View Full Version : Old Texan- Kinky Friedman - Governor

3 daytona`s
07-30-2006, 07:29 PM
Hey We had a short discussion some time ago on this. I just read another article and am convinced elect KINKY FRIEDMAN GOVERNOR of TEXAS Willy Nelson along with other top performers are going to do benefit concerts for him.If you ever see an interview with him you have to laugh and agree with good common sense.

07-30-2006, 08:33 PM
My governor is KINKY.

07-31-2006, 03:24 AM
Perhaps THIS is the road he should have taken so long ago to get to the presidency. LOL

Old Texan
07-31-2006, 04:56 AM
I'm sure Kinky will take on all the "Hard Topics". :cool:
I really haven't heard a whole lot of his platform, but what the hell, I considered voting for Joe Walsh when he was campaigning fro Prez back in the 80's. :p

Liberator TJ1984
07-31-2006, 05:43 AM
Kinky , would set a new precident in Politics that's for sure.... :argue:
But sadly I don't think he'll make it .....he's TOO Anti -Government :cool:
and has Common Sense
that scares the Hell out of other politicians because He dosen't " Play their Game "
He's got my Vote !!!! :)

Poster X
07-31-2006, 08:11 AM
I have campaigned hard for Friedman and his rallys have become quite large. His donations are almost doubling weekly and he is getting lots of press. As an independant his chances are better than any independant in the past. I would say he is at least a place in a three party race. Hopefully, he's a winner? If not, it won't be that we didn't try.

3 daytona`s
07-31-2006, 09:29 PM
I have campaigned hard for Friedman and his rallys have become quite large. His donations are almost doubling weekly and he is getting lots of press. As an independant his chances are better than any independant in the past. I would say he is at least a place in a three party race. Hopefully, he's a winner? If not, it won't be that we didn't try.
Hey when I lived in the Midwest everyone laughed at Jesse Ventura in Minnesota but the old you know what would not let him function. What the hell everyone was bitching Ann Richards was a drunk Bush has had his issues,POSTER, I wish I could help, but here in Arizona I`m telling you if lived there I`d do everything for this one.I`ve NEVER EVER been involved in a political campaign but after seeing him on 60 Minutes and several other programs,don`t rush to judgement.Listen to him.Then listen to the ASS-HOLES running our country I`ll try him in a click. Just my opinion I`ll be watching and hoping

Poster X
08-01-2006, 07:32 AM
Contribute. Buy a t shirt or just offer verbal support. http://www.kinkyfriedman.com/
This is a very down to earth candidate you can approach and ask any question. No double talk. To pat answers. He just mulls it over and answers like an informed, opinionated and honest to god normal person. Quite refreshing.

Poster X
08-01-2006, 02:14 PM
In my email today:
Put Kinky Over the Top
Eighteen months of hard work by all of you have put Kinky in position to win this race. Huge crowds appear everywhere he goes, and his media exposure has been amazing—just last month his campaign to change Texas got national profiles in Newsweek and The Washington Post, not to mention articles in every major paper in the Lone Star State. People are learning that Kinky's campaign holds the best chance to rid Texas of the politics-as-usual establishment that has sent our state to the bottom in every way that matters.
Every poll that counts all Texans has Kinky running away with this race. And even in the "likely voter" polls, Kinky has climbed to a solid second-place position.
This is our race to win
Until now, Kinky has been able to compete in a race that will be defined by millions. Modern campaigns spend 70% of their warchests in the last months of election season—on TV and radio ads. If we can get Kinky on the air, we can win this election.
Click below to make a contribution that will help us compete in the crucial "media wars" that will take place in September and October:
Help the message of clean energy, clean government, and a fresh start for Texas echo across our great state and inspire others to stand up vote for change on November 7th.
-Go Kinky!

3 daytona`s
08-01-2006, 08:52 PM
I read an interview with Willy today he was very passionate about Kinky`s dedication to just take care of business if asked a question will think and answer not from a pre planned scripted page as most canditates do.He wants Bio Diesel and Ethanol and he`s not sleeping with any big interests,I wish he was here in Arizona I`d vote for him in a click.