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11-26-2005, 04:44 PM
California is going downhill fast:
Calif. seeks to ban kids as medical interpreters
New rules would only allow children to translate in emergencies
The Associated Press
Updated: 5:27 p.m. ET Nov. 2, 2005
MERCED, Calif. - Laotian refugee Ker Moua, ailing and unable to speak English, enlisted her 12-year-old son as her medical interpreter.
"She tells me where it hurts and then we go to the doctor together. But I don't really know what a uterus is," said her son, Jue, whose English is peppered with words from his sixth-grade textbooks and the football field.
"She tells me things I don't know how to say. Sometimes I tell the doctor something else."
His mother's problem was diagnosed as a prolapsed uterus, the result of bearing 14 children. She began taking medication in the doses her son described, but soon felt so dizzy she couldn't get out of bed for two days.
Jue's mistranslation of the doctor's orders caused his mother to take the wrong amount of medicine. While the error didn't cause lasting harm, it's exactly the kind of problem California medical officials want to correct.
The use of children as medical interpreters is a common practice in immigrant-rich states such as California. Yet recent research has described the potentially lethal consequences of faulty translations.
Now California is considering rules that would prevent children from interpreting at private hospitals, doctors' offices or clinics. The rules would not apply in emergencies.
This month, the California Department of Managed Health Care is holding hearings on the proposed regulations. A group representing the state's largest managed care plans estimates the bold proposal to hire qualified translators could cost $15 million.
California would be the first state to implement such a wide-ranging ban, said Mara Youdelman, attorney with the National Health Law Program in Washington. Other states have restrictions, but none goes as far as California's proposal. Rhode Island, for example, requires all hospitals to provide interpreters older than 16, but the rule does not extend to doctor's offices or clinics.
Experts say children lack the vocabulary and emotional maturity to serve as effective interpreters. In a state in which 40 percent of the population speaks a language other than English at home, policy makers say California could set a national precedent.
"The federal government has acknowledged it's a form of discrimination not to provide adequate interpretation," said Dr. Glenn Flores, who directs the Center for the Advancement of Underserved Children at the Medical College of Wisconsin. "States around the country will be saying that if California finally does something about it, we can do it, too."
Who will pay for those services is expected to be a key point of debate in the months ahead.
"This is going to be a battle," said Cindy Ehnes, director of the Department of Managed Health Care, which regulates the industry. "There is no question that hospitals are extremely concerned about additional costs."
Many hospitals already are using cheaper alternatives, such as telephone or video interpreter services. But the health care industry says the new rules could raise the cost for everyone.
If approved, the new rules could take effect in March and would require private health plans to provide patients with trained, adult interpreters.
The rules also concern physicians worried about the costs of professional interpreters. Some could be forced to end services to immigrants who don't speak English, said Tom Riley, director of government relations at the California Academy of Family Physicians, which represents family doctors.
"You may be the doc in the trenches doing all the right things, caring for a diverse limited-English-proficient population, but you could be hit by this bill in a way that you cannot economically survive," he said.
The estimated $15 million in costs doesn't even include the cost of a measure state Assemblyman Leland Yee is proposing. The Los Angeles Democrat's bill would prevent children from translating for their parents at hospitals and clinics that get public funding.
"I was extremely uncomfortable when my parents asked me to interpret for them," said Yee, whose parents spoke Cantonese. "We have got to understand that it is not an appropriate role for children."
Support for a prohibition against child interpreters is not universal.
State Sen. Abel Maldonado, R-Santa Maria, said there should be a place in the health care system for children to translate for their parents, if that's what the family wants.
For years, Maldonado interpreted for his father, a former guest worker who speaks only Spanish.
"To have a bill in place that would keep a person like me away from their father or mother, I just can't agree with," Maldonado said.
© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
© 2005 MSNBC.com
URL: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9900118/
What this means is that any health care provider must have a certified interpreter for any patient that needs one. Viet Namese, Spanish, Catonese, Eskimo, Ebonics, whatever. Keep in mind that Insurance won't cover the costs of the intpreter, and the Doctor, Hospital or clinic will have to bear the cost, because you know the patient isn't going to pay for it.
Health care costs for the rest of California will go up, or be nearly impossible to obtain, as Doctors and Hospitals shut down or move out because of the ridiculous requirements forced upon them by liberal do-gooders who want to multi-culturalize every facet of life. :mad:
Will the last English speaking person out of California, please turn the lights off.

11-26-2005, 06:03 PM
While I, too agree that proper communication is vital to proper health care, the bill would require Certified translators. Not just someone down the hall that speaks Spanish.
And if an Icelandic person needs care, it's up to the Hospital/Doctor to find , hire, and pay a Certified Icelandic interpreter. Or Congolese, or Zimbabwie, or any of the hundreds of dialects spoken throughout the world.
My feelings are that if a person doesn't feel it's important to learn English in an English speaking country, they should provide their own interpreter, and not lay it on the rest of us.
I would be most alarmed that 40% of the population of California doesn't speak English. And we are all paying to enable them to continue, and not bother with learning the language.

11-26-2005, 06:21 PM
Boatcop, if you can't find someone who speaks Zimbabwien, try an old Rhodesian guy, its pretty close. (I get smart mouth after two wines with dinner)...ps, I had the opportuity to race boats (Rayson Craft) in So Africa a few years back, and they have two languages; English and Africans. Everyone there MUST speak both...

11-26-2005, 06:23 PM
F uck that if you in the US learn to speak English or take your chances
thats how it works in every other county if you don't speak the language

11-26-2005, 06:36 PM
Good luck finding a hospital in any non-third world country where the doctors DON'T speak English.
would the doctors speak French in Germany or even have a way to interpit
I think not

11-26-2005, 06:52 PM
The quote was 40% of the population speaks a language OTHER than English at home. That doesn't mean they don't speak English. My Grandmother doesn't speak English at home, but she speaks excellent English. That was meant to inflame the reader. I would GUESS that the percentage of the population that doesn't speak English is in the 10-15% range.
Wrong in the state of California!!

11-26-2005, 06:52 PM
would the doctors speak French in Germany or even have a way to interpit
I think not
Apples to Oranges to the U.S. don't you think?

11-26-2005, 07:00 PM
well in san diego the first thing they ask may i see your insurance card
while you are trying to find it, some dumb ass that cant speak english
let alone never has and insurance card goes right on by and gets care
my .02

11-26-2005, 07:14 PM
If you come to this country to make a better life for yourself, then do it, but not at the expense of the rest of us. Learn to speak the language and assimilate, otherwise, get the F out.

11-26-2005, 07:34 PM
In this country we speak english...If they can't speak english too bad. I beleave that in order to imagrate to this country you must speak english...ppl here illeagal should not get any kind of treat ment. It cost them nothing. This year I was rear ended and spent 2 days in the hospitol. By a older asian man that could not speak english and did not have ins or a DL, I was a dummy for not haveing unins but i could not afford it at that time. It cost me 23k, I did not qualify for help so I am paying it my self( 657 a month and no more then 2k in assets is the cut off for 1 person). Its one of the main reason why I am broke. I pay almsot 500 a month thats basicly a week wroth of work after taxs and expences. I don't have a prob with paying the bill. Its my bill I should pay it. I just don't think its right that some 1 that walked across the boreder and gets hurt get free health care. I say let them take their chances with thier kids.

Mod VP
11-26-2005, 07:50 PM
Sorry to hear about your situation.
I'm going to get out of this discussion, it's like hitting my head against a wall. I'll leave by saying I hope none of you are ever put into a situation where you don't receive the best medical, legal, or educational assistance because of a perceived shortcoming on your part. Makes me kind of sad to know that I carried a weapon for the greatest country on the face of the earth when I see how some people would like to treat others.
What do you mean by that,do you think it's fair "HE" had to pay for an illegal,uninsured driver ???

11-26-2005, 08:15 PM
Sorry to hear about your situation.
I'm going to get out of this discussion, it's like hitting my head against a wall. I'll leave by saying I hope none of you are ever put into a situation where you don't receive the best medical, legal, or educational assistance because of a perceived shortcoming on your part. Makes me kind of sad to know that I carried a weapon for the greatest country on the face of the earth when I see how some people would like to treat others.
you carried a weapon for the citizens of the greatest country on the face of the earth
not the virus that infects the US the illegal immigrant
any one that come hear legally should speak English it was mandatory at one time
and any illegals should get the boot not a free ride

11-26-2005, 08:18 PM
I see it this way, everyone in America has rights, like the one to learn to speak English or take someone to the doctor who does. I wouldn't go to Germany, Spain, France or elsewhere and live and then expect them to learn to communicate with me in English. Enough is enough.

11-26-2005, 09:29 PM
I meant just what I wrote, that I'm sorry to hear about his unfortunate situations, both the accident and the financial problem.
I'm not sure what somebody getting rear ended by an uninsured motorist has to do with ensuring that people receive proper medical attention.
They are. Its just not getting translated too them correctly. It should not be Doctor that provides the translator. There are so many diffrent langues out there that it would take a staff of 20+ just too cover them all. At 50k a year in pay and 25k more for every thing else thats 75k a year. Thats 1.5 mil a year. Now since most of the ppl that can not speak english don't pay for health care, who pays. YOU AND ME!!!
My big gripe is that some 1 can be here illeagal and get free health care, and some 1 that is working class has a choice of working thier ass off or filing bankrupcy to pay the bill.

11-27-2005, 08:23 AM
Wouldn't a central phone bank That could foreward the Dr. to a person fluent in the languangage be the cheapest wat to go .Who knows what 3rd world country it would be based in ?

Mohave Vice
11-27-2005, 10:07 AM
Wouldn't a central phone bank That could foreward the Dr. to a person fluent in the languangage be the cheapest wat to go .Who knows what 3rd world country it would be based in ?
Good point!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-27-2005, 10:17 AM
I meant just what I wrote, that I'm sorry to hear about his unfortunate situations, both the accident and the financial problem.
I'm not sure what somebody getting rear ended by an uninsured motorist has to do with ensuring that people receive proper medical attention.
I too would like to see everyone here receive proper medical attention. The problem is that we have totally lost control of WHO is here. I think that this is what everyone is complaining about. I personally am to the point that I believe that if you are here illegal and need urgent medical care that we should do what is reasonable to get them stable enough for a 1 way bus ride back home. That goes for more than just medical treatment. If a person is illegal and they show up for anything where they are recognized as illegal that transaction should end with a one way bus ticket. If a person comes here and wants to contribute and respect our country then come on in. A part of that is realizing that if you want to come here and prosper then you have to WORK and learn to speak the language. We can not AFFORD to try and accomodate every culture and language on the face of the earth. I have worked on a lot of construction sites with hispanics who were illegal, but did speak the language. The main reason they are illegal is because it takes so long to become legal. I think we should develop a standardized test to administer for instant citizenship. Make sure they can read/write english, Speak and understand it and make sure they are able to work and pay taxes. Once they are citizens we should round up 2 to 5 people currently enrolled in welfare and send them to mexico. Reduce our welfare expenditures, increase our tax base and the extra lazy ****ers we send back to mexico will become enough of a burden there that they may actually try policing their own borders...... :crossx: