View Full Version : stilettovdrive, now the viking.

09-05-2003, 10:10 AM
I have changed my name to the viking, cause thats what i am.
The viking.

09-05-2003, 10:48 AM
Viking -
I shot you a 5 star rating because you plan to wear a viking helmet while driving your V-drive!!
Scare those neighbors :D

09-05-2003, 11:36 AM
Thanks Mike, i do believe that i gave you one too once.
Well, me and the dudes have done a lot of odd things in the past, so a vikinghelmet is just "buisiness as usual"
Actually, we once had a "Glenn miller" furturnity, complete with, Borsalino-hats, suits and all. We even went to A concert with Glenn Miller band, Conducted by Herb Miller, at a widow ball in Copenhagen!!!!.
And i can tell you, Drunk 60 year old bitches, in company with 7 young men in the twenties are a bunch of perverts!!!!
Personally i got out, but a couple of the guys did'nt, and had to face the "morning-sober-where-am-i-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH-disaster.
A disaster well known by some people.
Our mothers loved it, cause when we did these things, we made it an honour, never to break anything, no vometing in any beds, no breaking of glass, Hell, we even made it a rule that the best of behaivior, including flowers, handkiss for the hostess,( wich someone usually porked later in the evening), was a must for joining our "loge".
So the vikinghelmet is a totally normal thing.
One of my freinds suggested, by the way, that we make some sort of aerodynamic, vikinghelmet shaped scoop for the boat, but i think that i now must have the boat in the water, then "Trim it" with these things later.
Progess on the boat is, by the way, Stringers finished, ready to install, along with drive, propaxel, prop, strut. The log will have to wait, since i'm having it made as soon the axel takes it's final position.
Pictures coming as soon as i have cleaned the shop a bit.
the viking.

09-05-2003, 11:56 AM
LOL, I just shoot ya 5 stars as well.
You must start making plans to come over here for a v drive event next season.

09-05-2003, 06:13 PM
Well viking if you do come over stay about six weeks and you won't want to leave. :cool: v-drive

09-05-2003, 06:27 PM
http://www.villagehatshop.com/media/viking-mask.jpg http://www.villagehatshop.com/media/viking-wings.jpg
[ September 05, 2003, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: Sangster ]

09-05-2003, 07:36 PM
Well i sure would love to visit, to see what you are up to overthere.
As i have told you many times before, this is a development area when it comes to boating at more then 35 knots, and it could be great to get the input back home, for the next boat.
Perhaps we could have a beer or two as well.
So let's see about that.
The viking.
[ September 05, 2003, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: THE VIKING ]

09-06-2003, 01:00 PM
When will the next spring v-drive event be????
The viking.
By the way, sangster, Thats one hell of a Helmet you got a pic of there.
[ September 06, 2003, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: THE VIKING ]

09-06-2003, 01:49 PM
That's my Viking Day at the Lake Hat..

09-07-2003, 02:16 PM
I shot you a five! Anyone that can drink Acaviet (spelling) is good in my book. :D

09-07-2003, 03:51 PM
Yeah,the acvaviet(I think)is good stuff. Keep it in the freezer and When you sit down to lunch it comes out with the beers. :cool: v-drive

09-07-2003, 07:41 PM
Aquavit, or Akvavit, Different spelling for different brands.
Remember, First boating, then Snaps, ( another word for The A-drink) You tend to get rather pissed when drinking this High Alcohol-drink, ( " Race-fuel.drink???).
I for one rember several occasions where i have launched my dinner after too much of this particular drink, wich you usuallY drink around christmas in Denmark.
( at one time i actually tryed to impress a chick, but that option kinda vanished, when i started the backwards eating thing).
I am currently trying to find a recepy for "Mjød", the ultimate ancient viking-beer.Some sort of dark, fruity beer, i'm told.
It should taske like foxpiss blended together with a couple of apples, with an alcohollevel at about 5-8 %.
A suitable drink for a man at 100 kilos and 192 centimeters.
Now it's 5 o'clock in the morning here, Gotta go to work.
Have a nice day.
The viking.