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View Full Version : What's the deal with the classifieds?

Cole Sanger
11-28-2005, 06:51 PM
I went to add my boat to the classifieds section. It makes you register and says "Why Register?" and gives three answers. The first one is FREE POSTING OF ADS. So I register and select New Ad. There is a note that say I am out of credits and I can buy them if I click a button. That's not free in the first place. I decided to pay the $15 for one ad. Then I get an error after I try to pay. What's the deal? :mad:

11-28-2005, 06:58 PM
i got the error also.. so your not alone.

Cole Sanger
11-29-2005, 05:49 PM
I just have to say that someone is paying attention to us on here. I e-mailed the webmaster last night with this problem. They got back to me today. Seems like it was an issue with the new upload to the system and the free part was not taken out. I didn't expect the posting to be free anyway. The good news is that they were upstanding and gave me a few credits for bringing it to their attention and I have successfully put my boat on the classifieds section under BOATS - 1972 Sanger Flat Bottom V-Drive or http://www.***boat.com/classifieds/detail.php?siteid=1046
How's that for a little SPAM? :rollside: :)