View Full Version : Couple little projects

10-16-2006, 06:35 AM
Met James (overkill) this summer. Had a nice time at their place in Big River and a couple other outings. He's having his pump rebuilt and we decided to save him some labor costs by pulling the pump out for the shop.
Little did I know exactly how much this would entail. His boat has a factory setback and the only way to remove the pump is to pull the motor. It has to come out from inside the boat rather than through the rear like most of ours.
(see the pictures of the factory setback and transom cutout below).
Well...................since we already had the pump and motor out, he decided to take on a few more little projects.
This weekend we sanded and degreased the bilge, then gelcoated it. I have to say I wasn't crazy about doing the old sling trick with the blue, but I've come around. It's in keeping with the style of the day (late 70's early 80's) and it looks pretty good.
Making plans
Spraying and a slinging
His floor was rotted out, so we made him a new one. The boat has a belly tank and the cutouts are for the fuel feeds and sending unit for the gauges. We prepped the board by fiberglassing it prior to carpet so hopefully it'll hold up better than the one we replaced.
I sorta of regret that we didn't gelcoat the entire inside of the boat. We wouldn't have had enough material and it was sorta pointless since the area forward will be covered by carpet, seats and flooring anyway.
Anyway it was a fun project. His pump is supposed to be done at the powder coaters this week and with a fresh rebuild on that and the motor just rebuilt this season, all new wiring and his trailer repairs done, he should be having a good trouble free summer this next year.
P.S. on a side note........The original plan was to gelcoat the engine area with black and I sorta talked him into doing it all the same. James has two quarts of black gelcoat and cataylst left over (unopened) if anybody is interested let him know?

10-16-2006, 02:25 PM
Looks good. What is the notch in the top left of this pic for?

10-16-2006, 03:09 PM
We have no idea. It was there when he bought it. Sure does weaken that part of the deck. It'll have to be repaired before he has it re-gel coated.
There were quite a number of things that were hacked. The wiring harness was a mess. Looked like it had been spliced and added to at least several times. We chopped it all and he's having a new loom built for it.
The floor that we replaced looked more like a hammock than a floor. Someone had tried to glass it in and didn't mix enough catalyst in. The glass never set up and was gooey and flexible. The board was just kinda swinging there between the stringers. The only thing that kept it from falling all the way down was the belly tank which is underneath it.
Couple big ass'd holes in the stringers that still need to be addressed.
It's a pretty fast little hull though. He ran almost 72 mph at the river. The owner is a big boy around 6'4" and 275 lbs, full tank of fuel, his wife (probably around 110 lbs), a big cooler full of bevs, they had their dog along (a full grown boxer around 75 lbs or so). The pump was completely wasted at the time, and the motor's only around 500 hp.
I was impressed.

460 jus getn it
10-16-2006, 03:13 PM
Looks good. Thinking of doing my bilge area this winter. First up is my trailor, it need some serious attention.

HotRod Sprint
10-16-2006, 04:10 PM
Looks good. Thinking of doing my bilge area this winter. First up is my trailor, it need some serious attention.
Hey Ty, an alternator hanging on the front of that ford wouldn't be a bad idea either :D

10-19-2006, 04:49 PM
Thanks Again I called Phil today It's a good chance I can pick up the pump and lume on Saturday. (???) 6'4" 275 Jesus man do I look that fat LOL. Just got off the scale (236) I still need to start my boxing routing again and get this shit off me. I wanted to thank the owner of the green and white Taylor boat that I met on Memorial day for the gel coat sling idea, it worked out well. 396 I think you might know this guy??

10-19-2006, 05:03 PM
I wanted to thank the owner of the green and white Taylor boat that I met on Memorial day for the gel coat sling idea, it worked out well. 396 I think you might know this guy??
That would be kieth and bubba. My bilge looks the same;) Looks good!!!!!

10-19-2006, 05:28 PM
Thanks Again I called Phil today It's a good chance I can pick up the pump and lume on Saturday. (???) 6'4" 275 Jesus man do I look that fat LOL. Just got off the scale (236)
Sorry. I was comparing you to my nephew who IS 6' 5" and 275. I estimated him at 235 one day and he laughed at me. Hell I'm only 5' 10" and I go 200.
Glad to hear you're getting your stuff on time. Let's put a boat back together eh?

10-19-2006, 05:35 PM
Sounds good brother, I am to siked I can't even sleep. Marlboro GOLD and SILVER right???

10-19-2006, 06:51 PM
Sorry. I was comparing you to my nephew who IS 6' 5" and 275. I estimated him at 235 one day and he laughed at me. Hell I'm only 5' 10" and I go 200.
Glad to hear you're getting your stuff on time. Let's put a boat back together eh?
dan you really weigh that much?? You dont look that heavy. Hell I bounce from 220-235 depending what time of the year it is;) Right now I am 215:cry: Just started trainning again though;)

10-20-2006, 05:04 PM
hey that looks great, i want to do a set back on mine when will you be in new mexico :D

10-20-2006, 09:36 PM
What part of New Mexico are you at. How does Elephant Butte look like theese day's?? I havent been up there in years.

10-21-2006, 08:11 AM
i live in artesia 200 miles from the butte go there a couple times a yr and it is very low but still a big lake :rollside:

10-21-2006, 09:30 AM
I know where that's at. Drop a post if your ever headed up to AZ

10-21-2006, 02:16 PM
will do.

10-22-2006, 06:44 PM
Laid down some new carpeting since the pump, wire loom etc. weren't finished yet.
This was our first carpet job. Can you see what we did wrong in the pictures below? It's not a huge deal, but I'm chalking it up to a learning experience and will know better next time.
Get a load of the missing chunk of dash. Apparently the previous owner's knee would contact the dash while driving. Rather than move the seat and gas pedal back some, he chopped the dash. This guy was a total hack in every sense of the word.
Seat mounts going back in.
And yes...........before you ask. I own just about every tool sold by Harbor Freight.
Ahh brand spanky new carpet. Now I'm jealous and need to do my own.
A little help from the mechanical hands til the glue started tacking up.
Made a patch piece for the missing chunk of transom (more hack stuff by the previous owner). Just jig saw'd out a piece to match. It's epoxied into place and we'll run a backer behind it to add some strength. Glass it all in and it'll end up being covered with a splash guard.
The duct tape is just holding the piece in until the water proof epoxy sets up. Even without the backer installed or the glassing done, it's easily four times as strong as it was.

10-22-2006, 07:22 PM
Looking good dan. Keep us updated with pics;)

10-24-2006, 10:00 PM
Dan I went by Phils today, bad news is the pump will be back from the powder coaters next Tuesday. In the mean time I was in your area today so I picked up a gallon of Duraglass from Sticky Stuff with some mixing buckets and stir stix. I also had to drop by Mesa Sales for more marine carpet to finish the carpeting on both sides of the hull next to the storage compartments. So we have some more time to play around with what ever we have to do like patch that termite hole in the stringer. Please thank Letty again for me for the food, it realy helped with my hang over :) :220v: :rollside:

10-25-2006, 05:42 AM
Holy crap! A gallon? You really are living up to your name "Overkill". A quart would have been plenty. Oh well..........the stuff keeps pretty well as long as you don't get any catalyst in the bucket by accident, and the lid stays sealed. I'm sure it'll get used somewhere along the line.
Dan I went by Phils today, bad news is the pump will be back from the powder coaters next Tuesday.
P.S. Are you ready for those four little magic words?
I told ya so.
We can finish up that transom patch too. How's about the wire harness? Is that in?

10-25-2006, 08:08 AM
GOD BLESS (I told ya so). I forgot my cell phone yesterday so I didn't have your number to ask how much we needed. I also made it known to Marven at Sticky Stuff about those box of latex gloves all being left handed, he says he will look into it right away LOL. I forgot to ask if the wireing loom was in I will give Phil a call on Friday to see if I can get that for us.

10-26-2006, 05:35 AM
I wish I'da known you were going by there. We need a fiberglass roller, some toss away brushes, and a disposable mixing pail or two.

10-26-2006, 07:42 AM
You see more punishment for forgetting my Cell Phone. I will give Marven a call today and see if he would be able to open up for a few minutes on Sunday. What do you think??? Also I probabley didn't explane myself good enough about the stringers, the thickness I know, the length is no big deal, how about the width. (Example) 2 X 4, 2 X 6 and so on, It might be something like 2 1/8" X 3" or 2 1/8" X 4".

10-27-2006, 04:19 PM
Since I can't get a resopnse for the two part foam. Think you might wan't put it in the bow of your boat??? Marven at SS say's It's to old for him to take it back and refund my money. Just a thought.

10-27-2006, 05:22 PM
Since I can't get a resopnse for the two part foam. Think you might wan't put it in the bow of your boat???
No way! It took me too long to dig all that stuff out of there.

11-01-2006, 06:57 AM
More driveway hackage.
Some photos. Almost done. Pump should be back for this weekend. Re-torque the pan bolts, stuff the pump and motor in, finish up the wiring on the motor end, cables, and she should be ready to fire.
The photo of the stringer was a gaping 6" X 2" gash all the way through the stringer (dark area just above where it attaches to the bottom of the boat). It wasn't punky or dry rotted and we filled it with durglass and fiberglassed over the top. More to keep water from soaking into the wood than for anything else.
The gash has probably been there a number of years. Someone thought it would be cool to cut a big chunk of stringer out and run the control cables through the unprotected hole, rather than put the cables down the gunwale.
We changed that.
Disregard the captions. I've seen pro wiring and this aint it. It should oughta work though.
slide show photos (http://photos.msn.com/Viewing/Album.aspx?PST=8nK2AN1B!1LEiKSdooxx9vhrBawR5MPwNHU f2hIzQ64eQURT*P*xC4y2iZ6cXv2rdA3glVqBkOxnJkyFoANFy g%24%24)

11-01-2006, 12:55 PM
Lookin good. Where is the filler for the fuel tank?

11-01-2006, 02:43 PM
That's a good point we havent thought about that yet.

11-01-2006, 06:23 PM
NO GO!!!!!!!! the pump will not be done intime for this Sunday. From what I am told the powder coating did not turn out well do to off gasing. So who knows when this whole thing will come together. 396 if your still interested in the two part foam let us know.

11-01-2006, 07:22 PM
NO GO!!!!!!!! the pump will not be done intime for this Sunday. From what I am told the powder coating did not turn out well do to off gasing. So who knows when this whole thing will come together. 396 if your still interested in the two part foam let us know.
Thats why I painted mine!! I have seen that happen too many times out here. Are you powder coating the bowl?? If so, MAKE sure that the insides are covered and NOT coated!!!! We ran into this problem a few years ago and it was not a cheap fix. Who is building the pump? WHo is coating the parts?

11-02-2006, 05:18 AM
Lookin good. Where is the filler for the fuel tank?
If you look at the photo where I'm lazing on my back up under the deck, you'll see the two black hoses going off to either side. Those are the filler hoses leading up to the caps.
Patching the one hole seems kinda silly when you've got two more that these hoses run through. Apparently that's one of the down sides to running the belly tank. Looks like it couldn't be avoided as long as he's using that tank.

11-02-2006, 07:52 AM
Phil Bergeron is building the pump. He tells me they made special parts/plates that bolt on each end of the bowl so no powder coating gets inside. I guess he sent it to some guy named Eddie here in town. After talking to little Phil the other day, he tells me he hasn't been turning out any good work lately and the best guy is in California. Well there already 13 days past do they should of done that to begin with.
After talking to my dad last night, he tells me he could of sand blasted it or use aircraft remover on the old paint and used epoxy paint. From what he tells me it sets up in about an hour and will last a heck of a long time to. It's funny how the best ideas always come up when it's to late. Dan look at the bright side, I might get this thing togehter for that New Years day run :rollside:

11-02-2006, 09:55 AM
Phil Bergeron is building the pump. He tells me they made special parts/plates that bolt on each end of the bowl so no powder coating gets inside. I guess he sent it to some guy named Eddie here in town. After talking to little Phil the other day, he tells me he hasn't been turning out any good work lately and the best guy is in California. Well there already 13 days past do they should of done that to begin with.
After talking to my dad last night, he tells me he could of sand blasted it or use aircraft remover on the old paint and used epoxy paint. From what he tells me it sets up in about an hour and will last a heck of a long time to. It's funny how the best ideas always come up when it's to late. Dan look at the bright side, I might get this thing togehter for that New Years day run :rollside:
Oh ok. Actually "lil phillip" is the one thats probablly building the pump;) he is the one that taught me how to build pumps. That dude knows his shiznit;) The problem is that they dont know about all the new fancy pump stuff. They are still old school but do good work. Yea, phil has the plates for the bowls.
If your trying to get that green epoxy off the pump parts, it takes ALOT of sanding!!!!! Trust me, I have done several of them. A sandblaster WONT touch that stuff and neither will aircraft stripper:eek: Whats taking the time? Is it the powdercoater?

11-02-2006, 10:55 AM
How about the whole epoxy paint idea?? Has anybody done that to there pumps before??

460 jus getn it
11-02-2006, 11:22 AM
How about the whole epoxy paint idea?? Has anybody done that to there pumps before??
My pump is painted, not with that stuff and it looks great. We have had an issue with someof the powder coaters here local. If its not to late, i say paint it. Save yourself the wait. Mind you im going off my personal experience.

11-02-2006, 11:50 AM
How about the whole epoxy paint idea?? Has anybody done that to there pumps before??
My pump along with ty's pump are both painted. As long as the prep work and the painter is good it will look bitchin. Our pumps look like they are powder coated.
If you want it to look bitching just start sanding. Once its done and polished you will be happy. It might take ya 2 months though:eek:

11-04-2006, 11:17 AM
i paint mine, but right now it looks like crap.. too many times changin' impellers in a hurry. one of these days, i'll have it all pc'd.. maybe this winter.
why don't you have those seat mounts pc'd? the polished rail kit looks nice, but personally, i like having it ALL pc'd. saves a lot of time cleanin' the thing up, and the alum doesn't seem to mind firebird with the pc... looks great though... dan, i think you should do mine next :p

11-04-2006, 01:10 PM
Thanks for the reply. The seat mounts you can't see so I did'nt figure on powder coating them. I don't think Dan would have any problem with helping you out with yours LOL.

11-04-2006, 03:08 PM
Me help bp with his boat..................that's pretty humorous.
Maybe I can help Stephen Hawking with some of his theoretic physics homework too.

11-04-2006, 04:58 PM

11-21-2006, 06:42 AM
More hackage.
Stuffed the pump in.
MMMMMnnn pretty.
Driveline cover etc.
From the business end. After three months of waiting (originally was supposed to be a week) the powder coaters still got it wrong. There are spots of offgassing and adhesion issues with the pump parts. Any of the non-cast pieces are great. Anything cast...................less than great. The tape line was for sillyconing and when the electrical tape was removed, some of the powdercoating came with it.
Motor too.
The girlz relaxing.
My honey with her "Don't you dare take my picture" look.
Got some wiring to finish up, and a couple other minor things and she'll be ready to light off.
Oh yeah. This is the way James got his ***boat handle (overkill). Every time he comes over to work on the boat he brings a couple of these. These are all full, there are some boxes behind these and the fridge has half a case or so.