View Full Version : Deleted Thread

02-18-2003, 07:04 PM
WOW that was a 1st. eek! eek! eek!
HDD :cool:

02-18-2003, 09:28 PM
I wonder who got to who :rolleyes:

02-18-2003, 09:42 PM
Pretty sad when a guy cant share his experiences and opinions. WTF is the world coming to?.......
I will say one thing. I will "never" buy that brand of product.......
[ February 18, 2003, 09:45 PM: Message edited by: rivercrazy ]

02-18-2003, 11:04 PM
All I can say is...
yuk yuk yuk yuk

02-19-2003, 03:56 PM
DOH! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/kopfpatsch.gif

02-19-2003, 04:27 PM
Where are the terms of use anyway , can't find them?

02-19-2003, 05:07 PM
damage is done. Maybe if (Manufacturer Deleted) would invest a little more in customer satisfaction, they could spend less on attorneys. Word of mouth is a huge factor in boat purchasing, and if they think threatening buyers and publishers with litigation helps their case, they're sadly mistaken.
The preceding opinion is that of the writer, and in no way represents the opinion of ***boat, it's staff, management, or advertisers.

02-19-2003, 05:18 PM
post your story and comp. here. i have nothing to give them if i get sued. :D
Finally with lots of help i have gotten ***boatPICS.COM almost finished. It is up and running but we are still working on a few things. The link direct from the hotboatpics.com domain is not pointed to the site yet but will be soon. This is a no holds bared forum and picture gallery. Please check it out. Add some pictures, and give me feedback on what to do to make it the best it can be. Here is the link. PLEASE keep in mind there will be pictures of an adult nature. If this offends you please stay away from the site.

02-19-2003, 06:19 PM
Are we talking about the SleekCraft thread?
RD No. Did you see the guy at the boat show handing out flyers about a certain manufacturer? He posted the less than flattering personal opinion here, and apparently started a real sh#@ storm. I don't know if he got 86'd, but his thread did.
[ February 19, 2003, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: twistedpair ]

02-19-2003, 10:40 PM
in a two page letter he basicly said the boat company sucked...and that't puting it lightly.

Sandbar Mike
02-20-2003, 07:11 AM
Pretty sad when a guy cant share his experiences and opinions. WTF is the world coming to?.......
I will say one thing. I will "never" buy that brand of product....... thats f**k't

Havasu Luvr
02-20-2003, 08:19 AM
I thought that forums like these are for the benefit of it's viewers, whether good or bad experiences. It is a VERY SAD DAY when a fellow boater shares his/her personal experience to inlighten others of their situation with a boat manufacture. I feel it was a very good feedback as to the business practice of a local business and we as AMERICANS should then weight the pro's & con's as to the truth of the matter. I thought the Berlin Wall fell years ago and opened the doors for "Freedom of Speech" for the world.
To the Moderators: since you have taken the time to read such threads and decided whether it should stay in these forums, maybe you should take the extra time to contact said Manufacture and ask his side of the story to determined what is facts and what is opinion. Then a mature thoughtful decision can be made. I can not believe the censorship conducted in this world. Don't like what you see/read, then DON"T look/read it ! !
Remember our Mem & Women over seas
My $1.05

02-20-2003, 10:01 AM
page 123 in March's hot boat...observer's seat...Kevin says "get on the message boards at ***boat.net and see what other owners are saying..." How can we do that if they start deleting threads.

02-20-2003, 10:03 AM
riverdave...charley might have a copy.

02-20-2003, 10:24 AM
page 123 in March's hot boat...observer's seat...Kevin says "get on the message boards at ***boat.net and see what other owners are saying..." How can we do that if they start deleting threads. A good point. Someone should notify Kevin Spaise that they can see what the other boaters are saying...as long as it's "nice" :mad:

02-20-2003, 11:37 AM
A good point. Someone should notify Kevin Spaise that they can see what the other boaters are saying...as long as it's "nice" :mad: Well that would be consistent with what's published in the mag now wouldn't it!

02-20-2003, 11:46 AM
[ February 21, 2003, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: ***boat ]

02-20-2003, 12:24 PM
I understand that ***boat online doesn't want to be sued, but one of the best things this forum has (had) going for it was the ability to get positive and NEGATIVE press on boat mfgs. from personal experience.
Two thumbs down for deleting the thread.

02-20-2003, 12:32 PM
I do have to say that after the show, *MAFUACTURER NAME DELETED TO AVOID BIG ASS LAWSUIT* had my 90K all locked up but after this I'm not so sure. Why does the word of one disgruntled customer scare them?
Sh!t...I thought word of mouth was important in this biz. I'm spening 90K+ on something, I think that buys me the right to express my opinions.
***boat lost a TON of respect on this one.

Havasu Luvr
02-20-2003, 01:05 PM
Member Rated:
posted February 20, 2003 12:32 PM
I do have to say that after the show, *MAFUACTURER NAME DELETED TO AVOID BIG ASS LAWSUIT* had my 90K all locked up but after this I'm not so sure. Why does the word of one disgruntled customer scare them?
Sh!t...I thought word of mouth was important in this biz. I'm spening 90K+ on something, I think that buys me the right to express my opinions.
***boat lost a TON of respect on this one. Chris, well said.....we now know were ***boat.net loyalties are.

02-20-2003, 01:21 PM
Dave...you know I'm not talking about the makers of your luxury vehicle right? :D

02-20-2003, 01:45 PM
So Chris what's next on your list? You gonna give in to the Force? :D

02-20-2003, 04:20 PM
HL, I just wanted to say that your shockwave is sweet, Love the colors, man!!! :D :D

02-20-2003, 06:21 PM
I was lookin' at *UNNAMED MAUFACTURER TO AVOID A BIG ASS LAWSUIT* really hard. But they lost a ton of my respect for censoring a dissatisfied customer. Probably would have cost them less to make him happy than it did in lawyer fees.
Additionally, and while I'm on my soapbox, why haven't they told their side? In the magazine, on the forums....nothing.
I am being perfectly honest. This issue may have cost them a sale.
On the other hand, I need a ride in a Force to seal the deal....Mike?

02-20-2003, 06:43 PM
Sounds like a job for the modern day John Wayne and Pookee`. We also do "paying detective work". Shit, ya`ll didn`t think that good deads and saving the day puts gas in my Espirit scooter. Not to mention that methadone for Pookee` ain`t all that cheap on the street. Startin` to trade off platinum bullets.

02-20-2003, 06:59 PM
Hey 24rod, If you see me at the river I'll be more than happy to give you a ride in my 29 Force. If you'd like I'll e-mail you a short video clip of my ride. It would be good to have a few more people join the Force!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil

02-20-2003, 07:57 PM
Chris, I'm quite sure that you're not the only one who has been shopping and recently crossed a builder or two off the list. I'm reserving final judgement until the LA show is over and everyone has a chance to get back home and respond to issues that desperately need some answers. I will say that I'm feeling pretty lucky at this point! I'm sure that whatever you end up with will be very nice. You & Sr going in together again or has Pop kicked you off the boat?!?! :D

02-20-2003, 11:15 PM
Watch out bro....I'll take you up on that offer.
Shoot me an email and let me know when you plan on going up over spring break ('cause I know you're gonna be there).
I am reserving judgement until after Demo-Days. I'm still planning on going, I just have to say that any company that uses legal action to silence a disgruntled customer leaves a bad taster in my mouth. That being said, the guy could have been a tool and been lying about the company.
Like I said...I'll wait until Demo days and after I talk to a few people before make the final decision.
As for the Pop and son thing. We are strong as HELL!!! Not to mention half the payment is always attractive :D

02-21-2003, 12:03 AM
Hey 24rodjr(Chris??), I sent you an e-mail.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil

Jr. Salas
02-21-2003, 12:22 AM
I guess they 86'd my letter, but my story is completley true. I have my proof. My boat sits with a F*#!!* up paint job. I never said that the boat sucked, I was just very unhappy with the CUSTOMER SERVICE after they F8*#!!* up my paint. If you would like to see my boat I will be in Havasu for spring break and just about every other weekend. I love boating and I am going to try and enjoy what I can. I wish I still had my Commander.

02-21-2003, 01:15 AM
JR. Salas e-mail me a photo I'd like to see it.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil

02-21-2003, 06:27 AM
JR. Salas e-mail me a photo I'd like to see it.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil Me too.!

Havasu Luvr
02-21-2003, 06:39 AM
Why email this pic.....Post it in here so we all can be the judge on the quality

Sandbar Mike
02-21-2003, 07:00 AM
Dave...you know I'm not talking about the makers of your luxury vehicle right? :D Chris,
Your more than welcome for a ride or a trip with us. We'll be starting up in April, We better be :D I'll let you know

Sandbar Mike
02-21-2003, 07:06 AM
JR. Salas e-mail me a photo I'd like to see it.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil Me too.! Me Three

02-21-2003, 09:44 AM
Hey 24rod, If you see me at the river I'll be more than happy to give you a ride in my 29 Force. If you'd like I'll e-mail you a short video clip of my ride. It would be good to have a few more people join the Force!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil Deano, I wouldn't mind seeing that short video clip also.

02-21-2003, 10:14 AM
Hey Reaper I tried e-mailing you but hotmail does not except files over 4 mbs.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil

02-21-2003, 10:56 AM
Jr, post picture here. Proof is in pudding as they say. Let the board look at them and make comments. This way it's only an oppinion and you can't do anything legally on peoples oppinion (welcome to America). I would like to see your complaint for myself. I'll be at boat show 2/22 are you going to be handing out flyers again? I really think a picture of it would sell the story better than the story. And when you do post just put the picture and no comments. This way they can't say you are making disparging remarks. Good Luck on your problem, I think you came to right place to get it solved.
The only problem with a letter stating what they did to your boat fact or fiction goes down a cloudy legal path. All what your saying might be true but until it is proving in court you have to be careful of what you say and do. If you hand out those flyers and it hurts that company you can be sued for damages no matter if what happened to your boat is true or not. So you see you are on a path that is some what dangerous but it's also for the company you have your problem with. If they take you to court for damages caused by your statements then a judge gets to see evidence of your problem and rules if you have a cause to make these accusations. Trust me if it is as bad as it sounds the boat mfg wants no piece of court action either. But they can threating all they want and that does scare most people away including a third party like these forums owner because they don't have the facts. My advice to you would get a estimate from a good gelcoater to fix your boat correctly and if it is $5000 or less take them to small claims court. Once you get a judgement against said boat mfg then must pay you. But the best part now is you can legally tell your story without any repercussions or threats of law suits as long as the facts were ruled on by a judge and you won. I think if you filed the suit against them they would change their tune once they were served.
"Not a real Lawyer just play one on T.V." :D
[ February 21, 2003, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: BoatFloating ]

02-21-2003, 11:52 AM
Hey Reaper I tried e-mailing you but hotmail does not except files over 4 mbs.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil Send it to agrim@ark-inc.com Hot mail sucks!

02-21-2003, 03:39 PM
Ok Reaper, Shot that short clip of my boat at ya!
Deano Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil

Jr. Salas
02-21-2003, 03:41 PM
I would like to let everyone know that Matt from Magic Powerboats called and said to take my boat down to the shop. The are going to fix my paint. I am going to drop it off on March 1st. I will keep everyone posted on the out come. I am glad they have acknowledged the problem and are now going to help me.

02-21-2003, 03:41 PM
Got it! wink

02-21-2003, 03:48 PM
Thats f*cking awesome Jr. Its good that you had the balls to post your greivances. Its also good that Magic is going to fix the problem. Although a little late but hey they are going to do it and thats what counts most!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) devil

02-22-2003, 08:23 AM
I would like to let everyone know that Matt from Magic Powerboats called and said to take my boat down to the shop. The are going to fix my paint. I am going to drop it off on March 1st. I will keep everyone posted on the out come. I am glad they have acknowledged the problem and are now going to help me. Whhhhaaaaaaattttttt :confused:
It isn't April 1st yet!!! eek!
Well the power of the pen and freedom of speech seems to be working. :D
Glad to here they are doing what they should have done in the 1st place. :D
HDD :cool: