my phone into the hospital when I visit you.
I will not take my phone into your home.
I will not take my phone into your business.
Well, thats only a start. Anyone got any thoughts on the subject?
Lets establish some rules here. Rudeness is getting out of hand! Put down your phones and be civil once again...
I will take my phone on your boat IF my children are not with me....
I will take my phone to a restaurant IF my children are not with me....
I will take my phone to a hospital BUT I turn it off....
I will take my phone into your home IF my children are not with me....
I will take my phone into your buisness If my children are not with me YET will not anwser unless it is my children....
My Thoughts????
If my children are not with me but need me or get hurt...I want to know!!! POINT BLANK......My children mean more then if you think I'm curtious or not.....Just my 2cents............. :p

11-05-2005, 08:11 AM
I somewhat agree, I take it with me many places. I won't answer it in most places. I put it on silent when going somewhere important and shut it off completely if common sense dictates. I won't cut someone's sentence short to answer, and if it's very important, I will excuse myself. If I'm in a restaurant I will go outside if I must take the call. I can't stand when people will answer the cell while in the middle of a conversation with you, without so much as an "excuse me, I have to take this". My wife has had patients not willing to hang up while in the Dr.'s exam room with their children being seen. Unfortunately, it's a common sense thing and as we all know, common sense is not all that common.
Cell phones ...and manners .....seem to be unable to co-exist.....
But the real point here is.......you have an excellent avatar..... :p

Mrs. Bordsmnj
11-05-2005, 08:17 AM
I will not use my phone while eating Green Eggs and Ham, not on a boat and not on land
Mikey, you just made me spit water out laughing. Thanks for the morning giggle!! :wink:
Oh and I cannot stand rude cel phone users either. If I do not have my phone on me and someone calls, they are more than welcome to leave me a message. My phone sucks and I never hear it ring anyways. :)

11-05-2005, 08:50 AM
I'm hungry, The roach coach will be here at 9:00 AM and I'll be asking for Green Eggs and Ham! Unless I get a phone call. lol
Now about this phone stuff. I agree if you are on a date and she's yackin on the phone it's not a good thing.
I also think there is times to turn them off or at least turn off the ringer. Like in meetings and the like.
And I can see the point about drivers kinda. I mean, if you ride with me we can yack in the truck right? What's the difference if I'm yacking to you over the phone? Seems about the same to me. I donno, maybe it's left overs from my youth when I'd drive with an open beer between my legs, hooter in one hand, down shifting while going around a turn. I mean if you can pull that off, talking on a phone should be a no brainer (and that's good cause it's kinda cooked anyway. ;) )
Now about a restaurant. After this was first posted I left work and stopped off to get a bit to eat. Wife was going to be home late so I was by myself. I looked around and every other table had people chatting with each other during their dinner. So then my phone vibrates in my pocket. First thing that went through my mind was this thread. Now I didn't want to piss off any one enjoying their dinner right? Then I noticed that everyone of them were chatting with each other. So what's the difference if I'm by myself talking to my wife on the phone?
I do agree if I get a call when I'm sitting with you. I'll either hit the reject button or say excuse me but I have to get this real quick. At that point I'll answer it real quick and tell them I'll call 'em back. But hey sometimes that person will out rank you so I'll take the call. gotta do what I gotta do.
Speaking of gotta do what I gotta do, it's almost 9:00AM now so I gotta go get my Green eggs N ham O sam I am!

Mrs. Bordsmnj
11-05-2005, 08:52 AM
I'm hungry, The roach coach will be here at 9:00 AM and I'll be asking for Green Eggs and Ham! Unless I get a phone call. lol
Now about this phone stuff. I agree if you are on a date and she's yackin on the phone it's not a good thing.
I also think there is times to turn them off or at least turn off the ringer. Like in meetings and the like.
And I can see the point about drivers kinda. I mean, if you ride with me we can yack in the truck right? What's the difference if I'm yacking to you over the phone? Seems about the same to me. I donno, maybe it's left overs from my youth when I'd drive with an open beer between my legs, hooter in one hand, down shifting while going around a turn. I mean if you can pull that off, talking on a phone should be a no brainer (and that's good cause it's kinda cooked anyway. ;) )
Now about a restaurant. After this was first posted I left work and stopped off to get a bit to eat. Wife was going to be home late so I was by myself. I looked around and every other table had people chatting with each other their dinner. So then my phone vibrates in my pocket. First thing that went through my mind was this thread. Now I didn't want to piss off any one enjoying their dinner right? Then I noticed that everyone of them were chatting with each other. So what's the difference if I'm by myself talking to my wife on the phone?
I do agree if I get a call when I'm sitting with you. I'll either hit the reject button or say excuse me but I have to get this real quick. At that point I'll answer it real quick and tell them I'll call 'em back. But hey sometimes that person will out rank you so I'll take the call. gotta do what I gotta do.
Speaking of gotta do what I gotta do, it's almost 9:00AM now so I gotta go get my Green eggs N ham O sam I am!
Dave, imaginery phone calls to make you not look like a loner don't count. :D

11-05-2005, 08:54 AM
thanks Linda! :mad: ;)

Mrs. Bordsmnj
11-05-2005, 08:58 AM
thanks Linda! :mad: ;)
Who loves ya, baby!! :D

11-05-2005, 09:00 AM
Who loves ya, baby!! :D
at this point it's seeming like just my 2 dogs. And that's only because I feed 'em! :cry: f'n :cry:

Mrs. Bordsmnj
11-05-2005, 09:06 AM
at this point it's seeming like just my 2 dogs. And that's only because I feed 'em! :cry: f'n :cry:
Awww, don't be like that, I am sure your imaginery friend loves you too. :rollside:
P.s. you know I dig you so quit being a baby! :)

11-05-2005, 09:13 AM
here this should help.
I worked for Qualcomm.. I designed the test boards for the CDMA chipset.
I learned very quickly that a cell phone puts you on everyone else's schedule. and I refuse to own one. my off time is mine NOT YOURS!!!!
If you want to live your life at a INSANE!!! pace buy a cell phone, people will have you spinning 24/7
MY GOD!!!!! how did we ever live without these intrusive, distracting things :hammer2:
NOW SHUT THE "F" UP and DRIVE............. :hammerhea
With an attitude like that Qualcomm stock will never get back to it's 1990's high point. :p
Have fun this weekend calling Bobby and Woody. You know you'll be calling their cellys every 10 minutes to check on their progress. :D

11-05-2005, 09:20 AM
baby! :)
she called me baby! :rollside: :p :rollside:
btw, no green eggs and ham on the roach coach today. But the taco's are good

dirty old man
11-05-2005, 09:27 AM
see what happens? one minute we're talking about phones, next thing you know its green eggs and ham! hows that happen?

11-05-2005, 11:02 AM
So what did she look like Mike? :)
Tom, she looked like a hot, self-absorbed, Orange County bitch :confused: :confused:
.....but I was dying to do her!! :cry: :cry:
Oh well, there's more fish in sea.......
:2purples: :2purples: :2purples:

11-05-2005, 11:37 AM
Mrs Hooters. Thats nice. Did you learn that from your mother?
Actually, my daughters are the same. Cell phones are great, just misused...

11-05-2005, 11:48 AM
I won't allow my cell phone to make me a traffic hazzard!!! Hang up and drive!! And since driving while using your (not directed at anyone ) cell phone is so hard, maybe you shouldn't chew gum while driving either......MP
Were you on your Cell when you rear ended that Honda in Parker?? :hammerhea

CA Stu
11-05-2005, 12:03 PM
I usually just put mine on vibrate and cram it up my ass, then I speed dial myself from another phone for hours
You have problems, dude.
CA Stu

Tom Brown
11-05-2005, 12:22 PM
But the real point here is.......you have an excellent avatar..... :p
I almost tore K26 a new asshole.... until I realized it wasn't you.
I will not take my phone into your home.
I will not take my phone into your business.
Are you serious? When I go to my insurance agency, it usually takes me 25 minutes to ask to see my agent because the administrator is on the phone. What makes it OK for them and not me?
Also, why do callers get top priority over people who come in? It seems weird to snub someone standing right there, probably waiting to buy something, in favor of someone calling in to see if they've got a product or check a price.
When visiting you, I'll leave my phone in the car if you'll disconnect your phone for the duration I'm there. Sound fair?
I'll use my phone whenever the fock I feel like it. ;)
Call between the hours of 8 and Noon'ish though and you'll be getting the voicemail. Becuase I don't use my phone while sleeping in.
Dave, did you ever figure out why it's rude to butt your smokes on people's eyelids?
I learned very quickly that a cell phone puts you on everyone elses schedule. and I refuse to own one. my off time is mine NOT YOURS!!!!
Amen! :cool:
I have a pay as you go phone and haven't used it in over a year. It sits in a drawer. I bought it because I had a boat engine that was less than reliable and needed to be able to call for help. :D
Before that, I had a work cell phone. Free cell phoning was cool for about a year and then it became a huge pain in the ass.
Now about this phone stuff. I agree if you are on a date and she's yackin on the phone it's not a good thing.
I couldn't agree more, baby. :)
If she isn't interested in spending uninterrupted time with you, then there's no point going on a date. Of course, taking a call when you're just kicking back for a lazy afternoon is a whole different deal than taking a call when you're out for a romantic dinner.
OK... here's mine...
I don't think it's OK to use your piece of shit phone in a restaurant. If you have to yell for the other person to hear you... that's not acceptable. It's not acceptable to yell in a restaurant without a phone... what makes it acceptable with one? If you're on a job site with heavy equipment running... feel free to yell your lungs into a thick foam. If you can speak on the phone at regular conversational levels... that's cool with me... unless I'm trying to have a conversation with you.
We need some toilet related telephony rules. I've called people who have been on the crapper. Some phones are far more sensitive to ambient noise than others. Hearing that stuff doesn't really bother me but if you're going to play the deuce while on the phone, I had better hear you wash your hands. If not, I won't shake your hand if we ever meet.

11-05-2005, 12:40 PM
You didn't do us any good here. In Vegas they smoke anywhere and everywhere: restaurants/bars, casinos, your boat, your car, etc. But the theory is smoking and gambling go together like salt and pepper.
The cell phone thing is really getting out of control. People now have something clamped to their ears so they can talk 24/7. Walk up to one of them and they seem to be talking to themselves. Cell phones are the greatest thing since the invention of fire, but there seems to be no etiquite. Some people use phones at the most inappropriate times. I may be a DOM but I'm a gentleman DOM
Cell phones and headsets have made those of us that talk to ourselves normal members of society. :D
No longer are we the social pariahs we once were. No more stares or hushed wispers and finger pointing while I argue with my demons over what evil plan I will execute tonight... I just look like an everyday joe... goin' about his bizness, yakking away on my cell phone...

11-05-2005, 01:00 PM
sleek, thats funny. Maybe we should put ear sets on everyone who talks to themselves and make it PC

11-05-2005, 01:12 PM
she called me baby! :rollside: :p :rollside:
btw, no green eggs and ham on the roach coach today. But the taco's are good
Wait till Monday, then the taco's should be green!! Not ham, but......

11-05-2005, 01:17 PM
I almost tore K26 a new asshole.... until I realized it wasn't you.
Are you serious? When I go to my insurance agency, it usually takes me 25 minutes to ask to see my agent because the administrator is on the phone. What makes it OK for them and not me?
Also, why do callers get top priority over people who come in? It seems weird to snub someone standing right there, probably waiting to buy something, in favor of someone calling in to see if they've got a product or check a price.
When visiting you, I'll leave my phone in the car if you'll disconnect your phone for the duration I'm there. Sound fair?
Dave, did you ever figure out why it's rude to butt your smokes on people's eyelids?
Amen! :cool:
I have a pay as you go phone and haven't used it in over a year. It sits in a drawer. I bought it because I had a boat engine that was less than reliable and needed to be able to call for help. :D
Before that, I had a work cell phone. Free cell phoning was cool for about a year and then it became a huge pain in the ass.
I couldn't agree more, baby. :)
If she isn't interested in spending uninterrupted time with you, then there's no point going on a date. Of course, taking a call when you're just kicking back for a lazy afternoon is a whole different deal than taking a call when you're out for a romantic dinner.
OK... here's mine...
I don't think it's OK to use your piece of shit phone in a restaurant. If you have to yell for the other person to hear you... that's not acceptable. It's not acceptable to yell in a restaurant without a phone... what makes it acceptable with one? If you're on a job site with heavy equipment running... feel free to yell your lungs into a thick foam. If you can speak on the phone at regular conversational levels... that's cool with me... unless I'm trying to have a conversation with you.
We need some toilet related telephony rules. I've called people who have been on the crapper. Some phones are far more sensitive to ambient noise than others. Hearing that stuff doesn't really bother me but if you're going to play the deuce while on the phone, I had better hear you wash your hands. If not, I won't shake your hand if we ever meet.
....Brown needs a phone because of the unstable nature of his OUTBOARD.......lol
I am encouraging others to adopt my avatar as well.... :D

11-05-2005, 01:46 PM
Nobody ever calls me anyway. :notam:
how could you hear a cell in you pocket it's got to be at least 5' from your ear :D

11-05-2005, 01:50 PM
... coined the phrase (twenty five plus years ago), heard by every hostess in every restaurant in So Cal, "no smoking, no children". Well, the no smoking thing worked out, we're still working on the no children thing; I got a lot of flack from you mothers who said your children are perfect, so we'll let that go. Now, I've got a new pet peeve to run past you. I've kind of had it with cell phone etiquette. Some of you, and you know who you are, use your cell phones anywhere and everywhere. Enough! Here's where I promise I will not use a cell phone:
I will not take my phone on your boat.
I will not take my phone into any restaurant.
I will not take my phone into the hospital when I visit you.
I will not take my phone into your home.
I will not take my phone into your business.
Well, thats only a start. Anyone got any thoughts on the subject?
Lets establish some rules here. Rudeness is getting out of hand! Put down your phones and be civil once again...
I need to talk to you :smile:

11-05-2005, 02:03 PM
We need some toilet related telephony rules. I've called people who have been on the crapper. .
Too bad you're not joking on this one, I've been in the crapper with someone next to me yaking away, unreal :jawdrop:

11-05-2005, 02:05 PM
Too bad you're not joking on this one, I've been in the crapper with someone next to me yaking away, unreal :jawdrop:
one ear can hear you shittin!

11-05-2005, 02:12 PM
Good point....
Some women it seems.....sorry to be so sexist...think they can't drive a car without yacking on the cell phone.....and half the time they got a Starbucks coffee in the other hand.....very dangerous and annoying. :2purples: :
You are right, that was SEXIST. :rolleyes:
I took one really hot girl out to Ruth's Chris in Newport Beach, I'm dying for a great steak and more.....we are having drinks in the bar, she gets a call from someone, not an emergency, and talks for 15 minutes....i'm pissed.
We sit at our table, we order dinner and her phone rings, and she starts talking again (not an emergency...just gabbing away), I get up, pay for the drinks, tell the waiter to cancel my order and serve her if she still wants her food, and split.
She called me later and i don't answer....she calls me the next day and I tell her, "you are too rude for me and don't call me anymore".
...And she deserved what she got. That is extremely rude...........