View Full Version : Bridge To Bridge --- What A Difference A Day Makes

Chris Ayres
07-24-2006, 06:25 PM
What a difference a day makes guys and gals. Leading up to B2B I set a personal record for incoming calls on my phone and personal requests. I really was feeling wanted. Now, no one loves me. ALL KIDDING ASIDE I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN B2B 2006. Your efforts are what make this unique event a special day for everyone.
We were treated to some very special times, sights and sounds. I have had a chance to check out some of the feed back, and pictures, and I think we pulled it off in less than ideal conditions. THANKS TO ALL FOR HOLDING UP UNDER THE HEAT AND HUMIDITY.
All of you with great pictures send me the best ones that capture all of the speed, spirit and energy associated with all aspects of the event. Personal shots of people in compromising positions are accepted.
THINK ABOUT THIS===========What would everyone think of future B2B events having all of the official racing action on Saturday even if we finish at 7 in the evening if necessary? We could have the awards party after the event on Saturday. Friday would still be the poker run and Sunday would be a swim day for those that want to hang out and enjoy the area.
MORE LATER----------CHRIS :rollside: :rollside: :rollside: :rollside:

07-24-2006, 06:38 PM
THINK ABOUT THIS===========What would everyone think of future B2B events having all of the official racing action on Saturday even if we finish at 7 in the evening if necessary? We could have the awards party after the event on Saturday. Friday would still be the poker run and Sunday would be a swim day for those that want to hang out and enjoy the area.
I think that would be the ticket. Its usually 100+ degrees every B2B and by Sunday most people are suffering from heat stroke.

07-24-2006, 06:44 PM
What a difference a day makes guys and gals. Leading up to B2B I set a personal record for incoming calls on my phone and personal requests. I really was feeling wanted. Now, no one loves me. ALL KIDDING ASIDE I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN B2B 2006. Your efforts are what make this unique event a special day for everyone.
We were treated to some very special times, sights and sounds. I have had a chance to check out some of the feed back, and pictures, and I think we pulled it off in less than ideal conditions. THANKS TO ALL FOR HOLDING UP UNDER THE HEAT AND HUMIDITY.
All of you with great pictures send me the best ones that capture all of the speed, spirit and energy associated with all aspects of the event. Personal shots of people in compromising positions are accepted.
THINK ABOUT THIS===========What would everyone think of future B2B events having all of the official racing action on Saturday even if we finish at 7 in the evening if necessary? We could have the awards party after the event on Saturday. Friday would still be the poker run and Sunday would be a swim day for those that want to hang out and enjoy the area.
MORE LATER----------CHRIS :rollside: :rollside: :rollside: :rollside:
Definitly was a great event. I think your idea for poker run friday and speed runs Saturday all day till whenever is the best thing I've heard yet. Alot of people like to leave Sunday to get back to there normal lives(If you can call them that)on monday. Especially us So. Cal. guys...we dont like to fight that monday traffic coming back from up north. Needless to say we all appreciate your efforts putting on this event. I dont think you can beat the logistics...everything from restaurants, lodging, boating all in one location makes this one of the best poker run/events around. The turn-out was lower than last years but what do you expect with that horrible Humidity this year. Once again 2 thumbs up for a perfectly run event!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:

07-24-2006, 06:54 PM
heck, i never payed much attention to this event until this weekend. i know i'll be lookin into going next year.

07-24-2006, 07:05 PM
I thought that you did an awesome job pulling off this event. If you're open to requests for next year...it would be nice to get one of those giant canopy tents on the barge at the south end of the docks. It's a huge area and I think more people would hang out there and watch the races if there was some kind of break from the direct sunlight...maybe even have some beer sales there too.

07-25-2006, 06:00 AM
Chris you did a great job. Man do you handle problems well which lets everyone have a great time.
Next year consider having the run for the trophys for the B & C groups Saturday afternoon and the A group Sunday morning . You should be able to finish by 11:00, trophys at 12:00 and departure by 1:30.
Thanks again for a great show.

07-25-2006, 06:16 AM
Had we not had company visiting, I would have gone to watch from the water.
I'm curious, what kind of problems were there with the event-? I can imagine
boats wanting to come thru the area, but I'm guessing Sherriff's dept boats
keep them at bay until a time to let them pass.......... what else-?
--looks like alot of fun............. I always wanted to go to the formula 1
outboard races there but haven't yet.

07-25-2006, 09:57 AM
I always wanted to go to the formula 1
outboard races there but haven't yet.
Do those really happen here? I've lived here for 5 yrs now and haven't heard of any F1 racing going on.......am I missing something?
Nice work on the event this year Chris. Still don't have a boat that's very appropriate for participating, but I've been going every year with family traveling up from out of town to enjoy it as well. Great times....too bad it's only once a year.
The jam-packed full day of events on Saturday is a great idea....might even get a cooler evening for the final runs. It'd be more continual action throughout the day too. Just close the river all freakin day 'till it's all done. Also, what happened to the crackerboxes and circle boats? Those are a lot of fun for spectators as well.
local $.02

07-25-2006, 10:14 AM
Awesome event!! I had a great time, it was just too bad that I had to leave sunday morning ( I had to get home and start working on paying off my fuel bills....lol)
I'm certainly coming back next year :cool:
Thanks for hosting a first class event! :)

07-25-2006, 10:31 AM
I think you idea of running everything on SAt is a really good one. As long as it works logisticly, I say go for it. You put on 1 hell of an event. Can't wait till I get a sled that I can bring out and come flyin through the brige w/ some serious speed. It's a great time for all, I tell you. My family really enjoy's all the horsepower on display, along w/ the othere stuff thrown in. My youngest loved the helicopter. In fact, it got him to stop crying after getting sun block in his eyes. The only thing I cansee needed is more publicity. I'd love to see 200 boats out there showing what they got. But you really do throw 1 hell of an event. Congrats...

billet racing
07-25-2006, 10:43 AM
This is a really fun event, and we look forward to it each year. this event was held at the same time as the Tower Park run for us, and we had to split our time up. We had some boat issues with breakdowns on Saturday, and a schedule conflict on sunday. the posted schedule showed us (Billet Racing) to perform at 1:45 pm. We arrived at 11am to find out it had been switched to 10:30. We had no notice of this, and therefor were unable to join in the festivities.
We look forward to being there next year.

07-25-2006, 11:49 AM
I'm with UltraJohn on this one... Bring back the beer gardens. It was nice in years past to be able to escape the sun for awhile and throw down a cold one.

07-25-2006, 12:30 PM
I agree with the big tent theory. Have a big tent where that worthless barge is..some of the sponsors could setup booths and have a beer and cocktail stand going for viewers. Can't wait for next year.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:

07-25-2006, 12:42 PM
I'm gonna have to check this out next year!

07-25-2006, 01:00 PM
I agree with the big tent theory. Have a big tent where that worthless barge is..some of the sponsors could setup booths and have a beer and cocktail stand going for viewers. Can't wait for next year.
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:
I agree also. That would be perfect!
Also cant wait until next year!

07-25-2006, 02:01 PM
Hey Chris, great event...... any chance you might be able to schedule it in june when its not so friggin hot??? just a thought.. I like the 2 days of fun if it wasnt so miserable for an old fock like me....can I run the single engine cat supercharged BIMINI UP for shade class next year???

07-25-2006, 02:20 PM
Hey Chris, great event...... any chance you might be able to schedule it in june when its not so friggin hot??? just a thought.. I like the 2 days of fun if it wasnt so miserable for an old fock like me....can I run the single engine cat supercharged BIMINI UP for shade class next year???
You may want too stay home next year,I hear there is going to be a 16 yr old running in the single blown cat class. :)

07-25-2006, 03:17 PM
Also, what happened to the crackerboxes and circle boats? Those are a lot of fun for spectators as well.
For the crackers, I understand there were some safety issues (course being so narrow for one), but youre right they are a blast to watch.

07-25-2006, 03:19 PM
What a difference a day makes guys and gals. Leading up to B2B I set a personal record for incoming calls on my phone and personal requests. I really was feeling wanted. Now, no one loves me. ALL KIDDING ASIDE I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED IN B2B 2006. Your efforts are what make this unique event a special day for everyone.
We were treated to some very special times, sights and sounds. I have had a chance to check out some of the feed back, and pictures, and I think we pulled it off in less than ideal conditions. THANKS TO ALL FOR HOLDING UP UNDER THE HEAT AND HUMIDITY.
All of you with great pictures send me the best ones that capture all of the speed, spirit and energy associated with all aspects of the event. Personal shots of people in compromising positions are accepted.
THINK ABOUT THIS===========What would everyone think of future B2B events having all of the official racing action on Saturday even if we finish at 7 in the evening if necessary? We could have the awards party after the event on Saturday. Friday would still be the poker run and Sunday would be a swim day for those that want to hang out and enjoy the area.
MORE LATER----------CHRIS :rollside: :rollside: :rollside: :rollside:
One thing that would be nice as a spectator would be more speakers for the announcer, from most areas it was difficult to hear anything the announcer said. Its nice to hear what type of boat, power and of course the speed coming through.

07-25-2006, 03:20 PM
Also, what are classes and requirements for boats entering the event?

07-25-2006, 03:25 PM
One thing that would be nice as a spectator would be more speakers for the announcer, from most areas it was difficult to hear anything the announcer said. Its nice to hear what type of boat, power and of course the speed coming through.
Another great point!

07-25-2006, 03:51 PM
One thing that would be nice as a spectator would be more speakers for the announcer, from most areas it was difficult to hear anything the announcer said. Its nice to hear what type of boat, power and of course the speed coming through.
I third that opinion...

07-25-2006, 04:39 PM
You may want too stay home next year,I hear there is going to be a 16 yr old running in the single blown cat class. :)
old age and treachery will beat youth and ethusiasm any time young jedi :yuk:
hell I hear theres a girl going to run a big cat also...... Ill save ya a seat on the couch Kaler, :rollside:

07-25-2006, 06:08 PM
hell blown, there might be a bunny hopin' a.o. there if things go right :cool:

07-25-2006, 06:09 PM
I'm going to earmark this event for next year. Looks like an awesome time. :cool:

07-26-2006, 11:59 AM
It really was. Y'all would love it. Come and see some or Nor Cal's finest...

07-26-2006, 02:59 PM
Thumbs up for the camera man, Jason, and his brother...they took some sweet shots and it was nice to be able to see them on Saturday night and have a few to take home!

07-27-2006, 09:08 PM
Does anyone know who won the V-hull single blown engine class? I heard a vicious rumor it was Filthy Phil in his Formula. What happened to the Laveycraft boat? :argue:

07-27-2006, 11:28 PM
bobby in the lavey didnt go to th=e drivers meeting hence disqualified...

07-28-2006, 08:14 AM
Dont ask Greg. Let me just say that Filthy Phil did win and it was Ugly.

07-28-2006, 09:32 AM
Does anyone know who won the V-hull single blown engine class? I heard a vicious rumor it was Filthy Phil in his Formula. What happened to the Laveycraft boat? :argue:
did phil break 70?????

Pyro Jason
07-31-2006, 02:13 PM
Thanks for the kudos teach! I have all kinds of pics if anyone is interested. Just email me

Old Man Havasu
07-31-2006, 08:41 PM
Thanks for the kudos teach! I have all kinds of pics if anyone is interested. Just email me
Are your pics posted anywhere?
How many boats participated this year?

Pyro Jason
07-31-2006, 09:01 PM
Unfortunately I don't have a site that will host 4+ gigs of pictures. Look for some to be up on Pokerrunswest.com after I get Chris the discs.

08-01-2006, 09:20 AM
I'd like to see the pics. abraman1326@aol.com . Thanks...