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View Full Version : LAPD: Valley Gang Membership Soars

10-20-2006, 08:25 AM
Gang-related violence has soared in the San Fernando Valley, with 36 killings in the past 10 months and gang crime in some neighborhoods increased 50 percent over last year, according to a report released Thursday.
The killings account for half of all of the 72 Valley homicides reported through Wednesday and already equal last year's total, according to Los Angeles Police Department's data.
While gang crimes in Central and South Los Angeles still lead the region, the Valley has had 915 gang-related crimes through the first week of September -- up from 688 -- and the highest rate of increase of any part of the city during that time.
Officials said the number of documented gangs in the Valley has ballooned to 80 with about 20,000 members -- up from 70 with about 15,000 members just five years ago. The report shows that there is one police officer for every 230 gang members.
"For some reason, this year, violent crime has come back," said Commander Valentino Paniccia.
LAPD officials said a solution to the problem might be found through community-based organizations, such as the San Fernando Valley Coalition On Gangs.
"The reason of that coalition is because LAPD is not responsible for the gang members on the street," said Paniccia. "We didn't create them. We didn't father them. We're not their parents. The people who are responsible for gang crime on the street are the people that have the children and may not be able to take care of them or raise them in a proper fashion or give them a solid education."
Through the first week of September, gang-related crimes were up 39 percent in Van Nuys and 50 percent in West Valley. There have been eight gang killings in Van Nuys to date, compared to five in 2005; six in the West Valley already match last year's total.
LAPD Lt. Greg Baltad, who is in charge of the gang impact team in North Hollywood, said the level of violence in the Valley is unprecedented.

10-20-2006, 08:27 AM
Damn...that is insane. These mofos need some damn ROLE MODELS!

10-20-2006, 08:28 AM
Wow, I live in the Valley, scary

10-20-2006, 09:06 AM
Pacoima is very scary.... :220v:

10-20-2006, 09:12 AM
Pacoima is very scary.... :220v:
Yup, say what you want about So Central areas like 77th, Compton.
But Pacoima - parts of that area and San Fernando - SCARY

10-20-2006, 09:24 AM
Damn...that is insane. These mofos need some damn ROLE MODELS!
Sounds like Kilrtoy is slakin off at work. Come on Miquel. I think you need to bring some of them out for a day on Havasu. Roll em around on your DCLB, let em hang out at the sandbar and show them around town to see how the better half lives. Get them away from the gang life. Make it happen. I'm sure it would look good on your evaluation :) :p

10-20-2006, 10:16 AM
And to think they stopped us from crusing Van Nuys Blvd years ago because we were bringing the area down. Have you seen that area lately?

10-20-2006, 10:22 AM
They have so many good cops/candidates to be a police officer in LA, you would think the process would go alot quicker....I hope I make it! hehe.

10-20-2006, 10:44 AM
Same thing happened up in Palmdale and Lancaster as well as San Bernardino and Riverside.
The parents want to get their kids out of the bad inner city environment and away from the " bad" kids. They don't realize its their own kids that are the problem.... plus all the wannabe's....they get harder and harder over the years as well....
Parents are always working, total lack of discipline, not enough supervision, glorification of violence and womanizing by TV and sports role models...
We are doooooooomed I tell ya, dooooooooooomed. All because of Elvis' hips and the Beatles long hair. AAAAAhrhghghgherhrhrhrhrhhh :crossx:

10-20-2006, 11:41 AM
Roll em around on your DCLB, let em hang out at the sandbar and show them around town to see how the better half lives. Get them away from the gang life.
That's part of the problem with the river...they are already there. :crossx:

10-20-2006, 11:49 AM
Gang-related violence has soared in the San Fernando Valley, with 36 killings in the past 10 months and gang crime in some neighborhoods increased 50 percent over last year, according to a report released Thursday.
The killings account for half of all of the 72 Valley homicides reported through Wednesday and already equal last year's total, according to Los Angeles Police Department's data.
While gang crimes in Central and South Los Angeles still lead the region, the Valley has had 915 gang-related crimes through the first week of September -- up from 688 -- and the highest rate of increase of any part of the city during that time.
Officials said the number of documented gangs in the Valley has ballooned to 80 with about 20,000 members -- up from 70 with about 15,000 members just five years ago. The report shows that there is one police officer for every 230 gang members.
"For some reason, this year, violent crime has come back," said Commander Valentino Paniccia.
LAPD officials said a solution to the problem might be found through community-based organizations, such as the San Fernando Valley Coalition On Gangs.
"The reason of that coalition is because LAPD is not responsible for the gang members on the street," said Paniccia. "We didn't create them. We didn't father them. We're not their parents. The people who are responsible for gang crime on the street are the people that have the children and may not be able to take care of them or raise them in a proper fashion or give them a solid education."
Through the first week of September, gang-related crimes were up 39 percent in Van Nuys and 50 percent in West Valley. There have been eight gang killings in Van Nuys to date, compared to five in 2005; six in the West Valley already match last year's total.
LAPD Lt. Greg Baltad, who is in charge of the gang impact team in North Hollywood, said the level of violence in the Valley is unprecedented.
That's the problem with this idiotic country and our politicians. We spend too much time trying to clean up other countries and can't seem to clean up our own. all the veterans that died im making this a great place to live is a sad piece of history for us. Gang bangers don't belong here and we need to clean it up. Obviously the current educational policies have not worked and neither has our correctional system. Give our policemen the right to "take care of business" and you will see the gangs disappear.

10-20-2006, 12:08 PM
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. It's just those darned guns. Outlaw all of them in the entire county, and it'll all be allright.
Koombayai my lord ........ kumbayai................ :rolleyes:

10-20-2006, 12:55 PM
Sounds like Kilrtoy is slakin off at work. Come on Miquel. I think you need to bring some of them out for a day on Havasu. Roll em around on your DCLB, let em hang out at the sandbar and show them around town to see how the better half lives. Get them away from the gang life. Make it happen. I'm sure it would look good on your evaluation :) :p
You know someone else in a meeting earlier this week said the say thing....

10-20-2006, 12:57 PM
Crime would disappear if we practiced the "eye for an eye"

10-20-2006, 01:00 PM
And to think they stopped us from crusing Van Nuys Blvd years ago because we were bringing the area down. Have you seen that area lately?
That is an interesting point, for sure.
I was a Whittier Blvd. regular in 75-76, and remember well when the, "No U-turn" signs went up, and saw the change in attitude of the WPD folks.
The lack of parental responsibility was clearly a big part of the birth of the violent gang movement back in the late 60's early '70's. The truth today is that lots of these criminals are 2nd and 3rd generation players, and they really have no concept of life outside the world they live in. Dope, theft, violent crime are the only ways they know to live and make money. If drying up the well for new players is possible, (and frankly I don't think it is in the current P.C. world we live in), then it would take at least as many generations to bring these families around.
I don't think throwing money at this problem has an ice cubes chance in hell of solving it. Too many people claiming to be, "victims", in this world, and too many politicians pandering to them. Heck, we can't even muster enough political willpower and fortitude to control who gets in here, let alone stand up to the criminals in our neighborhoods.
Really, I couldn't stand to live in a large urban environment ever again. no offense to those of you that do, but every aspect of it would drive me nuts. It would be a major paradigm shift just to move to Havasu, which is one of the reasons I am waffling on that idea. :rolleyes:

Trailer Park Casanova
10-20-2006, 01:26 PM
If you get off the Metrolink at the Van Nuys station,, and walk the one block to the Van Nuys Harley dealer, you'll be hassled and threatened.
It's got that bad.
And we're trying to solve other countries problems. Oh brother.

10-20-2006, 02:18 PM
Most of the issues in the valley are Hispanic gangs with connections to MM. Many are illegals and paroles. Not to unlike Phoenix.

10-20-2006, 02:26 PM
Brings that movie, "Death Wish" to mind........And if they're illegals throw them the hell out, and if they come back, shoot the MFers dead......MP

10-20-2006, 02:46 PM
Works for me. :)
Brings that movie, "Death Wish" to mind........And if they're illegals throw them the hell out, and if they come back, shoot the MFers dead......MP