View Full Version : Got the headers on the Sanger

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 06:53 AM
I would of had pics sooner but I decided to run stainless braided lines throughout the engine while I was at it. I even ran braided lines on the dump gates and the bilge pump. All that is left now is the droop snoot that I have coming and she will be ready to present to my father and watch him flip his lid."Surprise Dad"!!!!
Since I haven't figured out how to actually display these pics on the thread,anyone who would like to display them for me please feel free to do so. :rollside:

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 06:55 AM
A few more.
Now she looks like a classic jet boat in my opinion. :cool:

10-20-2006, 06:57 AM
Here ya go.... :rollside:

10-20-2006, 06:59 AM
Second set of pics...:cool:

10-20-2006, 07:00 AM
You have a very clean set up

10-20-2006, 07:08 AM
Too busy postin the pics, it looks really good btw! Headers really completed it. Your dad gonna have to pick his jaw up off the floor..... :rollside:

10-20-2006, 07:12 AM
Headers look great. Do you like the new sound?

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 07:13 AM
Too busy postin the pics, it looks really good btw! Headers really completed it. Your dad gonna have to pick his jaw up off the floor..... :rollside:
The suspense of presenting this thing to him all restored is about killin' me. He still has NO CLUE as to what I have done so it certainly will be a Kodak moment.
Thanks for post those pics for me buddy.

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 07:14 AM
Headers look great. Do you like the new sound?
What is there not to like? :cool: :rollside:

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 07:18 AM
You have a very clean set up
Thanks pal. I am rather proud of this project considering except for the paint job,I have done every bit of this project myself and resurrected her from the dead.
MitcherT who is a close friend of mine did the paint work on this baby and it nothing short of a master piece in my opinion.

10-20-2006, 07:27 AM
The suspense of presenting this thing to him all restored is about killin' me. He still has NO CLUE as to what I have done so it certainly will be a Kodak moment.
Thanks for post those pics for me buddy.
I would imagine, pins & friggin needles I bet. :D When are you gonna make the presentation?
And no problem on the pics!

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 07:31 AM
I would imagine, pins & friggin needles I bet. :D When are you gonna make the presentation?
And no problem on the pics!
Probably in about 3 weeks.

10-20-2006, 07:31 AM
I think I see a basset tee valve in there but it's kinda hard to tell for sure.
Do you have another water dump over board? You just want a lil water to the headers or the exhaust valves will be hating life. Dry and hot at idle also.

10-20-2006, 07:34 AM
Probably in about 3 weeks.
Oh damn, thats a long time, LOL.... :rollside: :rollside:

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 07:36 AM
I think I see a basset tee valve in there but it's kinda hard to tell for sure.
Do you have another water dump over board? You just want a lil water to the headers or the exhaust valves will be hating life. Dry and hot at idle also.
She has 2 dump gates plumbed in. One down by the jet drive to regulate the water into the motor. The 2nd dump gate(for the exaust) is at the T-stat housing. The T-valve is from Jim at Rewarder Headers. :rollside:

10-20-2006, 07:44 AM
but do you have a dump going out of the boat and bypassing the headers?

10-20-2006, 07:47 AM
DS - The headers look much better. The transom block off's don't look too bad either.
Lookin friggin scweet !!!!
BTW: Hi Superdave. Been a while.

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 08:00 AM
but do you have a dump going out of the boat and bypassing the headers?
The way Jim expalined it to me was. There are 2 water ports on the front of my intake just below the T-stat housing(which there is) The T-valve which is plumbed into one of these ports is spring loaded and remains closed until about 1500RPM's so the headers are dry at idle and the water will flow through the other port which dumps through the transom. Is that correct?

10-20-2006, 08:03 AM
yes, that is correct.
Boat looks great. Please post some pics of the look on your dad's face when he gets the first look at it. You must be giddy right about now.

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 08:05 AM
I just got off the phone with Jim at Rewarder and expalined to him how I have plumbed everything and he said I am good to go.
Dave you made me nervous there for a second and I started doubting my rigging. :idea:

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 08:07 AM
yes, that is correct.
Boat looks great. Please post some pics of the look on your dad's face when he gets the first look at it. You must be giddy right about now.
You don't know the half of it. I am soooo anxious to show this to him I can hardly keep my mouth shut when talking to him. :rollside:

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 08:08 AM
DS - The headers look much better. The transom block off's don't look too bad either.
Lookin friggin scweet !!!!
BTW: Hi Superdave. Been a while.
Thanks pal. Not used to seeing you over here. :)

10-20-2006, 08:16 AM
You don't know the half of it. I am soooo anxious to show this to him I can hardly keep my mouth shut when talking to him. :rollside:
After its all over, then he'll know why you had the funny look on your face when you was talkin to him for the last few weeks. LMAO :D

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 08:36 AM
After its all over, then he'll know why you had the funny look on your face when you was talkin to him for the last few weeks. LMAO :D
Actually my folks live 3 hours away so I haven't had to see him face to face. But talkin' on the phone has been interesting and I have almost slipped up and let the cat out of the bag a couple times. He will ask if I have gotten the boat running yet or how it coming along and I instantly get all pumped up and want to blab about what I have been up too,so to cover up what I am doing,I will start rattling off a bunch of tech chit so he is totally baffled and says "whatever just fix it because you lost me." Now lately I have been avoiding his calls or I just say hi and have my wife talk to him. :rollside:

10-20-2006, 01:01 PM
Do you have any before resto. shots? Your Dads gonna be proud. Hell I'm not even related and I'm proud of ya! Is it just the pics or are the plug wires pretty close to headers?

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 01:12 PM
Do you have any before resto. shots? Your Dads gonna be proud. Hell I'm not even related and I'm proud of ya! Is it just the pics or are the plug wires pretty close to headers?
They aren't anywhere close to touching the headers.
Here are some before pics for ya.

10-20-2006, 01:34 PM
those things look great!!!!

10-20-2006, 01:38 PM
You've done a really nice job there. Your dad's a lucky guy, and I'm sure he'll appreciate the hell out of it..
I really dig that paint job. I like the way it accentuates the lines of the boat.

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 01:44 PM
You've done a really nice job there. Your dad's a lucky guy, and I'm sure he'll appreciate the hell out of it..
I'm going to tell him the only condition to me doing this is I get the boat for Hot Boat Weekend at Hardy Damn (here in Michigan)the weekend after Labor Day. I have always taken my Dominator but the place is crawlin' with jets and v-drives so I think this thing would be a blast up there.
Might have to get a huffer for it before I take it there though. Consider she is a puppy compared to some of the hardware that shows up that weekend. :rollside:

10-20-2006, 01:46 PM
I'm an ex-Michigander. Where abouts are ya from?

Dominator Scott
10-20-2006, 01:55 PM
I'm an ex-Michigander. Where abouts are ya from?
Born and raised in Grand Ledge Michigan. Currently live in Delta Township.(West side of Lansing about 5 miles east of Grand Ledge.)
I come from a long line of Grand Ledgers. My father went to school there and was allstar track record holder all 4 years he was there along with my grandfather who after graduating from Grand Ledge went and got a Masters Degree in Physics,served in WW2 as a B-17 Pilot and came back to teach at Grand Ledge along with my grandmother who also taught there and my grandfather eventually became the principal there. Try living up to those expectations through highschool. :yuk: