View Full Version : Broken T valve spring

08-15-2006, 09:34 AM
So im out at the river this weekend and my t valve spring broke. So i cap the water line to headers and run them dry for a while. Well my shift cable runs a little to close to my header water lines and guess what happened. T valve spring ends up costing $80. Mental note.

460 jus getn it
08-15-2006, 09:36 AM
So im out at the river this weekend and my t valve spring broke. So i cap the water line to headers and run them dry for a while. Well my shift cable runs a little to close to my header water lines and guess what happened. T valve spring ends up costing $80. Mental note.
Been there done that. Only i didnt destroy a cable and my headers are jet hoted so no blue.

08-15-2006, 06:16 PM
thats an indication to run em' dry:D
Im juss playin with ya;) I have seen that alot! The bassett t-valve sucks! I wonder if you could run a sea strainer to prevent that:idea: Filter the water before it enters your whole system:idea: