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06-06-2006, 06:50 PM
I hate when I have to use a Port-O-Potty on a job site and that blue water 3' down splashes back :notam: ...musta been some big Scudd Missile I launched eh. :2purples: ....ker-plunk :rollside:
Luckly I had my anit-bacterial Lemon scented Wet-Naps at the ready...(I know what you're thinking)...what a guy ;)

06-06-2006, 06:53 PM
Betcha Brown has some advice to avoid that situation for ya. :)

06-06-2006, 06:54 PM
if the shitter is clean,this is when splash back happens most,there is also a fresh supply of paper.So just unroll one of the rolls in the blue lagoon.Makes a nice"pillow" effect for your biscuits.Unless youve just eaten of the lunch truck,then your screwed,never enough time to build a pillow

06-06-2006, 06:56 PM
if the shitter is clean,this is when splash back happens most,there is also a fresh supply of paper.So just unroll one of the rolls in the blue lagoon.Makes a nice"pillow" effect for your biscuits.Unless youve just eaten of the lunch truck,then your screwed,never enough time to build a pillow

06-06-2006, 06:58 PM
of jobsites,I know all the tricks :rollside:

06-06-2006, 07:05 PM
if the shitter is clean,this is when splash back happens most,...
Not clean...there was a couple (floaters) lurkin down there. Didn't want to spend toooooo much time looking at someone elses turds while I was covering them up with TP for a nights sleep.
One things for sure...(if) the Tidy Bowl Man was down there...I sunk em. :crossx:

06-06-2006, 07:12 PM
The only up side to the porta crapper up here in Flagstaff is in winter they freeze up. No splash or week old stink.
In the summer I'd rather crap next to it than in it.

06-06-2006, 07:14 PM
I hate when I have to use a Port-O-Potty on a job site and that blue water 3' down splashes back :notam: ...musta been some big Scudd Missile I launched eh. :2purples: ....ker-plunk :rollside:
Luckly I had my anit-bacterial Lemon scented Wet-Naps at the ready...(I know what you're thinking)...what a guy ;)
Got to think you need a tetnus or some antibiotics when you get the up-splash.

06-06-2006, 07:26 PM
Got to think you need a tetnus or some antibiotics when you get the up-splash.
sores in the slash area,but thats a completely different website

JB in so cal
06-06-2006, 07:34 PM
sores in the slash area,but thats a completely different website
OMFG. :) :rollside: That was pretty funny!!!

06-06-2006, 08:09 PM
I hate when I have to use a Port-O-Potty on a job site and that blue water 3' down splashes back ...musta been some big Scudd Missile I launched eh. ....ker-plunk
Luckly I had my anti-bacterial Lemon scented Wet-Naps at the ready...(I know what you're thinking)...what a guy
... and psychic too! :cool:
Sounds like you got some good advice for future avoidance but yeah way to go on the preparedness and all!
.... :idea: I don't think the pillow idea would work too well on a Greyhound bus potty while the bus is in motion (slosh slosh :supp: ). Try spending three days on a bus and NOT need to resort to using it :yuk: (I only did what I hadda do.) . There's only one potty on those buses - men have terrible aim on steady ground ... understand? :( I gotta waste my hand sanitiser and ant-bacterial wipes both before and after. Ever try to clean a bathroom during ... an earthquake yeah that's close to it ... and keep your balance and not touch anything with your bare hands and succeed in not messing your pants even though you REALLY gotsta go now? I have. :squiggle: I should get a survival T-shirt maybe? :D
Your http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v56/FMluvswaterbabe/HDforever.gif forever :D ,
~FM :smile:

06-06-2006, 10:30 PM
TMI, MR Hammer

06-07-2006, 04:18 PM
... and psychic too! :cool:
Sounds like you got some good advice for future avoidance but yeah way to go on the preparedness and all!
.... :idea: I don't think the pillow idea would work too well on a Greyhound bus potty while the bus is in motion (slosh slosh :supp: ). Try spending three days on a bus and NOT need to resort to using it (I only did what I hadda do.) . There's only one potty on those buses - men have terrible aim on steady ground ... understand? :( I gotta waste my hand sanitiser and ant-bacterial wipes both before and after. Ever try to clean a bathroom during ... an earthquake yeah that's close to it ... and keep your balance and not touch anything with your bare hands and succeed in not messing your pants even though you REALLY gotsta go now? I have. I should get a survival T-shirt maybe? :D
Your http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v56/FMluvswaterbabe/HDforever.gif forever :D ,
~FM :smile:
FYI...I learned a new trick. A simple Wal-Mart plastic bag....grab it by the handles and pull it up between your legs...front to back, and let-er rip :rollside:

06-11-2006, 06:53 PM
FYI...I learned a new trick. A simple Wal-Mart plastic bag....grab it by the handles and pull it up between your legs...front to back, and let-er rip :rollside:
:D LMFAO! Thanks HammerDown! :D
Your http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v56/FMluvswaterbabe/HDforever.gif forever :D ,
~FM :smile:

Lavey Huffer
06-11-2006, 08:25 PM
well if it really splashes good ,you end up with easter egg nuts!