View Full Version : Car Dealers Question...

Cole Sanger
07-15-2006, 01:06 PM
If a dealer gives you a price over the internet - e-mail, are they binded to that deal?
Here is the situation:
Toyota dealer e-mails me to say they can order the car I am looking for a good price (invoice). I e-mail him back to make sure it was exactly what I wanted with the exact options and color I am looking for. Now I have no word from him after I accept the deal. Would the e-mail I received from them hold up in court?

07-15-2006, 01:19 PM
If a dealer gives you a price over the internet - e-mail, are they binded to that deal?
Here is the situation:
Toyota dealer e-mails me to say they can order the car I am looking for a good price (invoice). I e-mail him back to make sure it was exactly what I wanted with the exact options and color I am looking for. Now I have no word from him after I accept the deal. Would the e-mail I received from them hold up in court?
I dont think it would be worth the headache to go to court over a price on a car. Just call him back up and ask whats going on.

Cole Sanger
07-15-2006, 05:45 PM
Your right, it wouldn't be worth the headache for the amount I am going to save, but if I had to, I would like to atleast be able to threaten them with it. If it was a legal contract, then they would probably not push back when I threatened to take them to court. As of this time, I am not too worried about it. I was just wondering hypothetically.

07-15-2006, 05:51 PM
Gee, I wonder, if they can use email to fire people at their place of employment and it stands up in court (not that you would go to court over this), why couldn't you put your foot down and make a stink about them honoring the deal the presented to you.
Oral contract, maybe? I dunno, but it sure does warrant a conversation with the big kahuna at the dealership. Whatcha got to lose? 15 minutes?

07-16-2006, 02:52 PM
I would confirm some more details like.............any setup, delivery fees or other bogus fees. Then, the financing details. Make sure the price isn't only good if you go with their 12% rate or something crazy like that. All in all, definitely put your foot down and expect that quote.