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09-14-2006, 11:35 AM
Hey to all the ***boaters coming to the show...heres my number 714 655 0899. Every year I miss about half of ya cause Im out goofing off. We'll be outside of building 8 this year come by and we'll have a beer or tweenty! 20% off for ***boaters only...just mention it if for some reason Im not around!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:

Mrs. Bordsmnj
09-14-2006, 12:00 PM
I plan on restocking my Unleashed gear!!!
Can't wait to see you again!

09-14-2006, 12:05 PM
FINALLY I will get some Unleashed stuff. I'm sure my g/f will have a field day at your booth. :rollside: :rollside:

09-14-2006, 12:21 PM
who would want to hang out with you ? just cause you have a pimp asss coach w/ pop-outs, a sick sandcar, cool clothing and all of these strippers (eeerrrrr) models hanging around you !!!!! what makes you think people would like that ?? ;) sorry brother can't make this one ..... we'll catch you on the next one - :) d-no (the real one)
Keyes, Call me I need to ask you a question...and no its not about my stickers! See all you guys there!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:

09-14-2006, 12:51 PM
Keyes, Call me I need to ask you a question...and no its not about my stickers! See all you guys there!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:
Sorry we're gonna miss you this time too...we'll have to catch you in Glamis...the little one is growing out of all her Unleashed gear so we need to restock :crossx:

09-14-2006, 01:25 PM
Sorry we're gonna miss you this time too...we'll have to catch you in Glamis...the little one is growing out of all her Unleashed gear so we need to restock :crossx:
Its all good...I'll see you guys next time...the boat looks great!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:

09-14-2006, 01:26 PM
Hey to all the ***boaters coming to the show...heres my number 714 655 0899. Every year I miss about half of ya cause Im out goofing off. We'll be outside of building 8 this year come by and we'll have a beer or tweenty! 20% off for ***boaters only...just mention it if for some reason Im not around!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:
Ahhh. Another number to add to the drunk dial list. :crossx: :crossx:

09-14-2006, 01:36 PM
hahah....thank god I turn my phone off at 10 every night...somehow I think many are drunk before that time though! :)
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:

09-14-2006, 01:38 PM
hahah....thank god I turn my phone off at 10 every night...somehow I think many are drunk before that time though! :)
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:
:rollside: :rollside: :rollside: I do the same.

09-16-2006, 03:19 AM
Hey to all the ***boaters coming to the show...heres my number 714 655 0899. Every year I miss about half of ya cause Im out goofing off. We'll be outside of building 8 this year come by and we'll have a beer or tweenty! 20% off for ***boaters only...just mention it if for some reason Im not around!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com) :crossx:
Good seeing you again Deano, Kathy, and especially Nevada. Thanks for the hook ups on the new gear. Looking forward to that 600 hp sand car ride in Glamis this winter! Ran into Jason and Linda - new trailer? , Brian and Kathy, Riverbound, Tina and Geza....good times! - TJ

09-16-2006, 06:24 AM
Good seeing you again Deano, Kathy, and especially Nevada. Thanks for the hook ups on the new gear. Looking forward to that 600 hp sand car ride in Glamis this winter! Ran into Jason and Linda - new trailer? , Brian and Kathy, Riverbound, Tina and Geza....good times! - TJ
TJ - it wwas great seeing you and your lovely wife too. Tell her thanks for helping me carry the beer! And what are you doing up at 4am!!!???
And - Deano - thanks for all the cute stuff, and the new drunk dial number.

09-16-2006, 07:23 AM
No problem you guys...thanks for stopping by and the support. I'll be at the show at 1pm today..have to take Nevada to an audition first in hollywood! :mad:
If I get drunkdialed I'll just forward all the calls to TJ!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com)

09-16-2006, 07:27 AM
No problem you guys...thanks for stopping by and the support. I'll be at the show at 1pm today..have to take Nevada to an audition first in hollywood! :mad:
If I get drunkdialed I'll just forward all the calls to TJ!
Unleashedclothing (http://www.unleashedclothing.com)
Just make sure you bring Nevada back with you.. the girls are excited to see her :)

H20 Toie
09-16-2006, 07:46 AM
i'm heading out in a few with my daughter and picking up a friend onthe way. see you all there.
818 253 6780

09-16-2006, 07:58 AM
i'm heading out in a few with my daughter and picking up a friend onthe way. see you all there.
818 253 6780
Have fun bro.

09-16-2006, 08:44 AM
Deano, thank you so much for hooking us up with tons of Unleashed gear. It was great to see and the family again.
Great to see everyone! Mr. and Mrs. Desertgirl and friends with new boobies!, Pixie's, Tj and Lorena, Hooter's, Phatdaddy, nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Racer277.....and everyone else I cannot think of right now.
Tj, no new trailer, we sat down to buy it and the owner copped an attitude and lost the sale. :yuk:
we had a great time anyways! :rollside:
Mrs. Bordsmnj

09-16-2006, 09:10 AM
Deano, it was great seeing you last night and thank you for the discounts on the clothing. Now if we could just keep Pixi from spending her kids school funds on new cloths. .......
Thanks Bro, It is great to see that people still take care of their own.