View Full Version : G.F.=Democrate

01-18-2006, 05:20 AM
My Girl Friend of nine months just decided to tell me a couple weeks ago that she feels that she is a Democrate and that she hates Bush and all that he has done. I wanted to kill myself that instant. What a kick in the stomach. If she even tries to say that she is a Liberal I think that I will freak out.

Old Texan
01-18-2006, 07:00 AM
My Girl Friend of nine months just decided to tell me a couple weeks ago that she feels that she is a Democrate and that she hates Bush and all that he has done. I wanted to kill myself that instant. What a kick in the stomach. If she even tries to say that she is a Liberal I think that I will freak out.
Sit her down and make her list the reasons she has for this new take on life. If her response is listening to the typical media drool, educate her on the truth and reality.
She may have an encountered a new liberal friend that she thinks is talking sense. Point out the fallacies.
You must save this girl from herself. :rollside:

Wild Horses
01-18-2006, 07:09 AM
I agree with Old Texan on this. She needs some education!

Steve 1
01-18-2006, 09:25 AM
Who is performing the Indoctrination a close family member? Be careful take slow patient steps by all means do not fight with her, the advantage is on your side ,democrats live a life of lie. Just calmly show the truth

01-18-2006, 09:28 AM
You can save her with the truth, but be careful, truth can seriously injure a Democrat. Keep consulting the experts on Hot Boat.

01-18-2006, 11:26 AM
OMG you fags.....
If you really care for her it would not matter what party she is...

Steve 1
01-18-2006, 11:41 AM
Yes but if children are involved one day ,one can't be raising little commies can they?

Old Texan
01-18-2006, 11:50 AM
OMG you fags.....
If you really care for her it would not matter what party she is...
With that attitude, you my friend can be Hildabeast's Monica.....and guess where her cigar goes. :rollside:

01-18-2006, 03:28 PM
OMG you fags.....
If you really care for her it would not matter what party she is...
I never once said that I didn't care for her because of it...but I know that I can get pretty heated when I talk about that type of stuff. I am going to have a nice sit-down talk with her, I have already decided that. Just a little shock to me.

Old Texan
01-18-2006, 04:32 PM
I never once said that I didn't care for her because of it...but I know that I can get pretty heated when I talk about that type of stuff. I am going to have a nice sit-down talk with her, I have already decided that. Just a little shock to me.
Don't apologize for your concerns. Everyone is free to believe what they want. Just be sure she is sincere in her beliefs, not influenced by some wanna be social misfit.
I find as I grow older I want to offer opinions that I used to roll my eyes and blow off when my Dad and Granddad offered them. Now I have gotten to the point where I understand what they meant and taken it into account in relation to how I've formed my opinions. Just don't destoy your relationship over something unless it's important in your heart or in her heart. If a partner talks nonchalantly about politics, religion, etc. go with the flow. If it becomes a serious issue, than you have another level of concern in the relationship.
As you can tell on this Polit Forum, there are some heated discussions that often get out of hand. For the most part it's a bunch of people blowing off steam. And a bunch of us that just llike to argue. Hell I think Canuck actually has a bit of a crush on Stevie. :rollside:
Just don't get all macho with her and keep an open mind. Remember, you're the man.

01-18-2006, 09:56 PM
I kinda went through the same deal about three years back. We weren't actually "dating" as such, but we were spending quite a lot of time together. So anyways... when she found out that I had my father do a few pieces of taxidermy for me she flipped out on me, and went on and on spewing PETA-style nonsense :argue: . A couple weeks later we had a big argument after I called someone a "fag". :rolleyes: It got to where all we did was argue about politics (she was extreme left and I am extreme right) or religion (I'm Christian and she was, well, nothing). So anyways, nothing came of it, talk to her maybe once a month now, haven't seen her in a year.
My cousin though married a girl that grew up in a left-wing home and she is now as right as the rest of us. He was careful not to offend her early on, and after they were married and living together it didn't take very long at all before she started seeing things the way they really are. I'm kinda hoping the same hold's true for the girl I am interested in now. On the plus side she's from a farm and is interested in cars and motorcycles, on the downside though her family is socialist, and she is an anti-semite (and I've got Jew in me) :) . I'm hoping a few after-dinner rants by my old man at the kitchen table will straighten that out.
Anyways, good luck buddy.

Blown 472
01-19-2006, 03:45 AM
My Girl Friend of nine months just decided to tell me a couple weeks ago that she feels that she is a Democrate and that she hates Bush and all that he has done. I wanted to kill myself that instant. What a kick in the stomach. If she even tries to say that she is a Liberal I think that I will freak out.
Big deal, it is only politics. sheesh. :rolleyes:

Wild Horses
01-19-2006, 06:17 AM
She must not want to say anything around your Family. :220v:
I haven't heard a word from her. :crossx: :crossx:

01-19-2006, 12:45 PM
Does anyone have a link to a great post on here that states all that he has done in Iraq? The one that says how many schools he has built or rebuilt and such? I would really like to read through that again.

01-19-2006, 12:56 PM
She must not want to say anything around your Family. :220v:
I haven't heard a word from her. :crossx: :crossx:
I guess we will have to bring it up the next time we are all together, get some reasoning(nonscence) out of it.