View Full Version : Blower Tunnel Ram - Application???

09-27-2006, 07:31 PM
Just saw a string mentioning a tunnel ram manifold for a blown engine. Are these for fuel/drag engines only? Any application for circle races?

10-13-2006, 06:56 PM
I cant say for sure but in drag racing they seem to work better. Now, "WHO" has the best? I cant tell you. From what I have "heard" they make more power. Distribution seems to be the diference. There are so many different combo's, and each applies to a combintion for a specific form of racing. Cost has held back the power potential capable with this type of intake. The guys I know who use them found a "hand me down" and took advantage of some one elses expence. When I was building my 57 392 hemi I wanted to build a vintage beast to current times. Hogan Manifolds wanted $4000 to build it. In the end I built it and flowed it for under $1000. I had a shit load of hours in it but it did what I wanted it to do. Flow, whether blown or natural is the key to performance. A "GOOD" race engine is a "WELL' flowing air compressor. The more you can move thru the more power you will yield. Look around, you'll be suprised at what is out there. And take advantage of some one else's R&D. Just some thing to think about.
Mike :argue: