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07-30-2006, 05:31 PM
I received a parking ticket for parking a commercial vehicle in a no-parking zone. When I received the ticket in the mail the street address was missed spelled at the location the ticket was given, is this a good reason for dismissal. The ticket is $200.00

Tom Brown
07-30-2006, 05:35 PM
If Her454 were a judge, she'd throw that misspelled shit out on it's ear.

07-30-2006, 05:37 PM
I received a parking ticket for parking a commercial vehicle in a no-parking zone. When I received the ticket in the mail the street address was missed spelled at the location the ticket was given, is this a good reason for dismissal. The ticket is $200.00
If you plead not guilty and request a hearing (the only way the ticket can be resolved, absent a guilty verdict) the Officer will be there for the hearing. You will testify that the Officer made an error when issuing the ticket, ie spelling the address name wrong.
The Officer can request that the ticket be ammended to reflect the correct spelling.
But that really doesn't matter, since you have just admitted guilt, and that you indeed parked in a no parking zone.
Short answer...
Pay the ticket.

07-30-2006, 05:38 PM
I received a parking ticket for parking a commercial vehicle in a no-parking zone. When I received the ticket in the mail the street address was missed spelled at the location the ticket was given, is this a good reason for dismissal. The ticket is $200.00
I tried that with a speeding ticket I got once. The cop fukd up like 5 things on the ticket. He misspelled the street name, got my birth day wrong, put my age down wrong (4 years off) got the color of my vehicle wrong, and wrote the court date for 2004 and it was 2005. I took it to court and the only thing it did was make the cop look like he was one of Jerry's kids. The judge told me I had to prove that it wasnt me who was driving to get out of the ticket. He then went on to ask me why I thought I could take the ticket to trial to get out of it, to which I replied "I didnt have the money to pay the ticket at the time and thought this would be a good way to save some money to pay it" (I had plenty of money to pay it though I was just hoping that the cop wouldnt show up) That just pissed him off and I still had to pay the ticket. But at least I got to make the cop look like an idiot.

07-30-2006, 06:46 PM
You admitted that you parked illegally, man up and pay the ticket.

07-30-2006, 06:56 PM
As others have said. Pay the ticket.

sanger rat
07-30-2006, 07:03 PM
Next time park in the middle of the street.

07-30-2006, 07:15 PM
Administrative hearing process. Will consume 1/2 day minimum when all is said and done, assuming thye have a light calendar. Double that amount of time if you appeal it to a court hearing. The only question is ~ how much is your time worth?

Never Too Old
07-30-2006, 07:21 PM
I was in traffic court in Orange County once, and a guy had gotten a ticket and the cop had mispelled the street name. The guy brought in a Thomas Bros book and showed the judge that there was no such street. He asked the judge " if there is no such street, how could I possibly be speeding on it". The judge dismissed the ticket.

H20 Toie
07-30-2006, 08:45 PM
if your going to break the law then pay the bill

07-30-2006, 10:36 PM
I was in traffic court in Orange County once, and a guy had gotten a ticket and the cop had mispelled the street name. The guy brought in a Thomas Bros book and showed the judge that there was no such street. He asked the judge " if there is no such street, how could I possibly be speeding on it". The judge dismissed the ticket.
I like that one. I could say the same thing I guess. "If there is no street like that how could I have been parked there". Sure I broke the law I guess, but I was only stopped for about 20 seconds, just enough time for me to look for the address on the building. I never even knew the meter maid was behind me. I drove off before she or he could put ticket on my truck. Only way I found out I got a ticket was in the mail. Technically yes I was guilty, I guess I could plead guilty with an explanation.

07-30-2006, 10:54 PM
There's never a shortage of whiners trying to get out of tickets on ***boat. Jeezus, when the cop walks up to the window, at least have the balls to admit you were wrong and man up about it.
I haven't been written in 19 years following that philosophy. Couple of years ago an airplane got me at 86 in a 55 on I-35 in Southern Oklahoma......Officer and I had a nice talk and he waved me on....
Lose the high school mentality and maybe you'll do better.

07-30-2006, 11:04 PM
There's never a shortage of whiners trying to get out of tickets on ***boat. Jeezus, when the cop walks up to the window, at least have the balls to admit you were wrong and man up about it.
I haven't been written in 19 years following that philosophy. Couple of years ago an airplane got me at 86 in a 55 on I-35 in Southern Oklahoma......Officer and I had a nice talk and he waved me on....
Lose the high school mentality and maybe you'll do better.
It was a parking ticket, No cop ever came up to my window??? I already said I was guilty, I was just looking for an address. Trust me, I should of got a college education so I wouldn't have to drive a truck. But if you ever drove an 18 wheeler you learn not to pass your stop. Im sure there is all different views on this, but name calling is unnecessary...dick head! Just kidding.

Cheap Thrills
07-30-2006, 11:36 PM
check your PMs Van 90% of these holyer than thou crackerbox no drivin assholes arent qualified to answer your question.
C.T. :wink:

Hardly Satisfied
07-31-2006, 01:13 AM
if your going to break the law then pay the bill
just pay your bill