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View Full Version : I have the best dog ever....

09-06-2006, 05:53 PM
Mopar is the best guard dog.
When she was a pup, I rewarded her when she barked at the "right" time and scolded her when it wasn't. As a result, she doesn't bark often.
So when the dog barks, I know somethin's up.
Right before bedtime, we let her out in the backyard to take care of bidness. I signed on to ***boat for a few minutes and spent more time on than I had planned.(surprise, surprise, right?)
Anyway, I hear her bark a couple of times and it is pretty late, 10 or so, I am getting up to find out what the deal is, then I hear her yelp...
I open the back door to see her rubbing her nose with her paws.
So now she smells like a skunk.
On the internet I found that tomato juice doesn't neutralize it, it only masks it.
1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 tsp liquid soap.
Don't seal up this mixture I hear and don't get it in anyones eyes.
Has anyone else had the "experience"?

09-06-2006, 05:57 PM

cap'n chuy
09-06-2006, 11:09 PM
i will post a reply now. I have the best dog EVER, no doubt, no two ways about it!!!!!!! he chows on dogs like yours for breakfast. :crossx: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/hugeybear50/Picture233.jpg

09-06-2006, 11:24 PM

09-06-2006, 11:25 PM

09-06-2006, 11:26 PM

cap'n chuy
09-06-2006, 11:39 PM
Chuy Doesnt Like That Fruity Hat...... He's Coming To Get Mopar... And Show Him How To Party Like A Big Dawg. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b23/hugeybear84/IMGP0178.jpg
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b23/hugeybear84/IMGP0180.jpg :crossx:

09-07-2006, 01:13 AM
Chuy Doesnt Like That Fruity Hat...... He's Coming To Get Mopar... And Show Him How To Party Like A Big Dawg. http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b23/hugeybear84/IMGP0178.jpg
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b23/hugeybear84/IMGP0180.jpg :crossx:
I think Skip can take Chuy. :crossx: :crossx:

cap'n chuy
09-07-2006, 01:29 AM
come on now skip you will have to open bigger than that to take on chuy!!!

09-07-2006, 01:37 AM
come on now skip you will have to open bigger than that to take on chuy!!!
Is your dog full chiuahua? Mines half Chiahuahua half Dacshcund (sp). We call him a Chi weiner. :rollside: :rollside:

cap'n chuy
09-07-2006, 01:45 AM
he is full chi, just love him to pieces!!!! skip is a cutie, chuy doesnt like the water though. likes to boat and buggie, well almost anything we do(except swim}.

09-07-2006, 02:52 AM
Charley'd make dog stew out of these little runts.
And if he can't handle it I'll bring out the big gun, Lucky who is a real asskicker of a canine.

09-07-2006, 02:55 AM
Was this the day you took Mopar to the gay pride parade?

09-07-2006, 07:06 AM
Snowboarding I take it?
By the way we have a 80lb Lab that would run like hell from all three dogs. Oh she is mega tough. In fact I see her tail sticking out from under the bed right now :rollside:

09-07-2006, 07:11 AM
Was this the day you took Mopar to the gay pride parade?
That ain't right Rexie.

09-07-2006, 07:13 AM
My wife bought the hat for my snowboarding career, I didn't like it because the "dreads" hit me in the eyes, not cool.
Call up the dog whisperer for your dogs low self esteem.
I love that show.
Snowboarding I take it?
By the way we have a 80lb Lab that would run like hell from all three dogs. Oh she is mega tough. In fact I see her tail sticking out from under the bed right now :rollside:

09-07-2006, 07:37 AM
That ain't right Rexie.
Ain't right, but funny as hell.
Brian, my dog got skunked the other night, that stuff works great. Better than the tomato juice nightmare.

09-07-2006, 07:43 AM
Ain't right, but funny as hell.
Brian, my dog got skunked the other night, that stuff works great. Better than the tomato juice nightmare.
Sorry about your dog, we washed her off last night, she seems ok. Christie doesn't share that opinion.
I read on the internet, most dogs get it on the neck. They provoke the skunk, and when the skunk sprays, most dogs turn their head. Mopar didn't. Nice.
I can't use the high powered stuff because it is all over her face.
It's all good.

09-07-2006, 07:45 AM
Ain't right, but funny as hell.
Brian, my dog got skunked the other night, that stuff works great. Better than the tomato juice nightmare.Traci, Mopar is a PITBULL!!!!!!! Run for your lives bench racers!!! (you saw the rainbow hat) Whats worse than a gay Pit bull?

09-07-2006, 07:50 AM
Oh yea, my dog is THE most vicous Pit.
All 35lbs,

09-07-2006, 07:50 AM
Whats worse than a gay Pit bull?
A gay Pitbull that smells like a skunk :idea: :p

09-07-2006, 07:51 AM
I love that picture with the rasta hat.
Makes me smile

09-07-2006, 07:55 AM
Call up the dog whisperer for your dogs low self esteem.
I love that show.[/QUOTE]
Dog whisperer that's a good one!
My friends sister had a dog "whisperer" work on their dog (don't know for sure if it'ds the same one but I think it is), when he was leaving he let their little dog out it ran into the street and thump thump!! Poor little doggie. :cry:

09-07-2006, 07:56 AM
A gay Pitbull that smells like a skunk :idea: :pOr a gay Pitbull that smells like skunk and winks at you. LOL

09-07-2006, 08:03 AM
I am serious though, he has helped other dogs with their pride.
I'm not sure how "real" the show is, but he seems to get a handle on it.
Dog whisperer that's a good one!
My friends sister had a dog "whisperer" work on their dog (don't know for sure if it'ds the same one but I think it is), when he was leaving he let their little dog out it ran into the street and thump thump!! Poor little doggie. :cry:

09-07-2006, 09:40 AM
I love this show too!
Cesar Millan - The Dog Whisperer (http://www.dogpsychologycenter.com/)
BTW, saw one of his seminars in Beverly Hills and he had one of his pits "Daddy" walking around the theater, up and down the aisles during the seminar, was pretty cool.

09-07-2006, 10:04 AM
One of these day Mr. Shhhhhhhhhhsh will take a (enter dog breed of your choice) to the neck.
He does his fair share of bleeding.
He has built a nifty business though.

09-07-2006, 10:18 AM
One of these day Mr. Shhhhhhhhhhsh will take a (enter dog breed of your choice) to the neck.
He does his fair share of bleeding.
really? what have you heard or seen if you don't mind me asking?

09-07-2006, 11:36 AM
really? what have you heard or seen if you don't mind me asking?
I have seen him get bit on two shows. The producer of a show got bit also.
Not bad, but bit nonetheless
I'm sure it happens often. He deals with the worst of the worst.

09-07-2006, 11:43 AM
oh, that is right, i remember seeing those episodes now that you mention it. i remember one was a little poodle type dog that didn't like to be groomed. cesar was clipping his fur and he bit cesar a few times.

No Name
09-07-2006, 11:51 AM
i will post a reply now. I have the best dog EVER, no doubt, no two ways about it!!!!!!! he chows on dogs like yours for breakfast. :crossx: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/hugeybear50/Picture233.jpg
That dog is so cool. :)