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View Full Version : Kite Tube Ban- -Lake Powell

06-16-2006, 11:28 AM
Remember the post I made the other day on Kite-Tubes? Due to the recent surge in accidents and serious injuries at Lake Powell the NPS has initiated a ban on Kite Tubing and similar activities.
Service Prohibits “Kite Tubing” at Glen Canyon.
Measure Deemed Necessary after Evaluation of Recent Accidents
Page, Ariz. –The National Park Service has prohibited “kite tubing” at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, after careful evaluation of recent accidents involving this new activity. The restriction is effective immediately and applies to the entire park, including Lake Powell.
“Kite tubing has proven itself to be extremely dangerous,” said Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Superintendent Kitty Roberts. “Ensuring the safety of our visitors is always the top priority of the National Park Service. There are many other, far safer ways to enjoy Glen Canyon – from waterskiing, to fishing, to exploring narrow side canyons”
Kite tubes are large, round inflated tubes towed by a boat at 20-40 mph. The user holds onto the kite tube as it rises into the air, 15-60 feet from the surface of the water. Controlling a kite tube is extremely challenging, and the slightest upset in its balance causes the kite tube to violently fall into the water. The fall can be particularly traumatic, due to the height (often 30 feet or higher), forward speed (35-40 mph), and the unusual position at which victims may hit the water.
Park rangers first observed kite tubes at Glen Canyon in April of this year. Since that time, four individuals have been airlifted from the park with serious injuries, and there have been reports of additional minor injuries.
The restriction applies to any device which is towed by a boat and allows the user to take flight. This includes the Wego Kite Tube, manufactured by SportsStuff, Inc., and the Manta, manufactured by Sevylor. The restriction also applies to parasailing and kite boarding.
The kite tubing restriction was instituted using the Superintendent’s Compendium, which allows the park superintendent to establish regulations to provide for public health and safety, protect park resources, and to avoid conflicts among visitor uses. The Superintendent’s Compendium is updated on an annual basis or more frequently when necessary. The complete 2006 Superintendent’s Compendium is located on Glen Canyon National Recreation Area’s website at: www.nps.gov/glca by clicking “Management Docs.”
- www.nps.gov/glca -

06-16-2006, 11:32 AM
Makes sense to me...those things are just too dangerous...

06-16-2006, 11:38 AM
Is this for the device itself, or does it apply to the act of being airborne. Meaning is it ok to be towed behind an inner tube, just not fast enough for it to leave the water???

06-16-2006, 11:48 AM
Is this for the device itself, or does it apply to the act of being airborne. Meaning is it ok to be towed behind an inner tube, just not fast enough for it to leave the water???
The way I read it, it applies to any device that is designed to take flight and remain airborne, through use of aerodynamics.
Those that allow the user to "get air" from jumping the wake (wake boards) or hydrofoil means (such as the Air-Chair or Sky-Ski) will still be allowed.

06-16-2006, 01:10 PM
I'm surprised that they rolled Parasailing into it.. that activity has gone on for years on the lake with little notice. Now suddenly anything that flies is evil... go figure..

Some Kind Of Monster
06-16-2006, 01:22 PM
Hmmmm, all this yet it's still legal for a 12 year old (or anyone without a drivers license) to pilot a 2000hp rocket-of-a-boat all by himself.

06-16-2006, 02:02 PM
Nice leave it to a couple of assjockey ****tards to screw up some one eleses fun. Let the dumb asses kill themselves then the rest of us can use them like they were intended. At low speed and skim just above the water. You would think that the powers to be would be able to figure out that you can make as many laws as you want but you cant make it illegal to be a fricken stupid jackass. :mad:

06-16-2006, 02:07 PM
Oh yeah I almost forgot F U C K Kitty Roberts :mad:

06-16-2006, 03:31 PM
Figured was only a matter of time.

06-16-2006, 04:01 PM
Figured was only a matter of time.
x2 :boxed:
I was just in West Marine in Newport Beach yesterday and they have the Ray on display. I told the sales guy "days are numbered" he calls BS on me so I quoted that we used to ride "3 Wheelers" in the desert. Banned. He said what's a Three Wheeler? Man am I getting old.
He also said they are selling about 15 of those things a week. Right now they are on special for the just the cost of one arm. Then later apparently a broken neck.

06-16-2006, 04:07 PM
x2 :boxed:
I was just in West Marine in Newport Beach yesterday and they have the Ray on display. I told the sales guy "days are numbered" he calls BS on me so I quoted that we used to ride "3 Wheelers" in the desert. Banned. He said what's a Three Wheeler? Man am I getting old.
He also said they are selling about 15 of those things a week. Right now they are on special for the just the cost of one arm. Then later apparently a broken neck.
Watch how fast they're all pulled from the shelves when the makers (Sevylor, SportsStuff, etc) and the distributors (West Marine, Overtons's, etc) start getting named in lawsuits.
There's those magic litigation phrases.... "Knew or should have known....." and "failed to effectively warn...."

Wake Havasu
06-16-2006, 06:19 PM
If Kitty is so concerned about Public safety why doesnÂ’t she make the Captains of the Aramark Tour boats comply with AZ and UT boat law?
Ever been in a narrow canyon ( Like Navajo) and had the Canyon Princess blast by only 30 feet away and swamp you?
I have.
And many others have as well, start reading at Waynes Words.
"Knew or should have known....." and "failed to effectively warn...."

06-16-2006, 07:43 PM
Watch how fast they're all pulled from the shelves when the makers (Sevylor, SportsStuff, etc) and the distributors (West Marine, Overtons's, etc) start getting named in lawsuits.
There's those magic litigation phrases.... "Knew or should have known....." and "failed to effectively warn...."
Yep...the liability insurance costs for those things has to be through the roof.
I remember years ago on a single ski trying to jump wakes thinking were all that. Roll forward 30 years and if your not getting at least 15' of air on something your just a poser.
BC...your going to have a busy summer.

06-16-2006, 08:59 PM
BC...your going to have a busy summer.
And this would be different from any other, how?????

06-16-2006, 09:44 PM
I was wondering how long this was going to take....I mean are you really that dumb, to fly one of those things 20ft+ above the water. Or at speeds above 40 mph... falling on a ski at 40 stings. Its going to hurt alot more from 30 ft in the air. thats like adding 10-15mph to the inpact...
I wonder if I can pick one up cheaped used in that area... :idea: :)

No Name
06-16-2006, 09:47 PM
I wonder if all the people that have already bought them will be able to return them for a refund after the rest of the lakes and rivers ban them.

Wet Dream
06-17-2006, 06:08 AM
It states right in the ad..."Never kite higher than you are willing to fall."
The thing would most likely NEVER get banned in PA, but you never know.

06-17-2006, 12:22 PM
And this would be different from any other, how?????
Point taken :D :mix:

Wake Havasu
06-17-2006, 02:22 PM
I beleive more people have died or been serioulsy injured due to smoking.
Will the NPS ban smoking?

06-17-2006, 02:31 PM
I think more people have also died from thinking they can swim farther than they can. I supose they will ban swimming next. :mad:

06-17-2006, 02:32 PM
I beleive more people have died or been serioulsy injured due to smoking.
Will the NPS ban smoking?
These were 3 young males around their 20's and a female age 14 on Powell. I doubt they are going to die from smoking at that age, and I doubt many 80 year olds dying from lung cancer are going to be kite tubing. :rollside:

06-17-2006, 04:41 PM
of course you can get lung cancer from other things as well. So maybe they will outlaw beathing next. Then they can make everyone safe from lung cancer.

06-17-2006, 04:45 PM
Maybe we should just ban being alive.........it's hazardous to your health!!! :crossx: :crossx:

06-17-2006, 04:55 PM
Fn sucks i plan on going to powell in july we do it every year since 87 and i wanted to by a mantra or a kite tube to play with.
anything can be dangerous and in my words if it aint dangerous it aint fun!!Stupidity plays parts in accidents with these go to fast you fly high follow the rules you get scared but have fun.
probably still going to buy a mantra and use it alot of places there to be low pro.

06-17-2006, 05:31 PM
:crossx: I was going to buy one or the other, Manta Ray or Wego Kite tube and be fore I did I started wondering about crashes...how bad would they be, what was the potential for injury. I posted several times in several forums and we seem to have hit the motherlode ofinput here at Trailer Boats .com. Please check this out especially if you are planning to let other people ride your new toy. For $500.00 you can get a couple of cool tubes or other toys that won't require a trip in a chopper or hearse. I was really bummed when I got all this disapointing news, but I am glad I got it before I bought one for my kids.

06-17-2006, 06:27 PM
While I do not want to see any lawsuites over these things, I do think they go too far. I have seen people hurt by catching air in more basic tubes. The problem I see is that we expect thrills and excitement, but when the risk becomes reality, we want to find someone else to blame. And the lawyers are always there to oblige.

07-17-2006, 10:45 AM
You know if its banned on Mullet Mountain its got to be dangerous.... :rolleyes: :rollside:
Kite Tubing Banned on New Hogan Reservoir.
By Rachael Rajewski
Monday, July 17, 2006 9:52 AM CDT
Kite tubing, a new form of extreme water sport that emerged this year, has been banned on all waters under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which includes New Hogan Reservoir.
While no incidents have been reported at New Hogan, multiple states have cited several injuries and at least two deaths as a result of this new activity.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District commander, Col. Ron Light, has implemented a temporary ban through the remainder of this recreational season, and it will remain in affect until the safety of kite tubing can be better assured.
“Public safety is our No. 1 concern and kite tubing has proven itself to be extremely dangerous. This activity will be prohibited on Sacramento District lakes until the product is better designed for control and stability, and until proper training can be established,” Light said.
Kite tubes are large inflatable saucers with a solid fabric floor in the bottom. As the tube is pulled forward from underneath, the front of the tube is lifted into the air. As speed increases, the entire tube is lifted into the air like a kite with the rider on top. The lack of lateral stability and controls can result in the tube overturning or throwing the rider.
Kite tubing has been described by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission as “extremely dangerous.”
Earlier this week, officials at New Hogan had to lasso in their first kite tuber since the ban went into effect.
“That was really the first time I’ve ever seen (a kite tuber) out here,” said Duane Johnson, resource manager at New Hogan. “To prevent (further kite tubing), we went out on a patrol boat and informed them of our policy and asked them to remove it.”
Kite tubing was also banned at the CorpsÂ’ Tulsa, Little Rock and Vicksburg DistrictÂ’s lakes last week, citing the potential for serious injuries caused by uncontrolled flight of these devices.
“Many kite tubing injuries are the direct result of the tubes reaching heights of 20 to 30 feet at tow speeds of 25 miles per hour and then rolling into an uncontrollable dive,” a Tulsa district news release stated. “These dives can reach speeds in excess of 50 miles per hour with passengers receiving serious injuries from the impact.”
The National Park Service also has banned kite tubing from its Glen Canyon National Recreation area after four people were airlifted to hospitals in a three-week span. The Park Service reported three of the victims had life-threatening injuries.
The Park Service’s safety alert noted, “all victims were using the kite tubes as directed when they suddenly lifted to dangerous heights, became unstable, and plunged down to the water surface. The injuries seen are consistent with deceleration impact events that cause internal trauma. Victims have reported coughing up blood, torn muscles, whiplash type injuries, broken ribs, punctured lungs and cervical fractures.”
Along with New Hogan, the kite tubing ban is now in effect at the following Sacramento Districts lakes in California: Black Butte Lake, Engle bright Lake, Martis Creek Lake, Eastman Lake, Hensley Lake, Pine Flat, Stanislaus River parks, Lake Kaweah and Lake Success.
The Bureau of Reclamation, which oversees recreation activities at New Melones Lake doesnÂ’t yet have a policy concerning kite tubing, but it is well aware of the potential for danger.
“We’re taking a hard look at prohibiting kite tubing on all waters throughout the west in which we manage the recreation side,” said Lynnette Wirth, Deputy Public Affairs Officer with the Bureau of Reclamation. “We don’t have anything out yet that officially prohibits it, be we are strongly encouraging people not to take part in kite tubing.”

07-17-2006, 12:02 PM
Tha manufacturer recalled the WEGO kite tubes last week and is having people cut them apart, send in the pieces and get a different tube in return. It was a "voluntary" recall, but after two deaths, it was just a matter of time.....

07-17-2006, 02:32 PM
I'm surprised that they rolled Parasailing into it.. that activity has gone on for years on the lake with little notice. Now suddenly anything that flies is evil... go figure..
I've been pulling a parasail for 15 years with nothing more than a scrape or bruise. We have a set training procedure for ground crew members, radio communication between the boat and island, and I have an observer in the boat.
We fly from a small island on our lake and also land there. I made some bouys from 4" PVC, painted 'em dayglo with black stripes, and set them up on the landing approach path. I also drive over to anyone floating or fishing in the area and explain what we are doing. They almost always move and are very friendly.
Too bad a few idiots ruin it for the rest of us.....gee, how many times will that be said before all boats are banned.......

07-17-2006, 03:06 PM
If Kitty is so concerned about Public safety why doesnÂ’t she make the Captains of the Aramark Tour boats comply with AZ and UT boat law?
Ever been in a narrow canyon ( Like Navajo) and had the Canyon Princess blast by only 30 feet away and swamp you?
I have.
And many others have as well, start reading at Waynes Words.
"Knew or should have known....." and "failed to effectively warn...."
Yep!.. (well Don would put it that we were handling it well in our boat but the houseboats and smaller boats were being eaten alive ) we were bashed around by the wake of 4 of them the weekend before last!.. 4 with in 10 minutes of each other.. what a washing machine that was!
Oh.. and Park Service won't do anything.. those Tour boats are their "CASH COW'S"

Brian B
03-04-2007, 11:29 AM
Sorry to bump such an old thread but I wanted to mention that I'm 26 years old and can barely walk this year do to some of the events in this kite tubing video! FF to the last 30 seconds for the carnage! These were not the worst falls I had I the thing! Thank god they recalled the thing before I destroyed myself further! My back throbs and hurts just thinking about a freakin kite tube..........

Tom Brown
03-04-2007, 11:31 AM
Kite tubes aren't dangerous. That's just a myth propagated by people who don't own them and don't understand them. I own a kite tube and it's the best tube I've ever owned. Kite tubes just want to be loved.
I have no doubt more people are killed every year from chewing toothpicks than are injured on kite tubes. The statistics prove nothing.

03-04-2007, 11:55 AM
"Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that."
-Homer Simpson

03-04-2007, 12:09 PM
Perhaps we should ban cars, pwc's, boats, motorcycles, airplanes, skydiving, etc. too. Last time I checked quite a few get injured and killed doing dumb shit with those too.

03-07-2007, 01:01 AM
I think there should be an age limit... Or just no children and no pets...

Tom Brown
03-07-2007, 03:26 AM
Nice shot Harry. :D
The great thing about the kite tube is it provides an option for something to do on modestly windy days. When it's calm, there is skiing and wake boarding. When the wind is 15~20 mph, there is kite tubing. In high winds, there is wind surfing. If it's warm, there is something fun to do on the water.
I think the mistake people make is doing it when it's calm. Not only does the tube stick to the water, requiring much more speed to break loose, but it requires a significant amount of forward speed if you're a full grown adult.
We tube in a sheltered cove. You get on, get up to speed (about 25 mph) and start a run. We run to the end of the cove, make a big sweeping turn out of the shelter and into the wind. The tube pops right up. It's super cool.
We generally don't go 30' in the air, although I've been up pretty high. It takes a lot more speed to get the tube to go higher than WIG height which is just a few feet.
When I take my young nephews on the tube (12 & 14), I take them just fast enough to get the tube to lift off the water. They are pretty light so it's not very fast, depending on wind conditions. I'll bet they've never been over 25 mph.
I could see how it would be dangerous if you were to go 50+ mph with no wind but that's just stupid.
- Tom

03-07-2007, 06:11 AM
Nice shot Harry. :D
The great thing about the kite tube is it provides an option for something to do on modestly windy days. When it's calm, there is skiing and wake boarding. When the wind is 15~20 mph, there is kite tubing. In high winds, there is wind surfing. If it's warm, there is something fun to do on the water.
I think the mistake people make is doing it when it's calm. Not only does the tube stick to the water, requiring much more speed to break loose, but it requires a significant amount of forward speed if you're a full grown adult.
We tube in a sheltered cove. You get on, get up to speed (about 25 mph) and start a run. We run to the end of the cove, make a big sweeping turn out of the shelter and into the wind. The tube pops right up. It's super cool.
We generally don't go 30' in the air, although I've been up pretty high. It takes a lot more speed to get the tube to go higher than WIG height which is just a few feet.
When I take my young nephews on the tube (12 & 14), I take them just fast enough to get the tube to lift off the water. They are pretty light so it's not very fast, depending on wind conditions. I'll bet they've never been over 25 mph.
I could see how it would be dangerous if you were to go 50+ mph with no wind but that's just stupid.
- Tom
At the point the tube rider turns blue and vomits from the 2 stroke smoke...do you break for lunch?...:D