View Full Version : big gear smallprop/small gear big prop

09-28-2006, 09:02 AM
so what is your opinion on the two schools of thought? Talk to me people!

09-28-2006, 09:05 AM
I think you need a big prop and big gear, probably like a 32 gear and a 12x16 3 blade prop, that way when you are done, I can do circles around you with my boat. :D

Schiada Time
09-28-2006, 09:09 AM
I was told small gear-big prop.

09-28-2006, 09:09 AM
I think you need a big prop and big gear, probably like a 32 gear and a 12x16 3 blade prop, that way when you are done, I can do circles around you with my boat. :D
as usual....useless chatter.:rolleyes:

09-28-2006, 09:14 AM
as usual....useless chatter.:rolleyes:
Eat my balls baby huey!

09-28-2006, 09:17 AM
I was told small gear-big prop.
by who?? short course or long??

09-28-2006, 09:56 AM
Find a prop your boat likes and gear to it. Just my .02$ j.j.

09-28-2006, 10:03 AM
15 or 18 gears 14 1/4x 11 1/8-1/4 would be my guess thats what i like on the K & SS

09-28-2006, 11:24 AM
OK I'll bite,
There is no right answer ( or wrong ) to that question, each driver will like something different. I used to run a 11 1/4 x 17 with a 54 gear in the K boat but I had a team mate that didn't like that much bite. Most fast sprint boat out there running today have found a prop that works well for their boat and will change gears when the course size or condition dictates it. I would bet most teams #1 prop isn't as good as Rankin #2 or even #3 prop. Good being defined as fast and the boat handles well in rough water.
So if there is a answer it would be find the right prop ( big or small ) and gear to what you want as far as RPM for your motor. I've seen plenty of fast race boats with both big & small props on them. Jullian lilked the smaller props others liked the large ones, but when you find that right prop you'll know it.
I've seen lots of teams dive for a crashed boat just to get the prop back. Great props are hard to come by, most teams would do well spending more time & money looking at props than for that extra horsepower........

09-28-2006, 12:55 PM
Find a prop your boat likes and gear to it. Just my .02$ j.j.
If the boat doesn't handle horsepower is useless!!

Flat Hall'N
09-28-2006, 01:15 PM
I am running a 22 gear and a 11 1/4 x 15 prop. I am not sure if this is the right prop for this boat but I have been getting used to it. Do you know what gears you have in your boat? What kind of HP are you going to run with? When is that boat gonna hit the water again? Get your ass out there!! :crossx: :crossx:

09-28-2006, 01:53 PM
do what i did with my barron sprint........switch from 18 to 15 and a 11 1/8 by 15 prop......run it till u blow it up and sell it to jj beaver........hes got engines laying all over his shop lol :) :rollside: :)

09-28-2006, 02:44 PM
thanks everybody.

09-28-2006, 02:45 PM
I am running a 22 gear and a 11 1/4 x 15 prop. I am not sure if this is the right prop for this boat but I have been getting used to it. Do you know what gears you have in your boat? What kind of HP are you going to run with? When is that boat gonna hit the water again? Get your ass out there!! :crossx: :crossx:
I will not divulge my secrets to ANYONE!!! MUAAHHHH!! MUAHHHHH!! DO not pump Larry for info either!!! I will be back soon!

Flat Hall'N
09-28-2006, 03:03 PM
I will not divulge my secrets to ANYONE!!! MUAAHHHH!! MUAHHHHH!! DO not pump Larry for info either!!! I will be back soon!
Good call! I'll be talking with Larry about running the enduro in a little while and I'll be sure to find out what you are up to!! :)

09-28-2006, 03:08 PM
Good call! I'll be talking with Larry about running the enduro in a little while and I'll be sure to find out what you are up to!! :)
drivin' the yellow GN boat or what?

Flat Hall'N
09-28-2006, 03:34 PM
drivin' the yellow GN boat or what?
I gotta call him and see. We were talking about running the K boat again but then talked about the GN boat. Whatever it is it will be ready to kick some serious ass. I don't think second place is going to do it for us this year :crossx: :wink:

09-28-2006, 11:38 PM
OK I'll bite,
There is no right answer ( or wrong ) to that question, each driver will like something different. I used to run a 11 1/4 x 17 with a 54 gear in the K boat but I had a team mate that didn't like that much bite. Most fast sprint boat out there running today have found a prop that works well for their boat and will change gears when the course size or condition dictates it. I would bet most teams #1 prop isn't as good as Rankin #2 or even #3 prop. Good being defined as fast and the boat handles well in rough water.
So if there is a answer it would be find the right prop ( big or small ) and gear to what you want as far as RPM for your motor. I've seen plenty of fast race boats with both big & small props on them. Jullian lilked the smaller props others liked the large ones, but when you find that right prop you'll know it.
I've seen lots of teams dive for a crashed boat just to get the prop back. Great props are hard to come by, most teams would do well spending more time & money looking at props than for that extra horsepower........
Wonder who this is?? A real racer? I like small diameter to crank the rrrrs right out of the turn and then let her bite and pull the short straights we run! Our races are won in the turns anyway with three short sprint laps.

09-29-2006, 07:59 AM
What makes the right prop for a boat. I thought you had to prop and gear for power and handeling. What comes first.

09-29-2006, 09:49 AM
If you are testing props and find a good one that makes the boat handle well and is fast you can be off on the gear a little and still know it's a good prop.If you test a prop with a 18 gear and it runs fast and handles great then you test gears to see what works best for your motor / class. Every driver likes something a little different, I've tried props that felt fast but weren't as it just pulled hard and gave you a seat of the pants "feel". Somethings don't lie.....the watch and how well the boat carries in racing water. And yes I've raced a few.

09-29-2006, 10:29 AM
What makes the right prop for a boat. I thought you propped for gear and handling.
WOW! Now you have asked the million dollar question.
Although dimmensions of the prop tell you a ton, there is strict science mingled with black magic to make a great propeller. If you go and get five different 11 1/4" x 15 props for your boat, no two will act the same. There is so much to making a boat leave, set and handle the way the hull, the crew chief and the dirver want it to. It is an eternal quest to get everything just right. Matching with horsepower and torque numbers throughout the rpm band is a killer too. Especially when people are always looking for more power and changing things. Todays technology is helping a ton, but when you go out and watch the big boyz play, the difference between first and third is often propellers.
Just try and get the #1 propeller from any of these #1 teams. It won't happen. Partly because they cannot re-produce it perfectly.
When you get a prop that the boat, the driver and the performance numbers like, chain it to the inside of your trailer and never let go. From there, gears are just gears.

09-29-2006, 03:17 PM
I was told small gear-big prop.
Tuna boats like that setup. :D

09-29-2006, 03:22 PM
Wannabe, Okay but how do you get a guide line on different hulls? I know runner bottoms like different props than flats but what about strut angle. I keep seeing that prop chart go around but it seems to basic for proper prop choices. What about 10* v bottom boats and the trend to 3 blades. Boy you are so right about the fact that a prop of same size will act different and i cant figure that one out either. Just trying to learn more.

09-29-2006, 06:42 PM
good info! keep it coming!

09-29-2006, 07:43 PM
:argue: Find a prop your boat likes and gear to it. Just my .02$ j.j.
Mike :cool:

09-30-2006, 05:48 AM
Facts About Props
Higher Lift
More Rake, More Transom Lift
More Bottom End
Higher the Pitch, More Slip at Bottom End
Hook at Top End
Lower Pitch, More RPM
Bigger Diameter, More Lift
More Torque, Less RPM

10-01-2006, 01:54 PM
good info! keep it coming!
Back in the old days when we were getting our boats from Julian and running SS on the 1 2/3 mile courses Julian would always tell us to run a 11 1/4 x 14 1/4 Menkins,18 gears. On the tight turn courses you could turn the boat on a dime but the RPM's by the end of the chutes were unreal !! I couldn't afford to have my engine freshened up every couple weeks so we found a different way. Back East here we have plenty of water so for the most part we had very large turns so we did not have to turn on a dime. I had Menkins build me a different wheel and it served us very well. We still ran the 18's but were able to keep the R's down and managed to win our share of races. On todays short courses the 11 1/4 x 14 1/4 with 18 or even 15 gears may work very well

10-02-2006, 09:23 AM
As for types of hulls and types of boats, you see the experts. Guys that have already been there and done that. If you have a Biesemeyer, a Menkins just works. Then from there, you have to play to find the right one. And when you find the right one, chain it up. Because no two props will act exactly the same. If you have a lavey, you are looking for a stellings prop. Stellings "X" more specifically. And so on. . .
Find someone who runs the boat that you do, ask them. They will tell you what maker, brand, style, etc. They will give up that type of info cheap. Approximate size will come cheap as well. Then working with one prop, or trying many to find the perfect prop is where it gets hairy.
Good luck with it.