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View Full Version : Is lonelygirl15.com an ok website for young girls?

Trailer Park Casanova
09-14-2006, 07:37 PM
I looked at it briefly, haven't got a good fix on it, the few reviews & blogs don't touch on age appropriate either:
That is, figuring where the stories are going and where they've been.
Seems to be an innocent teen soap with a really cute 15 year old girl,, but damfino, I could be wrong, been wrong many times before.
Is it an OK site for young 9 to 15 y.o. girls to be viewing?
Thanks for any moms takes, We're just not sure.
It's a BFD to the young girls around here, really super popular, and I don't want to be an A hole about it unless I have to be.

09-14-2006, 07:53 PM
It's a hoax....she is actually 19 and a aspiring actress....whole thing orchestrated with Hwood producers scripting it all out.

09-14-2006, 07:54 PM
it was just in the news a couple days ago.. the 15 year old girl is a fake. she is an 18 year old actress from LA. the whole thing was set up by a some new small production company looking for attention.