07-07-2002, 10:27 PM
I am pleased to announce that the FIRST Nostalgia flat bottom circle race was held somewhere in GEORGIA! The American Outboard Federation was the sanctioning club for an old local club that was rejuvenated with the return of hydros and the introduction of v-drive flats on their small oval course. This came from our club officers and I cant verify this with a phone call to the East Coast. Does anyone out there know more about this somewhere near Jessup or Gessie Georgia? This means we as a new class of slower old boats may just have a permanent home and be able to set National records once more with our lovable classic rides!!! Wow!!!I'll try to find out more for you'all! Yup....the.................Jerkster

jim davis
07-08-2002, 03:44 AM
Sounds like the boats of the future are in the boats of the past. The guys from Washington State lead the way again!! Hope you find more information out and post it for rest of the world to see ;and appreciate.

07-08-2002, 11:54 AM
Yippee! Outlaw Flatbottom Racing Lives!
And Georgia, although still a haul, is a lot closer to where I live than Washington state.
Please send me your rules package ASAP. If you don't still have my address, please E-mail me.

07-08-2002, 03:02 PM
Sorry guys, in my enthusiasm I jumped the gun. I just talked to the AOF president and he confirmed there was a race in Jessup, Georgia but it was drag racing!! The inboards were invited but were a no show! However, MACON GEORGIA will be the site for a possible flat-bottom circle race August 23-4. This is the first invitation for all you southern v-drives to unite and race like we have here by the President himself. Eric, do you think you can start something? The rules down there I'm told will follow the current drag-race rule book until you racers put together a mutually accepted program. Eric, I'll send you ours if you still plan on making the "Pilgramage" to Washington. In conclusion, nothing is FLAT impossible!!!sometimes it just takes a little longer...{like 18 feet}Jerkster

07-11-2002, 11:05 AM
It'd be tough for me to start something in Georgia, being that I live in New Yawk (Damn Yankee, ya know), but I'd be only too glad to help if anything should begin to happen around here.
I used to be the Vice President of Circle Racing for the New Jersey Flat Bottom Racing Association. We used to put on both circle races and drags as well as combined events. Unfortunately, the N.J.F.B.R.A. is now defunct. I do however have my titles and good memories, not to mention some good freindships that will last forever.
I've raced with APBA mostly in the Pro Stock class but I've done a couple of Super Stock races and found that to be more to my liking.
I preferred racing with the Canadian Boating Federation in the Can Am class. Partially because they always had a good boat turnout, never less than 10 Flats, but mostly because thay actually paid the racers enough prize and tow money to make it to the next race. Wow, what a concept! Unfortunately those days apparently are also gone forever.
So, as we pick up the pieces of the shatterred remains of our sport, it only seems natural that we return to some sort of inexpensive grass roots style of events.
This time let's not listen to the voices that say "if we only dressed prettier or put on a better coreographed show, we might attract sponsors who could help us propel the sport onto TV and the rest would flow from that. Oh, and by the way, we just raised your membership fees to cover some promotional fund. Oh, and by the way, the entry fee has been raised becaused the conducting club is near bancruptcy but we should all pitch in to help save it. Oh, and by the way, there'll be no prize money or tow money this weekend. Oh, and by the way, if you don't have X piece of equipment or Y sticker on your hull, or if your numbers aren't the right height, you can't run this weekend." Sound familiar?
A return to "Outlaw Racing" sounds good to me. Just let me know how I can help.
Eric "Pro-Choice" Tolnes
P.S. Sorry about all the venom. Sometimes I get started and it just keeps coming. Ya know?

07-13-2002, 06:03 AM
Eric: Thanks for the input and I loved all that snake talk! You are the kind of folks, yankee or not, that I have been targeting. We desperately need experienced racers who know where they have been and know even better where they would like to go. The growth here in the Northwest has been overwhelming to me and the club and many mistakes have been made and will continue I'm sure. But, one thing remains, our desire to enjoy the boats we love and find a place in this mixed up world where we are wanted without hassel! The report for those VIPs who saw us race convinced me I was on the right track: "Racing fun like the old days" said George Nordling [former five time APBA champion in SS,SK,Kboat and world champ! One last question: When is the Pilgrim crossing the Mississippi???????? with boat in tow of course. Come as you are and expect some Royal [English] treatment.......... Great info by the way! Jerkster [local yokal]

07-14-2002, 05:49 PM
Thanks CJ!
Unfortunately, I don't have as much experience, especially behind the wheel, as I may sound like I do. Got plenty of experience maxing out my credit cards to make races, blowing up motors, getting hosed down and run into, etc.
I only won some local outlaw races. Best I ever did in the big leagues was 2 heat wins and a 3rd in Valleyfield in CanAm with a SS boat. Seemed like every time I started gathering momentum something, or someone, would sink my ship. But hey, that's racing.
I saw some of my friends/competitors go into DEEP bancruptcy to fuel their racing fire but I wasn't about to go down that road.
Ultimately, the more I learned about the game, the less appealing it was to me. I started to look for (fiscally) safer places to sink my mad money. And that's what's so sad, because deep down I LOVE racing my boat (in circles, tried drags....yawn....), but the high cost and constant setbacks simply wore me down. I'm finding it hard to muster enough enthusiasm to assemble my motor, even though I have all the pieces!
On a lighter note, you might enjoy my website at www.geocities.com/kool_toyz (http://www.geocities.com/kool_toyz)
Ciao for now,

07-14-2002, 06:29 PM
nice web page, and nice boats, I am part of the west coast Nostalgia group, of at least I raced the first race this year, and I will be attending the race next week.
I am wondering what happened to the Cam-Am group? it seemed like they had good boats and good turnouts so whats happened?

07-14-2002, 08:07 PM
Flatracer, Perhaps there should be some thought of getting back to real racing. If there is enough interest among you guys to get a group together to run a few hotlaps in a casual atmosphere where there is no BS such as you cited above [who looks the best in their uniforms and who has the right stickers on the boat] but just some good old fashon competition with a few rules just to keep things fair and interesting you just might be able to start another series that would capture the interest of the paying spectators, It may mean you race for no money or prizes but then again not many people make any money at boat racing anyway.

07-15-2002, 05:50 AM
Thanks Marc. Glad you liked it.
Back in the late 80s, early-mid 90s, the CanAm class was the place to be. We had a fixed minimum price of $15,000 Cdn. 60% went to prize money. 40% got divided among the entrants for tow money, so with a 10 boat field, even if you ran shitty all weekend, you went home with $600 in your pocket. That doesn't sound like much, but once you've blown your paycheck, maxed out your credit cards, begged, borrowed, and stole to get your boat ready for the first race of the season, that $600 was the difference between making the next race or staying home!
In return for our minimum price, we guaranteed a 10 boat field. And we always delivered. Valleyfield saw 17 CanAm/Pro Stocks at times, and additional sponsors like Coca Cola would step in with additional prize money.
Oh, yeah, we also got great TV coverage on Canadian cable (CSN, I think).
That was then. Then something happenned, I don't know what, that brought about a changing of the guard in CBF. I can't name names or discuss the particulars, because I simply don't know how or why it happenned, but I do know the sponsorship spigot got shut off. CanAm stuck to its minimum price and ended up on fewer and fewer programs. Grand Prix, same thing.
This year, the entire CBF Inboard schedule (aside from joint CBF/APBA races) consists of TWO races! This sport is imploding under the weight of its own bureacracy.
I have to say though, in all fairness to the good people who volunteer their time and money to help run the sport for us, that it's not entirely their fault, but they should at least recognize that if they're not paying the band, they can't call the tune.
Eric Tolnes
CanAm 86 "Already Gone"
[ July 26, 2002, 07:53 AM: Message edited by: FlatRacer ]

07-15-2002, 10:52 AM
One more question, is your boat from Az. or was it build in Canada? ( I have the old PC-19 from Az.)

07-15-2002, 01:20 PM
It's a Bezer, built in late '92. Laid up by Jim Foster and rigged by Ray Brown in Lake Havasu. Ray was able to re-use most of the hardware from my '80 Biesemeyer which crashed in September '92. He had it stripped and re-anodized. Perhaps one of the last of the narrow boats, and quite possibly the last hull rigged by Ray Brown (?).

07-15-2002, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by 058:
Flatracer, Perhaps there should be some thought of getting back to real racing. If there is enough interest among you guys to get a group together to run a few hotlaps in a casual atmosphere where there is no BS such as you cited above [who looks the best in their uniforms and who has the right stickers on the boat] but just some good old fashon competition with a few rules just to keep things fair and interesting you just might be able to start another series that would capture the interest of the paying spectators, It may mean you race for no money or prizes but then again not many people make any money at boat racing anyway.
058: You sound like you are describing us! The Northwest Nostalgic Circle Boats. I used to drag race an alcohol dragster and I would always come up against some fool who thought he was embarking on a new career as a race driver. Sure enough he would be the whiner-trouble maker expecting more than his 200 bucks for the 8 car win. Rules would always seem to change to help this rich kid out. Eventually we all got fed up with a promoter who was making money on us and charging us more at the gate! Phowey,I'm now a poor and happy boat racer and instead of 200 mph I'm going 80 with five others beside me and It dont get any better!! Wish you all could join us and I think someday we will be a national class, maybe our future race site is Firebird!!! Interested? Jerkster

07-15-2002, 09:16 PM
FlatRacer: Loved the CanAm story details. But when are you coming? Record Regatta to set a national maybe???? 3/4 and 1 mile in the same weekend might be appealing. No? Yes? Jerkster

07-22-2002, 02:24 PM
I'd love to come out there. Really, I would. The truth is, it's gonna be a while before I'm in a position to make such a trip.
My lovely wife, Nicole, and I are expecting our first child in December. Being that we're not rich, and I can't afford to ship the boat out there and then fly out to drive it, I don't forsee any road-trips across the country until the kid's at least a few years old.
Right now, the only things I'm doing with boats are attending some boat shows with my Dad, (We just came back from the Fulton Chain Rendezvous where "38 Special" won the best replica trophy!), and working on getting my Super Stock engine assembled for what will likely be the swan song for APBA ski boat racing, the 2003 season. As you can probably tell, I'm in no rush.
As for future boating plans, I'm currently hunting for a vintage 18' Donzi, something that I can hitch up on a Friday night and drag out to explore new places with the family. And since my Super Stock motor will be built AND I won't be blowing it up (!), I'll have the Bezer ready to go for whatever outlaw racing pops up around here. I'm sure something will. There are too many boats around for it to just die.
Maybe the American Outboard Federation could put on something in the northeast(!?) Do they race around here?
Eric :p

07-22-2002, 05:55 PM
Flat: I understand completely. Just sorry I cant add you to the list this year, however, if you want our newsletter I can fix it for you! The AOF is still struggling with the decision to add us permanently to their class structure or not. We have raised eyebrows to say the least and maybe by this October {national meeting} we will have the answer. I broke my whirlaway this weekend and split the split case in a new direction: the oil poured out the bottom when filled! So I think I'm done running two boats! My wife is third in points in the Ski division so my down pedal foot is at rest. Maybe I can use my breakfast bagel like a steering wheel and mash my foot violently on the linoleum for a temporary mental fix!!! Thanks again and your imput is always more than welcome. Jerk

07-26-2002, 06:35 AM
Yes, please put me on your mailing list. I'd love to be able to keep up on what's happenning with the future of our sport. Again, if there's any way I can help, let me know. I'll compile a list of those racers around here who I know won't be putting capsules in their boats, then I'll talk to them about their thoughts on continuing under a new sanctioning body. I'm sure some are ready to quit altogether, but most would probably like to continue racing. Perhaps the AOF would be interested in picking us up.
We'll keep in touch regardless.
Ciao for now,
Eric :p
[ July 26, 2002, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: FlatRacer ]

07-26-2002, 07:47 AM
Hey Boyd,
What's the deal with the AOF? Isn't that the sanctioning body you run under? I was just on their website and it's got cobwebs on it! Anyone home there?
Eric :p

07-26-2002, 10:52 AM
Flatracer, sometimes they are a little slow sometimes and it can be frustrating to us also. Try the www.northwestwatercomp.com (http://www.northwestwatercomp.com) site. The race schedule has not been updated yet. Our next race is at Entiat Wa. Aug 3 & 4, We are not going to Elma WA., Aug 31 & Sept 1, we are going to Moses Lake, WA Sept 21 & 22 this is our short course nationals. We are also going back to Banks lake Wa. in Electric City WA. in October, I'm not sure of the date yet.

07-27-2002, 06:22 AM
Address N/G I get an error message when I click on it.

07-27-2002, 07:18 AM
Eric: Sorry you found out about the spiders! We have been trying to envigorate and regurgitate the clubs web site but you must know: We are not an official boat class yet! It takes three years I am told to make us official. Try www.nwh2oracer.com (http://www.nwh2oracer.com) for some additional cob webs. This is the Northwest Comp site. Robin says you must copy and paste to your browser to be able to open it. Great to hear you are making a list! That is what I did here. I thought that if I got the racers and boats to a site the rest would follow. Recognition and newsworthy info does not yet come from the AOF or the NWC until we are recognized as a class. Basically Robin and I are it for now but thanks to you all out there, the word is spreading and I still have the huge grin from APBA's copying us in April at Parker Strip!! I dont plan on giving up until all flat bottoms have a place to race where ever they reside in the great U.S. !!!!!!!!We'll get you on the mailing list since their newsletter has a flatbottom report each month. Jerkster

07-29-2002, 04:14 PM
Flatracer did you race with Peter Duff, Duff Dailey, Norm woods, raced can-am. If you did then you proably raced with my grandpappa.

07-31-2002, 08:52 AM
Yup, but they were getting out as I was getting in.
Peter Duff retired a couple years after I started running with CanAm. He sold his boat to a friend of Eric Hahn's, George Woods.
Norm Woods got tired of winning everything so he retired. Brad Steffan got his hull and Eric Hahn inherited the top dog slot. Eric finally got tired of winning everything so he retired and then John McCreath inherited the top dog slot.
Nobody ever said CanAm was competitive. There always seemed the be that one guy who spent the money required to have his top shelf shit together and predictably, usually won. Even though it wasn't competitive, it was still the best place to be, in my opinion.
Duff Daily ran with us until he got called once in Valleyfield for chopping or something. In fact, I think he even brought the guy he supposedly chopped up to the judges stand to back his protest of the bad call, but the referee would not reverse the call. I guess the fact that his name was Duff Daily didn't carry as much weight up there as it does in the states. So, he took his ball and his bat and went home. He never ran with us again which is a shame, cause I liked watching him show the big dogs how to really run!
Who's your grandad, Grumpy?
Eric :p
[ July 31, 2002, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: FlatRacer ]

07-31-2002, 05:00 PM
Ya Grumpys my grandad. I was there the year Duff got the shaft. I always thought the same about the cam-am class you guys halled ass.

07-31-2002, 07:47 PM
Well, tell Bud I said hello!
I remember the race we did up in Shawinigan Sud, Quebec. (An easy one to remember because it was the site of one of my few heat wins). Grumpy was on my ass the whole way and pushing me hard! Jesus, that was fun!
Perhaps the reason for my victory was the scouting I'd done the night before. Because of the shape of the shoreline the course was a kidney shaped layout with a right hand dogleg in the front straight. I'd gotten a great start off the clock and found myself in the lead. Everyone else was following the course layout but I was running straight from turn to turn coming within feet of the shore. Officially, I suppose I was changing lanes down the front straight on every lap, but as long as I had the boat lengths it was kosher. I suppose everyone else was afraid of running aground but I had been out walking around in the water the night before trying to get an idea of how deep the water was close to shore! :D
Hey, a win's a win however you get it! wink
Eric :D

08-01-2002, 07:41 AM
Ya Grumpys my grandad. I was there the year Duff got the shaft. I always thought the same about the cam-am class you guys halled ass.Mr Kidd I presume, Jerk here to say Hi to you and your grampa Bud. Hope his back is getting better so he can do the thing he loves. I hope I'm able to drive when I get to his age. Opps that is just around the corner! I'll take up a collection to pay his tow money to make next years Reunion,OK. It would be great to see Bud and George dueling it out. I felt quite honored just to run in the same lap as George this last June, I might even make a deal to stay behind with the video camera. How about a real surprise Christmas present? YOur Grandad shot from behind every lap. That is if I can keep up. Just a thought. Thanks Eric for the great 'Circular Tales'!!! I'm inspired to go to work now so I can RRRRACE ! Jerkster :D