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View Full Version : Red Skelton. Pledge of Allegiance

07-27-2006, 01:23 PM
The Pledge of allegiance (http://unknownprogrammer.home.comcast.net/index.html)

Desert Rat
07-27-2006, 02:27 PM
Very cool. And snopes (http://search.atomz.com/search/?sp-q=Red+Skelton+-+The+Pledge+of+Allegiance&getit=Go&sp-a=00062d45-sp00000000&sp-advanced=1&sp-p=all&sp-w-control=1&sp-w=alike&sp-date-range=-1&sp-x=any&sp-c=100&sp-m=1&sp-s=0) says it TRUE!! :cool:

07-27-2006, 03:38 PM
that is the way is should be!

07-27-2006, 04:48 PM
Thats very cool..

07-27-2006, 04:53 PM
Very nice.

79 Howard
07-27-2006, 08:12 PM
thank you M.P. for that touch of reality first from a great entertainer and second to remind us all how important it is to keep without change what has made America the leader of the free world which I feel is committment to your country and Belief in God which our country was founded on.

Troy McClure
07-27-2006, 09:18 PM
thank you M.P. for that touch of reality first from a great entertainer and second to remind us all how important it is to keep without change what has made America the leader of the free world which I feel is committment to your country and Belief in God which our country was founded on.
Our Country was started and had survived without a pledge for over 100 years. The original pledge, as in Skelton’s speech, did not include the word God. "God" was added over 60 years after The Pledge of Allegiance was written. So somehow this great country of ours survived for its first 160+ years with no mention of God in a pledge. How could we possibly have survived!!!
Also, our country was not founded on the belief in God. Although the Declaration of Independence (Which as it name implies, only declared independence from Britain) does mention a god, neither the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights make ANY mention of a god.
Sorry to enlighten you. :argue:

07-27-2006, 11:21 PM
Our Country was started and had survived without a pledge for over 100 years. The original pledge, as in Skelton’s speech, did not include the word God. "God" was added over 60 years after The Pledge of Allegiance was written. So somehow this great country of ours survived for its first 160+ years with no mention of God in a pledge. How could we possibly have survived!!!
Also, our country was not founded on the belief in God. Although the Declaration of Independence (Which as it name implies, only declared independence from Britain) does mention a god, neither the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights make ANY mention of a god.
Sorry to enlighten you. :argue:
Your point being??

Desert Rat
07-28-2006, 10:35 AM
I would bet that if you tried to get 1/10 of this liberal PC crap that is spewed out of liberals mouths today in print OUR forefathers would have had you hanged! The intent then has been TOTALLY misconstrued to meet todays standards. Could you imagine somebody taking a crap on the US flag in oh say the early 1800's and calling it art? I'm sure there would have been no protection from the courts then! :yuk:

07-28-2006, 10:53 AM
I would bet that if you tried to get 1/10 of this liberal PC crap that is spewed out of liberals mouths today in print OUR forefathers would have had you hanged! The intent then has been TOTALLY misconstrued to meet todays standards. Could you imagine somebody taking a crap on the US flag in oh say the early 1800's and calling it art? I'm sure there would have been no protection from the courts then! :yuk:
No protection from the pissed off american with a knife or bullet either.

79 Howard
07-29-2006, 05:04 PM
Hey Troy I guess I feel enlightened that you feel like you came from evolution and I feel like I came from creation but our country over the years always come back to God when it falls into war and other tragedies no one gathers together in the name of monkeys