View Full Version : Hey, Rattlecan!

10-20-2006, 07:51 PM
Rattlecan, Turn up your speakers cause we have a dedication comin yur way from none other than Billy B.
Rattle Can Song (http://www.dmontzsta.com/MiscStuff/MiscPics/RattleCanThemeSong.mp3)
wormser. :)

10-21-2006, 07:23 AM

10-21-2006, 08:48 AM
Thats quite an honor to have your own theme song and all. I think we should all have one.

10-22-2006, 11:28 AM
OK, let me set the stage. I'm driving listening to Waylon when this song comes on. I had just met RCL and I thought this song was about him. You guy's who haven't had the pleasure of meeting him in person aren't really getting the full exposer of this guy. I pictured him in a bar and looking over his shoulder and spotting ( not when he's in a bad mood type spotting) Linda Lou (his wife) and walking up to her and singing this song to her. Now when Waylon say's "If your shopping around let me tell you a thing or two". I have Waylon saying "If your shopping around let me tell you about Rattle can Lou". And then the rest of the song goes on as is. I can't tell you all why I laughed so hard at this but believe me....This song was done with RCL in mind. Had to be!!! :)

Dave Sammons
10-22-2006, 02:19 PM
OK, let me set the stage. I'm driving listening to Waylon when this song comes on. I had just met RCL and I thought this song was about him. You guy's who haven't had the pleasure of meeting him in person aren't really getting the full exposer of this guy. I pictured him in a bar and looking over his shoulder and spotting ( not when he's in a bad mood type spotting) Linda Lou (his wife) and walking up to her and singing this song to her. Now when Waylon say's "If your shopping around let me tell you a thing or two". I have Waylon saying "If your shopping around let me tell you about Rattle can Lou". And then the rest of the song goes on as is. I can't tell you all why I laughed so hard at this but believe me....This song was done with RCL in mind. Had to be!!! :)
CLASSIC!!That is PERFECT!!! I can just hear him sayin', squintin' thru his glasses, with his nose about the color of our Crackerbox, his belly hangin out his shirt and shorts droopin' so low he's got some plumbers crack showin, leaning into LindaLou, while trying to be suave and deboner, "It ain't how ya look, baby, it's what ya got under the hood" If there ever was a theme song for our boy...I think you nailed it! :crossx: :crossx:

10-26-2006, 06:37 AM
You know Dave your right. We finally got to RCL. He says he hasn't had time to listen to his theme song but Lord knows he's had time to nipple up to several bars in the Boise area, call you so you could run all over God's green earth looking for the perfect RAY.................SON Craft. Our buddy now goes into hiding. I don't think so. He's done...Put a fork into his bubble a$$. How sad!!! :cry:

Rattle Can Lou
10-27-2006, 06:17 AM
OK OK OK You have found the right song for me. There is no doubt about that...When I look at my wife I just can't help but think..."you poor girl...what did ya ever do to deserve this." HAHAH I will tell you how good my wife is...last night I walk in to the house at about 9:30 pm and announce my normal "LUCY, I'm HOOOOOmmmme". she comes bouncing around the corner and gives me a hug and a kiss... She says "You've had a drink". "Who me?"
I ask....Guess what honey?? Sammons just called and he put the Rayson deal together" "What Rayson she asks"...."The one I told ya about" she shrugs and asks "How many is that?" "Only five" I respond....she says "Hurry, I recorded a show I want you to see". Now that's a wife. Love the song Billy....