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View Full Version : LOST....tallk 'bout milkin a tit

01-11-2006, 05:43 PM
damn! re-runs and more re-runs and now they're rehashing all the hi spots just to let us know what has gone on thus far.
i aint ever seen a show move so slow. damn they are milkin this for every last drop.

01-11-2006, 05:59 PM
They sure are.

01-11-2006, 06:45 PM
This show just keeps gettin weirder and weirder. I begining to think that they have no plan as to how this show is gonna go. that would kinda explain the long delays in new episodes. It seems to just get deeper and more questions are developed than answers to the questions. It gets so deep with so many goofy twist that i cant keep up with all the question i have developed before a hundred more questions crop up throughout the plot.
im about to get pissed and not watch the stupid thing no more!

01-11-2006, 07:03 PM
KoolBreeze - SHUTUP! :) Go get a couple of drinks and quit thinking! Dont ya know that all of HOLLYWOOD cant think their way out of a wet paper bag! Look at all of those idiots that supported Tookie the Killer and that BrokeBack Mtn (politically correct - desensitizing to gay lifestyle) movie.