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View Full Version : Hanvasu Landing........what happened

09-11-2006, 08:51 AM
Heard that there was some kind of mini truck show there. My buddy said that it was disgusting. He had to take his family out of there and go to laughliln. I guess security could not have it in control. sheriff was called as well.
Just trying to get an idea of what was goiong on and wanted to make sure my stuff is okay.

09-11-2006, 09:16 AM
I used to attend the truck runs years ago. They started to get lame in the early 90's. Too many gangs and shit.
It doesn't suprise me that its even worse now. To bad too, they were always so much fun.
exactly, thats what i am trying to find out. my buddy said that there was a incident that soem guys took a girl into a bathroom and you know the rest.

09-11-2006, 09:18 AM
We have a place there. It wasnt that bad. Was he staying in the campground?
I guess Friday nite a couple guys got in a fight, it was started by locals.
Sat night their was a fight that got a bit out of hand, security and sherriffs took care of it pretty quick.
Trash was a problem, people are slobs.
I would say there was a couple hundred cars, campground was packed. I heard the promotor tell people that they only had 25% of what was expected/scheduled. Some road closures kept people away. If it comes back, there is no way the landing can handle that many more than was actually there.

09-11-2006, 09:34 AM
We have a place there. It wasnt that bad. Was he staying in the campground?
I guess Friday nite a couple guys got in a fight, it was started by locals.
Sat night their was a fight that got a bit out of hand, security and sherriffs took care of it pretty quick.
Trash was a problem, people are slobs.
I would say there was a couple hundred cars, campground was packed. I heard the promotor tell people that they only had 25% of what was expected/scheduled. Some road closures kept people away. If it comes back, there is no way the landing can handle that many more than was actually there.
I have a seasonal place in the campground. I just heard it was out of control. Dont know if I'll be there next year. The Landing does so many stupid things without any forethought.

09-11-2006, 10:22 AM
I have a seasonal place in the campground. I just heard it was out of control. Dont know if I'll be there next year. The Landing does so many stupid things without any forethought.
Yeah, I agree with that...
We'll be back down this weekend, plan to look around as to how well things got cleaned up, and ask around as to whether this will happen again in the future. This truck run hasnt happened for a long time there (guess it used to be an annual thing) rumor is next year it would be in the spring for better weather. Thursday nite there was a nice storm, alot of these guys where trying to tent camp, some of them were getting flooded out. Where is your space?

09-11-2006, 11:32 AM
http://www.streetsource.com/forum/topic.aspx?topic_id=81645&Topic_title=Summer+Splash+Review....+starts+here&forum_id=46&forum_title=Shows/Events They have a 5 yr contract for that run. Here is a link to streetsource where all the minitruckers hang out online they are talking about it there.

09-11-2006, 12:30 PM
http://www.streetsource.com/forum/topic.aspx?topic_id=81645&Topic_title=Summer+Splash+Review....+starts+here&forum_id=46&forum_title=Shows/Events They have a 5 yr contract for that run. Here is a link to streetsource where all the minitruckers hang out online they are talking about it there.
great! thats all we need.