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09-20-2006, 11:09 AM
Damn it!! Oh well...Saturday we went on the Malibu run and had alot of fun. We had 12 bikes end up going. Going down Stunt road I believe hit a sharp turn at a high speed...my line went a little wide but decent....exept there was unexpected sand/gravel in the road!!! Well....back tire slid out and I slid like 35-40 feet through rocky dirt and got stopped by the barrier of sand at the end of the cliff... The rest of the crew got there a few moments later and helped me out and go the bike picked up...I was not really injured..shoulder and leg probems and a few scrathes on my leg thankfully. The Alpinestar Jacket held up wayyyy better then expected...still looks brand new. The bike is all cosmetic damage. What pisses me off.. is the slider didnt even work....it popped off cleanly...didnt break or grind down...shit looks like it was never installed!!!

09-20-2006, 11:09 AM
What I would have flew off another foot or two....
The Damage....
After wiping it down....

09-20-2006, 11:10 AM

09-20-2006, 11:11 AM

09-20-2006, 11:12 AM

09-20-2006, 11:13 AM

09-20-2006, 11:16 AM
Damn bro glad to see you are ok...I remember that road from my riding days... I have seen many guys go down around that area, and a few who weren't as lucky as you. I'm sure the worst part for you was not your scratches but the one's on your bike.. Its all good though you aren't a true rider until you fall and get back on...

Totally IncapASSitated
09-20-2006, 11:19 AM
Hey B-
Sorry to hear about you dropping your bike...that sux, but at least your alive to talk about it!!!!

09-20-2006, 11:24 AM
Definatley...Hey I bought the bike to use it....and now it has "Character" :rollside: It was unfortunate, but I have crashed dozens of times before on the dirtbike...thankfully because of that I was able to react accordingly. It could have been alot worse... :220v:
Afterwards we kept the ride up...shook it off. Went to the Rockstore then to the weapons base and PINKS in la....good ride all and all.

09-20-2006, 11:25 AM
Glad to hear your ok. Be careful on that thing. I've had 2 friends that weren't as lucky as you. Lost their lifes on street bikes.

Mrs. Bordsmnj
09-20-2006, 11:26 AM
Nice sausage pics! :D
Glad you are ok. :rollside:

09-20-2006, 11:28 AM
You're OK that's the important thing. Plastics can be replaced. I was riding with an inexperienced rider, he went wide in a corner and hit a car head on. The car spun in to me and took me out. I broke a couple bones and my less than a year old Aprilia was almost totaled.
This was a couple years ago. After that incident I just kind of lost interest in riding on the street.

09-20-2006, 11:30 AM
Nice sausage pics! :D
Glad you are ok. :rollside:
haha...hey...its not often you meet girl riders...and there aint no way I would want to be responsible for another life on this type of ride. :220v:
I actually met Danielle Strader a Lingerie Model who I have went riding with a couple times...and one other local girl...They have boyfriends...im trying to swoop! :crossx:

09-20-2006, 11:34 AM
You're OK that's the important thing. Plastics can be replaced. I was riding with an inexperienced rider, he went wide in a corner and hit a car head on. The car spun in to me and took me out. I broke a couple bones and my less than a year old Aprilia was almost totaled.
This was a couple years ago. After that incident I just kind of lost interest in riding on the street.
Damn bro....thats horrible...glad you pulled through. Before we left a few days prior I made everyone study the hand signals and group riding procedures...that all went perfect this time around. I was very impressed by the staggered/single file formations lane changes etc...My first group ride was with rookies..and well they just took to the road causing HAVOK pretty much...I ended up bailing on them.
I have 2 track days and one class under my belt...still loving it!

09-20-2006, 11:50 AM
Dammit I'm telling you, you better be careful.
That bike will ride at 200% of the level you are at.
Please, get a little more riding under your belt before you start wicking it up in the corners. Please.
Had a car been coming the other way would have been the end of next seasons' boating for you.

09-20-2006, 12:04 PM
great way to break her in. glad you made it out in one piece. the picture of the bike on the cliff looks sick. my luck the wind would have kicked up and tipped it over and off the side of that cliff.

09-20-2006, 12:06 PM
??? I was travelling up hill not down. Never did I once cross the lines. The crash was on my side of the road. Not the opposite directioin. Shoot, I handled Latigo Canyon perfectly and thats suppost to be the most advanced canyon in CA. Just bad luck. the 2 guys in front of me just barley missed the sand and my line was just a few inches wider. I know what the bike and myself are capable of. Thanks for the concern. I definatley keep putting more time in...hence the track days and classes.

Dan Lorenze
09-20-2006, 12:26 PM
NT, very cool stuff.. Be careful out there.. I do a Malibu loop maybe once a month or so, I went on Sunday. Look for me, you can't miss my bike... :)

09-20-2006, 12:29 PM
I've been riding a number of years on a number of different bikes, street, dirt.
I have watched and posted from when you were first asking about bikes, buying one, and now you riding one.
Believe me when I say this, I have put two very close friends to me in a box. One was 19 and the other was 26.
My 19 year old friend took someone with him that he bearly even knew.
Both had been riding a few years and were good enough.
Both were in over their heads and they paid the price.
I have a buddy in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He is the main reason why I never roadraced. I just couldn't handle the possibility.
***boat is a small community and I would venture to say we are a close group. We have lost a few members here over the years and it never gets easier.
I love riding bikes and have had my share of close calls myself.
Don't let your ego get in the way of your ass. The rider needs to be humble to silence the bike's ego.
Please be careful.

09-20-2006, 12:34 PM
I thought when you said, "went a little wide."
I assumed you crossed over.
Damn it!! Oh well...Saturday we went on the Malibu run and had alot of fun. We had 12 bikes end up going. Going down Stunt road I believe hit a sharp turn at a high speed...my line went a little wide but decent....exept there was unexpected sand/gravel in the road!!! Well....back tire slid out and I slid like 35-40 feet through rocky dirt and got stopped by the barrier of sand at the end of the cliff... The rest of the crew got there a few moments later and helped me out and go the bike picked up...I was not really injured..shoulder and leg probems and a few scrathes on my leg thankfully. The Alpinestar Jacket held up wayyyy better then expected...still looks brand new. The bike is all cosmetic damage. What pisses me off.. is the slider didnt even work....it popped off cleanly...didnt break or grind down...shit looks like it was never installed!!!

centerhill condor
09-20-2006, 12:41 PM
http://www2.***boat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17865&stc=1 I ran with a bunch of guys...we called it "running with the bulls"..on Sunday afternoons here in middle tn..the roads are awesome kinda like a self serve roller coaster but you never know what you'll find coming around that next curve..could be a bale of hay, guys on horses, the sherriff, or somebody's new home. Great hobby for the adrenaline impaired. I stole this pic from somewhere...
If you're lucky you'll live through this stage without being catheterized, felonized or coffinized. I rode 1,000 miles a month for about 8 years on two bikes. Had a great time and the stories I could tell my grandkids after they're old enough to know better!

09-20-2006, 12:42 PM
I've been riding a number of years on a number of different bikes, street, dirt.
I have watched and posted from when you were first asking about bikes, buying one, and now you riding one.
Believe me when I say this, I have put two very close friends to me in a box. One was 19 and the other was 26. Both had been riding a few years and were good enough.
Both were in over their heads and they paid the price.
I have a buddy in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He is the main reason why I never roadraced. I just couldn't handle the possibility.
***boat is a small community and I would venture to say we are a close group. We have lost a few members here over the years and it never gets easier.
I love riding bikes and have had my share of close calls myself.
Don't let your ego get in the way of your ass. The rider needs to be humble to silence the bike' ego.
Please be careful.
I definatley agree. Trust me, the ego isnt gettin over my head..Im very cautious and when ridden on the streets...I drive like im in a car. I would never under estimate the bike...that would be the day something bad happend. Oh yeah...on wide I meant on the outside line of my lane...If I had to use both lanes...than im going to fast....and on those roads you dont know whats coming around the corner...eesh..that could suck. :220v:

09-20-2006, 12:51 PM
Las Vegas Extreme
Crazy ass bunch of stunt riders.
http://www2.***boat.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17865&stc=1 I ran with a bunch of guys...we called it "running with the bulls"..on Sunday afternoons here in middle tn..the roads are awesome kinda like a self serve roller coaster but you never know what you'll find coming around that next curve..could be a bale of hay, guys on horses, the sherriff, or somebody's new home. Great hobby for the adrenaline impaired. I stole this pic from somewhere...
If you're lucky you'll live through this stage without being catheterized, felonized or coffinized. I rode 1,000 miles a month for about 8 years on two bikes. Had a great time and the stories I could tell my grandkids after they're old enough to know better!

09-20-2006, 12:54 PM
Just bad luck.
I thought that was called running out of talent?

09-20-2006, 12:59 PM
I thought that was called running out of talent?
Pshhh...Dave always running his mouth. :crossx: Nope not running out, just improving. :rollside:

09-20-2006, 01:02 PM
That is why I don't ride...Glad you are alright :)

09-20-2006, 01:02 PM
Hey wsuwrhr,
Do you machine engine blocks as well???

09-20-2006, 01:02 PM
Good post
If you're lucky you'll live through this stage without being catheterized, felonized or coffinized.

09-20-2006, 01:03 PM
That is why I don't ride...Glad you are alright :)
Never limit yourself, No Regrets. Thanks. :rollside:

09-20-2006, 01:03 PM
DIDNT you just get that thing

09-20-2006, 01:03 PM
I do some motor machining, but probably not the machining you are asking for.
What are you asking about?
Hey wsuwrhr,
Do you machine engine blocks as well???

09-20-2006, 01:05 PM
DIDNT you just get that thing
Yeah, about 2 months ago.

09-20-2006, 01:06 PM
Pshhh...Dave always running his mouth. :crossx: Nope not running out, just improving. :rollside:
ok, then we'll call it improving the hard way. Becarefull man

09-20-2006, 01:08 PM
Hey NOTALENT, that dirt shoulder wouldn't by chance be on Mulholland just up from Kanan would it? Looks strikingly familiar to me.....i bailed over the bars in the same spot and focked my bike up if it's where I think it is.
Gotta love the malibu canyons. Latigo is a blast, so is Decker, and don't forget the run up from the rock store on Mulholland to the lookout. Damn good times when I lived down there.

09-20-2006, 01:09 PM
I do some motor machining, but probably not what you are asking for.
What are you asking about?
Just the standard block machining. Cleaned, bored, honed, hot tanked, deck surfaced, rods peened, crank polished, and pistons pressed on the rods Rebuiding a 350 for a Blazer. May need to Bore it out depending if we stroke it or not.

09-20-2006, 01:10 PM
I don't have the equipment to do anything like that.
Just the standard block machining. Cleaned, bored, honed, hot tanked, deck surfaced, rods peened, crank polished, and pistons pressed on the rods Rebuiding a 350 for a Blazer. May need to Bore it out depending if we stroke it or not.

09-20-2006, 01:11 PM
ok, then we'll call it improving the hard way. Becarefull man
Thanks man...and yup..it is the hardway..but you always learn from a crash.

09-20-2006, 01:14 PM
Hey NOTALENT, that dirt shoulder wouldn't by chance be on Mulholland just up from Kanan would it? Looks strikingly familiar to me.....i bailed over the bars in the same spot and focked my bike up if it's where I think it is.
Gotta love the malibu canyons. Latigo is a blast, so is Decker, and don't forget the run up from the rock store on Mulholland to the lookout. Damn good times when I lived down there.
Up that way...STUNT RD. Latigo was awesome that day as was Muholland. When we stopped at the rock store we got word that a few people went down that day due to the run off (gravel). Awesome ride though...put 400 miles on it that day.

09-20-2006, 01:18 PM
Ahh you young squidlys......... :rolleyes:
Always try'n to get yer self turned into road pizza :hammerhea
My youngest is your age and I'm glad he's not on a road bike :cool:
I have to admit I had my share of miss adventures over the edge in my younger days but I've seen too many bros lost that way so I'll stick to my geezer glide and keep the rubber side down.
Keep your head 'eh :wink:
Y2K =30 plus years, 500,000 mile plus rider
2000 Electraglide Classic 120,000 miles so far :)

09-20-2006, 01:18 PM
Harsh SD,
But you get down to the nitty gritty.
I thought that was called running out of talent?

09-20-2006, 01:21 PM
Ahh you young squidlys......... :rolleyes:
Always try'n to get yer self turned into road pizza :hammerhea
My youngest is your age and I'm glad he's not on a road bike :cool:
I have to admit I had my share of miss adventures over the edge in my younger days but I've seen too many bros gone that way so I'll stick to my geezer glide and keep the rubber side down.
Keep your head 'eh :wink:
Y2K =30 plus years, 500,000 mile plus rider
2000 Electraglide Classic 120,000 miles so far :)
Thats an awesome pic. Im actually looking at Road Kings right now too....Im in love with those Harleys!!! I want to do some really long trips, but the crotchrocket aint ment for it.. Its gonna be a track bike shortly. :rollside:

centerhill condor
09-20-2006, 02:09 PM
BTW great pics and I'm very grateful to see you're wearing good safety gear! that makes all the difference in the world.

CA Stu
09-20-2006, 02:30 PM
BTW great pics and I'm very grateful to see you're wearing good safety gear! that makes all the difference in the world.
Those shoes and blue jeans aren't "good safety gear" :rollside:
At least get some damn boots, ya squid!
Looks like you went wide, got into the shoulder, locked the rear wheel and lowsided.
A real man would have grabbed a gear, whacked the throttle and flattracked sideways through there and wheelied when he hit the asphalt.
CA Stu

09-20-2006, 02:32 PM
BTW great pics and I'm very grateful to see you're wearing good safety gear! that makes all the difference in the world.
Thanks. I wouldnt ride without it. I already have full 1 piece MOTOGP Kangaroo Suit on order and another helmet which I have been waiting to get. I had to rent a suit at the track...no bueno..lol
This one in Black and White and a SUOMY extreme gambler.

09-20-2006, 02:37 PM
Those shoes and blue jeans aren't "good safety gear" :rollside:
At least get some damn boots, ya squid!
Looks like you went wide, got into the shoulder, locked the rear wheel and lowsided.
A real man would have grabbed a gear, whacked the throttle and flattracked sideways through there and wheelied when he hit the asphalt.
CA Stu
I picked up the ICON Shoes/Boots, but they fock up when shifting so I wore these...saving up for the boots now.
by the time I hit the dirt the rear end was already pitching out...no recovery. I had two choices immediately go with it and low side and slide with the bike to a stop....or well...nope..just one choice...there is no barrier other then that sand stopping you from launching off the cliff that wasnt an option.

CA Stu
09-20-2006, 02:39 PM
I picked up the ICON Shoes/Boots, but they fock up when shifting so I wore these...saving up for the boots now.
by the time I hit the dirt the rear end was already pitching out...no recovery. I had two choices immediately go with it and low side and slide with the bike to a stop....or well...nope..just one choice...there is no barrier other then that sand stopping you from launching off the cliff that wasnt an option.
I woulda crashed too.
Did your ankle and knee get bruised up a bit?
CA Stu

09-20-2006, 02:40 PM
Three words.....
:crossx: :crossx:

09-20-2006, 02:42 PM
I woulda crashed too.
Did your ankle and knee get bruised up a bit?
CA Stu
Knee got like 3 small scratches..barley noticeable did swell up a small bit, but its nothing. The shoulder is what got it...My shoulder hit the ground pretty hard. Its got a sharp pain in it, but I was able to play ball last night. when I got to lift it, it hurts. Jacket and helmet were the best investment made. :rollside: The jacket still looks new.

09-20-2006, 02:43 PM
Three words.....
:crossx: :crossx:
Sidi boots yup...I would rather have a Suomy Helmet. Dainese will have to wait till I become a baller. :crossx: I got a really good deal on MotoGP and Suomy.

CA Stu
09-20-2006, 02:46 PM
Knee got like 3 small scratches..barley noticeable did swell up a small bit, but its nothing. The shoulder is what got it...My shoulder hit the ground pretty hard. Its got a sharp pain in it, but I was able to play ball last night. when I got to lift it, it hurts. Jacket and helmet were the best investment made. :rollside: The jacket still looks new.
Ibuprofen is your friend.
I usually take a couple before going on a ride...
Gives you ass of titanium, and if you do crash, you already have a head start on controlling the swelling!
Just remember this: If you get in trouble and feel like you're going to crash, give it a bunch of throttle. It may not save you from crashing, but at least it'll end the suspense!
Ride fast and take chances
CA Stu

09-20-2006, 02:47 PM
Well that took longer then I thought it would, but hey atleast it was only a R6. Sorry about your luck......... now maybe you'll learn how to ride with in your means. Hate to see anyone go down but unless a car pulls out a tree falls you shouldn't go down.
BTW just think if you hadn't been waring the proper outfit.

CA Stu
09-20-2006, 02:48 PM
Three words.....
:crossx: :crossx:
I got an Arai Quantum/e helmet on my desk in front of me, and a Dainese jacket hanging on the back of my office chair right now.
Unfortunately, I'm wearing hiking boots because my Oxtars are too uncomfortable to wear all day...
CA Stu

09-20-2006, 02:50 PM
Well that took longer then I thought it would, but hey atleast it was only a R6. Sorry about your luck......... now maybe you'll learn how to ride with in your means. Hate to see anyone go down but unless a car pulls out a tree falls you shouldn't go down.
Thanks, but wtf??? If there is unexpected gravel in the road there isnt much you can do....shit even Valentino Rossi has gone down numerous of times. I imagined my first time going down on the bike was going to be some dude not paying attention.

09-20-2006, 02:53 PM
I got an Arai Quantum/e helmet on my desk in front of me, and a Dainese jacket hanging on the back of my office chair right now.
Unfortunately, I'm wearing hiking boots because my Oxtars are too uncomfortable to wear all day...
CA Stu
What do you ride???

CA Stu
09-20-2006, 02:54 PM
Thanks, but wtf??? If there is unexpected gravel in the road there isnt much you can do....shit even Valentino Rossi has gone down numerous of times. I imagined my first time going down on the bike was going to be some dude not paying attention.
The road isn't a racetrack, there's going to be hazards like that.
And you're right, not a whole lot you can do in that case...
Just ride accordingly, a tad slower than you want to...
However! Thou shalt not besmirch Il Doctore's name, or I'll have Chuck Norris roundhouse you in the slats.
CA Stu

CA Stu
09-20-2006, 02:56 PM
What do you ride???
Today, a Triumph Tiger.
I own other bikes, have owned several over the years.
Currently in my garage, I have 2 KLR 650s, a Triumph Sprint ST, and an Eddie Lawson Replica ZRX 1200, and of course my Tiger.
And a CRF70F, a real hot rod.
CA Stu

09-20-2006, 02:56 PM
The road isn't a racetrack, there's going to be hazards like that.
And you're right, not a whole lot you can do in that case...
Just ride accordingly, a tad slower than you want to...
However! Thou shalt not besmirch Il Doctore's name, or I'll have Chuck Norris roundhouse you in the slats.
CA Stu
Haha...hey...im hoping he makes a come back and takes Hayden out of the lead!!! :rollside:

CA Stu
09-20-2006, 02:57 PM
Haha...hey...im hoping he makes a come back and takes Hayden out of the lead!!! :rollside:
That would be spectacular, I'd love to see it.
"The 500, when you first ride it, is like Faaaaack..."
Rossi is cooler than shit.
CA Stu

09-20-2006, 02:58 PM
Today, a Triumph Tiger.
I own other bikes, have owned several over the years.
Currently in my garage, I have 2 KLR 650s, a Triumph Sprint ST, and a Eddie Lawson Replica ZRX 1200, and of course my Tiger.
CA Stu
Nice!!! I'm down to my CBR1000RR.....that bike just does no wrong!!

CA Stu
09-20-2006, 03:01 PM
Nice!!! I'm down to my CBR1000RR.....that bike just does no wrong!!
I hear ya, the ZRX is actually a friend of mine's, I'm watching it for him while he's in Iraq. I rode it the othe day, and it goes like a freight train! Unfortunately, it also turns and stops like one ... :220v:
I love the Triumph triples. They're so damn smooth and powerful, the torque of a V-twin and the free revving of an inline four. Great motor design.
Try one, Triumph dealers are extremely friendly with test rides...
CA Stu

09-20-2006, 03:53 PM
Man im sorry you went down But the good thing is you got back up thanks for the invite also i was out of town this past weekend but for sure we will get together and ride not this weekend though i will be at rrx5 but anytime after that give me a shout i have a flexible schedule i can ride weekdays too

09-20-2006, 04:05 PM
Since no one will say it, I will.
From the looks of the pic, you went into to the corner to fast and were riding well beyond your abilities. You either paniced or hit the brakes to hard and at the same time hit the white very slipper painted line and then washed out.
I dont see any gravel in the road way.
Hopefully you will learn from this and SLOW DOWN. I see alot of accidents like this and the riders who live always say there was debris, sand in the road, the road was wet, they never accept responsiblity or the fact they rode over their heads. These bikes go zero to 100 in a blink of an eye, but they sure dont stop like that
I am glad you are ok, hopefully you learned an important lesson
keep the rubber side down.

09-20-2006, 04:14 PM
I've been riding a number of years on a number of different bikes, street, dirt.
I have watched and posted from when you were first asking about bikes, buying one, and now you riding one.
Believe me when I say this, I have put two very close friends to me in a box. One was 19 and the other was 26.
My 19 year old friend took someone with him that he bearly even knew.
Both had been riding a few years and were good enough.
Both were in over their heads and they paid the price.
I have a buddy in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He is the main reason why I never roadraced. I just couldn't handle the possibility.
***boat is a small community and I would venture to say we are a close group. We have lost a few members here over the years and it never gets easier.
I love riding bikes and have had my share of close calls myself.
Don't let your ego get in the way of your ass. The rider needs to be humble to silence the bike's ego.
I'm with you on this Brian, I remember the posts about getting a new bike, glad your OK and the jacket saved you from some nasty rash, i'd be flaming pissed if i had someone install a slider and it broke off before it could do it's job. The R6 is a good bike, but it will bite you hard and fast and way before you know it. Respect the bike and you'll do fine. The Pics are great and except for the scrapes and bruises, looks like evryone had a great time. next time you go mybe i could meet you guys at sunset and PCH, and go along.

09-20-2006, 04:17 PM
Just remember this: If you get in trouble and feel like you're going to crash, give it a bunch of throttle. It may not save you from crashing, but at least it'll end the suspense!
Ride fast and take chances
Damn thats funny!!!

09-20-2006, 04:27 PM
Glad to see you made it alright from your first wash, and I know everyone's preaching to ya, but it's cuz we are a tight bunch..whether we've met in person or not. Regardless, be cool doggy...statistics prove that within the first 30 days a new rider will have an accident. Luckily, you walked away from yours.
I rode a ZX7 for a long time, and I had my share of close calls.

09-20-2006, 05:06 PM
Thats an awesome pic. Im actually looking at Road Kings right now too....Im in love with those Harleys!!! I want to do some really long trips, but the crotchrocket aint ment for it.. Its gonna be a track bike shortly. :rollside:
Thanks,I take a lot of pics from the road.
That is Mt.Hood West of Portland,Or. taken from the North slope.
Wise move doing the track bike thing and an RK for the road.
Here's a couple links to tons of roadtrip'n pics...........
You'll love the big cushy all day comfort of the RK on long trips,it's the same chassis as the EG but I prefer the protection of the EG's big O'l batwing fairing. :cool:
I've done 8000 miles in 16 days riding two up on this bike!
Keep the rubber side down...........Y2K

09-20-2006, 05:19 PM
I think you took the training wheels off too soon.....glad your ok

09-20-2006, 05:21 PM
Since no one will say it, I will.
From the looks of the pic, you went into to the corner to fast and were riding well beyond your abilities. You either paniced or hit the brakes to hard and at the same time hit the white very slipper painted line and then washed out.
I dont see any gravel in the road way.
Hopefully you will learn from this and SLOW DOWN. I see alot of accidents like this and the riders who live always say there was debris, sand in the road, the road was wet, they never accept responsiblity or the fact they rode over their heads. These bikes go zero to 100 in a blink of an eye, but they sure dont stop like that
I am glad you are ok, hopefully you learned an important lesson
keep the rubber side down.
Thats not my line Kilr...that was most likely made from one of the bikers that was with me coming to help out. I didnt even take the pic, but one of my buddys did to see the turn. I actually wiped out Torwards the main part of the turn near where that shadow is on the corner on the opposite side and then slid to the barrier. As for my level I have been riding since I was 5. Yes I have ridden street before I had my bike as well. I was not riding out of beyond my abilities. Shiat happens. Im just glad im ok...its a long way down from that point..thats what really got me... :220v:

09-20-2006, 05:28 PM
Those Honda Trail Bikes are cool. Been trying to find one in decent shape.
NT, very cool stuff.. Be careful out there.. I do a Malibu loop maybe once a month or so, I went on Sunday. Look for me, you can't miss my bike... :)

09-20-2006, 05:48 PM
Man im sorry you went down But the good thing is you got back up thanks for the invite also i was out of town this past weekend but for sure we will get together and ride not this weekend though i will be at rrx5 but anytime after that give me a shout i have a flexible schedule i can ride weekdays too
No problem. I will definatley let you know the next trip. Im off at 2:30 everyday so maybe a night run or something.

09-20-2006, 05:49 PM
I'm with you on this Brian, I remember the posts about getting a new bike, glad your OK and the jacket saved you from some nasty rash, i'd be flaming pissed if i had someone install a slider and it broke off before it could do it's job. The R6 is a good bike, but it will bite you hard and fast and way before you know it. Respect the bike and you'll do fine. The Pics are great and except for the scrapes and bruises, looks like evryone had a great time. next time you go mybe i could meet you guys at sunset and PCH, and go along.
Thanks.. I will let you know when we do the run again as well. We kinda just winged where we were going, but damn....Ending up at PINKS in La afterwards definatley made it worth it.!!! :crossx:

09-20-2006, 06:13 PM
I've led several runs in malibu, and seen my share of crashes.
The are corners are very unpredictable, treat every one like its going to be covered in dirt and sand, and you should be OK.
Watch out for bicyclists and sports cars ripping the canyons too.

09-20-2006, 07:28 PM
hey brandon, im loving this post!...f' sho.

09-21-2006, 08:28 PM
Since no one will say it, I will.
From the looks of the pic, you went into to the corner to fast and were riding well beyond your abilities. You either paniced or hit the brakes to hard and at the same time hit the white very slipper painted line and then washed out.
I dont see any gravel in the road way.
Hopefully you will learn from this and SLOW DOWN. I see alot of accidents like this and the riders who live always say there was debris, sand in the road, the road was wet, they never accept responsiblity or the fact they rode over their heads. These bikes go zero to 100 in a blink of an eye, but they sure dont stop like that
I am glad you are ok, hopefully you learned an important lesson
keep the rubber side down.
Well said Kilrtoy... I wonder how fast NT was going since the turn didn't appear to be that tight. Coming in to the turn too hot and stood on the brake maybe ???

09-21-2006, 09:16 PM
Be careful dude - 3 people have died in the last two months on Hwy 18 leading up to Lake Arrowhead (where I live). There's a lot of inexperienced riders that think our road to our homes are high speed race track.

09-22-2006, 06:48 AM
There's a lot of inexperienced riders that think our road to our homes are high speed race track.
I got some bad news about that.
Our road going past your home is the prettiest high speed race track this side of Intersate 15.
Just thought you should know.