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01-17-2006, 06:37 PM
Hey Nate, whats up? I need some 411 on how your boys are treating golf carts this year at SX. Are they still allowed or do they need to be street legal? I was hoping to take mine this weekend and cruise around looking for other HB'rs in the lot, but if the "man" is going to hassle I'll just leave it home. Or can I just throw down your name :p BTW, I also heard they're charging $65 for toy haulers....true? Thanks

01-17-2006, 11:18 PM
Yup...no good this year for SX. Lots of new rules in place. I just saw the flyer they're handing to each driver as they enter the parking lot. No golf carts, mini motos, pocket bikes...basically anything motorized that isn't CA registered. Kinda sucks, but I don't know how much enforcement is really going to take place. You can use my name of course...and I'd like to think you'll be alright :crossx: but no guarantees.
Also on the flyer was no charcoal BBQ's, only propane. Obviously no drinking in the parking lot :yuk: which means have your booze in plastic cups and you'll be fine. There were a couple other restrictions but I can't remember. Usually so long as nothing stupid is going on, like blatant beer bongs or people lighting firecrackers, you shouldn't get hassled.
Again, throw my name out, but no promises. I'll be working the streets that night, but not in that area. I do west-end-tweekerville. Hit me up if you need anything. pm'ing you my t21
And good luck, I'm jealous you lucky bastard. Haven't been able to go for the past 2 years. Eff weekends